Job Benefits


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Sarah was by no means drunk, but she was just tipsy enough to be a little unsteady on her feet. Dee's arm around her kept her from wandering back and forth on the walkway. She stiffened just a bit as once more Dee's fingers seemed to be gently brushing against her. this time it was against the side of her breast. She reminded herself that her hand was firmly holding Dee's hip. Indeed, the base of her palm rested on the curve of the older woman's bottom. It all didn't mean a thing, she firmly told herself, ignoring the growing ball of excitement. It didn't. Then Dee's hand shifted again and Sarah felt the older woman's fingers cup her breast and one fingertip stroke her nipple.

Oh God, Sarah breathed to herself. Dee WAS making a pass at her. And, and, she was responding to it. Sarah felt her nipple harden to Dee's touch. And her own hand, Sarah could barely believe it. As though it had a mind of its own, her own hand had slid sideways and was running over the older woman's rounded bottom.

Now they were at the room. She remained leaning against the older woman as Dee produced her room card and opened the electronic lock. Still touching, they went in and Dee pushed the door close. Light from the parking lot filtered through the window as Dee released Sarah to flick on a small table lamp. The younger woman had time only for a single moment of loss before her boss swept her up in her arms and kissed her deeply.

Sarah responded immediately. The slow burning excitement that had been building had reached a boiling point. Dee's tongue was in her mouth and the older woman's fingers were nimbly untying her shirt and undoing the buttons. Sarah shrugged out of the shirt. Her own hands were on Dee's bottom again. One quick twist and the button at the top was undone and the zipper pulled down, Sarah pushed the skirt down Dee's legs, pausing only for a moment to struggle out of her bra when Dee unfastened it.

It felt so good, so good to be kissing someone and be kissed by them. It felt so wonderful to have another warm body molded against her own. Sarah no longer cared that it was another woman. She just wanted, with a deep desire that swept away any worries about having sex with another female.

From being the one seduced Sarah now became the aggressor. She pushed Dee back towards the bed, her fingers frantically tugging at the older woman's blouse. She tugged it open and discovered Dee's bra had a front clasp. She twisted it and the blue eyed woman's breasts came free.

For the first time in her life, Sarah looked on another woman's breasts as objects to be desired. She marveled at their heavy smoothness as she took them in her hands. Large brown areola led her fingers to the longest nipples she had ever seen. She lowered her head and took one in her mouth.

"Sarah!" gasped Dee, as the younger woman engulfed her breast> She stumbled back, her legs contacting the side of the bed as her fingers ran through Sarah's hair, loosening the bun it was swept up in and letting it fall free. Then both women were toppling onto the bed and Sarah was on top of Dee, covering the older woman's body with her own.

The younger woman never paused for a second. Dee's breast was so warm, so filling in mouth as she sucked on the rounded orb. The nipple in the center of her worship was so hard and Sarah loved that she was turning on Dee so much. She darted back and forth, slicking her tongue at one nipple and then at the other. She licked and kissed and ran her tongue over Dee's breasts, always returning again and again to the two rock hard points.

Dee clutched Sarah to her, even as the older woman's legs spread wide. Sarah drew her knees up slightly and rocked herself against Dee. Her pussy was drenched already and her clit cried out for contact with another body.

"Sarah," gasped Dee. "Your shorts. Please. Take them off. They are too rough against me."

Sarah moaned in dismay. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She raised her body slightly, rolling to one side and unfastened the offending garment. As she slid down the zipper, other fingers caught the hem and pushed the shorts and her panties down her legs.

Sarah had lost her moccasins sometime during the fall to the bed. Now she kicked frantically, trying to get shed of her clothing. She got one foot free. Her shorts seemed to catch on the toes of her other foot. Shaking that leg wildly, she rolled back on top of Dee. Her pussy touched Dee's, separated only by the nylon of the older woman's pantyhose, which was so wet already that it proved little of a barrier to either woman.

"Oh God, yes," hissed Dee. "That feels so good."

Sarah almost giggled. The movements of her body against Dee's were not the result of any plan, but rather were the result of her still unsuccessful efforts to kick her shorts and panties free. Ignoring her hung shorts, she rubbed herself harder against the woman under her. She stretched her body up, finding Dee's mouth with her own and kissing her. Her own hard nipples touched the other woman's and she gasped into Dee's mouth as they pressed against each other.

Oh my God, this felt so good. It was like she was masturbating herself against Dee. Her exposed clit and her swollen labia scratched along the nylon as she slid back and forth on the older woman Her own juices were flowing freely now, exchanging with the woman under her. Dee's legs wrapped around her and her boss broke the kiss long enough to gasp "Yesssss. More Sarah, more. Harder. Somehow Dee's high-heels had parted company with them and Sarah felt the nylon covered heels drumming against her ass and the smooth legs tighten around her waist. She began to flail against Dee, driving herself harder and harder, arching her back and grinding her pussy on Dee's.

The younger woman reared up on her hands. A warm mouth closed on her left breast as Dee returned the attention Sarah had showered on her. Then Dee fell back against the mattress and her hands replaced her lips. Fingers gripped Sarah's nipples. At first they rolled the sensitive tips. As Sarah's body thrust ever faster against Dee's, those fingers tightened. Now they were holding her nipples tightly and now they were tugging them. The spasms signaling the onset of her orgasm were racing through Sarah's body and she could feel Dee's body responding. Then the older woman's legs squeezed her and her fingers twisted hard on her nipples and Sarah choked back a scream as she came. The bucking of Dee's body against her told her dazed mind that the older woman was coming too.

The two women ended up together in a tangle of arms and legs. When a semblance of calm returned, Dee kissed Sarah.

"My goodness. Are you always this aggressive? Not that I mind it," added the older woman hastily. "but you surprised me."

Sarah blushed. "I think I surprised myself. You see, I never, I mean this is," she stammered.

Dee's eyes opened wide. "Oh my. You mean you've never done this before? Be with another woman?"

"No," confessed Sarah.

"Oh, well, my." Now Dee was stammering. Then she laughed. "I can't decide whether I should be embarrassed that I misread what I thought where signals from you responding to my flirtation or if I should just be happy that we ended up here after all."

Sarah smiled. "I'd say be happy. Well," she grimaced slightly," Except for one thing."

"What in the world?" asked Dee.

"Well, you see," explained Sarah as she gingerly touched herself. "I was so carried away with you that I think I have, well," she laughed merrily "I have nylon burns between my legs."

"Oh, know how to fix that," Dee smiled naughtily. Pushing Sarah over on her back Dee began to kiss her way down the younger woman's body. "A little TLC will do wonders." Suiting her actions to her words, Dee gently brushed her lips and tongue over Sarah's soaked pussy.

Sarah moaned deep in her throat and closed her eyes. She should not be enjoying this so much. She should not be just laying here, so lost in the gentle lips and mouth of another woman that she felt that she was floating off into space. She should at least be returning the favor, tasting this woman who was giving her so much pleasure and trying to return some of that pleasure. The kisses on her wetness, the soft but urgently questing tongue that dipped inside of her, the shivers running through her body as it began to tense She should be, she should be, she should beeeee...

"Dee! Oh my, oh don't stop. Never stop. Oh my God that feels so good and... Dee, please..." Sarah reached over her head and gripped the headboard, holding on for dear life as the waves of pleasure surged gently over her and carried her away from the world.

When Sarah finally returned, she was snuggled up into Dee's arms again. Looking over the older woman's body, she pouted. "Hey, I was looking forward to taking your pantyhose off, and a lot more." She smothered a yawn.

Dee smiled. "There will be lots of time in the future to do just that I hope. Now then, I'd say you need to go to sleep."

"Sleep?" Sarah sat upright. "I need to be home. What time is it?" Catching sight of the bedside clock she moaned "My mother will be wild."

"No she won't," assured Dee. "When I went to the Ladies' Room I called her and told her you had drank a bit too much and would be staying here tonight. Now that was the truth. Had things turned out differently tonight you would have just slept here and been on your way in the morning."

"What did she say?" asked Sarah. She knew Dee had her home phone number, they had talked several times over the intervening weeks.

Dee, of all things, giggled. "She said 'Its about damn time my daughter cut loose and had some fun'. I think you're covered, although I doubt she had this in mind."

The two women shared a quiet smile. Dee rolled onto her side and touched Sarah's face.

"Sarah, this may possibly be the worst timing ever. You may think that I am trying to make you an offer with strings attached when I assure you I'm not. But I want to get this out of the way now and then you decide what you want to do."

"Offer? Decide?" asked Sarah. "I don't understand."

"I know that your goal is to become a teacher. I hope you do. Heaven knows how much good ones are needed and I understand how that fits in your long term plans for you and your children. But, in the meantime, I want to offer you a job."

"A job?" Sarah winced. She sounded like an idiot she was sure.

"You did such a great job cataloguing the story. I have several others and I would like you to do the same for those. The same rules apply. You can work when you want to. In fact, after normal business hours are good. That way I hope you can do the job even when you student teach and will have everything done by the start of the next school year. I'll also pay you mileage and meals when you drive to the other stores."

Dee touched Sarah's lips before she could reply. "Rest assured Sarah, I was already planning on this. And there are NO strings. If you accept you can get up and walk out of here right now and the offer is still good. We can be as purely professional as you want and I know when you start teaching in the fall you will be leaving anyway. I promise you, what I need you to do in my stores will be good for me."

Sarah smiled and snuggled against Dee. "Two things." The older woman raised an eyebrow. Sarah continued. "First, I accept the job. Second," she grinned "In the morning I want you to put your pantyhose and heels back on and let ME be the one to take them off you."

"You've got a deal."

"I do love the job benefits here."

(The End)

*Thanks as always to my beautiful editor and friend Marian who pointed out my numerous errors. Since I continue to fiddle, any she didn't find she probably never saw.)

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kbone1kbone18 months ago

This is a fatally GREAT story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Ah boss and pantyhose.Narelle was the new owner of a slightly upmarket clothing store.Tall,62,she had employed me from the last owner,i am 56,average height,a size 14 so cuddly fits my best description.We are both married.A new range of dresses arrived,she asked could i stay after close and help her hang and display them.We were hanging them up when Narelle said the dresses look rather small for their sizing.I hadnt noticed,she said here is a 14,would you mind,trying it.Sure,i took ,my blouse and skirt off,she looked at me,in my bra and pantyhose and commented,it was nice to see someone else wear pantyhose.I put the dress on,it seemed a bit tight. Would you mind trying a 16,sure ,i did,it seemed o.k.She moved over,positioning the dress,her hands brushed my breasts,then holding them firmly,she adjusted the dress,it looks good on you,turning me around,facing her,she simply moved towards me,her hand under the dress,palm against my hosed pussy,her finger tracing along it.I didnt move,shock,i dont know but with her other hand she pulled the dress off my shoulders,exposing my bra.She looked at me,undo it,her finger pushing against my now some what damp pussy,undo it,i did and immediately her mouth went over my breast,sucking,my nipple going hard,her finger more insistent.Pull them down,i wiggled out of my hose and immediately her finger entered me,pushing inside, rubbing,my legs bending as she continued to suck my breasts,then 2 fingers,slowly working inside me.Oh my,what is happening.She stopped,moving behind me,pulling the dress off,then guided me to a footwear lounge,laying me down,between my legs,the 2 fingers back inside me,1 back out,wet,moving around my anus,now her tongue licking my pussy,1 finger in my pussy,1 moving just inside my bottom,i couldnt help it,i orgasmed ,hard,strong,noisely as she brought me to a high and back down again.She moved away,removed her dress and sat back in a chair,the front of her pantyhose noticeably wet,as her finger moved inside,her head back as she orgasmed.I dressed in silence,we looked at each other,the beginning of a new adventure for me.

gotranegotraneabout 16 years ago
Don't Sweat It, Just Enjoy It!

Don't sweat the "pantyhose talk"! Some of "us" enjoy it! In fact, I hope that that's the part of your stories that remain constant! Pantyhose, at least in some circles, are still a part of everyday life. So including them is part of what makes it sexy. If you don't believe it, try wearing some sometime with the right outfit, and see what reactions you get!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
oh dear, more pantyhose! does pantyhose ever have any sexiness about it? It breeds bacteria, smelly cunt smells and looks appalling. I lost the eroticism when they began pantyhose talk. When I am with another woman only bare or stockings will do. Please, excuse the pun, lose the pantyhose (or tights as we call them here - because they are tight bacteria breeding cunt and arse covers!). Sorry, but you write such erotic prose and then lose it with an imagery that is more akin to fetish behaviour than mainstream. Sofi x

rgraham666rgraham666over 16 years ago
Nice work

As always, patricia.

Thoroughly enjoyed.

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