Just Friends


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"Maybe you were right," I said softly. "Maybe I am an ass man."

"Oh you are," Megan laughed pulling free of my cock and looking at me. "But I want to make you cum this way before we discuss that. What can I do to make it better?"

"It felt very good," I said. "But I want to watch you as you do it."

"Is that all?" she grinned and shifted so that she was lying between my legs. She looked up at me and put my cock back into her mouth. I groaned. She smiled knowingly. "It's the eye contact, isn't it?"

"Can you blame me?" I groaned. "They're such beautiful eyes!"

"Maybe," she admitted. "But that's not the reason. Or at least not the full reason."

"Then what is?" I asked.

"It's my desire," she smiled. "It shows in my eyes."

"And what exactly do you want?" I groaned as she licked the head briefly.

"To make you cum!" she cried. "To make you cum harder than you ever have before!"

"Oh fuck!" I gasped, grabbed her head and forcing it down on my cock.

Megan, the quiet and seemingly shy girl I knew as a friend, sucked my cock for all she was worth as I fucked her mouth. I don't know whose grin was wider when I finally let loose. I lost track of things for a while. All I could feel was Megan drinking my juices.

"Wow," I said a few minutes later when I could talk again. "I may have made you cum first, but you definitely gave me the best orgasm of my life."

"Really?" she asked with a smile. I nodded. Her smile turned into a grin and she added, "Cool!"

"Of course," I said, sitting up and looking at her. "Now I have to return the favor."

"And how do you purpose doing that?" she smiled.

"That's easy," I replied. "I figured you'd tell me."

"And if I don't?" she asked.

"Well then," I smiled. "I figured I'd try this!"

I shifted until I was between Megan's legs. She spread them wide and smiled. I think she thought I was going to push in with my cock, but I wasn't ready yet, not after such an amazing orgasm. Besides, I always wanted to try something I saw in a porn movie once. I moved down and kissed her pussy.

"Hey!" she cried in shock. "What are you doing?"

"I want to make you cum this way," I said, looking up at her. "Of course, I have no idea what I'm doing, so you'll have to help."

"Help?" she asked. "I have no idea how to help. No one has done this to me before."

"It's simple enough," I smiled. "For instance, does this feel better or this?" I kissed her wet pussy lips and then licked them.

"They both felt good," she moaned. "But the second was better."

"Ah," I said, licking up and down the length of her pussy a few times. I was more than satisfied when her pussy opened ever so slightly and a small amount o juice slipped out. I went after tit hungrily, which of course caused more to appear. The smell and taste were maddening, but in a good way. Hell, a great way!

"Lick here!" she demanded, showing me what she wanted.

"Why there?" I asked in curiosity.

"Just because," she said, but I stopped and looked up at her.

"Tell me," I demanded.

"It's where I rub when I'm bringing myself off," Megan replied quickly, reaching out and pulling my mouth back to her pussy. I resisted a moment longer.

"Why didn't you just say so?" I grinned and attacked the place she pointed out.

"Oh my God!" she cried. "That feels so good!"

"Remind me that I want to watch you take care of yourself one day," I said, looking up into her eyes.

"Don't stop!" she gasped, but then my words sunk in and she added, "You want to watch me masturbate?"

"Absolutely!" I grinned, teasing her pussy with my mouth for a second. "I'm sure it's hot as hell!" Megan looked at me a moment longer before shaking her head.

"Well, either stop talking and finish me or you'll get to watch right now!" she cried. "I'm close!"

"You mean like this?" I asked, attacking her clit. Megan cried out and watched me. I refused to break eye contact.

"You want me to cum for you!" she gasped. "I can read it in your eyes!"

"More than that!" I gasped. "Look into my eyes and see what I really want!" She did and moaned loudly.

"You want to drink my pleasure!" she moaned. "You want to taste my depths! You want my cum!"

"Yes!" I growled, licking her clit hard and fast.

Megan had her fingers intertwined in my hair. She pulled my face roughly against her pussy and cried out.

"I'm cumming!"

I licked and sucked for all I was worth until she was completely done. I swallowed as much of her juices as I could get. She shivered and shook for quite some time.

"I guess that wasn't bad for a first time," I smiled, wiping my face.

"Not bad?" she asked in amazement. "I never thought anything could feel that good!"

"Let me tell you," I smiled. "It tasted even better!"

"Doubtful," she disagreed.

"Here," I said, surprising her with a wet kiss. "Hey!" she cried, pushing me away and wiping her mouth.

"See?" I asked.

"No, I don't see," she frowned.

"Really? You don't like it?" I asked in surprise. "But it tasted so amazing."

"And I supposed that if I kissed you after making you cum in my mouth you would have liked it?" she asked.

"Yuk!" I frowned. "It's not the same thing at all! You tasted amazing!"

"Actually," she laughed. "You didn't taste half bad yourself."

"But you didn't like the taste of yourself?" I asked. She looked at me oddly for a moment.

"You know, I really never thought I'd be this comfortable with a guy," Megan said. "Not even with the guy I married!"

"It is weird," I grinned.

"Weird?" she asked. "Did we not actually talk about me masturbating for you in the middle of that?"

"You ready to show me now?" I grinned.

"Pervert!" she snapped, but then laughed. "I'm guess that makes me one too."

"Getting back to that," I said. "Do you really dislike your own taste?"

"No," she admitted, blushing slightly. "But I don't like it like you do!"

"Fair enough," I said pulling her into another kiss. We lay in bed together making out and caressing each other for quite some time.

"It's time," I smiled, sitting up.

"For what?" she asked with an answering smile.

"For you to play with yourself," I replied.

"I can't do that!" she cried, clearly embarrassed.

"Why not?" I asked.

"You wouldn't mind masturbating in front of someone else?" she asked.

"I never masturbate," I said with a straight face. She didn't buy it.

"A guy with a thing that big wouldn't be able to keep his hands off it," she grinned.

"Am I really that big?" I asked in curiosity.

"Yes," she admitted with a smile. "You're at least two inches bigger than Matthew. Your bigger around too."

"Cool," I smiled. "Of course, for all I know, Matthew could be a shrimp."

"He's not," Megan said. "I only slept with him, but I've done some stuff with other guys."

"Really?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. She refused to back down.

"Really," she said. "Besides, it's true what people say, girls talk. You're a lot bigger than average."

"Stop!" I grinned. "My head is swelling!"

"Which one?" she asked straight-faced. I burst out laughing.

"With you?" I asked rhetorically. "Both!"

"Hmm, interesting," she said. "You know, I'm willing to masturbate for you if you do it for me?"

"You first," I said quickly, causing her to laugh.

"No, together," she insisted.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"You're the one who started this," she shrugged. We were both sitting facing each other. Megan's hand drifted down between her legs, but she didn't touch herself, at least not yet.

"I did," I said thoughtfully. "Didn't I?"

"Yes," she said. "And the thought of watching you stroking that monster of yours right in front of my is making me wet already."

"I can smell it," I smiled, making her blush again. She opened her mouth to respond, but I leaned forward and kissed her. It was just enough to spike my passion to the level it needed to be. I took my cock in my hand and started stroking it as I sat back.

Megan's eyes went big when she saw. I was stroking slowly, ready to stop very quickly based on what happened next. I needn't have worried.

"Oh, I'm seriously going to like the way this friendship is developing!" Megan said excitedly before pushing the fingers of one hand through her thin nest of hair.

"Pinch one of your nipples!" I demanded, picking up the pace of my stroking.

Megan's eyes were only half open as she did what I asked. I watched her bringing herself off. I took note of how she was rubbing her pussy and playing with her nipples for later use. Despite her glazed look I knew she was watching me just as intently. Our orgasms built together very quickly.

"Jerry!" she gasped.

"Yes?" I panted.

"I know you want to watch me cum like this," she got out. "But I really need to feel you inside of me!"

"Oh thank God!" I cried and literally jumped on top of her.

My lips found hers and we kissed like mad. I felt Megan's small hand take hold on my rock hard cock and direct it to her pussy. She rubbed it up and down a few times to get the head wet.

"I'm ready," she said, looking up into my eyes. The emotions there were extremely complex. I didn't bother analyzing them. I simple stared back and let her see what I was feeling.

I pushed in slowly. I didn't have a choice. Megan was very tight and I didn't want to hurt her.

"Oh fuck!" she gasped when the head of my cock finally pushed passed her entrance. "And you were wondering how big you are! You're going to split me open before we're done!"

"You want me to stop?" I asked in concern.

"No!" she moaned. "Just kiss me!"

It took quite a while before I was completely inside of Megan. My lips were raw from kissing, but that didn't stop me from continuing as I slowly began working my cock in and out of her pussy. She rapped her legs around my waste and squeezed.

"Can I come in you when it's time?" I asked.

"If you dare try and pull out I may kill you!" she growled. "I'm on the pill. Besides, I want to feel your cum fill me! This is going to be the best orgasm of my life. I just know it!"

"Our lives," I grunted.

I looked into Megan's eyes. Her hunger was there and it did things to me I can't explain, not that she couldn't see the same need in mine. It was equally as intense and we seemed to feed off of each other.

"Oh Jerry, you're so big!" she gasped out a few minutes later as I stroked in and out of her.

"Megs, your pussy is a fiery, molten furnace!" I growled, quickening my pace.

"Shove your iron hard cock all the way in!" she cried.

"Fuck yeah!" I cried, thrusting as hard and as deep as I could.

Our lips were welded together as our orgasms took us. I filled Megan's tight pussy with everything I had left. Her juices sprayed from her pussy and covered both our thighs. I'm not sure how long it lasted. I rolling off of her after ward and lay on my back. Megan rested her head on my shoulders. That's the last thing I remembered for a while.

I woke up slowly the next morning. Megan was still sleeping on my shoulder. I lay there watching her contently for quite some time. She eventually woke up and smiled up into my face. I was about to kiss her when she noticed the time.

"I have to get to Tina's," she said, getting out of bed quickly. "My father is supposed to pick me up in a half hour."

"You might want to shower first," I grinned.

"Just as long as you stay here," she said seriously. "I don't have the time before I need to go. Besides, we need to talk about what happened and what's going to happen from this point forward."

"True," I frowned, getting up. "You use the shower in the hall. I'll use my parents'."

Fifteen minute later we were in my car making our way to Tina's house. I had a little time to think about the night before, but it didn't help.

"Megan," I finally said. "Are you okay with what happened last night?"

"The sex was amazing," she said slowly, but then smiled and added, "And I think I'd like to still be able to talk to you like this."

"I'd like that too," I smiled.

"We're not boyfriend and girlfriend," she continued. "So I think we should be careful about getting together."

"But you still want to, right?" I asked.

"Please!" she laughed. "Do you really think I could keep away from you after what happened? I'll be sore for days, but it was so worth it!"

"Thanks," I smiled. "And I feel the same way."

"I know," she grinned. "You're a guy after all."

"Weren't you the one that said guys and girls are the same?" I teased.

"Shh! That was our little secret," she said. "And I hope you're not going to be throwing that up into my face all the time now."

"Only when we're alone," I laughed.

We fell silent for the rest of the trip to Tina's. It wasn't very long. We arrived and Megan looked at me.

"You want to kiss too, don't you?" I asked.

"Of course," she smiled. "But we can't."

"I disagree," I said suddenly. "I mean, I know we don't love each other, but why not date? It's not like we have someone else in our lives."

"And then we can kiss without confusing everyone," she smiled.

"Well, except ourselves," I laughed.

"Wait a second," she said quickly. "I think it's important that we don't get confused either. The sex was good, great even."

"Amazing actually," I put in, causing her to smile.

"Okay, amazing," she continued. "But sex isn't love. We're just friends and when the time comes to end this because one of us finds someone we want to date, the other will understand and move on."

"But we'll stay friends," I half stated and half asked.

"Of course," she smiled.

"Good!" I laughed. "Now kiss me."

She did and it was just as amazing as the first time.


I looked and saw Megan's car in front of her house. I'd driven around for while thinking about our first time together. It was great and I'd miss Megan if now was the time to break it off, but I had to be fair to her and Greg. He clearly liked her and I'd remembered her interest in him on Valentine's Day. I knew staying with Megan and not telling her about how Greg felt was wrong, selfish even.

Instead of going in, I called her on her cell. She answered, seemingly honestly happy to hear my voice. I told her I was outside and was wondering if she could come for a ride. She agreed easily enough and came out not long afterward smiling, however she saw my face and stopped instantly.

"What's wrong?" she asked as she got into the car.

"Nothing really," I answered.

"Bull," she said succinctly.

"True," I laughed. "Let me tell you about a crazy idea Greg came up with earlier in the week."

"I'm listening," she said carefully, so I explained his idea.

"Do you want to do it?" she asked after I was done.

"He sounds pretty crazy about you," I sighed. "If you think it's possible to love him, then I don't want to stand in your way. We always said we were just friends and that we'd have to stop dating when one of us found someone else who we might actually love."

"And you'd date Jen?" she asked.

"She's more my type," I answered, but I knew the real answer was no, although I wasn't sure why. It just didn't feel right.

"Drop me off home," she said. "Let me think about it over night."

"Sure," I said. "We can meet for breakfast, at the normal place."

She nodded and left my car without looking at me. I suddenly felt like a heel and I wasn't sure why. All I was trying to do was step out of the way of true love. What Megan and I had was purely physical. Okay, we were friends too, but there was more to love than that, right?

I was pulling up to the curb of my house when I realized she hadn't given me a kiss goodbye. It was the first time since we started dating. I missed it. I missed it a lot.

I didn't sleep well that night. In fact, I didn't sleep at all and I wasn't sure why. Was I really that selfish that I wanted Megan to stay in a loveless relationship just because the sex was good? What an ass!

I took a shower early and ate something. It went down like lead, but it was still better than having an empty stomach. I didn't eat much though because Megan and I were supposed to meet at ten. I wondered around the house for a couple of hours. My mother saw me and frowned.

"What's with you?" she asked.

"Megan and I might be breaking up," I answered.

"Really?" she asked in surprise. "I thought you two made a nice couple."

She was not helping. I nodded and went out to my car and pulled away from the curve. I arrived at the diner forty minutes early. I was surprise to see Megan's car there already. I walked in and saw her at our table. She looked amazing as always.

"Hey, you're early," I smiled half heartedly as I walked up.

"You too," she replied.

"So, have you thought about it?" I asked nervously, not bothering to clarify. She knew what I was talking about.

"Yes," she replied. "And although Greg seems nice, I don't want to date him."

"Oh, okay," I said calmly, but on the inside I was grinning ear to ear. "You doing anything after this? Maybe we could go to a movie or something?"

"Jerry, I think it's time we broke up," she interjected.

"What? Why?" I frowned. "I don't see the point if you're not interested in Greg."

"But you are interested in Jen," she replied.

"Not really," I said a little too quickly.

"Dating sounded like a good idea when we first agreed," she said. "But it's lasted far longer than I think either one of us expected. We've become comfortable with the way things are and with school ended soon, I think that's a mistake."

"Oh," I said, not sure what else to add. I thought did come to mind though. "What about prom?"

"I don't think so," she said, not really looking at me. "Maybe you can get another date before then."

"Maybe," I agreed.

"You two ready to order?" our normal waitress asked as she walked up.

"I'm not feeling well," Megan said suddenly. "I'm going home."

"Goodbye," I said, watching her go and not sure what to do about it.

"You didn't break up with her here, did you?" the waitress asked in annoyance.

"No," I answered. "She just broke up with me."

"I'm sorry," the woman said, clearly a little embarrassment at her accusatory tone. "I'm surprised, you two look so well together."

"Yeah," I said and left quickly.

The next week went by slowly. I stayed home Monday and Tuesday. Megan was a no show Wednesday and Thursday. Friday was prom and they gave the seniors off.

Greg tried to bring up the switch again on Wednesday. I told him that I talked to Megan and she wasn't into him in that way. He seemed down and I couldn't blame him. Megan was quite a catch.

I also told him that she broke up with me. He became oddly concerned for me considering how much he supposedly liked Megan. It took me a few hours to realize that I being an ass. Whatever else Greg was, he was a good friend. He knew I was hurting and he cared.

I avoided him for the rest of the week because I didn't want to talk about Megan and he gave me my space. I hoped he would find the right girl one day. I hoped I would too.

"Jerry, your mom is worried," My dad said Friday morning before leaving for work.

"What about?" I asked.

"Why you of course," he smiled. "Otherwise why would I be talking to you about it?"

"Good point," I laughed. "I'm fine dad."

"She says that you and Megan broke up?" he asked.

"Yeah," I sighed. "We were always more friends than anything else. School's almost over. It was time to break up."

"Did Megan feel the same way?" he asked.

"Sure," I replied. "She's actually the one who broke it off in the end, but I don't blame her."

"I'm sorry," he frowned. "I know getting dumped can hurt."

"It's no big deal," I said. "It was sort of mutual anyway."

"No it wasn't," my father said knowingly. "I may not know about a lot of things, but I know you cared for her. You wouldn't have broken it off."