Just the Beginning


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The change in check-in plan worked, and our hotel room was actually near the back door. I moved the car accordingly and then Gwen and I retrieved our belongings from the trunk to make our way to what would be our third-floor home for the next two nights.

It was not an expensive hotel by any means, but it was nice enough. The room itself was a little smaller than I would have preferred, but it did have two queen-size beds, a wall-mounted flat-screen TV, a tiny table with two chairs, and free wireless Internet access. I was thankful that we had brought only my laptop and not Gwen's as well, since the table was large enough to support only one laptop at any given moment.

Once we had set down our bags at the foot of a bed, Gwen and I looked at each other with a shared expression of relief. At last, we had made it. There was still the matter of dinner, but finally, we were in the hotel room and, at least technically, ready to begin bringing her fantasy to life.


Upon our return from dinner, we each slipped off our shoes and flopped onto a bed. It was almost dark outside, but the curtains were still open, allowing the lights from the parking lot and the adjacent hotel to illuminate our meager hotel room fairly easily.

I looked over at my sister. She was on her stomach, her face turned toward me but her eyes closed as she gave a soft sigh. I wondered what she was thinking, but the silence was so comfortable that I did not want to profane the moment by saying anything.

Eventually, I rose from the bed and went to the window to close the curtains. I was surprised at the thickness and the weight of the curtains, and even with the pull rods, it took more effort than I had anticipated to make them move. That was a worthy sacrifice, however, because once the curtains were closed, the hotel room was truly plunged into near-total darkness, with only a very thin sliver of light appearing on the walls near the curtains' ends. There was no way that anyone outside would be able to peer inside and see us, not even if we turned on the lights in the room.

We were finally, truly alone.

But in order to make use of our privacy, I first had to find my way to Gwen. My eyes had not yet adjusted to the near-complete darkness, so I remained in place for a few moments. Even with the light from the corridor seeping through the thin gap between the floor and the bottom of the locked door, there was no way that I could safely navigate my way around the nearest bed to join my little sister on the far bed.

I heard a soft protest from the far bed as Gwen moved. In my mind's eye, she was already naked and rolling onto her back, spreading her thighs and starting to touch herself so that she would be wet and ready by the time I finally reached her. I knew that my sister was properly covered, of course, but such a mental vision did help me to pass the time while my eyes adjusted to the sudden darkness.

At last, I carefully made my way around the near bed and reached my little sister. I sat beside her on the bed and tentatively reached a hand down, just barely able to discern the shape of her body in the darkness, and instantly recognized that my fingertips were grazing the belt loops and the button at the front of her jeans. She had indeed rolled onto her back, but she was clearly not naked.

Not yet.

My hand slowly drifted upward, up over her shirt and onto a breast. We said nothing as I fondled her boldly, no longer tentative, no longer afraid of how she might react to being touched so intimately by her older brother. She reached out to me, her fingernails scratching along my thigh and sending sensations of delight directly to my groin.

...sensations which aroused me. I could only hope that my hand was also arousing her.

Eventually, Gwen retracted her hand, and I did the same as she rose to a sitting position and maneuvered herself close to me. We embraced, our kiss soft and slow, gentle and heartwarming. It was not an arousing kiss by any means, but it was definitely full of emotion and respect and trust.

...and love.

We hugged tightly, my sister's breath warm against my shoulder and the side of my neck. "How can this feel so right?" Gwen asked in a whisper, mirroring my own thoughts.

"I wish I knew," I replied, "but I'm glad that it does feel right."

I thought that I could hear Gwen smile. "So am I," she commented.

We kissed again, and this time I slipped a hand between us to again fondle her chest. Gwen made a soft, happy sound into my mouth as she scratched at the back of my neck, yet again sending signals of delight straight to my groin.

"You have a good touch," she whispered before kissing the tip of my nose. "You've had a lot of practice, I suppose."

I shrugged. "I don't know about 'a lot,' but I do like breasts."

"I can tell. I just wish mine were a little bigger for you, though."

"That doesn't matter at all," I assured her. "I like breasts in general, but I like you for you, not for your chest."

Gwen hugged me tightly. Only later would I begin to understand just how significant those honest words had been for her.

We kissed again, and continued kissing as I dipped my sister backward until she was prone upon the bed. I shifted position, effectively half-laying upon her, our kiss deepening, growing in passion and intensity and desire. I had a sense that consciously, we both realized that finally, we could fully express our growing feelings for each other, without fear of someone calling or a friend knocking at the door or a roommate returning. The closed heavy curtains and the near-complete darkness of the hotel room ensured that no one would be able to see us through the window. The only thing which would possibly alert others to the activities taking place in the hotel room would be if we became somewhat loud while having sex.

...and I had no doubt that we would indeed be having sex before the night was over.

We were both breathless when our lips separated, yet I continued to kiss my sister: her cheek, her chin, her neck. Slowly, I made my way down her body, shifting position accordingly, planting kisses upon her through her clothing, a myriad of kisses dotting her chest before my lips trailed further down her torso.

Gwen's hands cradled my head without guiding me, allowing me to kiss her anywhere at my whim. Her breaths were semi-loud and full of her growing arousal. I loved the way she began to subtly squirm beneath my lips.

"You're..." she whispered. "You're making me... horny..."

I lifted my head toward her face, even though I seriously doubted that she could see me. "I'm glad," I said honestly, then dipped my head to kiss her stomach once again.

Although I wanted to continue trailing my kisses even further down Gwen's body, part of me also wanted to tease her a little, so the trek reversed course, moving back up my sister's torso. Again, numerous kisses befell her breasts, and I was almost certain that I could feel a nipple just ever so slightly poking through her bra and her shirt to tempt my lips, before the journey resumed back up to her face.

Gwen's arousal was practically poured into our renewed kiss. She attacked me with her mouth, her hands seizing my head and holding it in place. I responded in kind, groping her body and in turn causing her to do the same to me.

For several minutes, we rolled around on the bed, primal passions taking control of us both. When our lips separated, it was just long enough to draw a quick inhalation before our mouths renewed the intimate battle. The groans and moans which filled the hotel room were hopefully not loud enough to be heard by anyone in the corridor who might be passing by our locked door, and thankfully the bed was sturdy enough to not protest very much. Still, deep at the back of my consciousness, a fear of being caught gnawed at my mind and caused me to feel a slight twinge of guilt for enjoying such an experience with my little sister.

Yet as I rolled my forbidden partner to her back once again, I flattened myself upon her and began to hump her. We were both still fully clothed, but the act was incredibly profound in its meaning. Our kisses continued with growing hunger and desperation, each of us essentially growling like primal beasts as we mauled each other and moved against each other in such a significant manner...

We finally stilled ourselves, rolling to our sides and clutching each other tightly, breathing heavily and loudly into each other's face. Despite the air conditioning, we were both slightly sweaty - the only other times we had been sweaty together were when playing basketball at the park down the street from the family home.

"Oh my... goodness..." Gwen half-whispered between heavy breaths. I felt exactly the same way. She released me and rolled onto her back again beside me, and I did the same.

As our breathing returned to normal, I felt my sister's hand on my forearm, and it meandered downward until we were holding hands. We remained like that in the darkness for a long time, the silence interrupted twice by the sound of people talking in the corridor as they passed by our door.

"I needed that," my sister confessed, giving my hand a squeeze. "I didn't cum, since I didn't have something inside me, but... It's been a while, and I needed that."

I smiled to myself and squeezed her hand in return. "Same here," I admitted. "It wasn't something I'd planned, but... I won't complain if you won't."

Gwen giggled and rolled to her side to kiss my cheek. "Don't worry, I definitely won't complain! But..."

That made me slightly concerned. "'But' what?" I prompted.

"Well, let's just say that I need to change my panties because you made me so wet."

It was my turn to kiss her cheek. "That's a good problem, right?"

Gwen giggled again. "I suppose it is!"

After a moment, my sister rose from the bed, and I could just barely discern her silhouette moving toward the end of the bed, the light from the corridor seeping through the gap beneath the locked door to illuminate her somewhat as she bent down. I could hear her unzipping one of the bags and rummaging for something, and when she finally stood again, she took an entire duffel bag with her and disappeared around the wall, turning on the light in the sink area.

I figured that Gwen was at least changing her panty, and probably freshening up a little as well. I took the opportunity to stand and stretch, thankful to no longer be sweating even though I could feel my shirt still slightly clinging to me.

Going to the window, I parted the curtains long enough to look out into the night for a moment. In the parking lot of the hotel across the street, I noticed a pair of young women standing beside a car and sharing a kiss before walking hand-in-hand toward that hotel's side entrance. That sight made me smile, thinking of a particular pair of friends on campus who made such a wonderful couple themselves despite being two women in love attending college in a town which tended to be quite homophobic.

At least Sandra and Emily could display their affection on campus. Gwen and I did not have that possibility.


Hearing my sister's voice, I closed the curtain and turned around to find her wearing only a bra and panty set, primarily white with ruffles along the waistband of the panty and the cups of the bra. With the exception of a bikini, it was the first time that I had ever seen Gwen wearing so little clothing, and in the light of the sink area, she looked stunning, even from across the hotel room.

With a smile, I made my way to her and she met me halfway. We embraced yet again, and I could taste the strawberry-flavored gloss she had applied to her lips. She must have also applied the faintest hint of perfume, for I could smell something else, something I could not quite identify - somewhat herbal in scent, but carrying a hint of something more.

...or maybe I was imagining things.

It felt so good, yet also so foreign, to hold my sister so close and feel so much unprotected flesh against my arms and my hands. The way Gwen practically melted into me as we kissed, I wondered if she felt the same. Regardless, I felt overdressed, but she did not seem to mind that I was still wearing so much clothing.

Our lips separated, and she stepped back from me, smiling sweetly both with her lips and with her eyes as my own eyes caressed her from head to toe. She twirled around like a little girl attempting to emulate a ballet dancer, giving me a full view of her body, presenting me with even more eye candy. Even though she was not fully in the light from the sink area, she looked absolutely wonderful to me.

Then again, my opinion was not exactly unbiased given how our status had evolved over the previous few week, plus the fact that we had already known each other extremely well for nearly two decades.

We embraced again, my hands roaming my sister's mostly-bare back. I heard the footfalls of someone in the corridor passing by our hotel room, and it was yet another reminder that even though Gwen and I were becoming a romantic couple, we had to hide that fact from the rest of the world.

"What's your fantasy?" Gwen asked me softly with genuine curiosity in her voice. "I know we're really here because of my fantasy, but what's yours?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you want to know?"

"Of course, silly! That's why I asked!"

I smiled. "Of course. Well, it's truly only a fantasy because there's no way to make this a reality, but... Well, let's just say that some of the hentai I've seen has given me some ideas."

"Oh? Let me guess... A large group of women being assaulted and eventually bred by demons or aliens with numerous massive tentacles."

I grinned. "Good guess!" I confirmed.

"Yeah, well... That's another fantasy of mine, but, as you said, there's no way to make it real."

"Really?" I was surprised that something so bizarre would appeal to a woman. "You'd really like to be taken by tentacles?"

She shrugged. "I'd certainly like to try it, at least with someone I trusted completely. Especially if I'm going to let anyone or anything go up my ass, it'd better be someone I know does it because he loves me and respects me!"

I nodded my understanding and agreement. "Makes sense to me."

"Yeah. As Shelly once said, and only half-jokingly, I think: 'Nothing goes in through the exit without my complete consent!'"

Having had a class with her the previous semester, I could easily imagine Shelly sitting with a group of lawyers drafting a consent decree for anal sex, and that thought made me smile.

"Any other fantasies?" my little sister asked, drawing my mind back to the present scenario. "Anything which I can help to make real for you while we're away from campus?"

I thought about that. "Are you sure you want to know?" I asked yet again.

"Of course!" She reached up to caress my face. "You're going out of your way to make my own fantasy come true, and if at all possible, I'm hoping to do the same for you."

I smiled sadly. "Well, sex in public is out of the question. That's something I've thought a bit about."

"Yeah, we can't risk it. But is there anything else?"

I thought for a moment, and then I realized that perhaps sex in public was a possibility. "Actually, we just might be able to do it," I said. "It'll really depend on things along the hiking trails tomorrow."

It seemed to take a moment for that thought to take root in Gwen's mind. "Well, that's true, I suppose, but... Actual sex?"

"Not necessarily," I replied with a shrug. "It could simply be hiding behind a tree while you..." Somehow, the phrase "while you give me a blowjob" seemed extremely profane in Gwen's presence. "...while you go down on me," I finished.

"Right, that makes a little more sense, so long as you don't cum on me!"

We shared a wicked grin. "Well, actually, for something we can do here, tonight..."

"Facial? Yes please!"

My sister was practically beaming, which surprised me somewhat. "You like facials?" I asked, needing to hear a true positive statement from her on that point.

"Absolutely!" Gwen replied enthusiastically. "It's not so much the act itself as the fact that it makes me feel... well, used. It's kinda in line with my fantasy in a way."

That made sense to me. "Well, that's something we can do right here, tonight." Then I quickly added: "If that's what you want."

Gwen kissed my lips briefly. "It's what I want," she confirmed.

We hugged, and the knowledge that Gwen wanted me to spew my seed all over her face helped to inspire an erection, one which I knew she felt growing against her as she moved subtly against me.

"Maybe we should get you properly ready..." she suggested.

My sister slowly undressed me, taking her time, worshipping my newly-revealed flesh with her hands and with her mouth. She began with my t-shirt, her teeth even tugging gently at my nipples and enticing me nicely even though my nipples could not possibly be as sensitive as hers. By the time she was kneeling before me and unbuckling my belt, the bulge at the front of my jeans was unmistakable, and she even kissed the bulge before unbuttoning and unzipping my jeans.

In a single motion, both jeans and underwear were removed, my cock standing proudly and prominently before her. It was already dripping, and once Gwen had tossed my clothes out of the way, she gently grasped my forbidden anatomy with both hands and guided me to her parting lips...

I doubt that there are words in any known language to properly describe the low sound which emerged from deep within me as Gwen took me inside her mouth. Maybe it was the fact that the person going down on me was someone who should never see me naked according to society at large, and maybe it was the fact that we had already known each other so well for so many years, but something about the fellatio, even though she was definitely not the first person to give me such pleasure, made the experience extremely heady - almost to the level of my first time having sex, or the first time having a partner tied to the bedposts.

Gwen giggled around the throbbing, dripping cock in her mouth, and the sound sent additional waves of pleasure through me. Without thinking about it, I seized my sister's head and shamelessly began to fuck her face.

There is simply no romantic way to describe it: I basically raped my sister's mouth. My grunts were probably loud enough to be heard by anyone in the corridor or possibly even in the adjacent hotel rooms, but I truly did not care. A woman I knew and loved was selflessly giving me the use of her mouth, and I took advantage of the situation, rutting into her with only the thinnest shred of willpower preventing me from trying to force my cock down her throat.

Gwen ripped her head back long enough to grab a few gulps of air, her saliva spilling down off her lower lip and chin. In those few seconds, I gazed down at her with amazement, having never previously seen my little sister in such a state, stunned that she seemed to enjoy what she was doing even if things had quickly progressed from being slow and somewhat cautious to being quick and almost primal.

Of her own volition, my sister was once again upon me, her hands gripping the backs of my thighs. Again seizing her head, I fucked her face anew, the motions of her tongue adding to my escalating pleasure. She was no longer so quiet herself, moaning around my cock as each swift thrust forced more of her saliva from her mouth. Never had I experienced such a forceful blowjob, especially from someone using my thighs to gain more leverage to take me into her mouth even faster.

When she ripped her head back again, Gwen practically fell backward and had to use her hands to prevent herself from truly tumbling backward onto the floor. Her hair was definitely disheveled, her chest glistening from her drool, and the expression of her eyes was one of wild desire. The dainty bra and panty set was definitely a stark contrast to the otherwise primal woman gasping loudly for breath while her eyes pleaded for more.