Justine Ch. 21


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"She's gone." Thomas assured her. "She cannot come back, the Queen has ensured it."

Lottie swallowed hard, sat next to Thomas on the sofa and waited.

"Lottie, she's gone." He repeated as he put an arm around her. "There is no need to fear her any longer."

Lottie nodded. Thomas didn't know the half of what her life had been like before he mated with Wilhelmina. He didn't know what she had to do in order to survive. There were things that she would never tell him about unless he gave her no choice.

"Lottie, I want to tell you about my family."

"Rhys?" she asked nervously when Thomas told her about his family. "Thomas, they will never accept me! They'll disown you!"

"I don't care about that." he said. "They already consider me a failure, even more so now that Wilhelmina is gone."

"They're wrong." Lottie said. "They're only saying that because you aren't like them. But Thomas, they're still your family."

"No they aren't. " Thomas said firmly. "If they were my family, I would have been able to go to them for help. I would have been able to trust them with not only my life; but yours as well. I no longer claim them as my family."

Lottie could tell by his tone that he was serious.

"What are you thinking of doing?" she asked.

"First, you need to know that I am more than able to care for you and any children that we may have. Even without the settlement from Wilhelmina's estate, that wouldn't have been an issue. She never asked about my assets and I didn't volunteer the information."

A few minutes later, he told her about Justine's offer.

"We can stay here until I come into my mage gifts or we can leave. What would you like to do?" he asked

"I want to leave here." Lottie said without hesitation. "I hate it here. Every time I hear footsteps approach, I think it's her. I don't care if I have to be a servant for eternity, but I can't stay here."

"Don't you want to think about it?" Thomas asked surprised by her reaction.

"No, please! I want to leave here." She said.

Tears ran down her face as she begged him with her eyes.


"This place has too many memories of her. I won't..."

"Alright." Thomas soothed as hugged her. He wondered why she was reacting so strongly. He knew that Wilhelmina had been demanding and often cruel but Lottie's response made him wonder about what happened before he came into the picture. "We'll leave as soon as I've made the arrangements."

"Thank you." Lottie replied gratefully.

As Thomas held her, Lottie made a decision. She had to tell him about the things that Wilhelmina made her do.

"Thomas, I have to tell you something that I should have told you before we mated."

Thomas listened horrified as Lottie told him how Wilhelmina used her to lure humans into the woods where she and Alicia would lie in wait.

"I didn't want to do it. The one time I refused, I thought that they had accepted my decision. They sent me on my way and then called me to their chambers later in the evening. When I got there... my mother... they had my mother tied to a table. Alicia was standing on one side of the table with a barbed stake and Wilhelmina stood on the other side.

Wilhelmina looked at me... Thomas, she was smiling at me. She smiled while Alicia stabbed my mother in the heart. I watched my mother die!"

Lottie stopped, unable to go on. The memory was as painful as if it had just happened.

"Oh my god Lottie." Thomas murmured.

"Afterwards, they made me go out to find a human. They told me that if I failed, they would bring another member of my family and make me watch them die. If I refused, they would kill someone else and I would still have to do as they said. What choice did I have?" She asked pleading for understanding. "If it were just me, I would have let them kill me."

Thomas waited until Lottie calmed before he asked the next question.

"What else did they do to you?"

Lottie's anxiety level shot through the roof.

"They... she... don't make me say it!" Lottie sobbed.

"You don't have to say it." He soothed. "I understand."

Wilhelmina and Alicia had used Lottie's body. He wished that he could bring Wilhelmina back from the dead and kill her. Her death wouldn't have been near as merciful as the one Justine had given her.

"Thomas, I am so sorry. I should have told you."

"None of it was your fault." Thomas assured her. "You were put in an impossible position. Wilhelmina and Alicia took advantage of you and used their position to get what they wanted. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to protect you."

He took an emotionally exhausted Lottie to bed, tucked her in and lay beside her until she was asleep.

A moment later, he was at the portal summoning Lorenzo. He jumped when Maurice's face and not Lorenzo's appeared in the portal.

"You must be Thomas." Maurice said politely. I am Maurice Delgado. Lorenzo is my brother. He told me that you might be calling."

"Where is Lorenzo?" Thomas asked.

"He is claiming his mate." Maurice replied. He only gave the information because it was a reasonable question and he knew that it would be asked. "Is everything alright?"

"When will Lorenzo return?" Thomas asked ignoring the question.

"He'll be back in three days. Is there something that I can do for you?"

Thomas wanted to say no, and was going to until he looked back at Lottie. She was sleeping; but moaning softly. He turned back to Maurice having made his decision.

"The Queen made me an offer and I wish to accept. How soon before we can leave here?"

"I am aware of the offer." Maurice replied. "Is tomorrow evening soon enough?"

Thomas looked at Lottie again and decided that they could endure one more night.

"Tomorrow evening then." he said.

"I'll make the arrangements." Maurice said. "Thomas, we owe you our thanks. It couldn't have been easy to go against your given mate. Lorenzo speaks very highly of you and I can see why. Someone will come for you and your mate early tomorrow evening."

"Where will we be taken?" Thomas asked.

"The Queen has reserved a suite for you at her home." Maurice replied. "She will meet with both of you sometime within the next few days. I will be there when you arrive to make sure that things are well. I'm happy that you decided to join us."

The sentiment surprised Thomas. He knew who Maurice was although he had never seen him before now. The Delgado name had come up during many family discussions.

"No vampire can do all that they say he can do." his father said one night. "Have you ever seen him?" He asked. "He's short, bald... an abomination if you ask me!"

But Thomas had believed the stories. If asked, he couldn't have said why. Of course he wasn't foolish enough to tell his father that. To do so would have invited trouble and ridicule.

Thomas looked at Maurice and had to agree with one thing, Maurice Delgado didn't look anything like the badass everyone said he was. He looked more like someone's kindly uncle, but Thomas knew better. The stories of how he rescued his mate from the Lassiters had kept those in the Realm entertained for weeks. Thomas had wanted to watch along with everyone else; but Wilhelmina had forbidden it.

"Why are you so pleased?" Thomas asked. "You don't know me or my mate."

"No, but I know who your family is." Maurice replied. "Don't be angry with Lorenzo; he had to tell us."

"I see." Thomas said his tone curt. "This way you can keep an eye on me. Is that it?"

"As far as the Queen is concerned; no. She is repaying a debt although she is hoping that you will swear loyalty to her. As for me, yes. It's my job to scrutinize anyone or anything who enters her home. That my brother vouches for you is significant, but as you just pointed out; I don't know you or your mate.

I can see that you are offended and angry and for that, I apologize; but this is the way it is. Even if I knew you, I would do the same thing. Now, back to tomorrow evening, as I said; someone will be there to meet you early evening. Bring whatever belongings you want, but the suite is fully furnished. Are there any questions?"

Thomas closed the portal after asking a few more questions. He checked on Lottie and went to his office to do some thinking. No one other than Lottie knew about Justine's offer. He debated whether he should say anything to his family and decided not. They couldn't be trusted no to take Lottie to get him to do as they wanted. They would find out soon enough.

He went back to the bedroom, crawled into bed next to Lottie and kissed her cheek. He lay awake waiting for her to wake up.

He needed her again.


Justine and Quinn were waiting in the sitting room when Thomas and Lottie were brought to them. Justine took notice of Lottie's subservient behavior and addressed it.

"I know that you've been a servant for a long time, but you aren't anymore. You are the mate of a member of my court so try to relax. In a day or so Violet and the other women will meet with you and figure out what you would like to do."

"Yes my Queen." Lottie said with a curtsey.

"Thomas," Justine said. "I'm glad that you and Lottie have decided to join us. Maurice told me that you were offended when he spoke to you. Don't be. He was doing his job. Quinn and I also wanted to talk to you about your family. We want to make sure that you understood something.

We know who your family is and we don't hold it against you, but if your family commits treason or any other crime; they won't be treated any differently than anyone else."

"I didn't think that they would be." Thomas replied, his tone cool. "For the record, I no longer consider them my family. I don't trust them and know that they would try to take advantage of the fact that I'm here. Lottie and I are pledging our allegiance to you, the King, the Queen Mother and her mate if you will have us.

As you are aware, my gifts do not manifest for another fifty years but we are willing to serve in whatever capacity that you wish."

Justine and Quinn looked at each other and nodded.

"We accept, but first we have to examine you. I promise that we'll be gentle and that there will be no pain."

Thomas took Lottie's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"We're ready." Thomas said still holding Lottie's hand.

Justine started with Thomas first so that Lottie could see that there would be no pain. She gently probed and sifted through Thomas' memories looking for anything that would indicate that he would betray them. The only thing that she saw was the same thing that she saw in all the members of her court. It was the one thing that would lead any of them to commit treason- the taking of a mate or child.

Satisfied, Justine withdrew to let Quinn do his assessment. Like Justine, he was gentle with his probing and came to the same conclusion. He took a moment longer than Justine did, but he was satisfied.

"See? "Justine said to a nervous Lottie. "No pain."

Lottie nodded even as she tried to think of a way to get out of the probe. She didn't want the people who had been so kind to them to know what she had done for Wilhelmina. Before she could think of anything, the probing started.

"Relax." Justine soothed, "it won't take long."

Lottie tried to block Justine, but it was useless. It felt as though hours had passed before Justine spoke to her.

"Lottie." Justine said telepathically. "Wilhelmina used her power and authority to make you do things that you wouldn't have done under normal circumstances. You were given no choice in the matter. I'm going to absolve you of your guilt and take away your fear of her. She and Alicia are gone and can no longer hurt you or anyone else. From this moment, you are absolved and free of the memories of your time with her. The remainder of your family is alive and well and would love to see you."

Lottie was speechless. She had often wondered about her family but Wilhelmina forbade her to see them. The only time that they were brought up was when Lottie became what Wilhelmina called obstinate.

"Thank you... I don't know what to say." Lottie replied telepathically.

"You don't need to say anything." Justine replied, her tone soft and soothing. "You've had one hell of a fucked up life through no fault of your own. I want you to use any of the services that we offer. No one needs to know about it."

"Thank you." Lottie said quietly still in shock over the compassion that she had just been shown.

Justine pulled back and stopped Quinn before he could begin.

"She's okay."

Quinn nodded in understanding and smiled at Lottie and Thomas.

"Welcome." He said cheerfully. "I hope that you have everything that you need and if you don't, just ask."

"Thank you." Thomas and Lottie said in unison.

"No." Quinn said. "Thank you."

A few minutes later, the rest of what Justine called her circle came in. The only one missing was Lorenzo. Justine called everyone to attention and made the introductions.

"Everyone, this is Thomas Rhys and his mate of two weeks Lottie. We all know who his family is and there is no need to bring it up. They have both sworn allegiance to us and as you know, have already proven themselves trustworthy. They are now a valuable part of this household and will be treated as such."

"So, you are a Rhys." Edward commented. "If I'm right, your mage gifts don't come into play for another fifty years."

"That's right." Thomas replied a tad defensively.

"Please." Edward said. "I meant no offense. I've always been interested in vampires such as you and your family. I was hoping that you would allow me to ask questions of which I have many. I would also, with your permission of course; like to track the development of your gifts."

The discussion ended with the announcement that dinner was ready. Out of habit, Lottie headed for the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Violet asked.

"I... I don't know." Lottie stammered embarrassed.

"The dining room is this way." Thomas said as he took her hand.

When they got to the table, he held her chair out for her and kissed her temple.

"It will be alright." He assured her.


The two weeks before the wedding flew by. True to his word, David with Thomas' help got the flowers in the indoor garden to bloom.

"You're good with plants." David remarked as he eyed the daffodils. "I wonder if this is one of your gifts."

"I've always been good with plants." Thomas said with a shrug.

Caring for plants had come easily for him. It wasn't something that he had to work at; the knowledge just seemed to be there. He could name the antidote for every poison known to man and vampire and knew how to make it. Until David off handedly mentioned it as a possible mage gift, he hadn't thought about it as such.

It didn't take long before everyone figured out what Lottie's gift was. She had no discernable psychic gifts other than those mates had, but she was a good listener. She would sit quietly with her hands in her lap and listen without interrupting. Usually, by the time whoever was listening was finished talking, they found the solution without her saying a word.

Thomas watched as day by day Lottie began to relax and began to fit in. A fun-loving personality that had been hidden began to surface. As of yet, she hadn't mentioned going to see her family. Thomas was curious as to why.

"I don't know." Lottie replied when asked. "I'm just not ready yet." She replied.

Thomas didn't push her. When she was ready, she would tell him and they would go.

"The garden looks beautiful." She said changing the subject.

"Yes it does." Thomas agreed.

He thought about taking a quick peek into her mind, but didn't. She had been probed and violated enough.


The garden was ready for the wedding. The tables were set; the chairs for the guests were arranged. The sound of the water fountain's tinkling water filled the large room. Everything was double and triple checked before being pronounced as perfect.

"What are the chances of convincing Justine and Josephine to spend the evening /day with us?" Pam asked.

"Good luck with that." Violet replied laughing.

"Good luck with what?" Justine asked from behind them.

"I was just wondering if we could get you and Josephine to spend the evening with us. You know the traditional thing... the groom doesn't see the bride or in this case brides until the wedding."

"As a matter of fact," Justine said grinning, "I was just looking for you to talk about that very subject. We would love to! Where are we meeting?"

There was several seconds of silence before anyone said anything.

"We can use our suite." Lottie said so quietly that they almost didn't realize she had spoken.

"Perfect!" Pam exclaimed as she took Lottie by the arm. "Let's talk food!" she said as she led Lottie toward the kitchen.

Zoe and Violet waited for Justine to give instructions.

"I was also thinking about inviting Lorenzo and Maurice's mates. " Justine said. "Things have been so crazy that I haven't even had them here for dinner. It would be nice to meet them before the wedding."

"I'll call them." Zoe said but she didn't move.

"What?" Justine asked.

"Nothing... I'm just surprised that you suggested this." Zoe replied.

"I don't hate all traditions." Justine said with a smile. "And besides, I'm always up for something fun."


"A bachelor party?" David asked.

"Sure! Why not?" Quinn asked. "It'll be great! You've never had one and I don't remember my first one." He added.

"There won't be any strippers will there?" David asked.

"Hell No! Are you crazy?" Quinn asked. "We'll play cards, shoot some pool and bull and watch sports."

"Then I'm in." David replied.

"Great! I'll call Maurice and Lorenzo. While I'm doing that, why don't you tell the others?" Quinn said as he reached for the phone.

"I'll ask Darren about refreshments." David said as he left the room.

After talking to the others, David decided to make one last check on the garden.


The sound of the water fountain soothed his nerves as he went from plant to plant. Although he and Josephine had been together for years, he was nervous at the thought of marriage. It wasn't that he didn't want to marry Josephine; it was that he wanted it so badly.

He moved from plant to plant watering it if it seemed dry and speaking to each one in a soft melodic tone. He thanked all of them, especially the daffodils for blooming in time for the wedding.

"Does mom know that you talk to plants?" Justine asked with a hint of teasing in her voice.

"I neglected to tell her that bit of information." David replied smiling at her. "What brings you to the garden?" he asked.

"I was walking by and I heard a one-sided conversation." Justine replied. "I assume that it was one-sided?"

"I only talk to them." David replied chucking. "Thomas is the one who hears them."

"What do you mean?" Justine asked not sure if David was kidding or not.

"I mean that he says that he can hear the plants and trees talk. He's been doing it for as long as he can remember." David said. "He's absolutely amazing! He knows every poison there is and their antidotes including how to make them. I believe that this is only one of his gifts. It is mostly because of him that the flowers are in bloom."

Justine was silent for a moment. David was right about Thomas, but did she want to confirm it? It was time for another step.

"You're right." She said. "I felt it when I probed him. He doesn't consider it a part of his gifts because he's always had it. I'll tell you something else; this is the least of his gifts."

"I suspected as much." David said. "I have a few ideas as to what his other gifts are."

"Do tell." Justine said as she sat down. She was finding out that David while not a big talker was intuitive about people. It was a good trait to have and was a part of the reason that he fit in so well.