Kane Ch. 04


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Carla felt as if she was drowning, it had been far too long since she had been touched. Truth be told, she hadn't wanted to be touched since that night.

"Carla, do you want me to stop?" Kane asked as his fingertips drew obscure designs on her stomach and began to inch lower.

"No." she whispered.

"Do you love me?" Kane asked and kissed her neck.

"I.... yes"

Kane turned her around so that she faced him and kissed her. Without a word he picked her up causing her to yelp.

"I've got you, I will always have you."

Carla wrapped her arms around Kane's neck and held on as he carried her upstairs to her room. Maybe it was the stress of the past few days or maybe even the past five years but she began to cry as Kane laid her on the bed. He started at her feet, taking her shoes off and massaging his way up her legs until he was lying next to her. He pulled her into his arms and held her she cried making no move to shush her, he murmured soothing words in her ear.

As Kane held her, Carla felt an intense feeling of relief; she didn't have to be strong by herself anymore. Kane would help her in a way that Dina and Mary never could and it wasn't that they didn't try and part of it was that she wouldn't let them. Finally the tears were done; Kane helped her out of bed; led her to the bathroom and helped her strip.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Loving you" He replied, now relax and trust me."

Kane turned on the shower and helped Carla in getting in after her. He shushed her when she wanted to wash herself.

"Let me do this for you." he murmured into her ear.

By the end of the shower, Carla was totally relaxed. Kane dried her off and led her back to bed.

"You are very beautiful." he said as he massaged her with the lavender scented lotion that she kept at her bedside.

The massage over, he began his seduction again; he didn't ask her again if she was willing, her soft moans as he skimmed his fingertips over her back told him that she was. He ignored the throb of his erection as he tended to Carla, her care and pleasure would always come first.

"Turn over." he said gently, "I want to look at you"

Carla was a little self conscious but did as he asked. Carla's breath hitched when she saw Kane nude for the first time since that night, his hair was longer but just as blond and hung loose creating a drape over them as he bent over her and kissed her.

Carla touched his face with shaking hands, the warmth that she felt when Kane kissed her in the ally returned but with greater intensity. Her skin began to tingle as his lips left her mouth and began a slow journey down her body stopping at her chest and nipples along the way. Carla clung to as much of him as she could as he moved away from her.

Kane wanted to speed things up but forced himself to slow down; he wanted her to have no doubts about his feelings for her. He could hear her calling for him but he continued his mission, when he got to her mound, he stopped and placed his cheek against it relishing the feel of her coarse pubic hair against his skin. He lay there for several minutes giving Carla a chance to calm before he gave her the first orgasm of their life together.

"Kane?" Carla called as she felt him move between her legs and spread them open. She moaned when she felt his warm, wet tongue slide between her vaginal folds. Kane teased her swollen nub without mercy, bringing her to the edge and then backing off until she came with a scream.

Afterwards, he held her and talked her through the aftershocks of the orgasm, after Carla calmed, she reached for Kane wanting to return the favor. She was surprised when he refused.

"Tonight was and is for you, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to return the favor." He told her.

"Is this some kind of martyr complex or something?" Carla asked.

"No, it's what I wanted to do for you."

"But that's not fair to you." she protested, "what's really going on?" Carla asked as she sat up no longer self conscious about her body.

Kane hesitated.

"We haven't discussed children, I didn't know if you wanted more and I didn't want to take the chance of you getting pregnant if you didn't want to be."

"Now you're worried about me getting pregnant? You sense of timing royally sucks do you know that?"

Kane chuckled.

"I've been told that. So what about it? Children I mean."

Carla didn't answer but began to kiss him as she stroked his erection. Kane's hips thrust up into her hand, the friction eliciting a low moan from him. Carla left his lips and kissed his chin, then his neck stopping at his nipples.


Carla ignored him as she straddled his hips, the tip of his erection at her entrance. Carla moved back until the head was just inside of her.

"Jesus Carla!" Kane called out as she slowly pushed back until he was completely buried inside of her. Carla began to rock back and forth and then side to side. Kane tried to hold back but he was already primed. He felt the telltale sign of his approaching orgasm, his balls tightened and pulled up against him and began to pulse as his seed traveled up his shaft and exited deep inside of Carla, he held her down as he thrust his hips up toward her moaning as he released into her.

Carla collapsed against Kane's chest trying to catch her breath. When she went to move from him, he stopped her.

"Where are you going?"

"Nowhere, I was just going to lie down next to you."

"I like you exactly where you are." Kane said kissing her head.

"I'm too heavy to stay here." Carla replied.

"Please, stay where you are, I like the feel of you."

Carla shrugged and stayed put and was asleep a few minutes later. When she woke, she was tucked in and Kane was gone. She could smell coffee brewing, she looked over at the clock and frowned; two? She had never slept this late before; it wouldn't be too long before they had to pick up Ian.

Kane came into the room carrying a tray with coffee and toast.

"Good afternoon." he said as he sat the tray down and kissed her.

"Hi, why'd you let me sleep so late?" she asked as she accepted a cup of coffee.

"You needed it and I saw no reason to wake you." Kane replied.

"You wouldn't have known this but whenever Ian spends the night at Dina's I try to get as much work done as I can, there's always a blow by blow description of his time there, so be prepared."

Kane laughed.

"He's an extraordinary boy and we really should get him tested. Why the fascination with the universe?" Kane asked.

"I don't know but he's always had it." Carla replied.

Kane took her coffee cup from her and moved the tray.

"Hey! I wasn't done with that!"

"I'll get you more when we're done." Kane replied as he pushed her back on the bed.

An hour later they were showered and dressed.

"I'm going to get Ian, I'll be back." Carla said reaching for her purse.

"If you wait an hour, I can go with you." Kane said.

"I don't think that's a good idea...."

"Carla, we are a family now and we need to start acting like one. People are going to talk initially but they'll move on when something more exciting than us being together comes along. Now call Dina and see if Ian can stay for another hour."

Ian practically flew out of the house when he saw Carla's car, his eyes widened when he saw that Kane was with her.

"Daddy!" he yelled as he ran toward them.

"Hey kiddo!" Kane said as he lifted Ian up in the air to his delight.

Josie stood in the doorway open mouthed with Dina standing next to her.

"Who is that?" Josie asked.

"I'll let Carla tell you." Dina replied.

Carla, Kane and Ian walked back toward the house. Carla took a deep breath as she got ready to introduce Kane for the first time.

"Kane, this is Josie, Dina's mother and Ian's adopted grandmother. Josie, this is Kane Brenin Ian's father and my...." Carla floundered, she hadn't thought about a label for what they were. Kane came to the rescue.

"It's very nice to finally meet you, thank you for helping Carla during my absence. Dina, it's a pleasure to see you again."

Josie looked Kane up and down with narrowed eyes.

"What are your intentions?" Josie demanded.

Kane smiled, he liked the feisty older woman.

"I'd like to marry her if she'd have me."

"Say yes mama!" Ian encouraged.

"I'm not saying anything." Carla replied. She hated being blindsided almost as much as she hated being manipulated.

"So you love her then?" Josie asked, "Because I won't have her hurt like she was before."

"Yes ma'am I love her." Kane replied.

"Carla, do you love him too?" Josie asked.


"Answer the question." Josie said interrupting her.

"Yes but..."

"Good, that's all I need to know."

Two months later:

"Ian are you ready to do this?" Kane asked.

"Ready." Ian replied.

"Alright, go; she's in the kitchen."

Carla was in the freezer taking out bags of blood to put in the fridge when Ian found her.

"Mama? Can we go out to dinner tonight?"

"I don't know Ian; I thought that we might make something here." Carla replied.

In truth, she loved cooking in the kitchen that was three times the size of the one at her other house, it had about every appliance known to man and a few that weren't.

"Please mama? Daddy wants to go out too."

"I see. Daddy's too chicken to ask himself so he sends in the cute little boy."

Ian didn't say anything; he stood with his hands behind his back with his fingers crossed. Kane came in, tousled Ian's hair and kissed Carla.

"So are we going?" he asked.

"Where is it that you want to go so badly?" Carla asked.

"There's a new place downtown and I know the owner, I was hoping to check it out tonight and its child friendly." Kane replied, not adding that it was just for the night.

Carla looked at Ian and then at Kane, they were in cahoots.


"Great! Can you wear that red dress, you know the one that I... you know the one." he said remembering that Ian was in the kitchen with them.

"I guess. What are you two up to?"

"Just some dinner and music is all. Can you be ready in an hour?"

"Yes but where are we going?"

As Carla put on the requested red dress, she wondered what was going on. Ian while precocious wasn't sneaky and tonight he was being just that. When she came downstairs, Kane whistled and Ian grinned.

"Mama you look beautiful!"

"You sure do." Kane agreed.

Both Ian and Kane were dressed in dark colored suits and wore red ties.

"You two look rather handsome yourselves." Carla said as she walked toward them.

Carla looked out of the car window as Kane drove, after awhile she began to recognize landmarks, then with horror she realized where they were going.

"Kane, I don't want to go back there."

Kane held her hand and stroked her knuckles.

"Trust me." he said as he pulled into the almost full parking lot.

George met him at the car and took the keys after helping Carla out of the front seat and then Ian out of the back.

"Carla, this is George the friend that I told you about, George this is my mate Carla and our son Ian."

George gave them a slight bow.

"It's nice to finally meet you. Kane, your table is ready."

Carla looked at the building and cringed then she saw the sign on the door, "Ian's" she turned to Kane.

"You're the owner? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Would you have come if I had?"

"No." she replied.

"I know that I can't change what happened here but I thought that I could try to make a good memory to go along with the bad. Are you ready to go in?"

She really wasn't but she squared her mental shoulders and took Kane's hand and with her free hand took Ian's. There were a few people that she knew, Dina, Josie and a few others, the rest were strangers. Kane led her and Ian to the table and excused himself. Ian she noticed kept looking at the clock.

"Ian? Are you alright? You keep looking at the clock."

"I'm alright." he assured her.

The room got quiet when Kane walked onto the stage.

"Hello and welcome to Ian's! Before we get started just a word about the no alcohol tonight, Ian my son is here so you'll have to use your imaginations for your alcohol. This place and I have a history and not a good one, but something good came out of it too. I met Carla here over five years ago and was a complete and total jackass. Without going into detail, I left her alone and unprotected a fact of which I'm not proud. It took me five years to come to my senses with the help of my friend George and here we are. Since this is a karaoke bar, I'm going to start and later whoever wants to display their talents is welcome to do so."

Kane nodded at the DJ who was the same one from that night five years ago, George had managed to track him down at another karaoke bar. Kane walked off the stage and knelt in front of Carla and began to sing "a one in a million you" the room was hushed as he serenaded her. Carla sat crying as Kane sang to her, when he was through he spoke.

"Carla, I love you and I love Ian. Marry me right here, right now."

There was a tense silence as everyone waited for her response. Kane knew that he was taking a gamble, she really hated surprises, if she said no, there'd still be a party. Time seemed to stop as Carla debated what she wanted to do. For all practical purposes they were already married, she and Ian were already living with him and had been for over a month.


At first Kane didn't respond; he had really expected her to say no.

"Daddy, she said yes." Ian whispered in his ear.

Kane shook himself, and crushed Carla to him; the room erupted in applause and cheers.

Once George knew the answer, he snapped his fingers and the stage was turned into a mini chapel complete with a minister. Kane pulled Ian aside.

"You got this?" he asked.

"I got this" Ian confirmed as he fingered the rings in his pocket.

The ceremony was short and to the point which was a good thing as far as Carla was concerned; she was shaking so hard that Kane had to keep hold of her. The party began just after the ceremony; Kane took Carla to his office leaving Ian in the care of Dina and her mother.

"You know that I hate surprises right?" she asked still shaking.

"I know and I promise that there will be no more." Kane replied hugging her close, "I wanted to give you a real kiss, the one out there doesn't count."

When Kane kissed her, Carla felt the same warmth that she felt in the ally. She had done the right thing for both her and Ian.

"We'd better get back out there, this is our party." Kane said taking her hand.

Carla looked around the room trying to spot Ian and found him dancing with Dina's mother and Dina was dancing with someone she had met at the club. After the dance, Josie led Ian over to Kane and Carla.

"You are such a little sneak!" Carla said as he hugged Ian.

"And a very good one at that." Kane added, "You did great! I couldn't have pulled it off without your help."

Ian beamed, the five year old in him showing.

"Kane? A soft voice behind him said.

Kane turned around toward the voice.

"Mother! I'm so glad that you could make it, is father here too?"

"He's around here somewhere. We are so happy for you and we wouldn't have missed this for the world."

Kane hugged his mother and whispered in her ear.

"I am so sorry for everything."

Fiona hugged him back and kissed his cheek the way she always did when he was forgiven for some infraction no matter how big or small it was.

Carla stood by nervously holding Ian's hand, she had forgotten about the meeting the parents part.

"Mother, this is Carla and the young man and my partner is crime is our son Ian."

Carla smiled shyly not sure of what to call Kane's mother.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Brenin."

"Mrs. Brenin? Oh no dear, you're family so it's Fiona. Welcome to our family and thank you for making Kane a happy man."

Fiona looked down at Ian.

"Aren't you the handsome one? You definitely are your father's son and I am so happy to meet you."

"It is nice to meet you too." Ian replied politely, "can I call you gramma? I already have a mom-mom."

Fiona smiled at him.

"Of course you can, can your gramma give you a hug?"

Without hesitation Ian went to Fiona and gave her a hug. Fiona looked at Carla and opened her arms. After the briefest of hesitations, Carla hugged Fiona. Just then Kane's father and brother walked up.

"Good lord!" Carla thought as introductions were made, they were just as big as Kane was. Ian was immediately drawn to his Uncle Marcus which was no surprise to Kane; Marcus had been just like Ian as a child and was still the most intelligent person he knew aside from Ian.

The party lasted until morning but Kane, Carla and a very tired Ian were gone before two am. They would be leaving for their family honeymoon that evening. They were starting out in Disneyland for Ian, then a week in Washington DC and ending in Hawaii for as long as they cared to stay. Ian reacted to the news about Disneyland as any five year old would. Carla was just as pleased by the trip but had a little surprise of her own to spring. Kane was going to be a father again.

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Allegedly_LiterateAllegedly_Literateover 4 years ago
Cute story

Thanks for sharing your creativity.

AMHJ89AMHJ89almost 11 years ago

it cant end here.. I need a spin off or more chapters... im a reader that needs closure lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
want more!!! lol

Can you do like a part two. I wanna know how kane react to being a father again. How's Ian doing. This story is to good! To be so short! Please do like an update or something! Maybe bring the Sinclaire's in or something. But I want more!! You are a very talent writer. I enjoy reading all of you stories!! ♥

MsShaybabeMsShaybabeabout 11 years ago
I loved it....

This is one of my favorite stories on here....I loved it! I wish that you could have added more....but it ended nicely.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
E & K

Ethan is no longer available on lit.. it's now on Amazon

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