Laresa's World Ch. 11: Matthew


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Laresa teased at his tongue, tempting it to follow her own back into her mouth, sucking gently upon it when it did. Her head switched angles again, that heat spearing through her once more until she thought she would burn up with the fire that settled deep in her loins. Her gown was too heavy, aggravating her skin. She needed it gone. With a thought, she was naked in his arms, his hands pressed against her bare skin, rough against her softness.

He pulled away, hearing Laresa's murmur of protest at the loss of his mouth, his eyes roaming down the curvaceous body now bared to his sight. She was everything that the wet gown had hinted she would be but so much more also, satiny and sweet with a scent of cinnamon and sandalwood that seemed to perfume the air around them. She arched against his hands, her eyes half closed, her lips parted as he began to explore her slender curves, slipping his fingers between her parted thighs to find them drenched in her arousal.

A moan built in his throat at the heat of her, the scent of her arousal filling his nostrils, making his cock ache inside the wet breeches. "My clothes, Laresa," he whispered against her lips. "Take them off."

"Yes, Master," she whimpered as he filled her aching, empty channel with one long finger. With a small nod his clothing disappeared, his erection rubbing up against the softness of her stomach.

Matthew could feel the soft grass under him, cushioning him from the harsh sands. He lay back, smiling up at her as she followed him down, those small breasts rubbing passionately against his chest. Her nipples were like tiny diamonds, pressing into him insistently. Pulling his hand away from her pink little cunt, he circled her waist with his hands, lifting her and settling her on his turgid erection, hearing her gasp as he filled her. His cock pushed into the wet velvet of her cunt, feeling the spongy walls part around him, squeezing him with her tightness.

She was hot and wet around him, her body working over his, rising and falling with single minded purpose. Her head was back, her face tight with the wonder of what she was feeling, her long hair falling down her back so the satiny tips brushed against his thighs.

Matthew reached out, finding her small breasts with his fingers, twirling their tiny, tight tips between them. Her cries filled the oasis, mixing with the husky sounds of his groans as they each sought pleasure for the other, Matthew holding back his climax by force of will.

"Laresa," he groaned, grabbing her hips and grinding her down on him, forcing her clit to rub with brutal tenderness against his cock and hearing her gasp and then cry out as the muscles of her cunt wrapped him tightly, squeezing like a small hand around his shaft. Jerking down on her harder, he joined her in the pleasures she provoked, filling her with long hot spurts of his sperm.

She collapsed against him, her arms wrapping around him, a sly smile upon her lips. She would enjoy this master, very much, she thought, squirming down on him and hearing his groan even as his hand came down on her rounded bottom.

"Hold still, woman," he moaned, opening his eyes and reaching up to push her hair out of his face. "What the..." he said before rolling over, shielding her body even as Laresa shrieked in his ear.

A huge scimitar, the curved, wickedly sharp blade about three feet long, pierced the sand where they had just laid. Matthew rolled again, staring in consternation at the men that were gathered around them, four of them, dressed in black robes, all armed with the same long curved swords.

"Bloody hell!" Matthew exclaimed, gazing at the huge blade that would have cleaved him in two if he hadn't opened his eyes when he had. "Are you crazed, man?"

"Give us the genie and we will let you go unharmed," the tallest of the four said.

Matthew managed to roll to his feet, pushing Laresa back behind him, measuring each of the men for their strengths and weaknesses. They had lots of the first, not many of the latter that he could discern and here he was, unarmed, hell, undressed with a naked genie at his back...

A genie at his back...he thought, a small smile coming to his lips. "What do you want her for?" he asked the one who'd spoken to him, unable to see their faces due to the scarves they wore across their lower faces.

"It is none of your concern, Englishman. Just take our offering of a horse that will get you out of the desert, give us the genie and her ring, and we shall let you live."

He reached behind him, taking Laresa's hand. "I don't believe so, gentleman," he said conversationally. "I wish to be in my bedchamber at my home in London," he said, just loud enough for Laresa to hear.

"Your wish is my command, Master."

A swirling motion, a wave of dizziness that had him closing his eyes and then suddenly he heard the sounds of horses, and voices muffled by distance. He opened one eye carefully, seeing the familiar surroundings of his handsomely appointed bedchamber and smiled.

"You know, my love, you are going to save me a fortune on travel expenses." He turned as he spoke, his grin widening as he saw her there, naked still. "So, why were those huge gentlemen after you? Did you abscond with the family jewels?"

Laresa shrugged her slim shoulders, her breasts jiggling fetchingly with the movement. "I have no idea. It is the first I have seen of them." She walked towards him, pushing him backwards and onto his bed, ducking down to land a lingering kiss upon his lips.

"Mmm," Matthew hummed, his hands coming up to tangle in the mass of silvery curls over her ears. "I think I'll like having my very own genie." He rolled with her, feeling her slim curves under him, his hips finding the vee of her thighs and settling between them. He lifted up on his elbows, his eyes roaming over the perfection of her features. "You really have no clue as to why those gentlemen were willing to kill me to get to you?"

"No, Master. I cannot lie to you," she said, a frown marring her features. "I've never seen them before, though the markings they bore on their face were strangely familiar."

"Markings? I don't believe I noticed any markings, I was more interested in the size of their...swords." He chuckled at his joke, though he sobered up when he realized that she was concerned. "Laresa, I wouldn't have let them hurt you."

"You would have protected me, Master?" she asked him, surprised.

"Of course. I'd be a bounder and a cad if I didn't protect my lady from villains such as those four. Now we are home, so there is nothing to fear. Of course, explaining to my Uncle how I returned home so quickly will be another feat. Then there is explaining to Phillip's family." Matthew grew quiet, rolling to his side and absentmindedly toying with one of her curls as he thought back.

"I don't even know if Phillip is still alive or not. We were separated by those brigands who overran our caravan. I barely made it to my horse alive."

"I can see if you wish it, Master," Laresa offered, though in truth, she was growing fatigued. It was a chore traveling across continents and had drained her energy.

"You can?" He smacked himself in the forehead. "Of course you can. What was I thinking?" He hugged her close, looking into her eyes and noting the shadows that marred the once flawless face. "You look tired, Laresa. Do genies tire?"

"We are still part human, Master, and as such tire like anyone. I shall be fine once I rest in the ring."

He held his hand up where the ring, now dull without her powers inside of it, rested on his finger. It was a handsome piece even with the stone diminished. "It's hard for me to believe that you come from here," he said.

"Yes, and if you need me when I am in the ring, just twist it to the right or call my name. I will hear you and appear. Also, Master, while you will always be able to see me, unless you wish for me to appear to others, I shall be invisible." She yawned, covering her mouth daintily.

"Rest, Laresa. I shall dress and go and visit my Uncle. When I return is soon enough to look for Phillip." He bent, kissing her gently.

"Do not lose the ring, Master, for I am connected to the ring beyond all other things." Then she yawned again, her body turning to pale gray smoke and drifting lazily into the gem, causing it to shine once more.

Matthew rose from his bed slowly, shaking his head at all that had transpired. If someone else had told him about this, he'd have had them committed to Bedlam. He should have asked Laresa how long she needed to rest for, he might need to produce her to convince his Uncle that he wasn't crazy himself.

With a grin, he went to the bath; thankful he'd had the plumbing updated on this residence and started water in the tub, thinking to take a quick bath. Before he could get into the tub, though he'd turned the water off, he heard voices in his room. Thinking his valet was getting a little too familiar with his possessions he went to the door, after wrapping a towel around his waist and listened.

"As soon as the body has been discovered, I believe I'll move into this residence. It is befitting of the title, do you not think, Eleanor?"

"Uncle Sirius?" he whispered, recognizing the voice, though who Eleanor was, he had no idea. What was this about a body and moving into his house?

"It is a nice room, I suppose, though the neighborhood is a little busy for my tastes," came the reply from the lady in question.

"Then perhaps we should just sell this one, there are others to choose from. My brother, may the devil rot his soul, was a genius with money and my nephew took after him. It's too bad I had to have the boy killed, but I couldn't take a chance that he might marry and produce an heir."

"No, this way our son shall inherit the title," Eleanor said.

"Yes, as soon as we can produce a body to prove his death, than you and I shall marry and I can finally claim Abbott as my own. With the money that I shall inherit as the last surviving male of the family, we shall never have to worry about anything again. I can buy back the paintings had to sell to pay for Matthew's trip." Sirius sounded too pleased with himself by far.

Matthew took an unconscious step backwards, his hands fisting as what was said finally penetrated the fog of disbelief that coated his brain. His Uncle, the man who had partially raised him after his parents' deaths, who he had loved like a father, had tried to have him killed.

"Mother?" another voice rang out.

"Abbott, it's about time you got here."

"It was a long trip back, mother, from that God forsaken desert. Why you couldn't have sent Matthew abroad and settled for a nice highwayman to kill off the bloke, I don't know."

"Phillip?" he whispered, pain slicing into him. Phillip was part of this too? His friend and confidant since he was barely out of his teens, Phillip had always been there for him. The guilt of leaving him had almost sent him back the first night out, but the fear of being captured had kept him moving.

He heard them moving around the room, and he took a chance and opened the door to the bathing chamber just a small amount. His Uncle was searching through his desk, and he saw him pick up a set of diamond cuff links that he'd left there and a signet ring that he'd outgrown and that he'd left to have resized.

"These should hold us over until we get news of the death and can send out the announcement that the body was discovered. After that, it is only a matter of legal fees and all of this will be ours," Sirius said, stashing his find in his pocket before closing the drawers and ushering his family out of the room.

Matthew sat on the edge of the tub, his mind in a whirl. His Uncle had tried to have him killed. His best friend, a man he'd gone wenching with and slumming down to the docks on the waterfront, inhabiting all the lower class bars with such abandon, had been there, not to enjoy the vacation, but to witness his death. He had to think, he had to have a plan.

He slipped off the towel, climbing into the hot water, trying not to let the rage he felt cloud his judgment.


An hour later, he was clean and refreshed, dressed to the nines, having summoned his valet to tie his cravat and to brush and cut his hair, which had grown long on his trip. His mustache was trimmed, he was shaved. He was ready to face his Uncle.

But first, he wanted food and he wanted Laresa. Fumbling a little, for he felt slightly foolish, he turned the ring on his finger, calling her name into the silent room. "Laresa?"

A puff of smoke rose from the ring, tickling his hand and making him smile. It coalesced into the silvery blonde beauty that stretched her slender body before coming closer to him and kissing him. "You look very nice, Master," she said, her lips finding his once more.

"Mmm, thank you, Laresa. I want for you to look nice to, for we are going to dinner at the Sheldon Hotel and then to visit my Uncle. Can you make yourself visible and dress in the fashion of the day?"

"If you but think of how you wish me to look, Master, I can appear that way." She closed her eyes and waited for the image to appear in his mind.

After a moment, her eyes opened and she stared at him in consternation. "Master? You must wish me to look a certain way."

"You read my mind?" he asked her, aghast at the seductive and erotic thoughts he'd had of her, brought on, no doubt, but the passion with which she'd kissed him.

Laresa smiled, knowing exactly what bothered her Master and enjoying his dilemma. "I must look to see what it is that you wish exactly, Master. Words are sometimes not enough for me to get a wish exactly as you would like. It also is part of the bond, Master. My ring on your finger gives me the power to do for you what you wish. It is why I cannot leave the ring if it is not on your finger. It is our bond." She shrugged her shoulders, that same silvery gown that she'd worn earlier covering her slender form.

"I'm not sure that I like the idea of you knowing what is in my thoughts all the time, Laresa." His eyes narrowed as he looked at her.

"I only look when it is necessary, and when you are thinking thoughts so loudly that I cannot help but see them, like now. You are wondering if I am as naked as I was earlier under this gown."

Matthew felt a blush darkening his cheeks. It was disconcerting for the object of all the erotic pictures in your mind to know that she was there. It also had taken his mind off of the reason that he wished for her to go with him tonight. That was something they needed to discuss and would change the subject nicely.

"It isn't allowed for you to lie, or for me to lie to you, that is the rule?"

Laresa nodded, worried as she waited for him to speak.

Matthew surprised her, kneeling in front of her and opening a small case to hold out to her. "Then, Laresa, would you marry me?"

"Master?" she asked, startled.

"My Uncle plotted to have me killed, Laresa. He was behind the attack of the caravan. His bastard son pretended to be my friend and was sent with me to watch me die. He wants me dead so that he can take my inheritance and my title from me." He dropped his head, the pain of their deception slashing through his chest.

"Oh, no, Master," Laresa said, dropping to her knees to throw herself into his arms. "I am so sorry, Master. Should I turn them into camel dung?" she asked, her voice menacing.

Matthew surprised himself and her by bursting out in laughter. He wiped at the tears in his eyes, amazed at how she made the pain lessen just by being with him.

"But I am confused, Master. Why would marrying me keep them from trying to kill you again? Wouldn't it just be easier for you to wish the two of them to some island somewhere that they will never be found?" She cocked her head to the side, thinking. "I know just the one, Master. It is very tropical and very well hidden. They would never be found."

"You might be right, Laresa," Matthew said, smiling down at the girl in his arms. "Just don't go making that wish come true yet. I want him to know that I know. I want him to swear a little. And then I want him to pay."

"If that is what you wish, Master." She reached out to him, dragging his head down so she could reach his lips, kissing him softly and with as much emotion as she could portray in the melding of lips.

"Is that your answer?" he asked her when she put her head down on his shoulder.

"You still wish for me to wear your ring and become your bride?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't. You make me feel things I don't understand, Laresa. I like you a lot. I think I could love you." He hesitated a moment before adding, "and I don't wish to endanger anyone else."

"But Master, I cannot reproduce. You would not be able to beget an heir from me." She looked up at him, her big violet eyes uncertain.

"Oh, so I can't wish for a baby and have you get me one?" he asked, a smile on his face as he teased her.

Laresa took his words seriously. "I have never been asked for that before, Master. As I cannot bring the dead back to life, I cannot bring new life to this world."

Matthew reached out and brushed his knuckles across her soft cheek, turning his hand to cup her face and let his lips rest gently against hers. "We shall worry when the time comes. I know I've only known you a few hours, Laresa but we are compatible and I can't think of anyone else who would fit the part that I need. If you will say yes, than we shall work at this one day at a time."

"Is it what you wish for me?" she asked.

He sighed. "It is what I wish for you to tell me, Laresa. Don't think of me as your master, think of me as a man who is asking you to spend the rest of your life with him.

She tipped her head, looking at him from under her thick eyelashes, the light shining on the silver and making them almost seem to sparkle. "I wish you to stay my master for what time the ring allows, Master. If this is what would make you happy, than yes, I wish to be with you."

Matthew laughed, throwing his hands up in the air. "Finally," he said, reaching for her hand and slipping the diamond ring over her finger. While he held her hand, he rose to his feet, drawing her up with him, pulling her into his arms. He kissed her, bending her backwards in his arms, his hands roaming over her curves.

"I wish we had the time to continue this, Laresa but..."

He laughed when Laresa's eyes sparkled and she nodded her head once. "We have the time now, Master."

"You minx," he chuckled, laughing even more as her nimble fingers quickly pulled the knot on his cravat, unwrapping the starched fabric from around his neck. His buttons were next, his waistcoat and then his shirt, her hands sliding up and over his chest to his shoulders, pushing all three layers off, his jacket hitting the floor first.

His shoes were gone from his feet before he could blink, his soft silk stockings disappearing as if they'd never been there. Her hands stroked over his chest, combing through the soft trail of hair that started at his navel and disappeared beneath the band of his breeches. She pulled at the buttons, popping them open, dropping to her knees in front of him.

Her hand reached inside, wrapping around the width of his cock, pulling it out of the flap. She licked her lips, staring up at him, hearing his moan as her tongue peeped out to lap over the tip of his cock. It jerked in her hand, throbbing, and a tiny bead of clear thick liquid seeped from the small slit.

"Laresa," he moaned, his hand going to her head, wrapping in the thick fall of her hair.

She laughed, a wickedly wanton sound. "Your wish is my command, Master," she lisped just as the tip of his cock slipped between her wet lips. She took him deep and quick, suckling upon him as if he were the most succulent of treats. Her head bobbed, her tongue swirled, sweeping from between her lips to lick along the sides of his cock before running her tongue from the base, up the bottom and over the swollen head.