Layers Ch. 10


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I look back at them now. Both of them are watching me so seriously. "And," I tell them. "There's no way in Hell that I'll let anything happen to either of you. It's four against two and I'm supposedly a badass. We'll swoop in, save the girl and rid the world of one terrible person and then see if we can do something about this James fella." I grin at both of them and tuck a loose piece of hair behind my right ear. "Now, let's go, yeah?"

They follow me out and we all step into my small living room. Tyler is still sitting but he stands when we gather. "How far away is it, Tyler?" I ask.

"About 8 miles. Can," he pauses and looks down. "I'm sorry, I heard you all talking inside. Can you really try to save James? He's a piece of shit but he's my piece of shit friend and I think he's just fucked up right now. We never had nobody we could talk to about things."

"Hey," I say. "I don't want to hurt anybody. I don't even want to hurt this Scott guy. At all. I'd love to smack some sense into your friend, grab the girl and then run before Scott shows up. I just don't think he'll stop until we deal with him. And, you're right, this isn't any business of the cops. He'd probably just murder them. Or get caught somehow and change in front of them. So, we'll go and see what we can do. I'll drive. Tyler, you sit in front and navigate."

As I'm pulling away from my poor broken front door, I decide I need a new car. It just feels cramped and old and embarrassing with all of these people in it. Especially Stephen and Elaine. I spend five minutes just apologizing for how dirty the car is and how I've never had anyone sit in the back seat and, should I push my seat forward? Is everyone okay back there? Elaine, sitting behind me, finally just pats my shoulder and I stop talking. Of course I'm not nervous.

No, fuck it. I'm terrified. Okay. Elaine and Stephen don't seem to have problems changing and this Tyler guy was born a werewolf. It's second nature to him. But, me? What if it doesn't work and that's the difference between everyone surviving? I don't want to fail. I couldn't handle anyone being seriously hurt because of me. I'd never be able to live with myself. And then what if I change but I'm still mostly me? The me that's never been in a real fight? What if I'm slow and awkward? Now I have to pee. Well, it feels like I have to pee and my heart is slowly ticking faster and faster. Great. Sweating, too. I can even feel it under my boobs a bit. Ew.

The miles melt away as we pull into the older industrial part of town. We're close to the river and surrounded by mostly abandoned warehouses and old refineries. When the town was founded, this was the heart of it. But, new technologies and changing commerce slowly moved all the big businesses away. The city has plans for renovating the area to bring in new business. Fifteen year old plans that have yet to have any bites. The city just moved on. Now the buildings rot and rust without anyone to take care of them. And it smells bad. Very bad. Chemicals and mold and rust and dead things.

I don't want to be here. Do I have to pee? Like, actually pee? Or is that because I'm nervous? I can't figure out what my bladder is doing exactly. I probably don't have to pee. Probably. Tyler points left and right and I slow down as we get closer. I dodge piles of broken glass while weaving around gigantic potholes left behind by semi-trucks and other heavy equipment moving on the road. My eyesight is a hundred times better than when I was just a man but I can still only mostly see shadows through the broken windows of the buildings around us.

"Here. Right here," Tyler says. "Don't park too close or James'll hear us."

No. It's too soon. And maybe I do have to pee. Fuck. It can't be that. My stomach is sour and knotted and I'm sure it's just stress and worry. I pull into the parking lot of a massive abandoned warehouse and then park as far away from the entrance as possible. The company name is gone except for the faded letters "NESC" still showing in faint white paint. Two street lamps flicker and hum at opposite corners of the parking lot. I step out of the car and wrinkle my nose against the stench in the heavy, still air. To the east I can see the proper city. Far to the east and lit with the warm glow of a thousand lights and people going about their normal, happy business. Grass and tall weeds grow between cracks in the parking lot around us.

"Ew," Elaine says, the disgust evident her tone of voice. "It smells really bad out here. Super bad."

"You get used to it," Tyler tells us. "Come on. And leave all your keys and wallet and stuff. If we have to fight, you don't want to lose any of your shit. Especially if we have to run for it suddenly."

That makes sense and is something else I wouldn't have considered. So, contrary to everything I've ever been taught, I leave my keys and things on the driver's seat and then leave the door unlocked. Can a werewolf outrun an old car if they go full speed? I hope to never find out. I start walking towards the building and the other three fan out behind me. Their trust is both empowering and scary at the same time. I guess if this were a MMORPG, I'd be the tank? Big bad Alpha on his... her way.

The closer I get to the double door entry, the more I think I hear something. A voice. A female voice. In pain and saying something. I look at Tyler but he just looks back at me. I don't think he can hear it. And then, the doors are in front of me. Definitely a female voice. Young. Repeating herself. Something short over and over. Do I rush in? Do I go quietly? They're waiting on me, dammit. I opt for quiet and gently press the bar for the door and wince as it quietly squeaks. A few weak lights swing on long cables and my eyes strain to make out all the details at once.

There. There's the girl. Standing with her back against a concrete wall. Still alive.


Oh shit. There are two of them. Two werewolves. This massive looking werewolf is standing in front of the young girl, growling with his lips pulled back to show his teeth. A much smaller werewolf stands far to the side. Something in me knows that the larger one is Scott. Some sudden ache in my heart makes me groan quietly at the red and black werewolf. I need to-

Before I can do anything else, Scott lashes out with a massive paw and the girl's dress is in tatters. Blood spatters the wall to her side and I can see her body through the large tears. Her bra hangs from her left shoulder and there's a large cut in her stomach and the right side of her right breast. She's developed enough that I'm not sure she's as young as I initially thought. Maybe even 18 or 19. The girl collapses to her knees with her arms around her stomach. Blood wells around her thin arms and falls to the ground around her.

With no hesitation, Scott grabs the girl's pony tail and pulls her head back. His cock is bare and out of his sheath. The smooth pink skin of the shaft and head nearly glisten in the light. With his free hand, he holds a large paw just beneath the knot at the base of his penis. The girl's eyes are wild as the werewolf presses his cock against her lips. When she refuses to open her mouth, he roars and throws her to the ground. She falls to her hands and knees and Scott's claws rip open the back of her dress and then he simply tears it completely off of her. I see bleeding claw marks all over her back. Her panties are expertly ripped and now she's completely naked, torn clothing on the ground around her, soaking in her blood. Scott goes to his hands and feet above her. He's easily four or five times her size and his massive cock looks ridiculous as it lays against her bare ass. She tries to scuttle away from him but his right hand pins her and pushes her neck down. He pulls back and his dick follows until it's pressing against her opening.

Stephen is on the move, followed a half-second later by Elaine. I shake myself out of the trance I'm in and start running. The warehouse is huge and there's no time.

Scott fairly splits the poor girl open and she shrieks as he enters her. His thick cock spreads her pussy lips open and he howls in triumph before clamping his teeth down on her shoulder. We're less than half-way there now and I can smell her blood and Scott and James' excitement in the air. Scott stands, pulling the girl with him. His right arm is holding her to his furry chest while his left cradles her under her left leg. His left hand grips her right thigh as he holds her in place. He pulls out of her and I see blood around his cock. The girl is just opening and closing her mouth from the pain. I pray she passes out.

Elaine is in the lead. Far in the lead. She's human but she goes to her hands and feet and then back to her feet as she runs. Her red hair streams behind her and I watch the tops of her ears grow into points and then continue growing out. Light red fur spreads from her hair and down the side of her face and then her neck, disappearing under her t-shirt. Her right shoe splits at both sides and I see thick black claws tipping each toe. A small clacking-crunching sound rings out each time her nails strike the concrete ground. A thin line of fur runs out from the short sleeves of her t-shirt and down her forearms. Veins stand out on her arms as her muscles expand. Skin darkens under her fingers and on the palms of her hands until thick black padding covers her developing paws. Fingernails splinter and are pushed aside by deadly claws as she falls to her hands and feet for the last time. Her face is completely covered in fur now and a line of drool flies behind her as her teeth grow into a lengthening muzzle. Her cute little nose turns black as the skin changes to a pebbled texture and then flattens as her face pushes out. Black lips pull back over a row of flesh-rending teeth no longer made for anything except killing. I watch as her nipples harden and then press against her shirt, growing breasts flattening as the fabric stretches. Three more rows of nipples grow down a line and then expand. The last set of nipples become exposed as her chest expands. Small red hairs push through her sweaty belly between her breasts and the smaller set of tits grow to a-cup size.

Patches of sweat cover the red fabric of the back of her shirt. I can see the bones of her spine pressing against the shirt as muscles shift beneath her skin. A small tear in the neckline soon rips straight down the middle of her back and front just as red hairs fairly explode all along her spine and shoulders, covering her back in a soft coat of red fur. Her larger upper breasts swing free as she bounds towards Scott. The fur along Elaine's back races up to her shoulders and then around her front, enveloping all four sets of breasts until just her nipples and the curve of her breasts are showing. Her growing back muscles bunch and release as she digs her claws into the ground to run.

A small popping sound signals the growth of her tail. A furry stub pushes out of the top of her pants and then continues growing, flicking and wagging as it does. Small rips along the sweat-soaked legs of Elaine's jeans expose more red fur and sleek muscle. I can see the strain in the seat of her pants as her hips and ass grow out to accommodate her new legs and tail. Finally, the top of her jeans tear and push apart. Her long, furry tail is high and proud above her strong, wide hips. The tuft of fur around her crotch nearly hide her now black pussy lips. Shreds of her clothes still cling to her thighs and calves as she runs even faster. She's growling through her full muzzle. Death is in her eyes.

The girl in Scott's arms is shaking in his grasp. I can smell her pussy at this distance and she's soaking wet despite herself. Her nipples are hard and she's actually reaching back to grab at Scott. I don't think she's mentally all there right now and when she braces her feet against the back of his tree-trunk like legs, I become sure of it. God dammit. I can smell her scent subtly changing. Becoming wolf-like. Her blond pubic hair is thickening, growing down to her inner thighs. The girl's pink small pussy lips darken and then turn completely black as she grunts and pulls herself down harder onto Scott's cock. Her pussy completely disappears behind a tuft of new fur and then the fur grows up and around her belly button. Small dark circles appear just above her belly button and then push out into two hard little nipples. Two more grow above those and then two more above those. The girl's modest breasts are becoming engorged and she twists on Scott's cock as they grow. Fur pushes up her belly and between the new rows of tits growing on her stomach. Fangs draw blood on the girl's lips when they grow out and cut into her. The red smeared lipstick covering her lips nearly fades to nothing as the girl's nose and lips turn black, signaling the start to her muzzle.

Stephen is ripping through his clothes, changing faster than Elaine. His shirt is already gone and his hairless muzzle is dripping blood as canine teeth push aside his human teeth. His chest hair vanishes beneath a carpet of fur that circles around to his back and then down to his pants. Stephen's forearms triple in size before they become completely covered in fur. The thick black padding on the palms of his hands are already in place and claws tear through fingernails, anchoring themselves to the new, stronger bones of his hands. He growls and nearly stumbles when his tailbone cracks and expands, nerves that didn't exist before attaching to his werewolf's tail as it grows.

I'm falling behind. Even Tyler is changing and just ahead of me. I can feel the wolf at the back of my mind, growling and raging and wanting out. I can feel her roaring anger. I can almost physically feel her straining against the chains holding her in place. What do I do? What am I supposed to do? How do I just make it happen? How do I make the wolf just take over and do her thing?


The wolf.

The wolf is me. She's not a separate thing. It's not Hannah. It's me. It's part of me. That's what was different earlier. That's why something felt different.

I don't push now.

I relax. I relax this stupid control I've tried to have. This control that says "I am a man. This is not my body. These are not my urges. This is because of Hannah. This is because of the woman's body. This is not me. This is not my fault." It is me. All of this is me. I accept it. I accept that I think Stephen is amazing and hot because he IS amazing and fucking attractive as hell. Not because I'm riding in a woman's body. I desire him because of what he means to me. Not because of phantom hormones from a dead woman. It's a part of who I am now. It's me.

And the wolf? The wolf is my raw personality, stripped of any niceties or societal influences. She is the primal me.

She is me and I let her all the way in.

I feel the heat spreading through my body now. We're over halfway to Scott and he finally sees us. I read the fury in his face a moment before he sees me and confusion hits him. Confusion and... terror? I see all of this before a pain in my skull makes me grunt and look away. I see my nose and feel the pain in my jaw as my face cracks and moves. My hearing goes temporarily before the heat turns into a burning sensation on my scalp. When my hearing come back, everything becomes louder, more defined. I taste blood as new teeth cut my tongue to ribbons. I spit and some teeth go with the bloody globs that fly out of my mouth.

I can't... two feet is weird. Going on two legs is weird. I go to my hands and feet and that doesn't feel right, either. The concrete is hard against my hands and they're too short. Too short until the heat spreads to my legs and I feel the thin material of my pants split. Cool air surrounds my sweating skin. My ankles crack and I feel joints popping in my feet. My poor shoes, so simple and small, explode around my feet. Claws cut into concrete when my feet touch the ground again. My lengthening feet pull my pinkie toe back as my legs reshape into something more suited to running on all fours. More tears around my pants as my thigh muscles feel like they double in size. I'm suddenly ahead of Stephen and Tyler and two body lengths behind Elaine. I stumble briefly when my hips break and heal. The only way I know my pants are nearly all the way gone is because I feel cool air on my pussy and legs and it feels amazing. I'm burning hot enough to melt. I want to stop and tear my shirt off but I know I can't stop. We have to get to Scott before he kills the girl.

My shoulders itch badly and I almost stumble again when my shirt rips down the back. I feel the hairs growing along my spine and neck. I feel the cool air swaying through hairs that didn't exist a moment ago. My tongue lolls out of my mouth and I wrap it around my muzzle to lick the drool and blood off of my lips. I feel pinches down my stomach and I know my other nipples - the wolf's nipples are growing in. Skin bunching and puckering as the tiny nipples grow fat and then push out as tiny breasts grow around them. My own heavy breasts are growing and it kind of hurts because of the way they're just flopping around freely without my shirt holding them in place. I don't even know how large they are now; I just feel the itchy and painful and, yet, pleasurable feeling of being naked and free and running as fast as I can. The cool air on my pussy lips stops when the fur creeps down my stomach and around my crotch and thighs. I feel the claws of my hands and feet actually cut into the concrete and I want to laugh and growl and roar at the same time. And then I do growl when my tail pushes out. It's not a comfortable feeling. My center of balance is suddenly thrown off as the stub grows into a puppy's tail and then the tail twitches to the left and hard to the right and I'm suddenly straight again. I feel like I could dance on the head of a pin with my wolf's tail providing counterbalance to my movements.

I'm fast as hell but I still can't quite reach Elaine. I look up to see the girl on her knees in front of Scott. She's got one of her hands on the man's ass and her other hand wrapped around his massive cock. Her long wolf's tongue is eagerly lapping at the man's thickness, cleaning off both blood and cum. I can see thick ropy white cum oozing out of her pussy, tangling in her fur and leaking onto the ground. She takes his head in his mouth and her tail nearly thumps at the ground as she pulls her hand off of his ass to play with her clit through the fur.

Elaine leaps for Scott and the werewolf shoves the young wolf girl away, hard. Her head slams into the concrete and she collapses in a heap. Scott roars, crouching. Ready. And then James slams into Elaine's side and they both go tumbling. I saw his jaws close around Elaine's stomach when he hit and, for a moment I'm terrified that she's badly hurt. For a moment. Because now it's my turn. Scott is directly ahead of me. I jump at the same time he does. He looked huge before but, now... now he doesn't look quite so scary. Not quite. Except his mouth looks like a shark's open maw and his claws are like daggers. He hits me first and I feel the air slam out of me. There's a burn in my side where his claws have sunk into me. Unlike my non-fight with James and Tyler, I see Scott's free hand coming around to hit my face. My muzzle. Whatever. I reach for his wrist and I'm somehow fast enough to grab it. My other hand goes for his throat but I end up hitting him in the jaw.

I can feel Scott's engorged, sticky cock pressing against the soft, short fur of my belly. He's huge and still hard and still dripping with cum. I bet Hannah enjoyed the hell out of sex with him and that monstrous penis. And then, the thought is wiped when we both slam into the ground. It. Hurts. Concrete against fur and skin and it almost feels like I jammed my tail. A sudden yelp escapes my lips. Instincts take over and I flip Scott over as we roll. In the corner of my eye I see Stephen hit the wall near the girl as he tries to turn to follow Elaine and James. I guess the feral wolves aren't exactly graceful either. His tail flicks and he pushes himself off the wall and the floor and then is gone in a blur.