Like Mother, Like Daughter


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Elaine's hand was trembling as she brought his penis down until the head was at the entrance of her vagina. She pulled on it and Derrick moved closer, allowing the swollen head to touch her opening. She moved the shaft in a circle, mixing his juice with hers. When the head was shinny, she placed it on her hole and pulled the shaft toward her.

Derrick inched forward with his knees, forcing the head to slip into her stretched hole.

"Ohhhhhh!!!" Elaine gasped as the large crown broke through the outer lips and slipped inside. She began to shake all over and her hips started to move in jerking motions as her eyes closed from a wave of pleasure.

Derrick slowly increased the pressure of his hips, forcing his shaft slowly into her. He watched as his wide, black shaft stretched the smooth white lips of her vagina as far as they would go. The inner lips disappeared and the skin of the outer lips stretched impossibly wide.

Elaine's squeezed her eyes tighter as she concentrated. She held her breath as she felt the large head slip deeper and deeper. Although it was still a slow process, the long shaft moved easier this time. Within a few seconds, she felt the swollen head hit bottom. She knew that she had it all when Derrick's balls touched her ass cheeks. She opened her eyes and looked down. A gasp escaped her lips when she saw nothing but her sex lips and his pubic hair. When she looked up she saw Derrick smiling down at her and she opened her arms in invitation.

With a groan of pleasure Derrick moved forward and onto her, his chest flattening her large breasts under him. His lips found hers.

They lay like that for a while; kissing passionately and allowing time for Elaine's pulsing hole to get used to the invasion. Soon, however, they had to move.

Derrick pulled his hips back, freeing several inches of his shaft. Then he pushed back in, bringing a moan from both of them. Slowly, he pulled out a little further before pushing back inside again. His hips began to move a little faster when he felt Elaine's hips lift up to him.

Elaine wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. "Fuck me," she gasped.

Derrick almost swooned as he felt her slick hole caressing the length of his shaft. His in and out movement sent a chill of pleasure up and down his spine. He kissed her lips as his hips began a steady rhythm. "Oh God Elaine," he gasped.

Soon the room was filled with the sounds of their lovemaking. Grunts of pleasure were accentuated by the slapping sounds of their overheated sex organs. Derrick's strong hips became a blur as he pounded into her with abandon. She took all he had and screamed for more.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," she screamed as she spiraled rapidly toward a climax. Suddenly, her hips lifted from the bed and she froze with Derrick's penis buried all the way inside her throbbing hole. "Ahhhhhhhhheeeeeee!!!" she screamed as waves of pleasure ripped through her.

Derrick was fast approaching his climax as well. He had promised to pull out but he realized that it was going to be very difficult. He gritted his teeth and waited for her climax to slow, fighting to hold his climax off.

When Elaine could think again, she opened her eyes and saw Derrick looking down at her. It was a strange look.

"I love you," he whispered.

It took a moment for her to realize what he had said. When she did, all of her pent up emotions overflowed. Tears began to stream from her eyes. "Oh God, I love you too," she gasped and pulled his lips to hers.

Derrick felt his penis throb and threaten to overflow. He pulled his lips from hers, gasped for breath, and said, "I've got to pull out."

Without hesitation, Elaine tightened the grip of her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

"Sweetheart, I'm getting close. I've got to pull out or I'm going to cum in you," he warned.

"Cum in me," Elaine whispered as she stared into his loving eyes.

"Oh God, are you sure?"

"Please cum in me; I want it... I want your sweet juice in me," she answered as she felt her own excitement building rapidly again. She lifted her hips and worked them up and down to encourage him, her warm cavern squeezing him tightly.

The pulsing of her vagina quickly sent Derrick over the top. He pushed into her as deeply as he could. His balls pulled tight to his body, squeezing the juice out of them and thrusting it down the long canal of his shaft. With a bellow from his lips, the head of his penis pulsed and a torrent of juice exploded from the slit, sending his potent seed splattering against the walls of her welcoming womb.

When Elaine felt his seed filling her, she went into convulsions again. Every nerve of her body was tingling... every ounce of her being was focused on the incredible pleasure of having her lover pour his seed into her. She was almost doubled over with Derrick pushing down as hard as he could, the spitting head of his penis filling her with sperm until it squeezed from the tight lips around his shaft.

Elaine and Derrick made love again and he came in her again before he left around midnight. She was still awake, lying quietly in bed with the lights off when John came home. He took a shower and crawled into bed beside her and immediately turned over and went to sleep.

As Elaine lay on her back, staring into the warm darkness surrounding her, she could think of nothing but Derrick. His words, "I love you," and her response echoed in her head. She couldn't believe the effect that that one moment was having on her. It had been so long since John had told her that he loved her. However, even then, it was different from the love that she felt right now. It touched her in a different place; a place that nothing or no one else had touched.

When her mind continued to race and sleep wouldn't come, she debated getting up. However, she was reluctant to move from where she was. It was the spot that they had made love and where Derrick had said he loved her. She could still feel his warmth and strength, not to mention his sperm swimming insider her. As those feelings surrounded her, she slipped her hand down her stomach to touch her still swollen and very wet vagina. She suppressed a little gasp and pushed a finger between the lips and into her saturated hole. She moved it around; stirring the juice as a new wave of excitement rushed through her. Slowly she pulled her now wet finger out and brought it to her clit. "Oh God," she whispered and spread her legs. Her hips began to twitch as she teased herself. Slowly the excitement built until she was near another climax. Derrick's words, "I love you," rushed through her head, immediately bringing her to her peak. Suddenly a tiny twinge of pain shot through her stomach. She recognized it. It came every month at this time when she ovulated. With a gasp she pushed two fingers into her sopping hole, forcing Derrick's sperm deep into her. A strong climax shook her and the waves of pleasure went on for a long, long time. By the time the last rush went through her she was exhausted. Finally sleep overtook her and she slipped into a sweet, dream filled sleep.

John stayed home for a week before saying he had to get back to California. Elaine tried to act angry but deep inside she was elated. She wished him good luck and proceeded to call Derrick.

For the next several weeks, Derrick was a constant visitor to Elaine's house. In fact, he was there so often that the kids began to call him Uncle Derrick. She no longer cared that the children might say something when John came home. She had come to the conclusion that their marriage was over, so it didn't matter. However, she still wasn't sure how to handle the situation; a divorce could be very messy and if John knew about Derrick, he could try to get custody of the kids. She couldn't let that happen.

In the mean time, she and Derrick went on a sexual marathon. There was no hesitancy on her part now. In fact, on several occasions, she went into his office, locked the door and they had sex. She rarely wore panties and would simply lift her skirt and sit on his lap. They also went to the rock in the park where they first explored their sexual relationship. It was chilly but Derrick had brought a couple of blankets. They laid them on the rock and made love under the covers, with the blue sky above them.

On one occasion, she and Derrick were in the back seat of Jerome's car as they came back from Jacksonville where they had danced the night away. She had slipped onto his lap and took his penis into her very wet hole while her mother and Jerome sat in the front seat a few feet away. From their moans, she knew that her mother and Jerome knew very well what was going on.

Elaine was also happy to see that Jerome and her mother's relationship had grown. They were constantly together and he had in fact moved in with her. Sandra shared that she and Jerome were in love. Elaine confessed that she and Derrick had also admitted that they were in love. Mother and daughter were like two schoolgirls who were in love for the first time.

It was a wonderful but a somewhat sad time for Elaine. Her new love made her very happy but the end of her relationship with John was sad. After all, he was the father of her children and had been her first love. Her mother told her that life was full of changes and one could learn to accept or resist them. Resistance brought pain but acceptance brought peace.


Elaine was sitting on her sofa on a lazy Saturday afternoon with a glass of wine, waiting for her mother to come over. She had told Elaine that she had some exciting news. Elaine had some news as well, but it wasn't necessarily happy news. On the coffee table in front of her was an EPT pregnancy test with a tiny red + symbol in the window. When she missed her period earlier in the week she decided to take the test. It confirmed what she already knew; she was pregnant with Derrick's baby. At first she was elated, but the reality of the situation and the resulting remorse quickly set in. She knew that she had been taking a big risk when she had let Derrick cum in her the first couple of times that they made love. However, as soon as she could, she had gone to the doctor and he gave her the new birth control patch, which she currently wore on her hip. Unfortunately, it was too late.

The door to her house flew open and slammed shut as her mother hurried in.

"Shhhhh, the boys are asleep upstairs," Elaine said.

Sandra looked guilty but still had a broad smile on her face. "Guess what?" she gushed. Then she held up her hand.

Elaine quickly saw a sparkling diamond on her finger.

"Jerome asked me to marry him last night. And, I said yes," she said with the excitement of a teenager.

Elaine jumped up and hugged her mother. "God, I'm so happy for you Mom," she said sincerely. She continued to hug her as tears began to fall.

Sandra heard her daughter sobbing and pushed her back. "There's no reason to cry. It's good news," she said looking at her daughter with concern.

"It's wonderful news. That's not the problem," Elaine said and picked up the EPT device.

Sandra saw the EPT letters on the device and then the red + symbol. "Oh my," she said. "It's Derrick's I suppose."

"Of course," Elaine said and sobbed.

"I told you this could get messy," Sandra said before she thought.

Her words only made Elaine cry harder. She sat down on the sofa with her head in her hands. Sandra sat beside her and put her arm around her daughter.

She let her cry for a few minutes before she said, "You're going to keep it aren't you?"

"Yes," Elaine said and looked at her mother with shock. "I could never have an abortion."

"I understand. If you had said anything else, I would have tried to talk you out of it. I don't want you to make the same mistake that I made."

Elaine looked at her mother without understanding. "What mistake?"

"I told you there were things that you didn't know about your mom. When your father and I separated and I moved in with Jason, I got pregnant."

"Mother!" Elaine said in shock.

"However, unlike you, I was alone with no parents and few friends. I was also very young. Jason had already left for Korea and I didn't know what to do. I had a low paying job and couldn't even afford the apartment. Unfortunately, I didn't think I had a choice."

"Oh my God!" Elaine exclaimed.

"As a 'liberated' woman, I supported a woman's right to an abortion and still do today. However, there are alternatives and I think every woman should know what they are. At that time in my life, it was the only choice I could make." Tears began to fall from Sandra's eyes.

Elaine hugged her mother and they sobbed together.

When they pulled apart, both of them had to dry their eyes. "I have regretted my decision all my life. I don't know what your father would have said or done but I never gave him a chance. Looking back now, I think he would have accepted the baby and raised it as his own. I know that he was very sad when I told him that I couldn't have any more children; a result of complications of the abortion that he never knew about. He wanted five or six. We even considered adopting." Sandra paused before adding, "But that's history and now we have your problem to deal with."

Elaine dried her eyes again and said, "What am I going to do mother? When John finds out he will surely want a divorce and probably try to take the children." Elaine started to cry again.

"Alright, let's look at this logically. First of all, John doesn't want the kids. If he did, he wouldn't have ignored them for most of their lives. However, if he does, we have a lot of legal power at our disposal. Remember that Jerome and Derrick are attorney's and they have access to all the legal advice you could possibly need."

Elaine blew her nose and said, "That's true."

"Additionally, what we may want to do is beat him to the punch."

"What do you mean?"

"First of all, we can hire a detective to check up on him. I'm pretty sure we will find something incriminating about him. If he has a girlfriend out on the coast, and we can get pictures, the game is over and you win."

Elaine's face brightened considerably.

"You are incredible mother. You should have been a divorce attorney," Elaine laughed.

"I probably would have been pretty good," she said in agreement. "What about Derrick, how do you think he is going to react?"

"He will be ecstatic. He absolutely loves Jimmy and Todd. Sometimes I have to scold him for spending too much time with them. He came from a family of twelve and wants a large family."

"Good, that's one problem we don't have to deal with."

The ringing of the doorbell interrupted their discussion. Elaine answered it to find a Fedex man standing at the door. He had two packages. One was an eight and a half by eleven sealed envelope. The other was a single envelope. Elaine signed for both and came back into the house.

"What's that?" her mother asked.

"I don't know," Elaine answered as she tore of the sealing strip from the larger package. She pulled out a thick stack of documents and began to read. A second later, she gasped. "John has filed for divorce!"

"No," Sandra said and snatched the papers from her hand. She read quickly down the first page and looked back at her daughter with shock.

"How could he know? I just found out that I'm pregnant," Elaine cried.

"Let's not jump to conclusions," her mother said calmly. "What's in the other envelope?"

Elaine's hands were trembling as she opened the second envelope. It was a folded letter. She opened it and began to read. Her eyes grew wider and wider as she read. "Oh my God!" she gasped and dropped the letter to the floor.

"What?" her mother said and quickly picked it up. She read the letter out loud.

"Dear Elaine,

It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter. By now you have seen the divorce papers. I truly hate to break this news to you through a letter, but I guess I'm a coward. I know that you and I have not had a loving relationship for a long time. I take total responsibility for that. You have been nothing but kind and loving to me. Over the past several years, I have been, to say the least, a poor husband and I apologize to you for that. The truth is that I have been living a double life."

"I knew it!" Sandra exclaimed and then continued to read.

"Several years ago, I met a woman out here in California. I was lonely and so was she. Well, one thing led to another and before you know it, we were in love. However, like you, I did her a great disservice. I never told her about you. We are not married but we have two children. I have decided that I want to marry her."

"That son-of-a-bitch!" Sandra snarled.

"I'm sure that sooner or later you were going to ask me for a divorce, so I thought that I would get it over with. I am asking for a divorce, but I don't want anything from you. You can keep the house and car and I will pay you a fair alimony. Have your attorney look over the legal papers and they can contact my attorney.

I'm sure this has come as a great shock to you and believe me I regret that. I am truly sorry.

Sincerely, John"

The room grew deathly quiet as mother and daughters stared at each other. Suddenly, Elaine let out a scream of joy and jumped into her mother's arms almost knocking her to the floor.

"Things have a way of working out for the best," Sandra said as they both cried.

The End

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
cannaecannae2 months ago

I like happy endings. RGJOHN'S interracial stories resolve into clouds of pleasure for me. I hope this feed back might encourage him to pen one or two more. If not that’s ok. I have enjoyed the ride.

Semper Fidelis,

A Vietnam veteran - USMC(1966 - 1969)

DZHANGAR73DZHANGAR73about 1 year ago

Хотелось бы услышать реакцию Деррика на развод.

CagsgtCagsgtover 1 year ago

Excellent read

Harvey8910Harvey8910almost 3 years ago

i gave this story 5 stars. This ended up good for all parties. Elaine get to marry Derrick and they will raise their baby along with the two kids Elaine has. John can marry his California girlfriend. Sandra can marry Jerome. I have no issue with black and white races intermising so that is not an issue with me. It seems like everyone wins here. Great story!!!

Raleighman53Raleighman53over 3 years ago

I gave it a 5. Would have liked to hear Derricks reaction to the divorce.

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