Louise Ch. 04


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"You say that now but what happens if you get mad?" Louise asked as she took three loaves of bread out of the oven.

"So what if I get mad?" Kevyn replied, "I'll get over it but you will always be my little sister and my best friend."

"Best friend?" Louise asked surprised.

"Best friend." Kevyn repeated. "You and I have been through a lot together and you have no idea about how often I wished that I had found a way to bring you and mom out here. The times that we talked on the phone were the highlights of my week. What I'm trying to say is that I love you and I'm glad that you're here and by the way, Patrick loves you too so don't ever feel like you're alone, we're here for you."

The sisters looked at each other for several seconds and began to cry. Kevyn made the first move and hugged Louise so tightly that she yelped in protest even though she hugged her back

"I love you too." Louise said as she pulled away. "How about you help me finish this bread?"


Barb took a hot bath and carefully oiled her skin taking care to hit her elbows, knees and feet. She had gotten over her embarrassment over the incident at the store soon after the manager had assured her that he wouldn't call Patrick. At the last moment, she remembered that Ollie had been with her and swore him to secrecy as well.

After brushing her teeth, she carefully applied her makeup, fixed her hair and debated as to what she should wear. She eyed the black dress although Kevyn told her not to dress up. Her gaze went to the blood red blouse that she had bought that day and thought that it would look nice with the pair of grey dress slacks that she bought with her. She reached for the blouse but looked at the dress.

She knew that there wasn't a chance in hell that Patrick would give her a second look but maybe someone else would. She took the dress from the hangar, looked at it, hung it back up and took the blouse down instead. She gave the dress one more look and closed the closet door.

By six-forty-five, she was ready.


Louise was dressed casually as was Kevyn and Patrick. Nathan was supposed to pick her up and take her to the restaurant himself but he had been held up at a job site.

"Go with Kevyn and Patrick and I'll meet you there."

"Okay but if you're too busy..."

"I'm never too busy for you." Nathan said. "When you get there could you order an iced tea for extra lemon for me?"

"Ok... sure, anything else?"

"Since you're asking, a double order of hot wings the extra hot ones and whatever else you think that we'll like. I'll be there before they arrive." Nathan replied.

He heard the relief in Louise's voice when he asked her to place the orders. It had been his intent that she know that he was coming. He hung up and looked at the site where he was building their house and looked at the vampire in charge, his eyes filled with anger.

"Who did you buy this shit from?" he demanded as he looked at the supplies for the foundation of the house.

The vampire took a step back. In all of the time that he had known Nathan, he had never heard him use profanity indicating just how angry he was.

"A new business that just opened up." The vampire replied. "I know how much your family likes to support new businesses."

"That's true." Nathan said his anger cooling a little, "but businesses that are honest and that sell quality material." he added. "Take this back, get my money back and go to our usual suppliers. When you see the vampire that sold you this... shit... Tell him to expect a visit from me."

Nathan left the site, went home to get ready for dinner with Patrick, Kevyn, Louise and the infamous Barb Simpson. He had also come to a decision; tonight he was going to kiss Louise and begin to tell her about his family. It was important to him that he told her that first. That way it would be over and then they could move on. He showered and dressed casually in an outfit not much different from the one he wore when he took Louise to the beach. He brushed his hair and then decided to pull it back clipping it with a dark blue clip that matched the blue of his eyes and shirt.

Several minutes later, he was on his way to the restaurant.


Barb was waiting in the hotel lobby when Kevyn and Patrick got there. When the car pulled up, she was disappointed to see that although it was a nice car, it didn't come with a driver. She watched as Patrick got out of the car, walked over to the passenger side, opened the door and held out a hand to Kevyn. Jealousy flared as she saw Kevyn take his hand, get out of the car and Patrick kissed her on the temple as if she was the most precious thing in the world. The jealousy grew as she watched him open the back door for Louise, offer his hand to help her out and then kiss her on the cheek. It was obvious that not only did he love Kevyn, but also that he loved Louise as a brother loved a sister.

Barb took a deep breath and met them at the door of the hotel lobby. She gave Louise a half-hearted hug, peck on the cheek, and repeated the act with Kevyn.

"Patrick, you remember my sister Barb." Kevyn said with a smile, "and Barb I'm sure that you remember Patrick."

Patrick assessed Barb with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. He didn't like her any more now then he did when he first met her in Pittsburgh.

"Welcome to California, I'm assuming that you accommodations are suitable?"

Barb started to contradict him but there was something in his voice that gave her pause.

"Yes, they're fine. Thank you." she replied not understanding why she was suddenly so nervous around him.

"Good, shall we go?" Patrick asked taking Kevyn's hand and leading her to the door.

"Wait." Kevyn said. "Barb, I told you not to dress up, do you want to change?"

"No, this is fine." Barb snapped and then swallowed when she saw Patrick staring at her.

Kevyn shrugged and followed Patrick out to the car. As they walked to the car, Barb stole a glance at Louise. She looked the same but she was somehow different. She seemed more confident in herself. Barb felt it in the hug that Louise had given her and wondered what the cause of the subtle change was.

"I made some bread today and I brought you a loaf to snack on in your room." Louise said when they were in the car.

For some reason that simple gesture touched Barb and she gave Louise a heart felt thank you.

"I've always loved your breads, is the kind with cheese in it?"

"No no this time, its cinnamon raisin." Louise replied. "It's in the trunk of the car so let's not forget to get it when we drop you off later tonight."

"So where are we going?" Barb asked.

"To a seafood place by the ocean, Patrick swears it has the best clam chowder anywhere." Kevyn replied.

"Oh..." Barb commented and looked out of the window wondering why they were so darkly tinted.

"Alright Lou, "Patrick was saying, "Let's go over the guidelines for our bet. Whoever accurately guesses the ingredients in the clam chowder with the most accuracy get the meal of their choice prepared for everyone by the loser."

"Get ready to cook." Louise teased back prompting Barb to look at her.

This was a Louise that Barb had never seen before and she wasn't sure of how she felt about it. The increased confidence and the easy way she teased Patrick unsettled her and made her feel like she was on the outside looking in. A memory from long ago rose in her mind, before it could take root, Barb pushed it away. If she allowed the memory to come, it would ruin the rest of the evening more than it was ruined and other memories would surface.

"We're here." Patrick said an hour later.

Like before, he helped Kevyn out, kissed her temple and then helped Louise out kissing her cheek when she was out of the car. Barb's heart pounded with anticipation of being kissed even if it was on the cheek. Patrick came to her side of the car, opened the door and held out his hand. Barb took it and held it a little longer than necessary in anticipation of the kiss on the cheek.

"Are you alright?" Patrick asked pulling his hand away from hers.

"Fine." Barb said tersely and walked away without waiting for the others. She didn't stop until she was at the door of the restaurant and even then, she didn't turn around to face them.

Patrick reached for the handle and opened the door, "after you." he said politely. Louise followed and then Kevyn with Patrick bringing up the rear.

"Patrick Sinclaire! A voice boomed out, "Why didn't you tell me that you were coming and bringing such lovely ladies with you?"

"I thought that I would surprise you." Patrick replied hugging the man. "Allow me to make some introductions. This beautiful woman," he said pulling Kevyn close to him and kissing her temple, "is my wife of a few weeks Kevyn. The beautiful young woman next to her is her sister Louise who just moved from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and might I add that she's one hell of a cook. Standing next to her is Barb Simpson; she is a sister to Kevyn and Louise visiting from Pittsburgh. Ladies, this is Jonesy the maker and creator of the best clam chowder in the world."

"Welcome!" Jonesy boomed but his eyes were on Barb who ignored him. "I have on of the back rooms open unless you need more space."

"That's perfect," Patrick said as he slapped the man on the back. "Its good to see you again."

"You too my friend. I have a couple of new creations that I want you to try out." Jonesy replied as he began to lead them to a room in the back.

When they were seated, he took their drink and appetizer orders.

"Nathan wants a double order of the extra hot hot wings and an iced tea with lemon." Louise said softly. She was very self-conscious but became even more so when she felt Barb's eyes on her.

"That's all he wants?" Patrick asked surprised.

"He told me to order anything else that he thought that we might like." she replied.

"Then go for it." Patrick encouraged.

"Ummm... potato skins and the blooming onion. And I'll have an iced tea with lemon too."

Patrick ordered two of the sampler appetizer plates, a beer for him and a strawberry daiquiri for Kevyn.

"Light on the alcohol and a couple of pitchers of water with lemon in them. Barb, what would you like to drink?" Patrick asked.

"Long island iced tea please." Barb replied.

"Your drinks will be here in a few minutes." Jonesy said his eyes glued to Barb's face and then leaving it when she refused to look at him.

After they were alone, Barb started asking Louise questions.

"Who is Nathan and why am I just hearing his name?"

Kevyn started to answer but Patrick squeezed her hand and spoke to her telepathically.

"It's time for her to start standing on her own. If it gets to be too much for her then we'll step in until Nathan gets here."

Kevyn gave his hand a squeeze back but was ready to jump in if she had too.


Louise found herself unprepared for the question even though she should have known better. She heard the curious but slightly jealous tone in Barb's voice when she asked the question and felt the emotions behind it. She was surprised to feel her own jealousy rise when she understood why Barb was asking the question.

"Nathan is Patrick's nephew." Louise replied. "He's been nice enough to show me around a little."

"Does he do private tours of the area?" Barb asked.


"Hello everyone!" Nathan said as he walked in.

Barb had to remind herself not to let her jaw drop as she looked up at Nathan. Her jaw did drop as she watched Nathan sit next to Louise, put an arm around her and pull her close to him.

"I'm sorry that I'm late sweetheart." he said as he kissed her temple.

"It's ok." Louise said, "The drinks aren't here yet."

"Good," Nathan replied as he looked at Barb as if seeing her for the first time. "You must be Barb, I'm Nathan Sinclaire."

Barb was speechless, just how in the hell did someone like Louise hook up with someone who looked like and was obviously rich as Nathan Sinclaire?

"It's nice to meet you; I was just asking Louise why I haven't heard your name before now." Barb asked recovering from her shock.

Louise felt Barb's intentions but didn't know what to do about it; after all, she had no claims on him. She watched helplessly as Barb began to flirt with Nathan in spite of what she had just seen. A thought began to form in the back of Louise's mind but she pushed it away. It wouldn't come back until dinner was almost over.

All through dinner, Barb kept stealing glances at Nathan. It was obvious to her that Louise had feelings for him even if she hadn't admitted to it and that made him fair game. She became frustrated when he dodged the questions about his personal life only telling her that he was an architect among other things.

"You must be very smart... I was never good at math or art." Barb cooed now completely oblivious to the fact that Kevyn and Patrick were glaring at her and that Louise was miserable. "Are you busy tomorrow? I would love a tour of the area."

Kevyn watched the scene becoming angrier by the minute at the blatant flirtation and attempt by Barb to steal Nathan away from Louise. Once again, she almost said something and once again Patrick stopped her with a squeeze of his hand.

"I'm sorry that I can't take you on the tour but I'm sure that we could find someone who does that sort of thing." Nathan replied smoothly. He was keenly aware that Louise was upset and what made it worse was that she didn't understand why.

"Oh... maybe another time then?" Barb asked her voice filled with just a hint of a promise of things to come if he would agree to take her on the tour.

"For crying out loud!" Louise finally snapped. "What part of he's busy do you need to have explained to you? He said that he couldn't take you on a tour!"

As soon as she said it, she retreated into herself; she left the table and went in search of the bathroom. Once there she washed her face with cold water grateful that she didn't wear makeup.

"Lou?" Kevyn called as she walked into the bathroom. "Are you ok?"

"What's wrong with me?" Louise asked, "Why did I snap at her like that?"

It dawned on Kevyn that as good as Louise was at dealing with the feelings of others, she wasn't good at dealing with her own. She hugged her and did the only thing that she could do, she offered comfort and positive reinforcement.

"Lou, you just said what all of us was thinking and to be honest, I'm glad that it was you who spoke up."

"But I was so rude..."

"No, Barb was and she deserved to be put in her place."

They stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes longer and went back to the table to see that Barb had moved so that she was sitting in Lou's chair and that Nathan wasn't in the least bit pleased by it.

"Please go back to your own seat, Louise will be returning shortly." He said as they walked up.

"She can sit over there, she won't mind, it's not as if you two are involved." Barb replied ignoring the angry stares that were coming from Patrick and Nathan.

Before Louise knew what she was doing, she walked up to the table, looked at Barb and spoke in a firm voice that she thought only she could hear.

"Get away from him!"

Four pairs of eyes staring at her was the last thing that Louise remembered seeing as she fainted.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Champaign verses Champagne

On occasion when I'm bored I read the comments that are left for various writers. Imagine my surprise when I read your comment and saw that you who took the time to leave what's in mho an condescending comment about two words easily misspelled. I looked at it several times because... well you actually misspelled "verses". I could take the time and do the dictionary thing like you did, but I won't. "Verses" should be "Versus". I admit that after I figured out why your heading looked wrong- I got a chuckle out of it. All I can say is this- before you criticize someone else's spelling- make sure that your own is correct.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Champaign verses Champagne


1: an expanse of level open country : plain

2: archaic : battlefield

Also- A city in Illinois.


A sparkling wine produced from grapes grown in the Champagne region of France following rules that demand secondary fermentation of the wine in the bottle to create carbonation.[1] Some use the term champagne as a generic term for sparkling wine,[2][3] but many countries reserve the term exclusively for sparkling wines that come from Champagne and are produced under the rules of the appellation.[4]

The primary grapes used in the production of Champagne are Pinot noir, Chardonnay and Pinot Meunier. Champagne appellation law only allows grapes grown according to appellation rules in specifically designated plots within the appellation to be used in the production of Champagne. Some sparkling wines produced in other regions of the world use other grapes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Wooo Hooo! Yeah Louise!

That's what I'm talking about! Stand up for yourself Lou! Make that bitch recognize there is a new Louise in town!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
anon- beauty

I didn't anywhere in this chapter where Louise or Kevyn came across as having low self esteem. Kevyn was doing just fine on her own andf making headway toward her goals. Louise is insecure basically because of lack of life experiences. Her platewas full witht he responsibility of working and caring for her mother. I don't know but if that were me, I sure as hell wouldn't be thinking about make up or clothes I also didn't get the impression that they dressed like bums, but dressed in the manner in which they were comforable. So what Kevyn wore jeans on a date? wasn't the date at the batting cages? Just because a woman doesn't wear make-up ect... doesn't mean that she has a low self esteem. I've worn make up maybe three times in my life... it just isn't a priority. I in now way have a low self esteem... oh by the way... I've gone out on dates in jeans and a tee shirt.

You mentioned Barb... why she's the only one of the Yanct women who thinks she's attractive.. to me, she's the one with the self esteem issues if she keeps havinmg to tell herself that she's attractive. Kevyn is comfortable in who she is and Louise will learn to be moe comfortable with herself as a woman and mate.

I didn't see any mention of Kevyn saying anything about doubting her looks when Patrick started to pursue her. You asked where is the story about a woman whose big and proud of it.. have you read the house?

one more thing, you mentioned that the women don't match their mates... I disagree with you. Each of these women are strong. Maybe not in the way that you percieve as strong but they are. Katrina survived a rape and found it in her to learn to love and trust her rapist. Could you do that? i know that I couldn't. Kevyn was a strong woman from the beginning and so is Louise for that matter. She only has to realize it. Barb isn't as strong as she thinks she is, she is a shallow, selfish bitch who wants everything handed to her. Of all of the women, in my opinion, she is the weakest.

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