Louise Ch. 16


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He didn't know exactly what he was going to say, but then decided to just say it. If Ethan had any questions, he would ask.

"Ethan... Nathan here... everything is fine... they're on their way back to Pittsburgh... Yes Leon is coming back and so are Juliette and the children. How's everything on your end? Good... No I haven't heard anything from mom and dad... I know she's anxious for the baby to arrive. Louise is doing great! I've been blessed as all of us are. The reason that I'm calling is to tell you about something that happened twice within an hour."

Nathan told Ethan about the feeling that both he and Louise experienced.

"When it happened the first time, we thought that it was a fluke or we wanted to believe that it was. But then, it happened again. The second feeling wasn't any stronger than the first time, but it hadn't diminished either. I don't know what to think, but given what happened with Bradford; I thought I'd better call. Of course I'll keep you posted."

He hung up and stared at the phone for a few seconds before going to the kitchen. As he put a tray together for dinner, he tried to remember the feeling. It wasn't a strong feeling, but it was a feeling of disquiet. As far as he knew, the Sinclaire family didn't have any bona fide seers. He remembered that one of Louise's relatives was psychic. It had been a gift that had saved his life and the lives of his family on several occasions.

But this didn't feel like the run of the mill psychic experience. He wondered if he and Louise were the family's first seers. When Louise fell asleep, he would make a call to the genealogist. Nathan picked up the tray that contained two carafes of warmed blood, a carafe of juice and a plate filled with cheeses, meats and crackers and went to the stairs.

The feeling of disquiet hit him again, but this time; it wasn't as strong. He stopped and tried to get a grasp on it, but it was gone. He rushed up the stairs to Louise.

"Did you feel that?" she asked as soon as he was in the room. "It wasn't as strong this time."

"I felt it." Nathan said as he sat the tray down. "I talked with Ethan and told him what we experienced. He wants us to keep him posted on any changes. Lou, if you had to guess; what would you say is happening?"

Louise shrugged her bare shoulders.

"I don't know." She said. "It could be the mate of a past victim, but... it doesn't feel like that. I need to feel it a little longer."

"I agree with you." Nathan said as he poured her a glass of blood. "I don't think that it's the mate of a past victim. We'll just need to keep our wits about us. Drink up and then we'll take our vitamins."

Louise grimaced but drank the blood down and held out her hand for the multivitamin.

"I won't miss these." She commented as she put the large tablet in her mouth.

They finished their snack and settled in the bed. Louise was lying on her right side facing Nathan, her arm over his waist. Nathan kissed her forehead as his hand gently cupped a breast.

"You are so ...."

The chirping of his cellphone interrupted whatever he was going to say.

"That's mom and dad." He commented as he answered the phone.

"A girl?" he asked after he greeted his father. "Is mom alright? And the baby? She is?"

He covered the mouthpiece of the phone and mouthed to Louise, "baby, girl, vampire; both fine."

"I'm sorry; I was just telling Louise about the baby. So tell me the particulars, I know that she's going to ask... five pounds six ounces... seventeen inches .... Blond hair and blue eyes... she sounds like a Sinclaire... what did you name her? Stephanie Anne? I like it. We'll give mom a few days to rest and we'll come over to see you. Congratulations and give mom our love."

"Congratulations big brother." Louise said kissing his chest. "I bet she's beautiful. I can't wait to see her."

"Neither can I." Nathan replied. "But no matter how beautiful she may be; our baby will be just as beautiful. I see a little girl with dark brown eyes and your smile. Her spirit will be as gentle as yours and I will give my life to protect both of you."

"The same goes for me... Nathan, I want you to promise me something."

"What is it?" Nathan asked stroking her arm.

"If.... If something happens and you have to choose between me and the baby, save her."

Nathan sat up so fast that Louise squealed.

"Are you alright?" he asked as he listened for the baby's heartbeat.

"I'm fine...."

"Why would you say that?" he demanded.

"I... I was just telling you what I wanted to happen. That's all." Louise replied.

Nathan relaxed and took Louise back into his arms.

"I'm sorry... it's just the thought that I could lose either of you... Sweetheart, it's extremely rare that a mother or child dies during childbirth. If there was a problem with the baby, you would have miscarried within the first week and we're past that."

He was fully aware that he was telling her things that she already knew to reassure himself. The statement had caught him unawares.

"I didn't mean to upset you." Louise said. "Part of me still thinks as a human would."

"I know." Nathan replied. "I overreacted, again; I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Louise replied nipping at his neck. "I believe someone gave me the option of s'mores or making love. So far I've had neither."

Louise listened to herself talk. This was a part of her that she didn't know existed until Nathan. It was a part of her that she liked and apparently, so did he.

In one move, she was stretched out on top of him looking down into his blue eyes.

"Does my mate have a request?" Nathan asked.

She had never made a request in the past and Nathan wanted to see what she would say.

"My neck." She said softly. "Start there."

Nathan was almost surprised when she replied but didn't let on. Instead, he rolled so that she was beside him and kissed her. His lips left her and skimmed across her cheek to her ear. He gently bit into the lobe and then sucked on it. He pulled her closer when she shivered and then moaned.

He let out a low moan when she tangled her hands in his hair and pulled when he found the spot behind her ear and kissed it. The scent of her arousal combined with the scent of the pregnancy hormones assailed his nose.

"That feels good." Louise murmured as she reached down between them and took the head of his cock into her hand.

Nathan's lips never lost contact with her skin as he moved them to her neck where he nipped, kissed and sucked until she was writhing against him. His lips found her pulse, kissed it and then bit.

Louise stiffened in surprise and then began to grind against Nathan's cock. She whimpered in frustration when it wasn't hitting the right spot. Sensing what she wanted and needed, Nathan lifted her leg, pulled his hips back and eased his cock between her legs.

"Like... that." Louise said in a breathy voice that she barely recognized as her own when Nathan began sliding his cock back and forth against her clit as he fed from her.

Louise wrapped her arms around Nathan's neck and cried out as she rubbed her clit harder and faster against his hardness. She could smell his arousal as it mixed with hers and had the sudden need to taste him.

"On your back." She demanded and then giggled when Nathan raised an eyebrow at her. "Please." She added.

He was no sooner on his back when she had the head of his cock in her mouth savoring the taste of their combined flavors. Nathan closed his eyes and allowed himself to just feel what Louise was doing to him. After a minute, he opened his eyes and looked down at her.

He gently took her head between hands and held it in place. He began a slow thrust in and out of her mouth as he stroked her cheeks. His breath quickened when she tugged and pulled on sacs that felt as if they hadn't been emptied in weeks instead of hours.

Nathan's hips jerked as her tongue danced over and around the sensitive underside of his cock. He felt his cock thicken and knew that his release was imminent. He let her head go and let her do as she wished.

"Lou...!" he screamed when a fang dragged across the sensitive skin on the head of his member. Suddenly, he was emptying into her mouth and she was swallowing as fast as she could. Nathan reached down and pulled her up to him, his mouth in search of hers. He kissed her deeply not in the least put off by the taste of himself on her breath.

He rolled so that Louise was on her back, put her breast together and took both nipples into his mouth paying more attention to the left as it was the more sensitive of the two. As he flicked the tip of his tongue over the hardened tip, he had a vision of Louise nursing their baby.

Louise had his head in her hands pulling it tight against her chest.

"Harder... please." She moaned as she squeezed her legs together trying to put pressure on her clit. Nathan reached down and slipped a finger between her fold and pressed on her nub as he moved it back and forth. Louise gasped, took a deep breath and screamed as the orgasm washed over her.

Nathan waited until the orgasm passed before moving so that his head was between her plump thighs. As soon as his tongue touched her, Louise had another orgasm and then a third. After the third orgasm, Nathan moved beside her and gathered her into his arms.

The orgasms were still as intense as they had been, but it no longer concerned him. The baby and Louise were both healthy and that was all that mattered.

He covered Louise with a thin blanket and eased away from her. He needed to make a call to Jackson.


A week had gone by before the rest of the family officially met Stephanie Anne Sinclaire. It was as Nathan said; the baby was definitely a Sinclaire with her blond hair and blue eyes.

"Rachel she's beautiful." Louise said as she held the baby.

"Yes she is." Rachel agreed. "In several months you'll have your baby too and I have a hunch that he or she will be just as beautiful."

"Nathan seems to think that we're having a girl." Louise replied as she rocked the baby.

"Maybe he's right." Rachel commented. "Now that the baby is here, maybe we can have lunch or something."

"I would like that." Louise replied. "I have so many questions about being a mother... do you think that Katrina could come too?"

"She wouldn't miss it." Rachel replied.

Nathan stood in a corner talking to Patrick and Ethan. He had a clear view of Louise and watched her as she held his little sister.

"Nathan have you had any more of those feelings?" Ethan asked.

"What? Oh no... neither of us have." He replied. "We do agree on one thing though, we don't think that who or whatever it is; it isn't the mate of a victim or a past victim."

"How do you know that?" Patrick asked. He was remembering Veronica's abduction by the mate of one of his victims.

"I don't know." Nathan replied. "We just do which leads me to a question. Are there any seers in our family history?"

"Jackson would be the one to answer that with any certainty." Ethan replied, "But I don't think so. Why do you ask?"

"I already have Jackson looking into it, but I was wondering if it's possible that Louise and I are the family seers."

Nathan gave Ethan a brief rundown of the Yancy/Sinclaire timeline.

"Jackson seems to think that the Yancy line was created for the Sinclaire line. He was quick to point out that mating between the two families was rare and after Patrick and me, it probably won't occur again for hundreds of centuries."

Ethan listened without interrupting and didn't say anything for several minutes. When he did, it was one word.


"Do you know what this means?" Patrick asked. "If Nathan and Lou are seers our family will be one of the strongest families in existence."

"I understand that." Ethan replied, "But I think that it's too soon to speculate. If they are seers, we'll be seeing more evidence of it. In the meantime, keep me posted on the --for lack of a better term; premonitions and let me know what Jackson says."

Ethan walked away to take his turn at holding the baby. Louise made her way to Nathan with a grin on her face.

"She's gorgeous and I can already see that she's got at least three men wrapped around her fingers already."

She glanced over at Joseph and Martin who stood a touch away.

"Are you implying that I'm going to spoil my sister?" Nathan asked feigning offense.

"I'm not implying anything, I'm saying it." Louise replied.

"Guilty." Nathan replied. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel good." She replied.

"Good enough to finish shopping for the things we'll need for our cooking class?" Nathan asked. "He's coming in two weeks."

"I feel fine. Now will you stop worrying?" Louise said. "While we're out can we stop at the Wal-Mart?"


Gene walked around Leon's apartment. It had been a long, hard week for him. True to his word, he made contact with his sponsor as soon as he got to the apartment and met him at a meeting the next morning.

"Gene? My name is Calvin. I know that you're new to this so let me go over a few things with you. The most important thing is this, if you feel the need to take a drink; you call me and we'll work through it. Put my number by your bed and in your cell phone. The second thing is this, there are going to be times when you're going to tell yourself that one drink isn't going to hurt anything. Nothing could be further from the truth. One drink can and will lead to another. Trust me on this. I've been there and done that. The last thing that I want to tell you is that you can beat this. You will always be an alcoholic just as I am. We will always be in recovery and we are always in danger of relapse."

Gene liked the older black man. He was no nonsense and wouldn't hesitate to tell him what he thought. Calvin was retired and was able to attend every meeting that Gene went to with him. The hardest day of the week was when he called the employee hotline and then called his boss. He had a rude awakening when he found out that he had another supervisor...

He sat across from Harold J. Bartlett with his hands in his lap. He didn't say anything as Bartlett assessed him.

"I've heard about you." Bartlett finally said. "You're a hot head who doesn't pull his weight."

Gene felt his face burn but he kept his mouth shut.

"I've looked at your file, you started out good and then you started fucking up. You haven't brought in a new client in months. What I don't understand is how you still have a position here."

"If I could have a few minutes to explain." Gene said politely.

"By all means." Bartlett replied as he leaned back in his chair. "I'll give you a chance to save your ass."

Twenty minutes later, Gene's job was in the hands of Harold J. Bartlett.

"I understand that you've had a difficult time, but that doesn't excuse you rude and erratic behavior to staff and our investors."

"Mr. Bartlett, what I didn't tell you is that I... I have a drinking problem. I've been going to AA and I'm trying to get my shit together. Please, I need this job."

"What are you going to do about bringing in investors? As I've said, it's been months."

"I understand that and I have an investor. I just have to write up the proposal." Gene replied.

He hadn't wanted to use Nathan's letter, but it looked as if he would have no choice.

"Really?" Bartlett asked. "It isn't another drug dealer is it?"

"No sir. This is a perfectly respectable family." Gene replied hoping that he wouldn't have to say who the family was.

"Alright, I'll bite; who's the family?" Bartlett asked.

"I'd rather not say." Gene replied. "I want to write up the proposal and present it first."

"Let me make sure I understand you." Bartlett said. "You're here to try to save your job, but you aren't willing to give me a concrete reason to keep you on?"

The old Gene began to rear its ugly head.

"Look you..."

Bartlett's raised eyebrows and "I dare you" expression stopped him. It was then that he realized that he had no option but to show Bartlett the letter.

"I'm going to give you proof that I have an investor." Gene said as he took the envelope out of his pocket. "I had my reasons for wanting to hold on to it; but I guess it really doesn't matter."

Gene watched as Bartlett opened the letter, skimmed it and reread it twice.

"How do you know the Sinclaires?" Bartlett asked.

Gene had a choice. He could tell Bartlett that two of his sisters were married to Sinclaires or he could downplay it. The Gene of the past urged him to take advantage of it; but the new Gene fought to ignore it. He wasn't sure what he was going to say until he said it.

"I met them while I was on vacation."

"You're on probation for thirty days." Bartlett said. "If you don't bring in a client within that time, you're gone; do you understand me?"

"I understand." Gene replied.

After the meeting the urge for a beer hit him. He didn't understand the urge, but then he did. He was tense and nervous. A beer is how he would have normally handled those feelings.

"Just one beer." He muttered under his breath as he left the office building. "Just one." He repeated as he got into his car. He drove to his favorite bar and sat in his car staring at the building. It was a building that brought him more trouble than pleasure, but he had always gone back...except for now. He put the car in gear and drove away. He pulled into the first fast food place he saw and called Calvin.


Leon still couldn't believe it. The evening after they arrived in Pittsburgh, Nadine began telling him about the Sinclaires. Three days later he was still in shock. He turned on the laptop and listened to Ethan Sinclaire publicly acknowledge not only what he did; but what his family did.

His immediate reaction was concern for Kevyn and Louise and then anger. He was in the middle of watching the clip again when Hans sat beside him.

"It is hard to understand isn't it?" He asked.

"How... I mean why did they do it?" Leon asked. "I don't get it."

"Leon, our world does not completely hold to the laws of the human world. There are some things that we have in common, such as murder which we also consider a crime; but each home sets up its own rules as to what was acceptable behavior. That doesn't make it right; but that is how it was. There is much that Ethan didn't say on during that speech and if you wish, I can tell you all of it."

By morning, Leon knew everything. During the telling, he had been angry, shocked and speechless.

"How could a family teach something like that?" Leon asked.

"Mitchell Sinclaire took advantage of the fact that the rapes were occurring. He was a true serial rapist. It is true that he was taught this terrible thing as was his father before him, but he continued even after he mated. Ethan admits to knowing that it was wrong for several centuries before he raped his mate Katrina and admits that he should have gotten help and put an end to the practice. It is largely due to Katrina's efforts that we have the equivalent to your child protective services. She also initiated the same mandatory reporting protocol that the human world has."

"But none of these guys went to prison for what they did." Leon said.

"No." Hans replied softly. "I know what you're thinking and it's a hard thing to accept...."

"Do Kevyn and Louise know about this?" Leon broke in.

"Yes they know." Hans replied. "And so does Juliette. One of the things that all of the Sinclaires must do when they find their mates is to tell them the entire story. When they have children, that child must be told as soon as they are old enough to understand. Ethan is of the belief that the telling the story over and over will prevent it from happening again."

"Did it work?"

"Once the Sinclaires stepped forward and took responsibility for what happened, the tide began to turn. Ethan, Martin and Patrick set up groups and help for vampires who felt the need to rape or had other violent tendencies. The rapes haven't stopped but the incidences of it have dropped dramatically." Hans replied.