Mason Ch. 11


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Toni folded the papers and stuck them in her bag when she saw Tom walk into the coffee shop. When he spotted her, he smiled and then waved before going to the counter to order his coffee. Toni watched him as he ordered the coffee noting that he seemed to be nervous.

Tom sat down across from Toni and smiled nervously.

"Hey Toni, I'm glad that you called." Tom said.

"Yeah, me too." Toni said. "So how have you been?"

"You know how it is, same shit different day." he replied taking a sip of his coffee.

"Tom, James dying wasn't your fault any more than it was mine." Toni said deciding to come to the point.

Tom played with his coffee cup but didn't respond.

"I still miss him and his goofy jokes and sometimes I find myself giggling at something that reminds me of the silly things that he used to do." Toni said.

"I miss him too." Tom said. "He was like the brother that I wish that I had. That day when he... when he died was the worst day of my life and I know it was for you too. Toni, he loved you and Jamie so damned much and there was nothing that I could do to save him. I relive that day every time I close my eyes, Toni, I'm so damned sorry."

Toni reached across the table and took Tom's hand in hers, she knew then that James' death wasn't Tom's fault and felt for him. Tom had been doing the same she had been doing before she accepted James' death except that he was blaming himself to the point of being self-destructive and endangering lives.

"Tom, you know that if you were in trouble that I would do whatever I could to help you don't you?"

Tom tensed and pulled away from her.

"Tom, you're in trouble, I see it in your mannerisms and.... I know that you've been making mistakes. You need to take a medical leave and get some help before you hurt someone, that patient could have died."

"Toni, I'm fine, it was an honest mistake." Tom said.

"If it were a one time thing I could accept that but Tom it wasn't and if you don't leave to take care of yourself you'll give me no option but to go to the Director of Medical Services."

Tom gave her an incredulous look, "You... You wouldn't." he whispered.

"I don't want to but I will if you don't take a sabbatical or a leave of absence." Toni said her voice soft but firm.

Instead of answering, Tom stood up and walked out of the shop without looking back.

Toni watched Tom leave and hoped that he got the help that he needed, he was too good of a cardiologist to throw his life away because of something that wasn't his fault.


Jamie was waiting for her when she got home; he greeted her with a hug and then a kiss.

"Mom!" He squealed.

"Hi to you too, what are you so excited about?" Toni asked as Jamie took her bag from her and pulled her toward the living room.

"Jamie, wh....."

"Happy Birthday!!!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. "Do you like it?" he asked anxiously.

Toni looked at the plant holder that had obviously been made from a kit but lovingly painted by Jamie and cried.

"Baby, it's beautiful! And in my favorite color too!" Toni said hugging him.

"Grampa helped me make it last night and gramma says that we can plant flowers in it when we move." Jamie said excitedly.

Toni had completely forgotten about her birthday, she actually had to think about how old she was. James was two years older than she was and he was thirty-seven when he died and would have been forty in a month so that made her thirty-eight and a widow.

"Happy Birthday!" Ben and Barbara called as they came up from the basement each carrying card. "We figured that we'd give you your gift when you got moved that way there's one less thing to worry about." Ben said.

"I don't need any gifts but thank you!" Toni said hugging them.

"You go change and I'll make breakfast" Barbara said shooing Toni to her room.

Her cell phone rang just as she was taking her clothes off, checking the caller ID she recognized the number-Gina. Toni wasn't in the mood to fight with her but she answered the phone.

"Hi Gina." Toni said as she stripped out of her scrub bottoms.

"I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and to apologize for my behavior these past few days. James wouldn't want us fighting and I... I was wrong to do what I did." Gina said.

"Thank you for the birthday wish and apology accepted, you're right, James wouldn't want us at odds with each other."

Toni hung up a few minutes later, finished undressing and was on her way to the shower when her phone rang again.


"A little bird told me that today was your birthday." Mason said.

"Did it now?" Toni asked. "Does the bird's name happen to be Barbara?"

"I plead the fifth on that but I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and I'll see you tonight."

"Tonight?" Toni asked.

"Your mother invited me over for your birthday dinner." Mason replied.

"Oh, ok I'll see you then." Toni replied.

Toni hung up the phone and yelled at the top of her lungs, "MOM!"


Mason found himself wishing that he knew Toni a little bit better; if he did he would have gotten her something for her birthday. As it stood, generic flowers were going to have to do, he thought about roses but decided that roses would have been too intimate so he settled for mixed wildflowers with the predominant color being purple, Toni's favorite color; a little tidbit that he picked up from Jamie.

Just from his own observations, Toni was unpretentious and very no nonsense. Maybe Ethan was right in saying that the mates usually knew that there was something different about them. Once Katrina had gotten over her shock, she took it upon herself to learn all that she could about vampirism; maybe it would be the same for Toni. Toni, he also noticed didn't take much at face value, when he told her what he was, she would want proof and that would be after she figured out that he wasn't kidding.

There was also the question of Jamie. That he would be loved and cared for as though he was a birth son was a given but Toni would have questions about his mortality. They had so much to talk about but first, they had to deal with their own relationship before talking about what it would mean for Jamie.

"Oh fuck it!" Mason said as he picked up the phone to call the florist. When the phone was answered, he ordered a dozen red roses to be delivered to Toni's house. Neither of them were teenagers where they had to go through the whole looking for a mate ritual, it was time for him to start laying his cards on the table. Once the flowers were ordered, Mason laid down to rest. Tonight he was going to ask Toni out for an official date.


"What are you yelling about?" Barbara asked although she already knew what the ruckus was about.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" Toni asked when Barbara came into the bedroom.

"I guess you got a birthday phone call?" Barbara asked smiling not in the least fazed by Toni's irritation.

"Yes little bird!" Toni snapped. "Will you stop with the matchmaking already?"

"I'm not doing anything but...."

"Doing what you promised that you wouldn't do-interfering." Toni interrupted.

Barbara shut the door and sat down on the bed. Toni groaned inwardly, it was time for one of Barbara's woman to woman chats.

"He likes you." Barbara said, "Actually, I think that he more than likes you." She amended.


"Jamie likes him and he is really good with him."


"I think that James would have liked him." Barbara said.

Toni didn't say anything, the truth of it was, James would have liked Mason. Had he lived, they would have made good friends.

"Alright, mom, look; I know that you're trying to help but please don't. I'm not looking to be involved with anyone right now no matter how nice they may be." Toni said as she sat on the bed.

Barbara hesitated for just a moment before speaking, "Toni, don't you like him just a little?"

"It's not that I don't like him, I do but I think we're talking about two different kinds of like." Toni replied.

"Uh huh, if you say so." Barbara replied unconvinced. "I'll let you shower while I make breakfast, dinner is at our place since you're place is packed up. I'd better call Mason and let him know." Barbara said standing up.

"Why do you like him so much?" Toni asked as Barbara opened the door.

"I just do, I had a good feeling about him the first time I met him and I still do." Barbara replied.

She closed the door again and walked over to Toni and took her hands.

"Baby, if you decide to spend the rest of your life as a single woman, do it because it's what you want and not because you're afraid to love somebody again." Barbara kissed Toni's cheek and left her standing in the middle of the room.

Toni stood where she was for several minutes before going to the shower. She couldn't deny that there was some truth to that Barbara said and she did like Mason, but in what way? She had come to enjoy their lunch breaks together in spite of the rumor mill. She asked herself the hard question, what was she really afraid of? Was it like her mother said? What if she got involved with someone and they died? It wasn't unheard of for a woman to be a widow more than once or twice even.

Toni headed toward the shower and asked herself another question, how did she really feel about Mason Donahue? She liked him, he was a bit stuffy but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing and she felt comfortable with him. There was no pressure to be any more than just friends which was fine by her. In her heart of hearts, she was glad that he was going to be at the birthday dinner, she wanted to see if Gina would keep her word and behave herself, at least that's what she told herself. If not, she would have nothing more to do with her, she would allow them to see Jamie because he loved them and they him and besides, Robert wasn't the problem.

Breakfast was ready by the time she was out of the showered and dressed, it was pretty much the same as the apology breakfast but with waffles instead of pancakes. Toni ate a little too much considering that she was going to be going to bed soon but it was so good. Jamie did his usual stealing from her plate when he thought she wasn't looking, it had become a game with them, one that was guaranteed to make him laugh which in turn made her laugh.

"What time is dinner?" Toni asked.

"I told Mason six." Barbara replied.

"Dr Mason is coming?" Jamie asked excitedly.

"He sure is." Barbara replied.

Jamie ran from the table and came back with a book that he had been reading from since the last time he saw Mason.

"I want to show him how good I can read!" he said putting the book on the table.

"I'm sure that he'd like that." Toni replied yawning. "If I'm going to be any good tonight, I need to be getting to bed. I'll see you tonight." Toni said standing up and Kissing Jamie on his head.

Once the house was empty and Toni was in bed, she thought about Tom Myers. For him to drink or whatever it was he was doing meant that he was in a lot of pain, she had her parents and Jamie but who did he have she wondered? When Toni thought about it, she couldn't remember Tom mentioning anything about family and she had never seen him with a woman. The only people that he did anything with outside of work was her and James and that changed once they brought Jamie home from the hospital and then they had become so wrapped up in each other that Tom had been left out in the cold. Toni felt a measure of guilt and made a sudden decision, she called Tom to see if he'd answer her call.

"I did what you wanted!" Tom snapped as soon as he answered the phone.

"Tom, I was just calling to invite you to my birthday dinner is all." Toni replied realizing that calling him had been a mistake.

"Oh, I thought that you were checking up on me," Tom replied. "Thanks for the invite but no, I'm leaving tonight for the 'Betty Ford Clinic' he added.

"Tom, I'm sorry that I wasn't a better friend to you after James died."

Tom didn't say anything for several seconds.

"Toni, this isn't your fault, it's mine for not going for help to deal with my grief and you were right to talk to me; I just wish that someone had the balls to do it earlier. Look, happy birthday and I'll call you when I'm back." Tom said and hung up. Maybe it hadn't been a mistake to call Toni thought as she put the phone on the table.

She was almost asleep when the door bell rang; she groaned and rolled out of the bed thankful that she had her pajamas on. She peeked through the window to see a florist van sitting in the driveway, who was sending her flowers?

"Toni Jacobson?" The woman asked.

"Yes, that's me." Toni replied.

"These are for you and the gentleman requested that we tell you to read the card."

Toni took the roses and carried them to the kitchen; they were beautiful and smelled lovely. Toni sat the flowers on the counter and took the card out of the envelope and read it.

"Toni, once again a very happy birthday to you, I would be honored it you would go to dinner with me on Monday" MD

Toni reread the card; it didn't mention anything about Jamie, Mason she realized, had just asked her out on a date in a very old fashioned way. That was the term that she had been trying to think of earlier, old fashioned but he couldn't be more than what? Forty? And that was pushing it. The question was what was she going to say? She already knew what her mother would say and her father too, even Jamie would say that she should go but should she?

It was just dinner, that's all she reminded herself as she looked at the roses and card again. What harm could there be in it? She asked herself as she walked back to her bedroom and climbed into bed.


Mason had really hoped that Toni would have called him with a response but then he hadn't indicated that he wanted her to call. He would just have to wait until he saw her tonight, he didn't know how many people were going to be at dinner but he hoped to have at least a minute alone with her to ask her face to face to go to dinner with him.

He was gaining a whole new respect for what Ethan must have gone through although their situations were vastly different but the anxiety of waiting was the same. Mason lay on his bed and closed his eyes wondering it Toni liked the roses and then hoped he hadn't gone overboard.

Unable to rest, Mason got up, turned on the television to the news channel that he always watched, he had to admit that he was nervous and he really didn't care for the feeling even though he knew that he would feel the so called "rush" if Toni said yes. It was time to ask himself the question that he been trying to avoid, was he in love with Toni? Not entirely but that was changing, spending time alone with her was going to be the key and dinner was going to be the start of that.

He almost called her but changed his mind, she might be asleep he realized as he paced the length of the bedroom restlessly. Tonight seemed a long way off.


Toni tossed and turned before finally giving up and getting up. She headed to the kitchen for a drink of water and caught sight of the roses and the card lying on the table. She reread the card and picked up the phone, if Mason was asleep, she would leave a message accepting the dinner invitation. To her surprise, he answered.

"Why are you still awake?" he asked after greeting her with a warm hello.

"Couldn't sleep, how come you're still up?" she countered.

"I couldn't sleep either." he replied. This was it, she was either going to accept or decline the dinner invitation. His stomach flipped as he waited for Toni to say something.

"Thank you for the roses, they're beautiful." Toni said.

"Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman whose birthday happens to be today." Mason replied. "Have you thought about my dinner invitation?" he asked deciding to take the lead.

"I have and.... I would like to go to dinner with you."

Mason did a little jig while managing to sound calm.

"Do you like Italian?" he asked.

"Italian is good." Toni replied not quite believing that she was actually saying yes to a date.


Barbara pulled out all of the stops for Toni's birthday dinner which included Toni's favorite dessert instead of the traditional birthday cake.

"She never did really care for birthday cake." Barbara explained when Mason asked about it. "So we always have strawberry shortcake." she added.

Gina sat watching but not saying anything, she saw the little looks that Mason gave Toni and knew that his interest in her was far from platonic even though he acted otherwise, she was about to open her mouth when Robert kicked her. It was too damned soon, she thought as she clamped her mouth shut. Robert had warned her to keep her mouth shut going so far as to tell her that if she couldn't swear to it, that he'd leave her at home and make up an excuse for her absence.

She forced herself to smile and to join in on the conversation but she fooled no one, not even Jamie who was looking at her with a curious expression on his face.

It wasn't until later in the evening that Mason got a few minutes to talk to Toni alone.

"What would Jamie like to do on Sunday?" he asked.

"There's some animated movie that he wants to see, I was thinking maybe the afternoon matinee." Toni replied.

"I'm good with the movie but I'm afraid the afternoon isn't a good time, anytime after five would be perfect." Mason replied.

"Oh, well alright." Toni replied. "I think that there's a six o'clock showing, will that work?"

"That would be perfect." Mason replied.

The evening finished with Jamie reading from the book that he and Mason had read from together the last time that they were together.

"That was very good!" Mason complimented making Jamie beam with pride. "The next time let's pick out something a little bit harder." Mason suggested.

Barbara and Ben looked at each other and then at Toni sitting on the couch next to Jamie with Mason on the other side of him. They both wondered why Toni wasn't seeing what they were; Mason was falling in love with her and she, whether she was aware of it or not; more than liked him.


The evening ended shortly thereafter because Toni wanted to get a good night's sleep. The movers were coming early to begin moving things to her condo. Jamie was going to stay with James' parents so that her parents could help her finish any little odds and ends.

Mason once again insisted on providing dinner although everyone told him that he didn't have to.

"I really don't mind, I'll be at the condo by six. Are there any requests?"

Chinese was the winner with Jamie requesting "lots of egg rolls"

Jamie kissed everyone including Mason good bye before leaving with Robert and Gina. Toni thought that he seemed to be a little reluctant but thought that it was her imagination.

When Jamie was safely strapped in and they were on the way to Robert and Gina's condo, Gina noticed that Jamie was much quieter than usual.

"Jamie honey, don't you feel well?" she asked.

"I'm ok." He replied.

"You're awfully quiet, are you sure that you're alright?" Gina pressed.

"Gramma Gina?"

"Yes honey?"

"Why are you mad at mom?" Jamie asked.

"I'm not mad at your mom." Gina said. "Why would you think that?"

"I dunno it just seemed like you were mad." Jamie replied and said no more.

"Out of the mouths of babes." Robert murmured just loud enough for Gina to hear.

Later when Jamie was in bed, Robert had another talk with Gina.

"If a five year old picked up on your anger, then everyone else did as well and that includes me. Frankly, I've had enough of it. Toni has had a horrible three years and she's entitled to be happy and personally, I like that Mason Donahue and so does Jamie. Of all of us, you're the one that is still trying to keep her miserable because you are and that tells me something, you need to go talk to someone and I don't really care who it is."