Mia's Complaint


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"It's a great organization all right," Taso agreed. Without another word he hoisted himself out of the pool and collected up his towel.

Mia was careful not to look disappointed. She also did her best not to dwell on the chance that she'd pushed Taso too hard that morning. Once he'd gone inside and Jenny had finally taken off her robe to join her in the pool, Mia was free to let her mind wander elsewhere. She envied Jenny being nude and apparently comfortable with it even when Nancy and Leo also came in. She didn't dare ask them anything about Taso, and contented herself with getting to know his friends better.

With Cindy and Bill Pinder in the mix now, the conversation that night was even more boisterous, and Mia had even less opportunity to get to know Taso - or anyone else in particular. She did, though, exchange glances with Sandy a number of times and gather that she was probably feeling a lot like Mia was - out of her element among the old friends. Sometime past dark, but still too early to go to bed, Mia stood up and wished everyone a good night. "See you all in the morning," she said.

"You'll see all of us all right," Cindy Pinder quipped, to a round of laughter and applause to everyone - except Taso, Mia noticed.

She suspected Sandy would follow her lead, and she wasn't even all the way up the stairs when she saw she was right. Feeling plenty of solidarity with her, Mia said, "You're making your escape too, are you?"

"They're all great people, but I feel like a stranger in a crowd of best friends!" Sandy said.

"Me too," Mia said. "I guess that's just what we were, though. It's great to see Bob so happy, though. I've learned a lot from him since I've been here, about what this place used to be like."

"God, my parents never stop talking about that!" Cindy said. "That's why I finally decided to join them. I really want that sense of closeness they all had, you know?" She bit her lip. "But..."

"You feel funny about being naked with your father?"

"With both of my parents! I haven't even let my mom see me in my underwear since I don't know when. They both say I'm welcome to wear a swimsuit if I want tomorrow, but they'll both be naked. I don't know if I'll ever get used to that! How long did it take you?"

"I've never done it before," Mia said. "I'd never even heard of Nude Day before I came up here."

"Really?" Cindy said. As they'd been chatting, Mia had beckoned for her to join her in her room, and now they were both inside with the light on. "But I heard, this morning, with Taso..."

Mia shut the door. "I meant I haven't participated in Nude Day before. Bob and Jenny have been pretty flexible about going with or without clothes since I've been here. I do hope I didn't make Taso uncomfortable!"

"No, he seemed really impressed with you," Cindy said. "That's why I thought you must do this all the time."

"Nope," Mia said. "To tell you the truth, with Taso I was...well, flirting."

"Flirting with Taso?" Cindy looked surprised. "You don't know...well, I don't know either," she admitted.

"Know what?"

"Oh...a guy like that must have someone already," Cindy said in a clumsy tone. "That's all. Anyway, he was impressed with you, and so was I when he told us about it. That's what I wish I could be like tomorrow, just stroll in feeling just as comfortable as if I were fully clothed, you know?"

Mia couldn't resist asking. "Want to practice?"

Cindy burst into nervous laughter. When she calmed down and Mia was still looking invitingly at her, she said, "Maybe that's not a bad idea." Pulling her top out of her shorts waistband, she asked, "So are you into women?"

"Straight but curious." Mia barely stopped herself from spilling the beans about herself and Jenny, but that was no one else's business. "I've always had this thing for locker rooms, being naked there and showering with other people - I've always had this fantasy about a coed locker room and helping the guys wash themselves down." She laughed, having never shared that before. "And, I mean, women are beautiful whether I want to sleep with them or not, don't you think?"

"Too often I find myself comparing bodies with them." Cindy had her top off, and working through her evident nervousness, she reached back and undid her bra. "But your fantasy sounds sweet, even if I never really thought of that."

Mia followed her lead without another word, and soon they were sliding their panties off in nervous unison. Though she was rapidly becoming used to being naked around others, this was a new twist and she wasn't sure what to make of it.

Once they were naked, at first they just admired one another and laughed. "Mom and Dad say it's taboo to comment on other people's bodies at a nudist community. You're supposed to act just like you're wearing clothes. But I don't see how you can do that!"

"Neither do I," Mia admitted. "I guess it makes sense we won't comment on it...'hey, Cindy, nice pussy!'" She laughed, and then allowed a good look between Cindy's thighs - she did have a lovely triangle, dark and dignified, a bit smaller than her own.

"You too!" Cindy laughed. Then she turned and began strutting around the little room, one hand on her hip. "Really, aren't we all kind of showing off?"

"Not like that, I don't think," Mia said. "I think the trick is to look comfortable but not like you're showing off, even if you are."

"Were you, this morning?"

"Of course." Mia stepped up to the window, thrilled at the knowledge that she was readily visible to anyone who happened to be out by the pool, though she guessed no one was right now. "Don't worry, Jenny and Bob are great at setting people at ease about all this."

"They're not your parents, are they?"

"No, but my parents are nothing like yours, either, Cindy. I really can't imagine what it's like, but I've got to think at least they want you to be comfortable."

"Your folks wouldn't, I take it?" Cindy asked.

"Not even close," Mia said. "But that's one reason why I'm here!"

A tender moment came and went in which an offer could have been made, but Cindy slept in her own bed that night. Mia was glad to be alone because she didn't sleep much, with visions of Taso's hard, toned body dancing in her head. Nevertheless, she was feeling refreshed and raring to go when the sun came up on Nude Day. She lay awake with last minute jitters - but no real intention of chickening out, of that she was sure - until she heard a splash in the pool outside and knew she wouldn't be the first one to venture out.

With that in mind, she stood up and reached for her bathrobe...and then realized with a laugh that there was no need for it today, and with a nervous grin she opened the bedroom door.

Leo was emerging from the bathroom, also nude. "Looks like you've got the spirit, too," he said, looking just as comfortable as Mia was trying to feel. He gave only the most fleeting look to Mia's body before looking in her eyes. Mia didn't mind, because she was eyeing his body as well. She was pleased to see it wasn't just his face that looked good for his age. "How're you liking it so far?"

"A little weird, I've got to admit," Mia said. "But I like it." She spun around on her heel. "So freeing!"

"Just what we've always thought," he agreed. "See you outside?"

"Of course!"

And a few minutes later, after a quick stop by the dining room table where Jenny and Bob had laid out a continental breakfast for all, she did see him - and most of the others. Eddie and Karina were the first to see Mia as she blossomed forth. "Good morning!" Karina said with a welcoming smile that made Mia think she was more accustomed to this life than she'd imagined. "Mia, isn't it?"

"Yes," Mia said. "I'm glad you made it."

"We are, too," Eddie said. "Amazing how quickly you get used to this."

"So I've discovered." Mia couldn't help noticing Eddie was getting hard; she was flattered, but she pretended not to notice. She also had to resist the temptation to comment on how beautifully Karina carried her extra pounds. It would never come out right. But the day was off to a pleasant start.

Bob was chatting with Nancy and Leo by the pool, Jenny was on a lawn chair talking to Sandy's parents, and Sandy was in the pool with Don and Kris and a pair of young men Mia didn't recognize. As Taso didn't seem to be around, Mia decided to join them in the pool.

"Mia!" Sandy said when Mia splashed in beside her. "You made it!"

"Looks like I slept late," Mia said.

"No one blames you," said Don. "Bob's told us all how hard you've been working at the cafe."

"And he says you might be staying?" added Kris.

"I'm thinking about it," Mia said. "First, I wanted to see how today went."

"It's going beautifully from where I stand," said one of the young men.

The other one burst out laughing. "Subtle there, Mark." To Mia he added, "Go for him, though, girl, he's a sweetie. I'm Anthony, by the way."

Mia shook Anthony's hand, and was already putting two and two together as to why his body wasn't reacting the way Eddie's had. She was even less surprised to note that Mark's was, and her recent lusting after Taso notwithstanding, she was pleased. "Nice to meet you, Anthony," she said. "And Mark," she added, turning to him and welcoming his hungry gaze on her body. "I take it you're new to this too?" she asked him.

"Completely," Mark said. "But Don and Kris have been telling me for years about the good old days here. It'd be great if this place could have a community like that again."

"Mark grew up across the street from us," Kris explained, "And Anthony is a friend of his from college."

"We're both working at the country club for the summer," Mark said. "This is quite a nice change from that."

"Amen to that," Anthony said. "All those pretentious rich dudes in their golf clothes...this crowd looks a lot better naked than they would."

Amidst the laughter, Mia turned to Sandy. "How are you holding up with...them here?" She gestured to Sandy's parents.

"Surprisingly well," Sandy said. "Mom said she'd understand if I wanted to stay in the pool all day. I might take her up on that!"

"Oh, I'm sure they want you to be comfortable," Don said.

"I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to come here," Sandy admitted. "And I do see the appeal."

"I'm glad!" Mia said. "I do too, more than ever."

"You look like a natural in this," Mark said. "How long have you been a nudist?"

"Just a few days!" Mia laughed. "I'm finding that hard to believe, too."

"What?!" She couldn't tell if Mark was truly impressed or just acting it, but she appreciated his enthusiasm. "The way you carried yourself, all the way to the pool, I'd never have guessed it."

"You were watching me all the way over here, were you?" Mia asked, her hands itching now to play with Mark's rigid cock, but she kept them on her hips.

"It was lust at first sight, girlfriend," Anthony purred.

"He's just jealous because his boyfriend is late," Mark told her.

"The little brat had to call his grandparents in Greece," Anthony said. "It's their fiftieth or something."

"Your boyfriend's in town too?" Mia asked.

"Mia..." Sandy began, rubbing her back gently, but her clue didn't get to Mark in time.

"He works with that couple over there that Bob's talking to," Mark said.

"Taso?" Mia managed to keep the smile on her face as hear heart dropped. "He's your boyfriend?"

"Mark, I want some more of that fruit salad," Anthony said, grabbing his friend's hand. "Come on with me."

Mia didn't know how Anthony had picked up on her distress, but she was glad he did. As the two men retreated, Sandy put her arms around Mia. "I'm sorry, Mia," she said. "I kind of suspected it about Taso in the first place."

"It all makes perfect sense now that I know it," Mia confessed.

She was saved from having to dwell on it when Jenny joined them in the water. "Sandy!" she said. "Your parents are so proud of you!"

"Thank you," Sandy said. "I'm getting used to it."

"Mia?" Jenny said. "You're looking like it's not living up to your hopes."

"No, it's lovely," Mia said. "It's just...I just learned some disappointing news about Taso."

"Oh, honey, you didn't have your eye on him, did you?"

"Mark's nice," Sandy added.

Mia nodded and smiled again. "Love the one you're with," she said.

"That's the spirit!" Jenny said, patting Mia on the back. To Don and Kris she added, "Isn't she going to fit in perfectly here?"

"And how!" Kris said.

"You are going to stay, aren't you?" Jenny asked Mia.

"I think I am, yes," Mia said, sending a whoop of joy up from all the others. "Thank you," she said. Then, sensing an opening, she asked Jenny, "Now, can I ask you something?"

"Anything, honey."

"You and Bob..."

"Oh, Mia, that's never going to happen!" Jenny said. "Don and Kris can tell you that!"

"It's only the two of you who are keeping it that way," Kris said.

"She's right," Don added. "Mia, I'm glad someone finally suggested it."

Jenny looked up at Bob, who was still lost in conversation with the elder Pinders, then she turned back to Mia. "Are you going to give Mark a chance?" she asked.

"I don't see the harm in it," Mia confessed. "Now, will you give Bob a chance?"

"Mia, we've been friends since before you were born!" Jenny protested.

"And we all thought you'd have been perfect together back then, too," Kris said. "Mandi got there first, and he worshipped her, we all know that. Mia, if you've heard this place used to be matriarchal, that was mostly just because of Mandi's personality and Bob's willingness to go along with it. For the rest of us, it was mostly about equality and equal footing for us all." She turned to Jenny and added, "And that includes freedom to be with whomever you want to be with. Anyone can see how much you and Bob love each other. Why be afraid of it now?"

Jenny looked up at Bob, who was still deep in conversation with Sandy's parents, and then turned back to Mia. "Well, if you're willing to make a try for Mark, dear..."

"It's a deal!" Mia was more excited for Jenny than for herself, but she had loved the way Mark had looked at her and how obviously attracted he'd been.

Mia climbed the ladder out of the pool, returning the admiring smiles she got from most of the men who could see her - including Taso, who was standing just inside the gate with Mark and Anthony. Already she was wondering how she possibly could have missed that he was gay. His body was every bit as sculpted as she'd imagined. And just as groomed, too: he was utterly hairless down below, his thick cock completely bare. Mia couldn't hide her fascination, but she'd always preferred her guys natural and she was almost glad she had that to hang her hat on now.

Might as well face her disappointment head on. "Hi, Taso," she said, stepping up to them, mildly surprised to see him checking her out. "Glad you could make it."

"So am I," Taso said. "I see you've met my stupid boyfriend," he added with a grin.

"Do you think this coat of wax fits him or what?" Anthony asked, pointing at Taso's bare cock.

"It's an interesting look," Mia said.

"Hope you don't mind, I was thinking yesterday when I saw you like this, I could give you my waxer's number," Taso said.

"Taso!" Mark said. "Come on, that's rude."

"Oh, it's okay," Mia said, though she was a bit stung - she actually welcomed any reason to no longer be attracted to Taso, and he was doing a good job to that end. "I am a natural gal, after all." She even looked down and placed her hands around her triangle as if to frame it. "But I think the natural look suits me."

"It does," Anthony said. "Some women can pull off a big beaver, and you're one of them."

"A big beaver?" Mia laughed through her annoyance. "What decade is this again?"

"Guys, quit while you're behind, huh?" Mark said. "Mia, can I get you some iced tea maybe?"

"Sounds lovely, Mark." She was pleased to see Taso and Anthony take the hint and wander off by the pool.

"I'm so sorry!" Mark said as they sipped their drinks and strolled behind the poolhouse, to a secluded sunny area just inside the fence, which only just preserved their modesty from the world outside; Mia welcomed that mild danger as she viewed slivers of the neighboring farm and the highway beyond through the fence. "I love those guys, but you can see they can be awfully catty around women. Something about having been pushed too hard to being attracted to them, I guess."

"Makes sense to me," said Mia, who had her share of gay male friends. "I've known the type before." She chuckled and looked down at her body. "Kind of a kick seeing guys with less pubic hair than I have, really," she said - and even as she said it, she found her eyes drawn below Mark's waist to assess whether he was such a man. They looked about even to Mia.

"You do wear yours well, if you don't mind my saying so," Mark said, showing no sign of offense.

"Of course I don't mind!" Mia said with a shy laugh. "I've heard how at nudist camps you're not supposed to comment on each other's bodies, and the men are supposed to hide it if they get hard...but this isn't a nudist camp, not really."

"Then you also don't mind that I am hard?" asked Mark, taking his hard cock in his hand and flipping it about playfully.

"Mind? I'm flattered! And a little..." She reached out, then stopped. "Sorry, could I play with it?"

"If I can do the same."

Mia grinned and took his hand, and placed it in her bush. Then she helped herself to his hard cock, which of course grew even harder in her gentle, playful grip. She had dried off quickly in the bright sun, but there was no doubt one part of her was still wet to the touch. Sure enough, she felt Mark's two fingers slip in effortlessly. "Ooh!" she squealed. "Feels so good!"

"So does that!" Mark said, looking happily down at her hand as it rubbed him into a lather. He reached out his free arm and pulled her close, and their lips met. "Want to fuck?" he whispered between kisses.

"What does it look like to you?" Mia could barely get the words out amidst her joyful squeals from his fingering.

"Ever done it outside before?"

"Never," she said. "You?"

"Never outside a bedroom."

"First time for everythiiiiiiiing!" She drew out the last word as she found herself lost in the throes of orgasm, and grabbed onto his arm for balance. "Thank you!" She kissed him triumphantly. "Now lie down!"

"I have heard the women are the bosses here," Mark quipped. He did as he was told, his cock pointing skyward.

"Oh, none of that!" Mia straddled him on her knees and guided him effortlessly inside her. "You know you want to see my boobs bounce around and you want your fingers to play in here," and with that she took both his hands in hers and placed them in the wedge where their pubic hair mingled together.

"I sure do!" he agreed, and set about to fluttering his fingers about while she set in to rocking hard. His thumb found her clit in no time, and she let out a yelp at his first stroke on it. "And you know you want that!" he said.

"And how!" It was all Mia could get out as she was deep in ecstasy with his throbbing hardness filling her so delightfully and his fingers tickling her in the most delicious way imaginable.

She'd had it in her mind to try to keep her voice down with the party just on the other side of the poolhouse, but as she humped Mark she forgot all about that. There was no way she could keep from moaning up a storm, and who cared if they heard? Well before she felt the next orgasm coming on, she was howling uninhibitedly and egging Mark on. "Keep that up! Yes! Magic fingers!"

"Magic pussy!" Mark retorted with an appreciative laugh. "Ohhhngh, gonna come!"

"Not yet!" Mia bore down and rocked harder, and all at once she clutched her thighs tightly against his sides and threw her head back and yelped with joy. She was still riding high when she heard his grunts and felt his body go rigid as well.