Miracle on Slutty 4th Street Ch. 12


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A year earlier, Colin was holding himself back, not indulging his true desires and needs, all under the façade of being mature. But thanks to the power of Christmas, and Rachel's perfectly massive tits, he was unleashed. He was living his best life. Sleeping next to Rachel every night, fucking her brains out every chance he could, he had no regrets. None.

Rachel had told him when they first met that the people that get rewarded are the ones who reward themselves. Colin had finally chosen to reward himself.

And he was being rewarded in kind.



For Connor Calvorson and his grandmother, Polly, Christmas was a turning point.

Now, their illicit Christmas fuck session wasn't the start of some long term affair. Sure, both of them had a very good time, and neither felt the slightest bit of regret. And sure, they did fool around a little bit more during the remainder of his stay. But this, by its very nature, wasn't built to be a long-lasting thing. Geographically, the fact that he didn't live nearby, plus the whole incest thing... it just wasn't built to last. He went back home and picked things back up with his girlfriend, and she resumed her normal, day-to-day activities.

They did have another adventure together a few months later, after school ended. He was meeting some buddies for a camping trip, and the drive would take him by Deerberg. When she heard this through the grapevine, Polly texted him, saying he should stop by his place for a day or two, and that maybe they could 'cook up something like last time...' Obviously, he knew what she was offering, and all the memories of their Christmas Eve adventure came flooding back, as they often had in the months since. It was legit the best sex he'd ever had, and it was his own grandmother that had given it to him. He had tried to write off him hooking up with his grandmother as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity he couldn't help but partake in, not letting that take anything away from his relationship with Lucia. So, despite the temptation for more, regardless of the fact that he really wanted to swing by, he reluctantly informed Polly that he did have some plans with his buddies for when he got back home that this would interfere with.

But when she texted back, 'Just tell them you've got some guaranteed pussy on the table that you just can't turn down,' her forwardness was enough to change his mind.

So, that once-in-a-lifetime encounter with his grandmother became a twice-in-a-lifetime thing. Blowing off his plans in exchange of getting blown by Polly, him and her spent a couple days together, just going at it like animals. This time, they had full freedom, unafraid of getting caught, so they really just let go and just FUCKED! Fucking loud and hard, they couldn't get enough of each other. Polly took his big young cock in every hole she could, using it for all sorts of wicked pleasure she thought she'd left behind. There was just something about whoring out on a big young dick that was almost addictive for her. And he was happy to relive his nasty memories of their first encounter again. He was able to run his hands along the big, mature tits and perfect, round ass that had lived in his fantasies for months now. And he was happy to go along as things went far further than they did the first time, traversing to new depths. It felt like they spent almost all two days he was there in bed, fully naked, skin-on-skin, coated with sweat, a grandmother and grandson having delightfully nasty sex with each other. They only really stopped to eat, and with him being at his grandmother's house, her cooking was almost as good as the fucking. Almost.

Both knew that they were probably on divergent paths, with him having a girlfriend and about to head off to college, and she being his grandmother living her own life, so they wanted to get their money's worth while they had the opportunity. And they certainly did just that, and by the time he left to head back home, both were very satisfied with each other and their second illicit encounter together. They both left the door open in the future for some more fun if the opportunity presented itself, but they both understood that this was just a bit of fun on the side. It couldn't be anything more than that.

Having this kind of sex with such a studly, virile young man, it really renewed Polly's confidence. Not that she was one ever lacking in confidence, but she just kinda thought this kind of sexual encounter had passed her by. But with her time spent in the bedroom with Connor, she now knew she could keep up with the young guys of this generation just as well as she could when she was a younger woman. Maybe even more so. Sure, she was never one lacking for attention from men, but that was always from men near her own age, and at best men who were a little older than her own kids. But after her time with Connor, she knew she could aim a little higher. She could keep with younger men, men in their primes, and she was about to test that out. And besides, being a widow, she was tired of being alone in this big house all alone. She was up for some fun.

Wearing her best and strutting her stuff, she used her connections to get her way into some of the better social events of Deerberg. Really putting herself out there, she was shocked at how warm the reception was. Attending various events, using her gift of gab and hot, perfectly aged body, she was getting a lot of attention from younger men, to the point where she almost had her pick of suitors. And it didn't take long for the older woman to make her choice.

Attending a pretty ritzy party downtown, she was dressed to the nines, wearing a slinky black cocktail dress that hugged her luscious mature form. It had a circular 'window' in the front, giving everyone around her a mouthwatering view of her deep, tanned, mature cleavage. It was a bold outfit for a woman her age to be wearing, but she was rocking it. Compared to her rich, older, stodgy peers, she easily seemed the most vibrant and fun to the younger people in attendance. The women her own age seemed old and frumpy in comparison, and a lot of the younger women attending rolled their eyes at this old lady flaunting her body so.

But the younger men certainly didn't mind.

This party was pretty posh, taking place in an old, fancy ballroom filled with the members of the upper crust of Deerberg. The wealthy, the talented and successful, old money and new rich. Polly didn't really consider herself one of these upper crust people, as she was invited by one of her old pageant friends to this fancy get-together. But with her captivating looks and hot body, she fit right in among the best of the best.

That's when she met... him.

He was relatively new in town; the local hospital having hired him a few months prior. He was this hot, rich, successful young surgeon who'd just gotten poached from his previous hospital to this one, being paid exorbitantly in the process. He was young, if he was over 30 it was barely so. And despite being a young hotshot surgeon, he didn't seem overly arrogant, as surgeons could often be. He was actually quite approachable and easy to talk to. He was warm and friendly, but he emanated a confidence in his talents and a love of his work.

While coming across very humble and down-to-earth, it was also clear that he wasn't one to object to the nicer things. He dressed very well. He spoke to the other guys about his nice car, and he talked glowingly about the big, fancy apartment he'd just moved into just outside of town. But he talked about these things in such a low-key, humble way that you couldn't be annoyed with him. It was very endearing, and you couldn't help but feel he deserved every success he had.

It was not shocking to find out that, on top of all his jealousy-inducing expenditures, he also had a beautiful wife. A thin, pretty model-type, she used to be a ballerina. This was clear both by the pride he took in her former work and by her long legs and firm butt. But she was exceptionally flat-chested, a fact that was emphasized when Polly made conversation with the young couple. Her mature tits were being highlighted by her black cocktail dress, while the young dancer's long, expensive red dress couldn't distract from her lack of substance up top. Although the blonde dancer was very kind and friendly to everyone else, she seemed immediately impatient with Polly thanks to her display of tanned, succulent cleavage. But the older woman's infectious personality kept the younger man engaged for long enough that he couldn't help but notice the difference between them up top, unable to resist taking a little peek at her massive, mature boobs. As soon he stole a glimpse, Polly couldn't contain her grin.

Polly felt a rush of excitement upon meeting hm. He was fucking hot! Rich, talented, and successful. Tall and fit, with a cute butt and a great head of brown hair, she was attracted to him immediately. She felt wicked for thinking it, knowing he was married, but considering she and her grandson had indulged in some truly wicked incest just a short time prior, she probably shouldn't be feeling any scruples about wanting a married man. And not only was he hot, he was easy to talk to, and her and him developed an easy rapport almost immediately, a fact that made the young wife grit her teeth and eventually pull her man away. But the connection was forged, and it wouldn't take long to bear fruit. Feeling his gaze falling to her cleavage felt like a good start.

Now, she knew it wasn't entirely a coincidence that the surgeon looked a lot like Connor. An older, more mature, richer, more professional version of Connor. But unlike Connor, the surgeon wasn't her grandson, so to her, they actually had a chance for a long-term, permanent thing.

Most others would call her crazy for thinking she had a chance with him. He was this young, hot, successful doctor. The type of guy that girls his age would dream of landing. And one girl had landed him, putting a ring on his finger, binding him to a lifetime of boring sex with the willowy blonde he called his wife. Polly tried to deny it, but the married man had quickly entered her nastiest fantasies, and in them, he was very impressive. She knew the real thing would be even better.

Cashing in a few favors and getting in touch with a friend of a friend of a friend who knew him, she was able to find out the name of the restaurant where he takes his lunch when he's on call. And from there, Polly was off to the races.

Within two weeks, Polly and the handsome young doctor were having sex.

Using the same ability to tease that she'd used so effectively with Connor, it didn't take long for her to get the handsome stud of a doctor wrapped around her finger. A 'coincidental' run-in at the restaurant while wearing a very cleavagey top got his attention, and it was enough for him to accept her offer for a seat at her table. This turned into a meal, where their easy conversation resumed with his wife not in the picture. And the handsome young man just could not keep his eyes out of her cleavage, as hard as he tried.

"You seem to like my boobs a lot, haha!" she couldn't help but comment. At this, his face reddened, embarrassed at being caught. This young man, this confident, successful surgeon being completely flummoxed by this hot older woman sent a pang of lust coursing through her. She was having such a strong effect on him already. She loved it! Slightly panicking, he apologized, paid his bill and left quickly, but despite this, she knew she had him on the hook.

She made sure to run into him a few days later, and this confident doctor was soon stammering over his words again, mentioning his wife's name, nervous at the sight of the hot-bodied older woman, eager to get away. But she was showing even more cleavage this time, and his eyes couldn't help but look. Stare. Any further complaints he might have had echoed into nothingness in the valley between her tits as he sucked on her nipples eagerly in the back of his sports car a mere few minutes later. Pressing her advantage, she rode his cock right then and there, fucking any resistance out of him, sending him back to work with a clear head and well-drained balls.

He tried to write it off as a one-time thing, but when she texted him a picture of her standing in front a mirror, wearing nothing but a pink thong, her massive, mature tits completely exposed for him to see, his mind changed.

He didn't resist so much after that.

It didn't take long for his gorgeous, ballerina wife to catch her stud of a husband getting ridden by an old slut in his marital bed. They were doing it so often at this point that this outcome was inevitable. And after being caught, the wife was succinctly pushed out of the picture by the older woman who'd so quickly replaced her. Now, there was nothing stopping them from becoming an official, real-deal couple. And couple up they did.

And that's how she ended up paired off with a hot, rich, successful young surgeon. He was a guy that all the girls his own age would want, but Polly was the one to get him into her bed. Polly was the one to get him beneath her every night, riding his big young cock, fucking him so well he'd have no shame in calling this older woman his girlfriend. They'd go out to more of those fancy parties, and instead of having the beautiful, willowy blonde dancer on his arm, he was joined by this confident, hot-bodied older woman. Her female peers were jealous of the stud she'd landed. Younger women fumed in anger at seeing a 10/10 guy like him pairing off with an old lady instead of someone his own age. They just couldn't understand. But younger men... they understood. Oh, they understood.

The surgeon was probably the most eligible bachelor in Deerberg. He could have any girl he wanted, he really could. But this handsome, rich doctor would spend the rest of his days having Polly's massive tits shoved in his face night after night, and he couldn't be happier about that outcome.

Polly would never have made this move before her Christmas Eve adventure with her grandson. But through that illicit act of incest, and a little bit of Christmas magic, her life was on an upwards trajectory.

Connor's path was a bit rockier. Not that it was bad or anything, just not the smooth upwards trajectory like his grandmother. He kept his encounters with Polly in their place, as a crazy adventure he just had to indulge in. For a guy who'd done it all, both fucking a much older woman, and that woman being a relative... that was pretty much the last things on the checklist of sexual adventures. And now, he had experience in them. Another notch in his belt.

After that, he recommitted to Lucia, and things went well for a while. She was a fucking minx, so she more than kept up with him in bed. Only Polly exceeded her in that sense. The rest of the school year through graduation, things went pretty smoothly. The only hiccup was his mother, Penelope.

Her standard temperament level was permanently set at 'bitch', but it seemed like these last few months, she'd taken it up a level. She'd been an absolute nightmare the prior few months, and Connor was getting really tired of it.

They'd always had an antagonistic relationship, at least since he'd gotten somewhat older and a bit more independent. That being said, she was not exactly the warmest mom when he was a kid either, so it's not like there was a sudden change in demeanor in her. But as he got older and developed the confidence and attitude to give it back to her, their relationship only got more fraught.

The bad thing was, from the outside, people thought it would be great to have Penelope as a mom, cause she was stunningly gorgeous. She was objectively great looking, with icy blue eyes, plump, sneering lips, and a creamy pale complexion. She had long, shiny blonde hair down to her mid-back, always looking immaculate and stylish. She always sought to dress well, wearing expensive, figure-accentuating clothing, always trying to not be pigeonholed as a neighborhood mom. And what a figure she had.

Tall, with long firm, smooth legs. A thin waist, with prominent hips and a large, round, juicy, perfectly formed heart-shaped ass. Her fit, trim belly showed her dedication to fitness, but her greatest features were her absolutely massive tits. Much like her mother, Polly, she was blessed in the titty department, having mammoth, smooth, round tits that vaulted off her chest like a shelf. They were incredible. Even Connor could admit that.

But she was such a stone cold bitch. It seemed like, by nature, she'd go against anything Connor would want. A few years prior, when he and his dad got excited to go out and get him a nice car of his own, a plan she was very much aware of, she suddenly put her foot down, saying it was too soon for him to have a car. He'd want to go out with some friends, and she'd say no. He'd want to get Mexican food, she'd get Chinese. He didn't know why she seemed so oppositional to him on all things. It reached the point where he just didn't bother asking her for permission on things, willing to take any punishment afterwards. And yeah, he'd get grounded, or scolded, but after a while, he just let it roll off his back, paying it little mind. And this disobedience only increased her frustration with him.

He didn't know what he did to piss her off. Why his very existence seemed to annoy her. His charms seemed to work on everyone else, but with her, she seemed not to be able to stand him. But he got along with just about everyone he came across. And he didn't take it personally. His mom seemed to be oppositional to everyone. She had friends, sure, but she would even trash-talk them behind their backs too.

It really made her blood boil on Christmas when Polly and him got along so easily. He seemed to be able to charm his way into anyone's good graces, a fact that made his mother even more annoyed with him. She was the only one immune to his charms. She could see through him in a way no one else seemed to. And when he got to work charming someone over, she was filled with annoyance at how easily these people could be worked over. Couldn't they see what he was doing?

Needless to say, she hated all his friends, and she couldn't stand any of his girlfriends. Little dumb hussies that could be won over by her son's heavy-handed charms were not worth her time. And someone like Lucia, who was enough of a spitfire to give it back to her... Penelope and her couldn't be in the same room anymore.

Connor didn't know how his dad dealt with her for so long. He realized his dad may have just become numb to it after a while, completely broken by her constant henpecking. He was a successful, wealthy guy, which is probably why she chose him to wed. It certainly wasn't out of any love or emotional bond.

As the summer went on, and the deadline for when he was gonna leave for college got closer, she reached a new level, constantly on his ass on every little thing. It wasn't helped that they were kinda forced into each other's orbits more than usual. She didn't work, so barring errands or shopping, she was always around the house. His dad had a major case he was working long hours on, and his little sister was at camp. Meaning that when he was at the house, there were no distractions preventing his mother from getting on his case every chance she got. He'd gotten good at letting her complaints roll off his back, but it just got so draining after a while. He'd try to ignore her and do something as simple as drink some orange juice in the kitchen, but she'd find him there and bitch about whatever new issue she'd invented.

Finally, as she bitched him out on some stupid thing, a bolt of inspiration hit him. His experiences during this past Christmas with his grandmother had given him a new tool in his toolbox. A new play in his playbook. Instead of arguing with his mother, fighting back against her at the lack of logic in her argument, he tried a new tact.
