Miracle on Slutty 4th Street Ch. 13


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"Bye Tim..." she said, bending over and kissing his forehead. "I'm sure I'll see you again..."

That was the last thing Esmerelda said to Tim before walking out of his house.

Tim stayed in place, in a deep sleep that lasted well into the afternoon. He was finally awoken by the sound of the rarely used landline phone ringing. Groggy, he stood up and stumbled naked over to the phone, barely remembering all the sinning he'd just gotten up to.

"Hello..." he croaked out.

"Tim! Where have you been!?" Viv called out loudly to him on the other end angrily.

"What?" he asked. "What's wrong?"

"Did you go to the bank today?" she asked quickly.

"Why?" he asked, his heart dropping. What... what happened?

"Well, I got a call from the bank. You know our plan for things we had set up with the bonus I just got in? Well, the lady at the bank called me to say that she went to take care of it, but the money had been moved...? That it was out of our savings... Did you do something with it?"

"No. I mean, I went to the bank, but I didn't..." he paused. No... she couldn't have. He was right there the whole time. "Let me call you back!" he said quickly, hanging up.

Going to grab his phone, he saw a dozen missed calls from Viv, but his phone was silenced for some reason. Pulling up his banking app and signing in, he checked his savings transactions. He saw the $75,000 grand being added to his account. Then, almost immediately after that, there was another money transfer. $200,000. Out of his account, and into another. That amount? Was that a coincidence? Cause that was the same amount as the sum of the $75,000 of his money and the $125,000 bonus Viv and her group at work had received for securing a deal with that big company. And it was gone. Transferred away. How could...


How was this possible? He had been next to her the whole time. They walked out together. What if... the teller! The teller had seemed nervous! And Esmerelda had looked back at him as they were leaving! He'd been too busy staring into her cleavage at the time, but he had registered it in his periphery. Maybe she and him were in cahoots.

Before he knew it, he was breaking the speed limit trying to get to the bank. Maybe... maybe there was still time. He pulled into the same parking spot he had before, and he was about to march in when he heard a voice.

"Where are you?" a panicked voice said into a phone. Looking, he turned and saw him. The teller! Standing outside.

"Hey!" he called out aggressively. When the teller saw him, he backed up nervously.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" the guy said, panicking.

"Did you do something?" Tim asked. "Did you do another transaction with my money? Did you give it to Esmerelda?" Tim looked like he was ready to beat the shit of this guy, making him panic.

"Wait!" he said, holding his hands up. "Okay. Just... wait!" Tim grabbed by the neck of his dress shirt, furious. "Okay! Okay! Okay! Look... she... I met her, like a month ago. She said... she said... if I helped her out, she would, uh... she would do things. With me..."

"Help her out with what?" Tim said aggressively.

"If I... if when she came in with a... with you... that if I did an extra money transfer after the one you came in about... then she would make it worth my while," he said.

"So... you stole my money!? You gave it to her??" Tim said, looking crazed.

"I... yes. But... I've been trying to get a hold of her, but she's not answering," the sweaty teller said. At this, Tim's mind swirled. Finally, he released the teller and pushed him back slightly.

"She's not coming back..." Tim said in an almost haunted tone as he felt the weight of his mistake hitting him. "She used you... in the same way she used me."

"What?" the teller said.

"That's what she does. She uses people. She used you because you could help her, and now she's done with you. The same thing she did with me. She wanted my money... and you gave it to her. She got what she wanted. Now she's gone..." Tim said, looking at the teller. Finally, angrily, he grabbed the teller by the shirt collar and pulled him inside.

Causing a small commotion by this display, roughly handing the teller over to his boss as he approached Tim.

"Your teller stole my money!" Tim screamed out, tossing the teller forward roughly.

"What?" the boss asked. "Alan... is this true?"

The teller, Alan, pulled himself up and straightened himself. Finally, after having a few seconds to think, Alan responded.

"No," Alan said. "This customer came in with his girlfriend. He signed off on a transfer of money to her, and she ran off. Now... he's taking it out on me." The guy had realized he'd been screwed over. Now he was covering his own butt.

"You son of a..." Tim said, almost jumping the guy. The boss stopped him, holding him back as a guard approached. Sensing this was getting out of hand, and feeling his world collapsing, Tim left the bank without further incident. Freaking out, he got into his car and zoomed away, seeking out the one place Esmerelda could be.

He pulled up to the church where her support group took place, and talked to the reverend there, asking if he'd seen her. He said no. He then asked if he knew where she lived, or if he had any contact info.

"No, no," the reverend said. "She'd only started showing up just before you did. You probably know as much as me," he said, smiling.

She was gone. And there was no way for him to find her.

Tim got back into his car but didn't leave right away. Breathing deep, he began panting, his anger boiling.

"No, no, no, NOOOOO!" he roared, beating the steering wheel angrily, causing the horn to honk a few times lamely.

He returned home in a daze. Maybe... maybe she had left something behind. Some clue. He looked around, searching for something, until something caught his eye on the dresser.

Her necklace.

The small necklace with a cross on it, the one she claimed belonged to her mom. But looking at it, he realized how cheap it was. She probably spent five dollars on this in a gift shop somewhere. Looking below the necklace, he saw two small receipts from the bank. Evidence of the $75,000 transfer into his account... and the $200,000 transfer into hers. Both had his signature, and hers looked illegible. Barely comprehensible as her name.

She'd played him. Played him from the start. It was all a lie. There had been no great epiphany. No church group that helped her reform. She never wanted forgiveness. She wanted money. Not his... but Vivian's. She... she must have seen the reports of Viv's company getting all that money. Maybe she even saw her last name, and put the pieces together. She knew that Tim was a mark she could milk out of all his cash. She'd certainly done it before. She bought a cheap cross necklace, and attended a couple church gatherings, enough for her story to play. She came in, and in an Oscar-winning performance, played the part of the reformed slut, trying to make things right. She'd played him like a fiddle, stringing him along, playing her part to perfection. When he pulled back, she would give him a flash of her hot body. Her g-string clad ass. Her cleavage. Eventually, stupidly, he finally trusted her. He felt like he could believe her, and he thought he could control things in the bank transfer. But she was ahead of him, having gotten to the teller, working him up enough to get him to do whatever she wanted him to, using him up for her own needs. And when that first money transfer was done, he'd secretly done a second one right in front of him, moving the money to her account without him knowing, giving her a receipt to prove it. That's why Esmerelda looked back at him, confirming that everything had gone to plan. And as a capper, she convinced Tim to quench her other vice. Hot nasty sex. She'd played him to perfection. He'd fucked up again. His biggest one yet.

And all he could do was sit down on the edge of his bed as his world crumbled around him.


Six months later, the snow was falling outside as Christmas approached, and Tim Carroll sat alone in his old seat at the bar, drinking heavily.

Bearded up, hair slightly unkempt, the normally handsome man didn't look his best. But considering what he'd been through, he supposed that couldn't be held against him.

After the Esmerelda event of the previous summer, a lot of stuff happened at once. Viv returned home early from her retreat to sort out what the fuck happened. Tim was catatonic over the phone, and she needed to get back to him to get answers.

He admitted to everything. Well... almost everything. She'd heard bits and pieces about his previous incident with Esmerelda, and he explained how she came back into his life. How he initially pushed her away, but he gave her a chance. How she'd worked him over and convinced him to go to the bank to get his money back. How she had the bank teller in her pocket, and done a second, secret transaction behind his back. The only thing he left out was the sex. Although, that wasn't for long, as the very deliberately placed thong under his wife's pillow took away any chance of hiding that too.

The police were brought in to talk to the guy at the bank. He stuck to his story, to the fury of Tim, and Viv knew enough that Tim was right about him. The video surveillance showed him and Esmerelda coming in and handling their transactions without incident and leaving. The signatures and stuff backed him up, but there was enough smoke that the bank looked deeper, following the money. The account that the Esmerelda was using wasn't even hers, belonging to some other guy, and by the time that account had been found it had been emptied as well, to some overseas account that was untraceable. Clearly, she knew what she was doing, or at least she had someone who could help her hide her money. So, they never found the money, and as last he knew, the bank wasn't gonna be replacing anything, as they had no evidence that anything illegal had been done.

Needless to say, Tim and Viv were very much divorced now.

Not only for being stupid enough to be bilked out of the biggest windfall of his wife's life by his evil ex-girlfriend, but for cheating on Viv with her on top of it. And honestly... Tim couldn't blame her. A woman like her deserved someone better than a fuck-up like him...

He'd done it. He'd gone and blown it with the best girl he could ever ask for, thanks to the same girl who'd destroyed him the first time.

There was really no hope for him. No chance of self-improvement. Every time he felt good. Every time he felt like he'd gotten over his past mistakes, he'd make another even worse one. No matter how hard he'd try to play it safe and protect himself, it'd turn out even worse for him. So... why fight it? Why fight his fate?

He moved out to a much smaller place than the one he shared with Viv, about in line with what he had in his single days. His days were going to work, coming home and drinking, or watching TV for hours on end. He was clearly depressed, barely speaking to anyone outside of work. He would go back to the casino, playing cards, or playing the slots, or entering raffles, doing anything he could to get some of his lost money back. It never paid off. It was as if his fate was to lose everything, over and over again.

As his depression fully consumed him, he would often head to the bar, drinking himself stupid, drinking as much as he could handle without having to drive drunk. He was in a bad place.

He'd never heard from Esmerelda. He honestly didn't expect to. It was just... how could anyone be that fully evil? Not only to take advantage of him once... but twice. How could anyone be so cruel and callous? She probably wasn't even thinking about him anymore, she was that sociopathic. She was probably on to her next mark, some guy as foolish as he'd been. He told himself all the things he'd do if he saw her again, but he knew what he'd actually do if he saw her one more time.

He'd fuck her again and give her even more of his money.

That succubus was pure evil, but he just couldn't say no to her. He even knew better last time, and she still knew what buttons to press to win him over. He hated her more than anyone, but every time he thought about her, or the thefts she'd committed, all he did was get rock hard. God, she was so fucking hot... why did she have to be so hot? There was some part of him that was still absolutely enraptured by her. If during their first relationship, she had wanted to get to his money, they could have just, like, gotten married. He would have done it. He would have given everything to her. He could have given her everything she ever wanted, but... clearly the thrill for her was the hunt.

The one question he had, the one part of her plan that didn't make sense... why did she fuck him? Her theft was complete, yet she stuck around with the guy she'd stolen from, just to have sex with him? Why take that risk? Was it as she said? That he was actually just really good in bed? Sure, he took some sort of pride in that, but it definitely wasn't worth all he'd lost, despite the erections he would get thinking of their time together.

Was that all he was good for? Sex? Was that the one place where he could get the job done? Esmerelda... she'd used sex to get in close enough to bleed him dry. And the Ice Sirens had lured him into the middle of the woods solely for sex. Was that his lot in life? To give pleasure to evil, scheming women? Was that the only thing that gave him value in the world? Was that the only avenue where he didn't fuck up? Sure, he'd fucked up in other ways because of the sex he had, but in the actual nitty gritty, he always handled himself. Maybe he should stop trying to make something of himself and just give in to his fate, to devote himself fully to fucking, damn the consequences. But at this, he rolled his eyes. It was too silly to even consider.

Christmas was coming, but he wasn't going home. He wasn't showing his face around anyone, so ashamed was he. Plus, for all the damage he'd caused, he didn't deserve anything good.

Paying his tab, he stamped out through the snow, the falling flakes blanketing the world, adding an eerie silence to everything. He moved to grab his keys when he stopped and looked around. Did he hear something? It almost sounded like a...

Like a song.

A very familiar song.

It was the song. The same song the sirens had sung! Stamping quickly through the snow, he looked around the corner of the building towards the woods behind him. His breath then caught in his throat as he looked at the edge of the woods.

There she was.

It was Isabelle. The Ice Siren. The one who'd led him into the darkness last time. This time, she didn't hide from him. She didn't walk away. She stood in place, staring at him and smiling, her massive tits hanging out, exposed to him again as she sang into the darkness. She was in the same form that she was the first time he saw her. Blonde... pale-skinned... beautiful.

He had almost forgotten this crazy chapter of his life in the wake of Esmerelda returning. But seeing her again, all those memories came flooding back.

He knew he should run, to get far away, not let her song call to him, but he stayed frozen in place. He remembered the last time he fell into their clutches. In his daze lying in the snow, passing in and out of awareness, he thought he overheard them talking about whether to let him go, or to keep him. Keep him among their tribe, using him for sex. For constant, unending breeding, using him to grow their tribe of evil ice sluts. And now Isabelle was here again, seeking him out. And deep down, he knew this time, they weren't gonna let him go.

It was weird how this lined up with what he was just thinking about. The only thing he was good for was sex. That was the one place where he never let anyone down. Where he never fucked up. Maybe... maybe it would be good if he stopped trying to guide his own life, as he kept fucking that up worse and worse. But being kept by a woman, a group of women, not being asked to make any decisions... just to have sex. Lots and lots of sex. That was the only thing he was good at. The only service he could provide to the world.

He knew he should turn away, but... he had nothing to go back to. No wife. No life. No prospects. Just shame and depression. Maybe... maybe this was a sign. Maybe this was his fate. Maybe... this was his destiny.

Tim Carroll let his keys slide from his hands into the snow. He began marching out into the woods, fighting the snow, the wind, and the bitter cold as he moved closer and closer to the edge of the woods, where Isabelle was patiently waiting, smiling. The blowing winds made his footprints disappear, and by the time he reached the edge of the woods, they were damn near gone.

Tim never came back.

Investigators sought him out in the woods when the storm let up, only finding a trail of his personal items. His phone. His home keys. His clothing. But not him.

He was listed as a missing person.

But if you looked through his eyes, and you saw what he did, you would know he was not lost. He was found. Tim Carroll had found his true purpose now.

Isabelle didn't even bother keeping up her façade as they re-entered the forest. As soon as they were both out of sight, her true form emerged. Blue skin. Black hair. Those glowing blue eyes. It was as if she was reminding him of the evil creature he was following into the darkness. As if she was so confident in her victory that she didn't bother hiding the evil within as she led him towards a life of servitude, a dark pact with some truly evil women.

She disappeared from his sight for a moment, but it was only a moment. She did not even wait till they reached her tribe before jumping his bones, landing on top of him in the snow, jamming her forked tongue down his throat. She then pulled his cock out of his pants and rode his big cock right then and there. And after they both came, she wasn't done yet, standing up and resting her hands on a big tree as she commanded him to fuck her up the ass. It was only after he'd filled her ass with sperm that they continued their journey.

She made sure he kept his big, thick cock hanging out of his pants, keeping her fingers curled around it as she led him deeper into the forest. Bursting with excitement, she updated him on what had happened in the past year.

She explained that her and her sisters would seek out men for breeding, but most of the time, they ended up being duds, maybe only getting one or two of them pregnant before passing out. But not Tim. He'd exceeded her wildest expectations. Tim had gotten every single one of the sirens pregnant, even the Queen. Being reminded of her made his cock jump in Isabelle's palm, and this made her possessive side bloom. She told him that since he was her recruit, he belonged to her now. He was joining the tribe, but he was her property. As they walked deeper into the forest, she slowly commanded him to remove his clothing, one article at a time, every few minutes, until he was completely nude. All signs of the society he left behind was gone from him, leaving him fully stripped down as they approached the edge of her tribe's current settlement. Despite not being within the protections that kept him warm last time, he felt at ease.

The sisters greeted his return with a hungry gaze at the fine piece of meat Isabelle had brought back to them. When he looked upon the Queen again, standing on the cliffside above them, even she looked at him with heat in her cold eyes.

He was immediately put to work.

While not as organized and ceremonial as his first encounter, there was still a fury to the fucking he quickly found himself taking part in. He was passed around the women of the tribe like the stud he was, fucking them all roughly. He didn't know how long this lasted, as it was more drawn out than the furious pace of his previous experience. And despite their delight at seeing him again, they were merciless in their brutal fucking of the once married man, now a mindless fuck slave for the entire tribe of evil ice sluts.