Miss Frumpy


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"I just feel bad all the time ... I want to stop feeling bad. I want to stop the cravings."

"Okay, but if we are going to do this, it has to be one hundred percent."

"I think I want it now. I don't think I wanted it before."

So George started his experiment back up again. Only this time it was an all encompassing program. She ate everything he ate. The first couple of weeks, he prepared all the meals including the one before and the two after work. Teaching her his formulas he gave her assignments and she would be responsible for some of the meals.

When he went to the gym after work at four, she had to go too. Some days she would just sit around reading the newspaper, but gradually she started doing little things. Riding the bike at the gym was easy. She put the resistance on its lowest setting and just turned her legs. She didn't think it was much exercise. He told her otherwise.

And the eating changes turned out to be easier than she thought. She started getting to work earlier so she could eat breakfast with Mr. Hanigan and then every couple hours she had another meal to eat with him, it seemed like they were always eating. For the first few months they met after their gym time to exchange the next two meals. The cravings disappeared. She had more energy and for the first time in her life she could say no to the junk; no sugar, no saturated fat, no fast food, no processed food, no artificial sweeteners, and no soda.

This time George enjoyed the conversations more. It wasn't one way like before, he wasn't preaching all the time. And while he had to adjust his schedule to accommodate her needs, he sensed this time it was going to be successful.

It wasn't a month before Prudence started seeing the results ... it was longer. But Mr. Hanigan insisted that she not weigh herself. He said it was a lifestyle, not a short term diet.

Three months later her clothes were feeling loose.

Six months later and she had to pin her clothes to keep them from falling off.

A year later and she started enjoying the sweat. She added other things in the gym, weight lifting, spin class, aerobics classes ... and she went every day, because that's what Mr. Hanigan did.

And they continued getting together for at least four small meals every day, sometimes more.


George was not really noticing the change in Prudence. But she listened to his advice and added her research to it, just like the way she did her job ... giving a hundred fifty percent with the right attitude.

It was twenty-eight months after that first discussion that the orthodontist finally took off her braces, fitting her for the retainer. He had still been having five or six meals every day with her, but that was the first time George really noticed the difference. It didn't matter that much ... she was still frumpy, social outcast Prudence. She hadn't changed her wardrobe at all, just adjusted everything to fit, a tuck here, an extra pleat there to hang on her large frame.

And George did notice a change in her people. They respected her more, she had more confidence. He wondered if it was because he was working so closely with her. There was still a little behind the back snickering, but not much.

Everyone in the company knew what was going on between George and Prudence. It was out in the open, no secrets. And everyone knew George was the player and Prudence not on his list. She was just his best Section Manager.

And George hadn't changed his ways; he still chased all the skirts, working his way through the company roster, keeping score. His reputation was known; the confident ones figured they would be the one where the others had failed.

It was company picnic time of year and in the last five years George never remembered seeing Prudence at a company picnic. So after he was finished with his weekly section manager's meeting, he asked who among his managers was coming to the picnic.

Prudence was not.

He suggested that Section Managers go to the company function for employee morale.

She didn't change her mind.

He dismissed the meeting and went back to his office. He wanted Prudence in that hot seat. Of all his people, he thought she would have responded to his suggestion, knowing it was more than a request. He sent her an email to see him at four o'clock.

"Prudence, please take a seat." He remembered back to that first time more than two years earlier that she had sat down to talk about her teeth. And he remembered the revulsion he felt having that discussion. There was a lot less of Prudence now. She was still frumpy, but she had a nice smile and there wasn't a double chin. And the chair looked much bigger. She had filled it pretty much arm to arm that first time she sat there.

"Prudence, we have had great success ... I think you can feel it ... in those things we talked about ... you have such a pretty smile now, you look healthy, nice color to your cheeks ... the lifestyle changes are certainly working ... I'm just wondering why you don't feel obligated as a Section Manager to attend the picnic."

"Oh ... Mr. Hanigan ... I never thought ... I just don't do things socially."

"Families are invited, why don't you invite your parents ... cousins, relatives ... boyfriend, girlfriend?"

"My parents don't attend things like that ... they have a rule about socializing outside their church."

"So you have a religious reason not to attend?"

"No, not me ... my parents. I just don't do things ..."

"No boyfriend?"

"No, I have never dated ..." and she looked shocked at what she had just admitted.

George wasn't surprised, he already knew that. "Oh ... is there a reason? Was there an incident that I should be delicate about?"

"No ... just some mild teasing, I was pretty large ... and the glasses."

"But there is someone out there for everyone Prudence."

"I wouldn't know what to do ... or what to say. I've never been with a boy."

"Alright, but are you sure I can't convince you to come to the picnic?"

"No, I don't feel as though I am ready."

"Alright ... no problem ... I understand." and then he stood signaling the meeting was over. He remembered the sick feeling he had in his stomach a couple years before when she had turned to walk out after giving up. He watched her walk out this time. There was a little wiggle there ... certainly nothing to make him sick. But she was still frumpy.

George didn't know why he just let it go like that. His other managers always obeyed his slightest comment. But then Prudence never gave him what he asked in his meetings either ... and he didn't understand why she was always right. But this impudence about the picnic ... he was still upset.

Two weeks later George felt compelled to call Prudence in for another meeting. He needed to fix this one last thing, having the picnic without her there was still bothering him ... his nature normally told him to stay away from things like this. But he reasoned there was still some snickering going on ...

"Prudence, I don't know why I feel compelled to do this ... maybe it has something to do with our lifestyle successes ... and if I am being indelicate ... well you know. What I am trying to say is that maybe I can help with your social situation ... I'm thinking of something like a coach for a football team. There are some basic skills to learn ... and then you might feel better about yourself, maybe have the courage to venture out on your own. The reason I am even thinking of this is for much the same reason as before. A manager with a better self image is a better asset to the company. It will help you deal with your people better. What do you think?"

"Mr. Hanigan ... I don't know. What would this involve?"

"I have been thinking about this since the company picnic. We could do some things here, like have social conversations, continue to eat meals together like we have been doing, but with a different emphasis ... maybe venture out. I would strictly be like a coach, giving you pointers, showing you little things to give you the confidence to go out on your own. But we have to be a little careful ... not that we would be doing anything wrong, but we have to worry about two things. One is that I certainly do not want to undermine your authority in your section; any hint that our conversations were not about food and someone might jump to the wrong conclusion. The second thing is we have to make sure no one thinks we are violating company policy about dating when we venture out."

"I agree, so only discuss this when no one is around ... got it. And I have to admit Mr. Hanigan that my life is certainly different ... better ... as long as I can refuse anything ... like for instance if you suggest that I ask someone to dance with me ... or to flirt ... I could refuse and you wouldn't pressure me?" She knew there was a rascal side to George Hanigan.

"Oh, no Prudence, what I had in mind was more observances. If we went to a bar or where people danced, I would show you things that I see, so that you could learn ... I don't see myself asking you to do socially risky things."

"Yes sir, I am willing to try."

"Thank you ... now for the first lesson. This is purely constructive, not work related ... when you sit in a chair, square your shoulders, never slump. That's right. And if you have to ... sit on the front half of the chair, never lean back. Okay, now tilt your head like this (he reached for her chin and lifted, then tilted her head) ... and cross your legs. Good, always be aware of what others are seeing. Think of the perfect posture and try to pose. It's important for men to do this as well. You never see me slumping or leaning back in my chair when other people are around."

"Thank you Mr. Hanigan, it feels uncomfortable, but I can get used to it." But Prudence would never forget that little thing, when he touched her chin. It was the first time he touched her in all these years.

"Right, and practice, practice, just like a football team, practice is everything, until it becomes second nature to you." And then he stood and she knew what that meant. Better, but she's still frumpy, he thought to himself watching her walk out.

The days wore on ... she seemed to have a different attitude about herself as he corrected her posture constantly when no one could hear, corrected how she held her fork and chewed ... and then he suggested she get lasik surgery for her eyes.

That was not going to happen, too afraid of someone making her go blind.

So he took her to the eyeglass store and under their vision plan helped her buy new miracle thin lenses with some stylish frames. He allowed the women there to help her with the style selection.

It was better, but she's still frumpy, he thought. Especially that skirt ... it looked like it was double wrapped around back ... probably just some weird eclectic style.

Over the coming months she was improving in little baby steps. With the pounds coming off, her weight training was fixing her bad posture, and she was becoming body aware. At one of their lunch sessions she explained how she had gotten hit on for the first time by the UPS delivery guy.

"Prudence, why don't you go out with him?"

"Not that guy, he flirts with everyone ... and he's married. I would never go out with a married man. And I am still afraid ... it would be the first time I dated ... what if he tried something ... I mean it isn't as if I could trust him like I could trust you Mr. Hanigan."

"I understand Prudence ... you are improving. Why don't we go on a fake dinner date, our first venture out ... I could give you pointers on how to handle situations. You understand this is not a real date, I am not allowed to date my employees under company policy."

"We would have to be very careful. What if someone should see us?"

That shock went through George's head like a bolt of lightening. The last thing he wanted was for someone to see him on a date with Miss Frumpy. He would become the laughing stock of the company, ruin his reputation, he'd never get another date with a hot girl. It wouldn't be like grocery shopping with her like they did every week, this would be a real social situation and they would nail his ass.

"Yes, I guess that was a bad idea. There are too many people that know me ... and I don't want to lose my job. I don't think they would believe me if I tried to explain what we were doing."

"It would be too difficult to drive to another city ... but Mr. Hanigan, I have an idea. My parents go to church on Wednesday nights. They leave at six and don't return until eleven thirty. I could cook, or we could pick up something and pretend it's a restaurant."

"Yes, I would be willing to do that. At least there would be no risk of getting caught."

"Yes sir ... tomorrow night then?"

And they made a date ... or should it be called an appointment for a fake date?

That first Wednesday night was just a continuation of his coaching her on sitting and chewing ... and since they knew they were alone he worked on the art of conversation. She was terrible at it. That was the most awkward thing Prudence had ever done.

So from that day on she was assigned to read the newspaper and then try and talk about it with Mr. Hanigan. Of all their interactions, this was the most annoying thing George had done up to that time, worse than those failed two weeks. He just wanted to call her names and scream at her since she understood nothing. But he didn't, just stayed calm and taught her how to see the big picture. He prided himself that he could always stay in that professional work compartment of his brain, respect and dignity.

So a month of Wednesdays and then two went by as she started to improve in little increments. He would still occasionally catch her slumping or sitting with her lags apart ... but she was getting better. And her lifestyle changes of eating right and exercising were reinforced. They continued eating their small meals together, calling one of them dinner.

It was that third Month that Mr. Hanigan had been coming to her house that Prudence blatantly disobeyed him. At the gym she couldn't resist the temptation ... she stepped on the scales. She was expecting it to read 160 pounds or maybe even 150, but she was shocked when she saw it flash 130. She had lost more than ninety pounds. That was the moment she knew she would never go back. This truly was a lifestyle change. She was eating small healthy meals every couple hours, exercising every day and not craving anything.

She was, however, worried about those fat scars that people get, afraid to look at herself in the mirror at home to see. She just assumed they were there on her legs, arms and waist ... and that they were ugly. Prudence could hear her father's voice in her head, "Vanity is a sin!" ... so there was only the very small vanity mirror in the bathroom, none other in the entire house.

That Wednesday night when Mr. Hanigan came over she was feeling more confident. She was thinking of trying an on-line service ... to anonymously email for a month or two before deciding if she would actually take the plunge and meet someone in person.

After they finished their meal she asked, "Mr. Hanigan, I was wondering if we could talk about what the guy would be doing during the date ... you know, what he was thinking, what he would expect."

"Very good Prudence. That is very important. We have been concentrating so much on you that we left that part out. Okay, I will tell you what a typical guy would be thinking and how he would act. Here goes: I am impressed with her long legs, I like her posture, nice tits ... the way she chews her food gets me hot." He said that last part with a different voice.

"Mr. Hanigan! Maybe that is not what I was asking." She could see his rascal side was there, just under the surface.

"Okay, maybe that was the wrong way to do this." George was wondering what had come over him to talk like that to his section manager; it certainly wasn't professional. "But I think it is important for you to understand what he thinks is sexy or not. And remember, there are limits."

"What do you mean limits?"

"It's the whole strategy game ... what are your intentions ... and what do you hope to accomplish? For example: today, a goodnight kiss is expected on a first date if the chemistry is there ... But nothing more. Any girl that allows more than that will lose his respect." George was wondering why he was telling her this; he hated broads that made him wait until the third date. This whole subject was weirding him out.

"But what if I don't want to kiss him on the first date?"

"That is a clear signal that you do not like him and that he should not ask for a second date. Okay, let us start with the little signals that you will be giving and the ones he gives. Just then, you flipped your hair. True, it was in your face, but subconsciously any attempt at grooming is a signal of interest. You need to recognize that in your own behavior as well as his."

"Like when you straighten your shirt, comb your hair, and fix your belt before you knock on my door?"

"Do I do that? ... I guess that might mean something ... but I do that all the time." George felt like the conversation was getting out of control, so he decided to only work on body language. A good manager will need to recognize body language.

George spent the next five Wednesdays working on body language. He even bought a couple of books and studied so that he sounded like he knew what he was talking about.

He had slowed his dating down ... the last one did not end so well, it was just a one night stand, and yet there were several scenes in public the weeks after. His exit strategies were always the weak part of his game. He was always torn between making up the lie of blaming it on himself and blaming it on her. If he declared himself too flawed, he risked having that affect his future prospects. And if he blamed it on her, he risked getting labeled cold hearted or mean. For this last woman his best excuse of allergic reaction to pets didn't work, she didn't have any. He tried to use religious reasons, but she had caught him in a lie.

So, feeling bruised from the embarrassing encounter George had decided to concentrate his weekend time on his triathlon skills and studying to help Prudence.

On that sixth Wednesday after beginning this track, she asked about the good stuff. "Mr. Hanigan, I have never kissed a boy before ... I have seen it in movies ... is there a wrong way ... and that first date kiss ... is it different from a second date kiss?"

George liked where the conversation was going. He considered himself a master in this art. "Yes, Prudence ... again it depends on your strategy, what signals you are sending. The simple kiss is just a friendly peck ... like this." and George leaned over and gave Prudence her first guy kiss on the lips. "Now notice that was more than something you might do as a greeting ... but again, it was a first date kiss ... Mouth closed and lips pressed. Now let me discuss body posture ... this is very important. It is also important for your strategy. Watch his hands ... it is alright for him to place his hands on your waist, shoulders, arms ... like this. And it is more intimate if he holds your face like this ..." And George leaned in holding her face and kissed her again.

Prudence was actually in shock at the way this was going. She was not listening to anything he said, she only knew her boss was kissing her and putting his hands on her. She had her mouth slightly open, her heart was racing and she could feel her face flush, a little sweat on her skin. Shut up and kiss me you fool.

George recognized these signals ... part of his art, "Prudence ... let me point something out here. You are reacting to the kiss. You have to be very careful about that. Do you feel how you are reacting? You are giving off a clear signal right now that I could do anything ... and you probably wouldn't stop me."
