Model Slave Pt. 03 Ch. 04


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Emma was very conscious of all the eyes on her. Everyone on the dance floor looked jealous and was wondering why she had to go upstairs. However, the people upstairs looked at her as though she was a piece of livestock or a piece of meat they were appraising. She honestly didn't feel comfortable in either scenario, but she knew this was her chance and she knew she had to wow the powerful people. Steve gave her a chaste kiss, caressed her ass and whispered, "Here we go baby."

She tried to walk elegantly and at the same time sexily as she followed the redhead to the balcony. The names ran together and she had no idea who any of these people were. A few of the women were kind and understanding giving her a soft hug or light kiss on the cheek. However, for the most part everyone, man or woman, looked at her with an appraising eye. Some even touched her like you would a piece of livestock during an appraisal at an auction. Emma felt very uncomfortable with the whole process, but she assumed that they were appraising her modeling potential. She tried to be stoic, while trying to present as beautiful a package as she could to potential investors.

Shortly after her arrival Emma was offered her second glass of wine and even though she rarely drank she greedily gulped it down trying to calm her nerves. After her second glass of wine, she was feeling kind of tipsy, but it loosened her up and she began to flirt with the powerful people. Despite her giggling flirtations none of the people upstairs responded with anything except a vaguely interested scowl. They all seemed to be interested in her, but no one seemed to want to get to know her. She assumed these people were just all business and really weren't interested in who she was, only her marketability as a model.

After about an hour of schmoozing Steve grabbed her arm and led her to a back spiral staircase that led down to the stage behind a drawn curtain. There she found herself with three other women lined up behind the curtain and all had their hands bound in manacles. All the women had their hands stretched above their head with the manacles attached to a ring on a post. They all had scared, fearful looks on their faces and Emma knew the time of her slave auction had come. She felt the fear start to gnaw in her belly as she noticed an empty post on the stage.

Within seconds Emma's manacled hands were stretched high above her head tied to the ring on the empty post. Her 3" heeled boots were the only reason she was not dangling from the ring, but still her petite 5' height left her straining to touch the floor. Her mind whirled trying to figure out what was happening and she twisted looking at the 3 other women. All of the women were young and beautiful catering to all kinds of body types, ethnicity, eye and hair color.

She looked at each woman and each had anguish written on their face. Some were openly crying; another was angry trying to break free while another was trying to use their feminine wiles to seduce the bouncers. Emma looked at the exotically beautiful woman next to her and she instinctively knew this was her main competition for any position.

The woman next to her looked to be a very exotic combination of Asian, African and European ethnicities. Her skin was a creamy chocolate color and she looked to be about her height. Her body seemed to be an exaggerated version of her own, with extremely large breasts and a big bubble butt held together with a tiny waist. Her face was beautiful with high cheek bones and full lips with a straight regal nose. Her eyes were a stunning emerald green and were large, dominating her face while still having a decidedly Asian slant. Her short platinum colored hair seemed the perfect counterpoint to the color of her eyes and skin.

Emma saw the woman appraising her as well and despite her discomfort she started the conversation. "Hi, my name is Emma, what's yours?"

The stunningly gorgeous Black woman looked at Emma with a mixture of amusement and pity as she gave an incredulous laugh. Then in a soft English accented voice said, "No Emma, we are going to be sold as a sexual slave."

"Emma, my name is Lilly and this is my second auction This is what I am, what I want, to know that I am someone's property, someone I will always belong to and care for me. Most of us choose this life. My first master is selling me because I lied to him and that's why I'm here."

Emma's mind was spinning, the last couple of days had been an erotic awakening and she had discovered her body's true desires. She felt the need to be bound, teased and forced to cum over and over and if it was in front of an audience it was even better. She realized she was addicted and like any drug addiction she would do anything for the buzz. Plus, this was one of her fantasies, being auctioned as a sexual slave. Her quest for her orgasmic high had resulted in her now being auctioned.

"My fair bitches you are here at one of the premier slave auction houses and we cater to only high-end merchandise. Each of you has been specially selected and each in turn will be presented to the buyers and their surrogates. You will not talk and you are expected to act like the gorgeous sluts you are. If you speak or resist an inspection you will be further bound, gagged, and punished in front of the audience. We have brutal ways to punish you and ways that won't leave marks."

"Such punishment will result in a lower sales price for your sponsor and you will catch the eyes of the more harsh and brutal Masters. Both of which will be catastrophic for your long-term future and could hurt the reputation of this auction house. So, you see it is a win-win if you behave and follow every command quickly without hesitation or a lifetime of hell if you don't."

"Okay, number one... Go." He concluded.

One of the bouncers rolled out a large wooden rolling cart with an elaborately carved wooden X spanning the cart. The cart was extremely large, larger than the huge bouncers. So, Emma figured it had to be at least ten-foot square. They rolled it out in front of the first woman and pushed on a foot peddle that seemed to lock the wheels in place.

The cart was locked in place while the bouncers transferred slave number one onto the cart, where her arms and legs were attached to the edges of the X. When everything was put together the woman was still dressed and attached to the X with her arms bound over her head, but that is where the similarities ended.

The X was artfully framed the woman, deviously while making her look even more beautiful than she was. The whole presentation seemed to hide any flaws and when they turned on the lights attached to the X, she looked almost angelic. Her red hair shone brightly with her voluptuous figure encased in the lighted X. Emma thought the woman was beautifully merchandised as they wheeled the cart through the curtains to face the crowd outside. Strange that she thought of the woman as merchandise, because that meant that she was too.

When the curtain closed behind the first slave Emma heard the crowd voice its approval of the displayed beauty. The muted voices of the presenter and auctioneer were a constant drumbeat that could be heard over the crowd. Over the next quarter of an hour, she heard cloth ripping, the smack of something against flesh and screams of pain, as well as passion from the woman being auctioned.

With every sound from the other side of the curtain Emma's fear, apprehension and excitement grew. Her mind was still spinning in a fog of crazy fright, trembling passion and irrational eagerness. She was petrified with fear, but at the same time the thought of being used and auctioned in front of an audience had her agitated and smoldering with ravenous desire. She looked over at Lilly and saw her staring intently at the curtain.

Then it struck her. Either the presenter was a great actor or this was a real slave auction. He had mentioned that this company only deals in high-end slaves. They acted like they had done this before and even Lilly acted as if she had done this before.

"Lilly, what is going on out there?" She whispered breathlessly.

Without taking her eyes from the curtain she whispered. "She is being presented and displayed by her sponsor. He is stripping her clothes and showing her assets in their best light and then he will demonstrate her talents. If she is a pain slut, a cock slut, oral, anal, if she climaxes easily or often, he will show her special talents to the audience. The auctioneer heightens the bidding with every demonstration and when it is all over, she will have a new master."

Emma gazed at the wistful look in Lilly's eyes and knew she was envisioning herself on the stage. Likewise, Emma quivered wondering what it would be like to be naked in front of a crowd of buyers. As much as she feared being sold, the thought of having all those eyes caressing silky skin sent passionate chills through her body. Then the first slave was pushed back through the curtain and as Lilly had said she had been stripped naked and was still tied to the X.

Her alabaster body was crisscrossed with dozens of red marks from her knees to her neck. Her huge breasts were wobbling excitedly as she gasps deeply in her attempts to overcome her orgasmic anguish. Her chest, neck and face were a strawberry red from the evident heart pounding orgasms that had been heaped upon her.

However, it was her face that Emma couldn't stop staring at. She had a rapturous glow that made all other emotions pale in comparison. Her eyes were lost in a distant euphoric thousand-yard stare, but the smile on her face told everyone that she was exactly where she wanted to be. Emma looked at her face and felt a little jealous of the slave's enraptured look, but she knew she must have looked like that yesterday.

The bouncers quickly removed the first slave from the cart and replaced her with the second slave. They made the second slave ready, the lights on them were turned on and after everything was set, they rolled her beyond the curtain. Afterwards they came back to unbind the first slave girl and deliver her to her new master. So, it went with each slave and Lilly was next and Emma began to get more anxious. Her fear was being replaced by a jittery passion building in her belly.

A few days ago she had been danced and orgasmed in front of an audience, but tonight there would be real people watching her and bidding on her. Just the thought of all those eyes, licking tongues and sweaty palms all drooling over her erotically displayed body had her womanly folds soaked in her essence. Likewise, her nipples were so hard they began to push the fabric back one of the edges still covering only a portion of her aureoles.

After the second slave had passed beyond the curtain Emma asked Lilly. "What's it like to be a sexual slave? I mean you said you choose this life, so what is it like?"

Lilly looked off in the distance and then slowly answered. "It's hard to describe until you do it, but to me it is a kind of blissful freedom." She swiveled her head to look at Emma and continued. "Yeah, I know freedom and slave are not often used together. But you never have to worry about keeping up with your neighbors, accumulating possessions, making a living or paying bills. You only must look beautiful for and make your master happy."

"It's a simple life full of joy, happiness, and bliss. With a good master you will know bliss like you have never known before, you will discover feelings and passions you never knew existed. The more you please you master the greater the heights of passion you will both achieve. If you have a good Master and obey him you will never have heart ache or pain."

However, if you get a bad master he will abuse you, give you to others and beat you just because he can. That is why it is important to present yourself well up on the stage... so you capture the eyes of the good ones, the master's that will make your life heaven on earth." She concluded.

Emma listened to Lilly and wondered if she was crazy or brain washed. Being a slave was certainly not what someone aspired to be and she had painted this idyllic life full of love and passion. Emma had pictured whips and chains, certainly not love and crazy, wonderful eroticism. Now she was really confused, what kind of future awaits her?

Then she thought back to Steve. The life Lilly had described was the life she and Steve had before she pushed him into setting her up for this slave auction. She wondered who would buy her and what they would demand for their weekend together. Steve intruded in her thoughts and she was really beginning to think this was a really bad idea.

Emma looked over at Lilly and queried, "So why are you here and how did you mess up?"

"There were times my master couldn't make me climax and I faked orgasms. That is lying and lying is one of the most unforgivable things that a slave can do. Since I lied, my Master couldn't trust me anymore and I had to be sold." Tears began to stream down her cheeks as she concluded, "I loved him so much and I ruined everything when I lied."

Emma could see the heartache and anguish in Lilly's eyes. Her master had given her everything she wanted and hoped for and she had betrayed his trust. It seemed like a small thing faking an orgasm to show that she loved him, but it was still lying and he couldn't abide lying. Before either could say anything the second slave rolled back through the curtain and it was Lilly's turn.

Lilly looked at Emma and sadly forced a smile just before bouncers grabbed her and put her on the cart. They made her ready and soon she was on the way through the curtain. Once again Emma heard rips of fabric, the sound of assaults against flesh, Lilly's screams of pain and ecstasy. Her mind's eye visualized what the audience was seeing, that was Lilly naked, writhing, with rapture showing on her face.

All too soon she was back through the curtain, with tears streaming down her face. Her face had a kind of euphoric glow and through her tears she choked saying, "Master bought me again, he loves me."

Lilly's relief and loving gratification brought a lump to Emma's throat with her eyes starting to mist. She was so happy for her and wanted to share in her delight at having been bought again by the master she loved. Before she could rejoice in Lilly's happiness she was being lifted and placed in the cart. She lost sight of Lilly as the lights on the X were turned on and she began to move towards the curtain.

Nervous anxiety hit her square in the face, along with panic and a thousand other emotions as the curtain approached. She found herself gasping for breath, but still couldn't seem to get enough air in her lungs. Her head was spinning with her eyes darting to and fro looking for something to calm her anxiety. If she hadn't been bound, she didn't know what she would have done, but she started this and now she had to go through with it. She knew her life was about to change, but would it be good or bad, she didn't know and was scared to find out.

As the curtain parted Emma saw a huge crowd massed before her. There were three rows of tables in front of the stage and at least six laptops with WebCams on each table. Obviously, these were the rich recluses that chose to participate anonymously. There was a delegate behind each laptop and many of these were the people she had met on the balcony. Remote users were not something Emma had thought about and the auction appeared to be very popular.

Beyond the tables were masses of people sitting on chairs or couches continuing further and further back until they faded into the darkness. The lights from the stage lit only about half the audience and Emma visualized hundreds more watching her that she couldn't see. The balcony was the same with people lined along the balcony in chairs and couches and people standing behind them. As her eyes darted along the crowd, she noticed her image on Jumbotrons located on each side of the club.

Emma's scrutiny of the crowd was short-lived as Steve stepped in front of her. She released the breath she didn't realize she was holding as she looked into his expectant face. Based on what Lilly said she figured Steve must be her sponsor. He reached out and caressed her face lightly and almost lovingly as he said.

"My God Emma, you really are incredibly beautiful. With that haircut, makeup and dress, you are the most gorgeous as well as the hottest woman I have ever seen. If you hadn't demanded this auction, I would keep you for myself and never let you leave my bed."

She squirmed within her bonds and smiled at him with tears of joy pooling in her eyes. He loved her, stood by her, helped her fulfill her fantasies including unbelievable sex and she knew that she loved him. So why was she doing this?

As her eyes started to cloud with tears she chokingly said. "I know I asked for this, but you are selling me into slavery for real and betraying all my trust. How could you do this?" She choked and then whispered, "How could you do this?"

Steve didn't answer, just gazed wistfully as his eyes roamed over her bound and craftily presented body. He watched as tears trickled down her cheek. She said this is what she wanted and he knew that he needed to make it as realistic as possible. He sorrowfully shook his head and then turned to the audience saying. Before she could stifle her thoughts the lights in the club dimmed and spotlights highlighted her delicious form.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have saved the best for last. This young woman, as you can plainly see, is an incredibly stunning and beautiful woman, but she is much more than that. She is new to this scene and until recently had never experienced any of what this life has to offer. However, her last performance convinced me and those of you that saw it, that she is a natural submissive. She is foremost a reluctant, but enchanting exhibitionist and she needs bondage to release her inner fire. With the right training and the right master, she can become the most amazing submissive any of us have ever seen."

He looked out into the audience and ask, "So are any of you man enough... or woman enough to take on the training of the most spectacular submissive I've ever seen? If you are she will fulfill your every fantasy. Most of you know my reputation and I can easily say this woman is like none I have ever brought before you. She is special and demands special treatment and a special price. However, there is one caveat, this beauty belongs to me and the sale will only be for a long weekend, four days. Then she will be returned to me."

Steve turned to look into Emma's eyes and tears of joy were pooling in her eyes. She had misinterpreted the auction and he was not selling her to someone else. He was only trying to fulfill her fantasy, his look told her that he loved her, and wanted her as his submissive forever.

He continued to stare back into the crowd for several heartbeats and then said, "Ok let's see what we have."

Emma's eyes were moving from face to face, feeling their eyes pour their lust, passion and desire into her. She once again felt that craving fluttering in her belly, that throbbing hunger awakening her body and making everything feel sexually intense. She knew what was coming and part of it horrified her; however, the red-hot searing excitement overruled all common sense. She looked Steve in the eye, defiantly telling him to do his worst.

Steve gave a crooked smile that told her he was going to enjoy this, but there was also a tinge of regret and reluctance. He stepped to the side so that Emma was fully exposed to the audience and he slowly caressed over her hip, across her taut, flat belly, finally cradling her left breast in his hand. Emma tried to look defiant as his hand seductively caressed her already sexually charged form. Slowly his hand caressed more of her leaving erotic tremors in its wake. However, passionate goose bumps erupted on the newly exposed skin showing her true feelings and true desires.