Mommy Daycare Ch. 03


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"No way to know until we try it."

They stopped near the front door, and Alanna hesitated before going through.

"I'm not leaking at all, am I?" she asked.

Kaden knelt down in front of her, taking a very close look at her cunny. It was red and puffy from arousal and use, and also noticeably wet, with just a very small amount of cum visible when one looked close enough. Kaden wiped at her with the back of his hand, then his thumb, and tried to ignore the soft sigh she made.

"You still have some of my cum in you?"


"Well... hopefully it shouldn't be obvious to anyone."

"Hopefully," Alanna agreed.

Kaden stood up and kissed her deeply, letting their naked, horny bodies press together for as long as he dared. He left a smear of precum on her, which he then had to wipe off as well.

"Good luck," he said.

Alanna nodded absently, breathless from the last-minute kiss before seeing her son. She took half a step toward the door, then stopped and bent over slightly, reached around behind herself.

"Shit, almost forgot." Alanna concentrated hard for a moment, then brought her hand forward and presented Kaden with her butt plug. "You'd better hold on to this."

"It's yours. You can wear it if you want."

"In front of my son?"

"Well... ok, maybe not."

Kaden accepted the plug back. Alanna was right. Best not to let Orson see any sex toys. That would lead toward discovering the sort of things Kaden got away with with his mom, and teasing her butt with a small toy was bad enough without even mentioning things like giving her a cummy pussy.

Despite her nerves and protestations that she wouldn't be able to act natural, Alanna set her shoulders and walked out to Orson with all the smooth grace and poise of an actress walking the red carpet. It could have been Kaden's imagination that her hips rolled more than usual for his benefit as he followed her out. Luckily, Orson was too busy staring agape at her to notice how Kaden stared at his mom's delicious, swaying ass.

Alanna casually brushed her hand against Orson's shoulder as she passed him. He stood right where he was, eyes comically large, only turning to follow her progress.

"Ready to go?" Alanna asked, not quite covering the amusement and arousal in her tone.

"Um... yeah. Just a sec, Mom. I wanna talk to Kay for a sec."

"Sure thing, sweetie."

Orson finally wrenched his eyes away from Alanna as she made it to the passenger side door and opened it up. Kaden had just enough presence of mind to hide Alanna's butt plug behind his back as Orson's focus turned to him.

It wasn't easy to think. Alanna hadn't actually gotten in the car yet, and was looking straight at Kaden over Orson's shoulder. She winked and blew him a kiss, and even just having her stand there all naked and beautiful while he was trying to act casual was kind of a problem.

The butt plug had cooled, but was still warm in Kaden's hand from having been in Alanna's bum all afternoon. He clutched it tightly and tried not to think about where it had just been. About Alanna's lovely, enticing, motherly ass. About how much he wanted to drag her back inside and find a nice spot to eat her out again.

"Dude, you did it," Orson hissed in an excited tone that was probably as quiet as he could manage under the circumstances.

"As promised," Kaden said more calmly than he felt. "One naked mother."

"I can't believe you pulled it off."

Kaden shrugged. "I got skills. What can I say?"

"Uh huh." Orson's eyes flicked involuntarily down at Kaden's hard and dripping erection. "You, uh, got to check her out a bunch this week, huh?"

"Well... that was kinda part of the whole thing, y'know."

"No, I know. It's weird to think that you'd... I mean, have you jerked off thinking about her?"

Kaden tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. Admitting to jerking off to Orson's mom was one of the least severe things he could say, even if it technically would be false. "It's not out of the realm of possibility," he said carefully.

"No, no. I get it. I don't know why I asked. I mean... I definitely will be."

"Sure. Yeah. We, uh, probably don't need to talk about it, though."

"True. Very true. Well, we better get going."

Kaden nodded. "Keep bringing her back?"

"Are you kidding? Of course! Can't stop this now."

"No, indeed."

Orson returned to his car, practically skipping to it.

Kaden made eye contact with Alanna and blew her a kiss back while Orson wasn't looking, the brought out her plug and sucked just the tip of it between his lips while giving her sultry eyes. She bit her lip hard and her eyes flashed, but she had to get in the car before she could retaliate any further.

He hid the plug behind his back again as he waved the car out of the driveway, then returned inside. He tried to think of practical things like gathering up Alanna's clothes than she'd left behind so they'd be ready for her to take home at some point, but mostly he was already thinking about getting her plug back in her tomorrow, as well as some other similar such things.


Once everyone had gone home and it was just Jaina, Kaden, and Luna remaining, Jaina took a moment to survey the backyard. Her eyes settled on her mother, as they so often did these days. Rather unusually in this case, Jaina wasn't simply admiring Luna's naked form, but instead contemplating how little exercise she was getting. Sex excepted, though admittedly it was a pretty good workout at times.

"I think we need to start going for walks or something," Jaina said to Kaden.

"Oh? Why so?"

"Fighting laziness mostly."

"What about just fucking more?"

"I mean... yeah, I like that thought. But seriously though. We should grab Mom and go for a quick walk, yeah? Start getting in the habit?"

"I don't think she'll want to go."

"Who says she gets a choice?" Jaina patted Kaden's shoulder. "Go get dressed. I'll get Mom."

"Clothes? Really?"

"I know. Crazy, right?"

Jaina walked over to Luna, still hedonistically sunning herself even as afternoon stretched into evening. Somehow, she had a few stray streaks of cum across her, and Jaina wasn't even sure when she would have acquired them.

Being a dutiful and diligent daughter, Jaina licked her brother's cum off her mommy before speaking.

"Hey, Mom, we're gonna go for a walk."

"That's nice, dear. Have fun."

Jaina patted Luna's leg. "You're coming too."

Luna shook her head. "No thanks."

"It wasn't a question. You need to get some exercise."

"I'm still your mother, in spite of everything."

"Yeah, but I'm co-running this mommy daycare thing, and you're one of my charges, so deal."

Luna arched an eyebrow, then tilted her head up to the sky and away from Jaina.

"Whatever, Mom," Jaina said. "I'm gonna put some clothes on. You can do the same or not. But you're going for a walk."

Luna didn't respond. Nor, in fact, had she moved even a little by the time Jaina had dressed and returned. She and Kaden were both lightly but properly clothed, shirts and shorts. Luna remained as naked and tempting as she had all summer.

"You didn't take me seriously, did you?" Jaina asked.

Luna looked at her. "You two go. I'll maybe start supper."

"Nuh uh. We'll deal with supper after."

"I'm getting hungry," Luna said. "It's getting late."

"It is. Sun's still up, though. And it won't kill any of us to hold off on eating for an hour or whatever."

Kaden nudged Jaina. "Hey, uh, we kinda can't make her go, really."

Jaina grinned wickedly. "Au contraire, brother mine. We certainly can."

Kaden registered surprise when Jaina pulled out a collar from behind her back, as did Luna a little slower than Kaden. Jaina made full use of her mother's surprise to slip the collar around her neck and fasten it snugly, but not so tight as to choke her.

"If you want to be petulant, Mommy, expect consequences."

Luna put a hand to her new collar, running her fingers over it. "Jaina?"

"Whoa," Kaden said, amazed and impressed at Jaina's boldness, and already a little turned on at his otherwise naked mother now in a collar.

Jaina efficiently attached a leash to Luna's collar, then tugged gently until Luna stood up. With the collar on, Luna seemed a bit dazed and much readier to accept suggestion or instruction.

"You've gotten used to constant sexiness, huh?" Jaina said. "That's fair. We all have. And if that's what it takes...."

In theory, Luna could easily have taken the collar off at any point. Her hands weren't restrained in any way. But she didn't. She followed along behind Jaina, still uncertain and confused, but far more willing to comply.

Kaden followed behind both Jaina and Luna at first, still marveling at what Jaina had casually done to their mother, collaring and leashing her, leading her like a puppy. And here he'd thought the day's horny fun times had peaked long since. How wrong he'd been.

They stopped long enough to put some shoes on Luna, then carried right on going. Jaina had given Luna a chance to get dressed, and she hadn't taken it. These were the consequences.

Jaina made Luna walk in front of her and Kaden once they got to the sidewalk. Mostly that was just so they could appreciate their mommy's voluptuous naked body on their brief jaunt.

Luna couldn't seem to decide if she was horribly embarrassed, or loving being publicly nude. Her arms at times swung in front of her to hide herself a bit, or she even tried to duck behind her children if too many cars were passing all at once. At other times, she walked out ahead, ass swaying, arms at her sides, nearly fast enough to make Jaina hurry and keep up with her.

"You're going to get me arrested, you know," Luna said.

"Don't be silly," Jaina said. "First off, who's going to complain? Secondly, you're on a leash, so it's all fine."

"Does that work?" Kaden asked. "Anyone can just be naked out along the street as long as they aren't running free?"

"Probably," Jaina said.

They kept the walk fairly short, but even so by the time they got back home, Luna's thighs were slick with her own arousal. Jaina had soaked her panties too, and Kaden was bulging uncomfortably in his shorts.

"See? That wasn't so bad, was--"

Jaina was interrupted by Luna kissing her deeply. Jaina was left slightly stunned by the passion behind it, and could only stare for a moment once Luna moved on to kissing Kaden, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck and grinding on the tent in his shorts.

"Guess it was ok after all," Jaina murmured.

Luna paused in making out with her son for a moment and fixed Jaina with soft, horny eyes. "I can't believe the things you two will do to your own mother."

"I can't believe you went along with it," Kaden said, dipping his head to suck on Luna's tits a little.

"You know half the street has seen me parading past naked," Luna said.

"Well we'll go again tomorrow and make sure we get the other half," Jaina said glibly.

Luna tried to glare at her, but Kaden was being very distracting with his mouth on her boobies.

Jaina took the opportunity to unclip Luna's leash, but left her collar on for now. She joined her little brother in increasing their mommy's helpless horniness, kissing Luna some more and sneaking a hand to her flooded cunny.

"You know, we did say we'd get supper started when we got back," Jaina mentioned.

Kaden and Luna both ignored her.

"Anyone?" Jaina asked, knowing the answer.

"You do supper," Kaden mumbled around Luna's tits. "I'll do Mom."

Kaden started leading Luna away to bed, taking her by the hand. Jaina wasn't having any of that and was right behind them all the way to Luna's bedroom.

"You don't think I'm getting left out now, do you?"

The siblings pushed their mom into bed, then had to deal with their clothes. Not that they wore much, really, but it was a situation that didn't come up often lately.

As one, Jaina and Kaden decided a striptease was in order. They were goofy and uncoordinated about it, having never done something like it before, let alone while helping each other, but toward the end they were almost in synch.

Luna tried to get up and help her babies strip each other, but was pushed back to the bed. She resigned herself to just watching and being teased, resorting to rubbing her own pussy.

Jaina put more sway into her hips with every piece of clothing removed, finding the imaginary music for the situation. Kaden emulated her as best he could, following his big sis's lead. Halfway through they couldn't help themselves and started touching and kissing various body parts as they were exposed, and only Luna's pitiful whining and loud schlicking reminded them that they needed to get naked and pounce on her before she got truly desperate.

They had just taken her for a naked, leashed walk, after all. They owed her some nice cums.

Just as Luna was getting to her most frantic, wiggly, and whiny, Kaden slipped Jaina out of her panties and gave her a final teasing kiss right on her pussy. Jaina nearly shoved his face back into her pussy, ready to drown him in her wetness for the sack of some licks, but held out and together they moved on their horny mommy.

Luna was just as eager and wanton as could ever be hoped. As soon as she saw them coming for her, she lay back, legs spread invitingly. Kaden took her up on the invite straight away, driving his throbbing hard cock into her and giving her the pounding she needed.

Jaina felt a little left out at first. They hadn't even waited for some foreplay, not that any much was needed at this point. Still, she had to wait and play with herself a few minutes until her brother established a rhythm fucking their mom, and Jaina was able to get in there.

Jaina came in from above, pushing her pussy over Luna's face, and consequently sticking her ass in Kaden's face as well. As she hoped, both started eating her out without any hesitation at all. Even with the mommy pussy pounding, Kaden lapped lovingly at Jaina's ass, while Luna adoringly licked and sucked on her daughter's little pussy.

The way Kaden was railing Luna translated through to Jaina in the way both their tongues bounced on every thrust. It made them both a bit less efficient with eating her out, but their combined efforts were still quite lovely.

Luna moaned her way through a pair of orgasms before Kaden finally pumped her full of cum. She sighed in motherly satisfaction as her son's cum shot deep inside her, all safe and snug.

That was what Jaina had been waiting for, and she was quick to slip off Luna and take position next to her; face down, ass up, presenting her pussy just as prettily as ever a girl could.

As hoped and expected, Kaden couldn't resist a sexy ask like that. He went straight from mother to sister, burying his cock in Jaina with a mix of her and Luna's pussy juices, and his own cum.

Luna took a few moments to recover, then scooted closer to Jaina so they could kiss and make out. Jaina lapped up her own arousal off of Luna's face in between bouts of kisses.

"My babies," Luna said softly. "I can't believe what you do to me. What you make me feel."

Jaina grinned and gave Luna an extra deep kiss. "Likewise, Mom."

Jaina eventually got her pussy filled with brother-cum too. She'd cummed once in the process, but needed more. The only logical thing was to sixty-nine with her mommy so they could each lick Kaden's cum out of each other, and hopefully get each other off too.

It was quite a while before they actually got around to getting some proper food. Jaina and Luna had their sexy snacks to help some, but everyone was pretty starved by the time they ate, then all tuckered out by bedtime. Not tired enough to retreat to their own rooms, though. It was just the kind of night when they all felt like cuddling together in one naked, satisfied pile. So they did.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

there goes another chapter. not much to say here, most of my critics have already been maid by others, (tho i also disagree with some of them), and the defenses made by fanboys/fangirls in the comments are cringe/weak.


Page 2; about 3/5 of the way through-

Alana-"I don't think tongues are to be part of a massage!"

Kaden-"We are pioneers in the field!". Then he continues to massage her pussy with his tongue...

THAT is a very seriously funny and telling part of the story, how they are 'pioneering' Mommy Day Care procedures...made me laugh and smile, just the humor, in addition to the emotional and physical fun/needs being fulfilled!!

I have not read any of the other comments here, yet; I am going now, to see how many of y'all speak negatively about this...

For myself, this is so much fun, quite enjoyable...Five**5**Stars for Xarth and his imaginative writings (which satisfy us perverts out here!)

TabooAcademy365TabooAcademy3653 months ago

The part where Luna eats Kaden's asshole as he cums all over their breakfast is one of the hottest things I've ever read. Jerked off to that part alone so many times.

sp141sp1416 months ago

First of all, I can't help but notice that the trash talkers are all anonymous. To quote Taylor Swift, "Say it in the streets, that's a knockout, say it in a tweet, that's a cop out." Second, as someone is very big on verbal consent, I love the part where Kaden said please before entering Jaina. Very good chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Yep yep... dropping a novel, more than one dude in a novel of this kind is so very much a niche interest. Ruined it for me, and i'm actually super understanding towards stuff like these. I have swingers in my friend group and also used to manage a social club where people would routinely partner-swap or bring another person into their fun. It feels completely different when it's in a novel. Like having an annoying drunken outsider yell cheap pick-up lines at the friends you are trying to talk to. About the same feel.

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