Moonlight Bay


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"This may be a long process. It might be better if we all got some rest and something to eat. We have to have faith in those kids. I know Dave found Jessica. He wouldn't have stopped until he did. They're both smart and trained in medicine. They just need a ride back in and that may take a little time, so let's eat, rest and come back later."

Dave and Jessica had fallen asleep briefly as they clung to the seat cushion in the tumultuous ocean. Dave awoke first to see the sun rising in the east. The waters were calm the slight ocean breeze carried the smell of salt water. Jessica was still asleep so Dave took in her beauty while he could. Then he noticed an egg sized knot on the side of her head and he was immediately concerned about a concussion, or worse.

"Jess! Jess! Can you wake up?" whispered Dave as he gently shook her shoulder.

Jess slowly opened her eyes and looked at the rising son. The she turned to Dave and smiled. She gave him a gentle kiss on the lips and smiled some more.

"I'm fine. How did you wind up out at that island and how did you find me? What happened to everyone else? They didn't drown, did they? Not Heather and Willow and those adorable kids!" asked a now worried Jessica. "Please tell me they're okay!"

"I think we managed to load everyone on a fishing boat and I hope they made it safely back to the marina," replied Dave with a smile. "I know for a fact that Willow and Heather made it to the fishing boat and I saw about seven kids climb on."

"You helped save those people and then came looking for me?" managed an emotional Jessica. "You risked your life to find me?"

"I'd do that every time, Jess. You should expect it and never have any doubt," was Dave's response.

"Dave, I'm sorry I slapped your face and I feel even worse about your father. I was very emotional from that episode with the alligator and I heard some things in the bathroom that upset me. I overheard a couple of nurses, one of whom slept with you, talking about how you were leading me on just to get me to do a residency at the hospital. They said your father had put you up to it."

"Really?" asked an obviously irked Dave. "What did they look like? I'd like to have a little talk with them."

"You actually need more of a clue than the fact you slept with one of them?" marveled Jessica. "Your promiscuous life style may be another issue. I admit I'm not a virgin, but I've only had one lover and didn't seem to please him very well. Every woman I meet raves about your bedroom skills. I can't be in that kind of relationship."

"I've had a few girlfriends along the way, but I've never promised any sort of commitment," responded Dave. "When I dated a girl, she was the only girl I was with. I certainly never came close to thinking about marriage and a lifetime commitment with any of them."

"Are you telling me that you're thinking about that now?" asked Jessica doubtfully.

"Honestly? Right now I'm thinking we should paddle our feet enough to get us to that little rocky island over to our left about half a mile. Then we should take our time to discuss things like love and marriage."

Jessica and Dave found that the size of their little island varied from almost half an acre at low tide to about ten feet by six feet at high tide. There was some sand packed between rocks they dug out and spread on the high point of their island to allow more comfort while lying down. Once they made it as comfortable as possible, they discussed their options.

"We should take turns sleeping so we can watch for boats, or even planes and helicopters," suggested Dave. "If it's dark, we won't be able to do much except yell, but if there's any light and people are looking for us, we could be seen if we jump around and wave."

Jessica and agreed and slept first while Dave kept watch. Dave ripped the seat cushion apart so he could make a little sun shield with it. He propped one end on the highest rock on the island and placed the other end on their two lifejackets piled together with a small rock place on top of each end to keep it in place. It gave them an opportunity to escape the rays of the sun. Dave knew how painful and serious bad sunburn could be.

Dave was looking at the horizon when Jessica awoke. She studied his face for a few minutes and then asked about the subject that had been on her mind when she fell asleep.

"What did you mean about how you've been thinking about marriage and commitment? Are you even capable of committing to something and sticking to it?"

"I spent two tours in Iraq," responded Dave as he looked into Jessica's eyes. "I was committed to my team and they were committed to me. We had each other's back. I understand commitment. I also understand that it would take a special person to get me to commit to marriage. When I marry, it won't be some temporary thing. It won't be just for the good times. It has to be for all day, every day, with no one ever being allowed to interfere with that commitment. I think you understand that and feel the same. I think you're what I've been looking for and if you'll marry me, I'll never look at another woman. I swear it."

"Wow! That explanation was a little more in depth than I expected," replied Jessica. "Just so I'm clear on this. Are you asking me to marry you?"

"Yes, although it would probably hinge on us being rescued and your dad's approval, and him not killing me for sweet talking his little girl while we're alone on a deserted island," answered Dave with a smile.

"You'd give up all of those other women that you've slept with? The ones who seem to be there every time I turn around? Would you be willing to live in Baltimore while I do my residency?" asked Jessica.

"I'd be glad to live anyplace in the world with you, Jess. I've lost any interest I've ever had in other girls. It would be just you and me," promised Dave.

"I have a few more questions. Why did you not tell me you were a paramedic and that you had asked about getting a job recommendation from your boss? Why did you make me believe you were a waiter or maitre d' or something?"

"You thought I was a waiter?" laughed Dave. "I assumed you knew what I did after talking to Diane that first night. Why do you think I took you for lunch so the guys could see you? Couldn't you tell I was showing you off to my buddies?"

"I had no idea! You were showing me off? Like I was your girlfriend or something? What about your friends knowing I give lousy blowjobs? Isn't that embarrassing for you?" quizzed Jessica.

"I'm not sure how to respond to that question, but I'll give it a shot. I'm sure that accusation was simply meant as a way to hurt you. I've never discussed my sex life with anyone and the guys know it. A lousy blow job from a girl like you could never be that bad. Those guys were jealous as hell. They think you're the best, especially after the way you wouldn't let that alligator chase you away from the man that needed your help."

"Good answers," laughed Jessica. "You can never talk about our sex life. That'll be my job. It seems like the entire female population of the county is familiar with your bedroom abilities. I'll just feed that urban myth and make them all jealous as hell. They may have had you a time or two, but I've locked you in and none of the rest of them ever managed that."

"Does that mean that you'll marry..."

"It means I'm going to have sex with you right here on our own little island. Never buy a pig in a poke, I always say. I've got to find out if ten million French girls can't be wrong, or something like that. Consider it an audition, or a job interview. Bring your A game, Buster. You will be graded!"

"Jesus, Joseph, and Mary!" exclaimed Jessica an hour later. "You passed with flying colors. You aced the test. You did especially well on the oral part. Great attention to detail. Extra credit for imagination and..."

Jessica was unable to maintain her rambling as Dave silenced her with a passionate kiss. "I hope we aren't rescued for a few days," was all she managed between kisses.

They had spent two days on the rock outcropping without seeing any sort of boat, ship or plane, and Dave was getting worried. They were able to drink dew that collected on the rocks, but several days of nonstop sex combined with lack of food was taking its toll on him. Jessica woke up at first light as he crawled into the make shift shelter and immediately fell asleep.

Jessica's clothes were torn and tattered from being battered by the rocks when she was thrown from the boat, so she hadn't bothered putting them back on after the first time she and Dave made love. She knew Dave was worried about the chances of being rescued, but she was determined to not worry about surviving. She was as happy as she had even been and wanted to keep that feeling as long as possible.

She moved down to the water's edge, sat on a submerged flat rock and used her shirt as a wash cloth to sponge water over her upper torso. As she bathed, she sang. She'd always had a pleasant voice, although never confident enough to sing in front of people. She just finished a song when she clearly heard a strange voice behind her.

"Are you a mermaid, or maybe one of those sirens that lure sailors unto the rocks?"

Shocked, Jessica swung around to face the person asking the question. Even in her surprise, she had to laugh at the loud groan the man made when he saw her ample breasts, glistening and firm in the morning light.

"That depends," responded Jessica as she glanced toward Dave, who was now listening intently. "Are you intending me harm? If so, I have to warn you that I have very good protection."

"Ma'am, hurting you is the farthest thing from my mind. You speak English! Are you human? If you are, what are you doing way out here by yourself?" asked the puzzled man.

"She's with me, Reggie," stated Dave as he stood and suddenly came into the man's view. "We could use a ride back to the mainland if you'd be so kind. I'll pay you for your lost fishing time. Now I know where you catch all those big ones!"

"Dave! Everyone with a boat is out looking for you, mostly way north of here. I'll give you a ride back if you promise you won't tell anyone about this spot. Besides, there's a pretty good reward being offered to anyone that brings this pretty girl back safe and sound. I didn't hear if there was any for you, Dave," replied the old man as he struggled to maintain a straight face.


Two long and painful days had passed with both families keeping vigil at the marina. Nancy and Heather Williams were suffering noticeably. Neither woman could eat. They barely slept. Ben did his best to keep their spirits lifted.

"You saw that boy take on a seven foot alligator for Jess. I'll bet everything I have that he's found her and they're just waiting for a ship or fishing boat to see them. I'm damn glad he was there and thinking of her. That's the kind of man she needs and deserves."

It was on the third afternoon when news came to the marina that a small fishing boat was headed for there with two people found at sea almost thirty miles south of Lancaster Island. Nancy, Heather, Diane and Gail all broke into tears at the news. As they waited for the boat's arrival, people began arriving at the marina. Word had quickly spread. Everyone in town knew the story about the alligator. Almost everyone had heard about Jessica slapping Dave two days before the tour boat sank, as well as how he had jumped from the rescue boat to search for her.

This was better than any soap opera! How did the star crossed lovers survive for three days at sea? Were they hurt? More importantly, what was their relationship now? Had the beautiful doctor forgiven Moonlight Bay's favorite son? Had he forgiven her? The topic was discussed endlessly while waiting for the fishing boat to finally arrive.

The old boat finally appeared on the horizon and the crowd began to buzz in anticipation. As the boat neared the dock, spectators became more festive. Several barbecue grills were fired up and hotdogs and burgers were passed out. Coolers of beer and soda appeared out of nowhere. A fire truck kept its lights flashing while a rescue vehicle waited nearby.

Several men helped secure the boat while Jessica and Dave stood on the deck, holding hands and waving to the cheering well-wishers. Dave stepped onto the dock and helped guide Jessica off the boat. Nancy Williams was the first to greet Jessica. She wrapped her into a tight hug and held her for a long time. She finally released her daughter and immediately wrapped her arms around Dave.

"What you did for our daughter is more than we could have ever hoped, Thanks, Dave, for being the man you are!" sobbed Nancy as Heather and then Willow took turns embracing Jessica. Jessica spoke briefly with her sister and then stepped in front of her father who was standing next to Dave's parents and sister.

"Dad, I think you should listen to this," insisted Jessica before turning to Dave's father. "Sir, if that offer to do a residency at General still stands, I'll take that job, with a few non-negotiable conditions. I will expect you to babysit your grandchildren now and then so your son and I can have a date night, or maybe even a little vacation. You will forgive me for my rash behavior the other day and you will let me call you 'Dad'. Do we have an agreement?"

Mike looked at a smiling Diane and his teary eyed wife. Unable to speak, he simply nodded his head. Jessica threw her arms around him and kissed the same cheek she had slapped a few days prior. The she quickly hugged Gail and Diane before going back to her father, who was in the process of shaking Dave's hand.

"Dad, Mom, this man tried very hard to get me pregnant for the past two days. He ravished me in ways I never even dreamed of, and I've completed medical school. I'm going to marry him and would like your blessing. He was going to ask Dad for my hand, but I think it would be wrong for a womanizer like Dave to expect a girl's father to approve of him as husband material.

"Dave, I want you to tell my parents if I'm an unsatisfactory lover in any way. You were there when my last boyfriend critiqued my technique to my parents. Do you have any complaints?"

"Sir, Jess banged her head on a rock and she hasn't eaten in three days," explained a somewhat confused Dave. "She's a bit light headed at the moment, but she's right about us getting married and how I was going to ask for your blessing. That seems to have gone by the boards now. For the record, I am not now, nor will I ever, make any comment critical of Jess' passion, intensity, flexibility, or selflessness when making love. I'm in love with your daughter."

"Did you stream all of that, Heather?" asked Jessica as she wrapped her arms around Dave's neck and kissed him passionately before announcing. "I hope all of Dave's old lovers and that jackass, James, sees this and gets the message. I'm the best lover Dave has ever had, or ever will have, period.

"We're going to go get a couple of those burgers the guys are grilling. Then we'll ride to the hospital for a checkup, before we go back to Dave's apartment. We don't want any interruptions when we get there. This town always wants to know what everyone is doing, so I'm making it easier," offered Jessica in way of an explanation.

True to her word, Jessica led Dave up the dock and over to where the grills were set up. The party atmosphere was in full swing as people cheered every bite Jessica took of both burgers. They went ballistic when she slowly swallowed her hotdog. Jessica then chatted with people while she and Dave shared a beer before climbing into the ambulance for the ride to the hospital.

Jessica accepted that folks in town were a little nosey, but Moonlight Bay was now her home. She knew it would always take care of its own.

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PurplefizzPurplefizz26 days ago

Good story, even though I know it’s fictional, there were a few times it drifted too far towards unbelievable, that said I thoroughly enjoyed it, definitely one for an afternoon hallmark movie I think though! Many thanks for writing and posting, Cheers, Ppfzz. 5⭐️

Bluehorse64Bluehorse64about 1 month ago

That was a cute little story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

What an exciting and passionate courtship. It makes a nice rom-com for Lifetime or Hallmark. (Kismet?)

RandyPandaRandyPandaabout 2 months ago

It started okay but turned into a bucket load of icky cringe particularly at the tail end.

UncletoddUncletodd3 months ago

Great story you should do more like it.

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