More Than Friends


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We came back to the table, I motioned for the waitress and ordered another Bacardi and Diet Coke. Veronica ordered shots all around, but Michael said he didn't want anything.

"One of us has gotta stay sober," he said, watching me as the waitress brought us our shots.

I looked at Michael, stood up and took a few steps over to him. I slowly pulled his jacket off him, letting it fall across his shoulders, then straddled his legs between mine, placed my hands on his shoulders and he placed his hands gently on my waist. I moved my face closer to his, our lips almost touching, tilted his head slightly to the side, licked his neck just below his ear, then sprinkled salt on it. I kissed the salt off his neck, pulled away, slammed my tequila shot then reached for a lime wedge.

I moved my face closer into his again. I tilted his head back slightly and slowly rubbed the lime on his lips, gently squeezing it. I leaned in, kissed him, my tongue probing into is mouth, then licked down his chin, cleaning off the rest of the lime juice that had dribbled.

I heard Crazy For You by Madonna start playing. I leaned into him again and whispered, "Dance with me." When I got up, everyone at the table was just staring at us in disbelief at what they had just witnessed, except Veronica. She sat there smiling and gave me a wink.

Michael stood up and removed his jacket. He took my hand, led me to the floor, pulled me into him and put his arms around my waist. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him in closer, feeling his heart beating through his sweater. I rested my head on his shoulder, felt him pull my waist in closer to him, and felt his burgeoning erection against me.

"Someone's happy to see me," I said, brushing myself against him.

He pulled away to look at me. "Reese, I -- "

"Don't ruin the moment, Michael," I said as I placed a finger to his lips.

He took my face gently in his hands and we shared a slow, lingering kiss while we danced. Our bodies swayed to the music, unaware of anyone else around us. As the song ended, we reluctantly pulled away. He kissed my cheek softly then led me back to the table.

"I thought you said the two of you weren't getting along, Reese?" Veronica asked. I just made a shushing gesture toward her as I sat back down in my seat, still holding Michael's hand.

Michael and I sat close together and even got in a few more dances. By this time it was nearing midnight and I also had a few more drinks, making it difficult to even stand up. Michael told me he was taking me home, we could come get my car later. As we drove home, not a word was spoken. I was angry with him for forcing me to leave since he's the one who told me to go have fun in the first place.

We pulled up in front of my apartment building and I got out of the car, heading quickly for the door. Michael followed. "You don' hafta follow me, I know the way from here," I said, coldly, still slurring my words while walking clumsily to the entrance.

"I just wanna make sure you make it inside." He caught me as I stumbled.

"I'm fine!" My loud voice echoed through the air. I opened the door to the main building and tripped on the step walking inside. I started to giggle.

"Let me help you," he said, taking the keys from my hands.

"I can do it!" I said loudly, taking the keys back from him. I held the key with both hands to keep it steady as I slid it into the lock. I turned the knob and fell into my apartment giggling again as the door opened. Michael helped me to my feet, reached around and turned on the light.

I tossed my keys on the kitchen table along with my purse and went to the bathroom. When I was done in there, I stumbled into the bedroom to change clothes. I fell onto the bed, laying on my back, looking at the ceiling in the darkened bedroom. Michael just stood in the doorway, watching.

"Wha'-do-you-want?" I slurred at him. I sat up on the bed, leaned over and switched on the light on the nightstand.

"Did you have fun t'night?" he asked, smiling.

"Yeah, 'til you showed up and spoiled everything."

"How did I spoil everything?"

"I was havin' fun and you made me leave."

"You had too much to drink, Reese. I was worried about you."

I got up off the bed, walked over to him and pushed him out into the hallway against the wall. I removed his jacket, throwing it to the side. I pulled his sweater up over his head, holding it there with his hands and arms over his head while I leaned in and kissed him, my tongue probing into his mouth again. I could still taste the lime juice from earlier on his lips. I pulled his shirt the rest of the way off and threw it in the same direction as his jacket. I ran my hands down his bare chest to his pants, finding his belt and slowly undoing it. I ran one hand down the inside of his pants, feeling his now rock hard shaft brushing against my palm.

"Mmmmm. I see someone's still happy to see me," I said, rubbing his cock. I heard him let out a gasp before he spoke.

"Please don't do this," he said, pulling my hand from his pants and pushing me away.

"Fuck me, Michael," I said, moving back into him, rubbing his chest.

"Reese, I can't do this," he said, not making eye contact with me.

"You were the one who said you wanted to take our relationship to the next level, Michael. Here's your chance. Fuck me."

"I can't. Not like this."

"Why not? Obviously something's got you pretty worked up," I said, rubbing his erection through his jeans.

"It's you that's got me so worked up, Reese, but I just can't do this. Not tonight."

"Fine, then get the hell out," I said sharply. I turned, walked back into the bedroom and fell on my side onto the bed. Michael walked around to the other side of the bed, pulled the covers back and brought them up over me. I looked up at him just standing over me. He stood there looking at me for a few seconds before he spoke.

"Let's get you comfortable," he said, as he pulled the covers back and helped me to my feet.

I wrapped my arms around him while he removed my blouse. He sat me back down on the bed, removed my shoes and slacks, put my feet back up on the bed, and pulled the covers over me again. He walked out of the room then returned a few minutes later and I felt him sit on the edge of the bed. I moved my foot closer to him, resting it against his thigh. He got up, walked over to me, kissed my forehead and caressed my hair. When I looked up at him, he was just wearing his boxers, holding the afghan from the couch in front of him. He leaned over, kissed my cheek and turned out the light. I reached behind me and pulled the covers down.

"I love you, Michael. Stay with me," I whispered as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I was laying in bed wearing just my bra and panties. I rubbed my eyes, looked around the room and saw Michael sleeping in a chair in the corner of the room. The afghan he'd gotten from the couch in the living room was on the floor at his feet.

I shot bolt upright out of bed and shouted, "What the hell is going on here?"

Michael woke up immediately. He rubbed his eyes, smiled and said, "G'morning, how you feeling?"

"What the hell are you doing here? How did I get like this? Where the hell are my clothes?" I shouted as I got up out of bed, pulling the covers with me.

"Reese, calm down," he said, getting out of the chair.

"Calm down? I wake up half naked, you're sleeping a few feet way from me, also half naked and you want me to fucking calm down?"

"You passed out, I got you undressed and put you into bed -- "

"What the hell kind of guy are you, Michael? I can't believe you'd take advantage of me while I was passed out!" I held my head, it throbbed with every word.

"Is that what you think happened?"

"I thought I told you to get the hell outta here last night. What the hell are you still doing here? And why the hell are you half naked in my bedroom?" I asked, trying to cover myself with the blanket from the bed.

"You told me to stay with you, Reese. Nothing happened. I got you out of your clothes and put you to bed. That's it."

"Take advantage of the drunk fat girl, huh?"

I could see anger in his face as he replied, "Will you just shut up and listen to me for a minute?"

"Fine." I sat down on the bed, waiting for his explanation. "What?"

"You had way too much to drink last night. I brought you back here, you wanted me to fuck you and I refused. You passed out on the bed, I took off your blouse, slacks and shoes and put you in bed. That's it. I was going to sleep on the couch, but you asked me to stay with you. You fell asleep and I didn't want to disturb you, so I slept in the chair," he said angrily. "Do you honestly think I would have taken advantage of you in the condition you were in last night, Reese?"

Calming down slightly, I said, "I don't know. I don't remember much of what happened last night, except telling you to get out."

"You did tell me to get out, but then you asked me to stay. You told me to fuck you. I wouldn't do it, not the way you were last night. You got mad, told me to get out, then you came in here and passed out."

I turned away, blushing. "I didn't really do that, did I?"

"Yes. You did. You also told me you loved me."

I got up and ran to the bathroom. I put the lid down on the toilet, sat down and just started crying. I heard Michael ask if I was all right through the door and told him everything was fine. I asked him to leave, but he said he wanted to make sure I was okay first. I pulled a couple aspirin out of the medicine cabinet and washed them down with a glass of water before I opened the door to talk to him.

"I'm fine, Michael. I'm just really embarrassed about everything that happened last night. Maybe you should go."

"I'm not going anywhere this time, Reese," he replied, taking my hand and leading me into the bedroom.

"Michael -- "

"Just let me say this," he said as he sat me down on the bed then sat down next to me. "You told me you loved me last night. You asked me to fuck you. I didn't want to do anything to you in the condition you were in, but if the circumstances had been different, I wouldn't have turned you down. I've loved you for a long time, Reese. All those people who said we were in love with each other were right. I've wanted you for awhile now, but until just a few days ago, I didn't think you felt the same about me," he finished, breaking eye contact with me.

"Oh Michael. I was so embarrassed about that kiss on Monday, but it felt so wonderful. I didn't know what to do. I fell hard for you a long time ago. I kept my distance because I figured you'd never be interested in me."

He turned to face me, moving in closer as our lips met and we kissed softly. I reluctantly pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"I want this to be perfect, Michael," I said as I removed the blanket from my shoulders and stood up. "I want you to make love to me."

"God, you're beautiful." I watched as his eyes roamed up and down my body. I took his hand and helped him to his feet as he pulled me in closer to him again.

He removed my bra while slowly caressing my back and shoulders. My whole body quivered under his touch and I felt weak in the knees as he leaned down to kiss me again. We fell back to the bed and I felt his hands run under my panties and caress my hips. I could feel the heat of his skin against mine as he worked his hands down my thighs, hooking my panties with his thumbs and pulling them down. I rolled over onto the bed to allow him to remove my panties and he pulled me into him again.

"I want you, Reese. I've never wanted another woman more than I want you right now."

We kissed again, our tongues exploring each other's mouth. He kissed down my neck, gently nibbling and sucking as he made his way down my body to my breasts. He took one breast in his hand and brought the nipple to his mouth, slowly sucking, working my body into a frenzy. He moved to the other nipple, while his hands caressed down my stomach and traced the lips of my drenched pussy.

I opened my legs and felt his fingers gently graze my clit as he continued to caress my thighs. I felt his lips make their way down my body, kissing and nibbling gently. He took one finger and slid it inside me, while still kissing up and down my thighs. I let out a soft moan and felt him slide another finger inside me. My hips gyrated with his every move.

He closed his mouth gently around my waiting clit and my whole body trembled. I raised my hips to meet him, feeling his fingers plunge deep inside. I felt my whole body slowly start to shudder as he brought me to climax. He pulled his fingers out, plunging his tongue deep, drinking in my juices.

"Oh my God! Michael!"

He kissed back up my body slowly, exploring every inch with his lips. I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled him into me for a slow, feverish kiss. He repositioned himself over me, still probing my mouth with his tongue. I ran my hands down his back to his boxers, slowly pulling them off, squeezing his ass cheeks as they were exposed. He reached down and finished removing his boxers, leaving his rigid cock aiming at its prize.

I opened my legs wider as he slid his cock perfectly inside me. He thrust deep and slow, making the sensation last as we kissed passionately. I felt his hips move as he tried to find that perfect spot that made my whole body writhe. As our pace quickened, I pulled him deeper into me, digging my fingers into his back with my legs wrapped around him.

He kissed me again while I caressed his back and shoulders. He plunged deep, his cock engulfed by my convulsing pussy as we just let ourselves go. I felt him pump hard as his body stiffened and he released his hot thick juice deep inside me.

"Reese! Oh My God! Reese!" His body shuddered and convulsed through his release.

I felt my orgasm working it's way up from my toes, slowly flooding my whole body with pleasure as his cock still pumped its load inside me. I called out his name a few times and squeezed him tighter with my legs as I felt myself tremble while my pussy lubricated his cock. He collapsed on top of me, breathless. I felt the tremors in his body get slower as he pushed himself up and rolled onto the bed.

"That was amazing," I told him, still trying to catch my breath.

He just laid next to me, eyes closed, his body still trembling. "That was better than amazing," he said trying to catch his breath.

"I love you, Michael." I felt him pull me closer and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too, Reese."

We spent almost the entire weekend in bed, learning about each other. We only stopped long enough to go get my car from the club. When Monday morning came, we didn't want to get out of bed, but we knew we had to. We showered together, feeling the warm water run over us as we made love.

As we walked into the office, about a half hour late and arm-in-arm, we heard chatter and whispers from our co-workers. We walked to our cubicle and found a greeting card propped up against his computer monitor. The envelope was addressed to both of us. He picked it up, handed it to me and I opened it.

The front of the card had a picture of people clapping and cheering, when I opened it up, there were three simple words printed on the inside: It's About Time! It was signed simply: V.

I glanced over at Veronica and just gave her a smile. I turned to Michael, grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled him into me for a deep slow passionate kiss. We pulled away, removed our coats and sat down at our desks. I propped the card up on the corner of my desk, blew Michael a kiss and started working for the day.

"Love you, Reese.".

"Love you too, Michael."

My life was perfect. I had finally found love.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Why is Michael wasting his time with the bitch Reese!

Ehen Sandy first cheated the skank Reese told him to work it out with her!! Skabks stick together

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

That is where most cheating happens, in an office environment with colleagues,work spouses

ThelvynerThelvynerover 7 years ago
Stupid people

Does hiding things from other people you care about ever work out well? No. Why do people keep doing it?

MoogPlayerMoogPlayeralmost 9 years ago
What A Wonderful Story!

You've outdone yourself on this one michchick98. Just when I thought "How Do You Like Me Now" was your best. I read this one and got knocked on my ass. My eyes don't fill with tears very often, but I almost flooded my keyboard. Great story and Great Job!


JuanVatoJuanVatoover 13 years ago
Real Story.

I bet that has happened more than once in an office environment.

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