My Little Gem Ch. 04

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Gem keeps her virginity, barely. But her bestie?
5.8k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/01/2024
Created 09/28/2023
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Readers, thank you for reading my stories all these years! I'm closing on a million views and hope to keep writing as long as I can. In this series I've written about a young man who's recently come into his own and is making the most of it. However, in the second chapter, an embarrassing video of him surfaced and became quite controversial. It's a thread that weaves through the subsequent chapters, setting the stage for some interesting encounters.

Each of these chapters can stand by itself, but for better character descriptions, you may want to enjoy the stories in sequence. So please enjoy. There's more after this, nearly done.


The spring breeze blew through the open window in the kitchen, trifling the cafe curtains. Outside, a windchime made of seashells tinkled in counterpoint to the rustling leaves on the trees.

Gem leaned over me, pitcher in hand, "Refill?"

I considered, "Did you say this was decaf?"

Slow grin, "I didn't say. You want more lemon in it?"

You've got to understand that in the rural South, sweet tea is serious business. It's got to be just right and hers was as close as it gets. Her long chestnut hair was tied back in an over the ears ponytail and she wore a tunic, kinda like the Romans. However, I don't think they had A.A. Milne characters featured on the front.

As she poured, I was eye level with Winnie and Tigger dancing in the road as Piglet looked on.

As the armhole gaped, I was treated to a view of her small firm teenage breast, cupcakes, so close I could see the dewey fuzz of her skin. She knew what she was doing. I parlayed, "Why is it you wear clothes that nobody else has?"

She giggled, nose wrinkling below chocolate brown eyes, "You never know what will turn up at the Goodwill store." She put the tea back in the fridge. "This was in the Boy's department. It still had the tags on it, can you believe?"

I pushed back from the table, watching as an old S-10 sputtered around my ancient truck outside. "You, I'd believe most anything."

Gem came around to sit on my leg. "I'm so childish. Oh, and I can still fit in small stuff. I found an Oscar the Grouch top last week!" She looked down, "Am I too heavy on you?"

That got me laughing. As an aside, I was pretty sure she was done growing, at least in this life. If you've toted in a week's groceries from Walmart in one trip, you'd have a fair estimate of her weight. Gem could walk under the bottom of a Dutch door without barely leaning over, true fact.

But good things come in small packages and this package had leaned in, her arms on my shoulders and rubbed noses with me. "I think horses do that when they like each other, you ever notice?"

"There's a lot to like about you."

"Mmm. That's a really good answer. Tell me more."

"How much gets me a kiss?"

Her shorts had ridden up and my hand found her thigh.

She rubbed noses again, "I think I'm gonna be..hard to get."

My other hand went under her tunic, just acting all innocent. "Well. I think about you inconveniently."

She looked all mock astonished, widened eyes, "You got some nerve. Me? Inconvenient?"

I nodded, "It's true. I was taking an exam last week and in the middle of it, I started daydreaming about you. I started smiling. It was a timed test too!"

"Awww! I didn't know I was daydreamable. That's so CUTE!" Her mouth got closer. "You got more confessions? Maybe something I would think about at night?"

My hand had crept inside her cutoffs, enough to tickle her hollows. "I like you enough that I'd nibble on you, head to toe, just to see what you liked."

"Uh-huh. How many nibbles and where exactly?" Her eyes sparkled, barely concealing her mirth.

Puffs of her breath on my chin. My hand encountered youthful pubes. Evidently the Junior Miss dept was out of stock on undies last week. I trailed a fingernail between her thigh and labia. "I have some ideas. I'd probably nibble more at some places than others."

She caught up my wrist, neither stopping nor encouraging my exploration. "Is that one of those nibbleable spots your talking about?"

"Possibly. I might try a kneecap while I'm at it, I just don't know. Lack of kissing could leave me confused."

"You're making a very good case without begging. I like that!" She brushed my lips with hers, a hint of lilacs in my nostrils. "But..let's not get too involved. If Mama found out you were here.."

I nodded, "Worse, if Vicky found out."

Her phone trilled the Snow White theme song. "Oh, that's Livy. Let me at least say hey to her."

She went for her phone while I stepped out on the porch, adjusting myself. I turned and caught her watching me, grinning as she spoke to her girlfriend. A couple of pine cones thumped on the tin roof overhead, freed by the breeze and bluish clouds scudded aloft. A man with a dunlap walked his dog past, a schnauzer that stared at me as he peed on my back tire.

Inside I heard a laugh, then her voice closer, "Theron? Hey. This isn't a private call or anything. Come on in, you." As I turned, I heard her, "No, he was just on the porch doing something, um, manly I think." She giggled, "No, huh-uh, not really, no. Mama's gonna be home soon, so.." Gem held out her phone, "Talk to her, I'm gonna use the bathroom, be right back!"

I noticed how warm the back of the phone was from her touch. "Hello Livy."

She purred like a lioness, "Theron, how ARE you?"

Livy had a great phone voice. A little thrill went through me, my better angel being off duty for the moment. I remembered meeting her, long tall cool sip of water, hair more like a mane, V-cut to point at a perfect sculpted butt. I wondered if it was dimpled...

"Hello? Theron?"

"Hey Livy. You doin alright?"

"Mmm, yeah! Just loosening up. I took a square for anxiety a while ago and that's kicking in, so.."

I scratched my neck, taking the bait, "Why'd you get anxious? You go car shopping or something?"

A guffaw, "Oh. You're precious. No, sometimes my brother and I don't get along. Mom shoulda stopped after me."

"I bet my sister says the same thing." I chuckled, "Especially once I hit puberty."

"Hah, we should compare notes! Hey, can I call you in a little while? I've got a favor to ask."

Gem was coming up the hall. I could hear her flip flops.

"Sure. Just whenever." I handed over the phone, hot from my own hand.

Little birds hopped and chattered outside in the carport, while the bird in the kitchen hung up, laughing.

"Sometimes Livy's ridiculous, honestly."

I thought back, "She said something about taking a square."

"Yeah, but she still gets good grades." She watched a sparrow out the window, "I wish I could go off with you for a while. Restriction sucks."

"So, maybe less time mooning over boys and more time on studies?"

"Oh, so only you get to daydream about night things during a test, huh?" She regained my lap, snuggling in. "Mama will be here QT."

She gave me just the tiniest lick, I almost missed it. A lilt in her voice, "Living dangerously, look at us!"

My hand had crept up under her tunic. I helped Winnie with his dancing as I tickled a hardening nipple. I nuzzled under her chin, "Am I being distracting?"

"I..I don't think so.." A deep breath.

My fingers inched up her bare thigh until I found her fur again. This time, she didn't stop my wrist. I smoothed her youthful furrow, gently. "How 'bout now?"

"Oooh!" A wiggle, "I think you might be, mmm, naughty, just some though."

"But not too much, right?" I breathed.

In reply, her lips went to mine, opening, searching, tongues dancing gently. It was a soft opening and as we kissed, Gem reached down, unbuttoning my jeans. She pulled away, "I've never done this in the kitchen."

I noticed her shorts were unbuttoned too. "Where have you done this?"

That slow grin, "Only you would know, Theron, only you!"

I cupped her small breast. It stuck straight out, nipple taut between my thumb and forefinger. Down below, my other fingers found growing moistness, although I hadn't entered her pool. But still, a little stir..

She bucked, "Oh God, that's not fair at all, huh-uh."

I couldn't hide my grin, "What'd I do?"

A quick glance out the window, "I don't know just when they'll be home and you're being bad."

"Can we call it just being affectionate?" I gave her another stir. My fingers moved easily now, coated from her growing arousal.

"You call it what you want, but...Ohh!" She gasped, eyes closing, following the thrill between her legs.

I kissed her. She fastened her lips to mine tightly, breathing hard through her nose, eyes closed. Frantically her tongue sought mine again, sucking it in, tiny bites. Her small hand tugged my zipper down, working through my boxers, finding my hardness. I felt her grin.

Kissing stopped, raspy her in my ear, "I'll show you affection. I'll make you write bad checks by the time I'm done." She licked that ear and squeezed my maleness for effect, leaving me to gasp.

A car went by out on the highway, thumping bass trailing Doppler like and a mockingbird broke into song across the gravel path. The buzzer on the stove went off, bee on steroids.

Gem leapt up, winding it back, "That's my first alert!" Her cutoffs slipped down.

My hands gentled those cutoffs just a bit lower.

She stepped in front of me, "After the next buzzer, you'll need to scoot, OK?"

I let her shorts drop to the floor, putting my face against her smooth soft belly. Gem might have been a mere slip of a girl, but I could smell her arousal, the pheromones making my self control dwindle. I pushed her top up, nuzzling, sucking her treasures.

Her gasp was audible, kind of like an inward shriek. My fingers held her whole puss in hand, middle digit bringing goo up her crevasse, round and round..

"Oh Theron..Oh..Oh God..Lemme play with it. Thirteen minutes, you gotta go."

I relinquished her tit to rise, pushing down my pants, cock free, her hand grabbing, squeezing, jacking.I felt myself swell in her hand as she tugged, inexperience all the more endearing, call it girl just horny.

"I want you to.."

"What? Tell me."

"Um," She giggled, embarrassed, looking at the table, "Have lunch on me? Nibbles? I swear, it won't take much!"

I took time to move the placemats, clearing the table, her bare feet on my thighs as I leaned in, my fingers opening her to my tongue's initial invasion. The smell of her intriguing need filled my nostrils as I licked her sweetness, her body's betrayal of Nature's needs seeking release.

There was a car door slam, but not close. The mockingbird had flown off and little blonde thigh hairs tickled my cheeks as I breathed her in, wanting nothing more than to invade her virginity, her tightness wringing every drop of my want, to impale her so deeply, to possess..I looked up at her. She was propped on her elbows, looking back intently.

I sucked in her star. There wasn't a reason to wait. It stood proud, relaying my lips embrace as I took her in, pleasuring her. My tongue swirled, entrancing her sex, building her, forcing her give over, wetness on my chin and cheeks.

It wasn't long. Gem nodded as she began to shake, gasping. I rubbed her entrance, gently kissing her obvious arousal as she departed this Earth, crying out, just girl sounds, not words. Her flexing thighs lifted her off the table, burying her rampant sex in my mouth.

I blinked. The oven clock showed nine minutes and change. I pulled her to my lap to hold her as she trembled, aftershocks forcing her twitch. Her legs were spread, wet labia shining between us.

My cock was mere inches from her throbbing, spasming puss. Her little round ass was on my thighs and I knew..I just knew..that I could do it. I wanted to so badly!

She scooted forward, our sexes tight against each other, sharing her girl cum on my shaft, so slick!

My hands pushed her tunic back up to hold those firm teenage tits as her hands pulled me against her, rubbing, making her jerk. We kissed, deeply, as she cupped my tight balls and spread her copious wetness across my helmet, swirling round and round.

My surprise was silenced as she sucked my tongue, rubbing me to her puss, thrilling me. My release was sudden, unstoppable, violent and overwhelming. I spurted into her hand, voiding my need unashamedly, white dribbles on her thighs, my seed in her hands.

She watched my eyes roll back, my thighs stiffening, "Yeah sweets. Yeah. Let it out." Whispering encouragement as I groaned, emptying the last spurts of lust.

We hugged, stickiness between our bellies. I held her soft ass tight against me, feeling a last errant spurt erupt, knowing completion.

And later, as I drove down the highway, I considered what she said and how she said it..

I hadn't released the parking brake yet. Her arms propped her head as she looked in at me, engine idling, the wind whipping her hair. She'd taken it out of the ponytail in the bathroom. Now it flew free. She brushed it back, steadying her gaze. She had a way of looking, at least at me. It felt like a searchlight in my soul.

As a plastic Kroger bag tumbled past my fender, she reached in, holding my shoulder, before trailing fingernails on my neck. "I've just had the strongest, um, you know, thing, right? I don't want you to leave, just stay forever." She chuckled, "Sounds like a Zac Brown song, doesn't it? I just want you to know that I...Stop me!"

I knew I had to say or do something. I cradled her chin, drinking what was her so deeply, neither of us willing the goodbye kiss to end, sharing the unsaid..

And as I left, gravel crunching beneath my tires, I was aware of how so many relationships start and in all honesty, how many survive the trevails of time and into the golden distance. The wires drooped between the poles, rising and falling, backdropping a falling sun. The creosote snickered under the tires as I headed down the two lane. Concrete trucks blasted past, last callbacks for the new woke Target store nobody wanted, rocking my grandfather's truck, the day's final ebb.


Harvey must have missed me. He heard the door slam and took the oaken interstate to get to the window. Evidently, it was past treat time. I could see pollen on the end table as I walked past, kitchen bound. The harbinger of total pine yellowness was impending, mustarding the world. I found his popcorn, pushed out the screen. Harvey had gotten spoiled. He liked to be hand fed now, one puff at a time.

I thought of Jenny, a few doors down. She also liked to eat one piece of popcorn at a time. She was the most unhurried hussy I'd ever met and an exceptional lover. As I fed the squirrel, I looked out onto the street to see if her car was there, for no reason.

Fealty. The conundrum was like the spinning Lotto basket on late night TV that would spit out the winning number. What was the reward, versus what were the consequences?

As I stared at the kitchen table, filled with notes about surface saturation and modern admixtures, studies beckoning, I realized my immaturity. When does one really grow up? On cue, the old console stereo rumbled to life, bringing Waylon into the room. After all, it's the same old song, once again. Once again.

I parsed the angst, made coffee and hit the books.


We'd like to think that life is something containing daily amusement, and that each stop is not so neatly planned. Wouldn't it be utter fun to bask in idyllic circumstance, that one's thoughts were always original and led to a continuing stream of reward. Bless me, for I breathe. Perhaps, later, when we turn in the aged carapaces of our Earthly existence in exchange for the promises from the pontifical hats and the sweating tent preachers, there'd be affirmation.

I hope no one ever catches my wandering mind.

It was Tuesday and I was exhausted. They'd put me on maintenance, working the loading bins and changing out some air hoses in the conveyor belt pits. The sun was in my eyes and dinner was a question mark. The phone trilled. I almost didn't answer as I drowsed in my fading higher mind. I resented the intrusion. It was Livy. Did I pick up?

"Hello Livy."

"HEY!" (Yes, all caps, so bon vivant)

A chuckle, rising above the rumble of the Y-block taking me home. "You got a sec?"

I'd thought to hear from her before now, but every woman has a story. Not that I'd waited with baited breath. She was still just an adjunct in my daily existence. "I'm just driving, long day."

Cooing, "Poor baby, call you later?"

"No lights for two miles, go ahead."

"Oh. That's right. You've got gears, don't you? Ok, well, I'm gonna be at Gram's Saturday. She's given me a vanity, but it won't fit in my car. Could you.."

I sighed, shit week for me. "I have to work until two, it's my week, so it'd be after that. But yes, not a prob." I thought, "You got some old quilts or something?"

"Oh, I'll find something, Theron." Her voice became more dulcet, pleased now. "I'll definitely find something!"

The gossamer wings of time got a drowning late Thursday. Vicky called me while I was sitting up in my loader. "Hey. You bored?

"Past that. You at work?" The rain beat a cadence on the metal roof above me, water running down the inside of the side window.

"No. They sent me home at one. Listen, are you still messing with Gem? I just need to know, OK?" Direct, to the point.

"Vicky. We've been through this already.."

"Bull. You've never given me an answer. She's my little sister and you're.."

I could hear the storm of her breathing, picture her furrowed brow, the downward droop of an angry mouth. The rain picked up.

What we had, if we ever really had it, faced an upcoming stop sign. I could see it out the windshield. I hated to give her the kiss off. History, you know. But since the last time she stood me up, things had changed a lot. Vicky didn't know the half of it. My growing mind seeked clarity, not confrontation. "I've said all I care to say, Vic. I gotta go now." I buttoned my phone away, shaking my head.

Gem called minutes later. Uncanny.

Saturday brought dispatch duty for me. I was able to bring my study sheets and only occasionally get on the radio to tell someone to go load creek gravel or seven stone. One thirty PM brought Livy's voice to ear with a following text, Gram's address.


We talked as I got close, she, on the phone, bringing me around the back of a beautiful old Prairie, replete with hummingbird bushes swaying in the wind and towering oaks above. She backed me to a brick walkway leading to the house.

She waited, as I lowered the tailgate, rewarding me with a hug and a howdy. It's what Southern folks do.

I'd never touched her before. It was all just looking, being civil, after all..She had on beige terry shorts under a UGA soccer T-shirt. I felt the webbing of a sports bra underneath. Go Lady Dawgs. Steady, me.

We entered under a Greco Roman frieze over the back entrance, the midtown traffic sounds diminishing like an afterthought. In the quiet gloom, I admired the butler's pantry, then prints from the era of Casablanca on the succeeding walls. As we climbed up stairs, there were autographed framed glamor shots from Pickford to Grable, Gable and a youthful Lucille. And another I assumed was Gram's mother sharing a smoke with Bogey on set.

I would have paid closer mind, save Livy had preceded me. Her gorgeous hindquarters flexed and bunched, the feminine sway entrancing. The shorts weren't long. Unfortunately, neither was the climb. Terry cloth is very good at showing you what's beneath.

Without undue trouble, we got the vanity down, loaded, safely stowed. I closed the tailgate after tying down.

"Ok, where to?"

"The kitchen." Livy tossed her long hair back, "Want a glass of tea?"

We kicked off our shoes before doing the tour. The Persian rugs were authentic. Gram was in Cannes until month's end. A grandfather clock did sentinel service at the end of the hall, cornering the back stairs.