My MIL Sex Slave


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If she carried out an order incorrectly, or too slowly, or with a hostile or disrespectful attitude, she was punished, usually by spanking. On occasion, I am sure, she misbehaved purposely, whether for the spanking or the attention, I don't know. I do know that on those occasions, after the spanking, when I fucked her, she was on the brink of orgasm even as I entered her. Those were also the only times she would request that I do her ass.

My department head at school was an attractive fifty something blonde. She stopped by my office one day in early September to see how I had liked the evening summer course. I must have had a strange smile when I said it had worked out just fine. She looked at me strangely, waiting for me to go on. I had heard from some of my colleagues that Helen was fairly broad minded so I asked her to close the door and sit down.

I told her what had happened in Chicago, and described our current living situation. When I finished telling her how I had had to discipline Betty last night, and after fucking Beth in the ass, had her clean Beth's butt of my cum, Helen had a mini-climax right there in my office. I kept a bottle of sherry in my desk, and poured her a glass.

"Migawd," she whispered. "I would almost sell my soul to experience having that kind of sexual power over someone. Just to know if you told them to do something, they were almost obligated to do it."

"It can be, how would you say it, empowering? That's not quite it, but close. But it also comes with a huge obligation, the person is totally dependent on you, very much like a pet, with all that implies." I cocked my head, looking at her. "Would you want to experience it for a few hours?"


"Beth has a conference she has helped organize starting up Monday. She will be gone from Saturday noon 'til Wednesday evening. If you can get away, you'd be welcome to play with us the rest of the weekend."

Her face flushed and got that strained, pained look some women get when they come, and she folded over like she was having cramps. "Ohhh, shit," she moaned. When she straightened up, her eyes were bright with excitement. "I think this is the weekend my husband was planning on going fishing with his brother. Let me check. If it is, we have a date." She stood up and walked to the door, where she turned. "If it isn't, we still have a date. What time?"

Beth walked out the door at noon, giving me a kiss and wishing me a good time with Betty and Helen. "Just be sure Helen doesn't abuse her too badly," were her parting words. At twelve-thirty, Helen knocked on the door. Betty had been told she was to be naked all weekend. I sent her to answer the door. She had not been told I was expecting a visitor for the weekend. When she opened her mouth to question my order, I simply raised my hand and looked at it, then back to her. She hurried to the door.

From where I was standing in the kitchen, I could see her and the door. The expression on Helen's face when Betty greeted her was priceless. Surprise, quickly followed by lust. She stepped in with her overnight bag, which she quickly dropped before embracing Betty. I don't know what she said to my MIL, but Betty turned to look at me with an expression of alarm.

While Betty answered the door, I had shucked my shorts and jockeys. I went to join the ladies, and greeted Helen with a hug and generous helping of tongue. "You're overdressed," were my first words to her, answered by an amused grin.

"My husband wondered if this was just a ploy to see me naked. Sounds like he might have been right."

"I have to admit, he wasn't entirely wrong, but the impetus for the invitation was to let you satisfy your curiosity.

"Betty, take Helen's bag to my bedroom, then come right back here. First, though, remove her clothing to take with you."

"M-master, m-m-may I ask a question?"

"Yes, if you must."

"D-d-does Beth know..."

"Yes, slave, she does. The last words she said before leaving was to be careful and not let Helen abuse you too badly. When you get back from the bedroom, that question, implying I would do something to hurt Beth, has earned you a spanking by Helen. Now do as you were told, or you'll get another one from me."

When Betty left to accomplish her chore, Helen confessed she had never spanked anyone, nor had she ever been spanked. I offered to give her a demonstration, and surprised her by pulling her down on my lap. The first blow was high on her rump, with the instruction to remember how it felt. The next one was a bit lower down, but well above her exposed pussy. The third blow was on her outside (away from me) cheek, right on the groin, quickly followed by the final one, positioned so that my fingers landed on her, now, prominent cunt lips. Each of the first three had been acknowledged with a loud gasp and "ooooo," but that last one was followed by a scream.

I turned Helen over and sent Betty, who had returned at the second blow, for some lotion, which I had her apply to the inflamed areas of Helen's butt. Almost as soon as Betty touched her, Helen was purring. I guided Betty's hand to Helen's lower lips and had her massage them vigorously. Helen was lying on the couch, and as soon as Betty took control of her own hand, it looked like she was screwing the couch, her hips were moving so fast.

"Helen, I know this weekend was to let you experience being a slave master, but I think it will mean more to you if you are a slave for a while. I think I will make Betty your mistress until tomorrow morning. If I give her an order, she will have the option of having you carry it out or doing it herself, unless, of course, I tell her to have you do something. Do you agree?"

Helen's eyes moved back and forth between me and Betty, a look of absolute hunger on her face. Slowly she nodded. "I need a verbal response, slave!" Betty ordered, her voice harsher and more commanding than I had heard since she ordered Sean out of the apartment.

Helen blanched, then responded, "I agree."

Betty turned to me, and said, " The lowly bitch who will be my slave has agreed to Master's proposal. What do you want me to do with her, Master"

Betty's voice was strong, well above the soft whisper she normally used in the house, and when she referred to Helen, there was a definite disparaging tone to it. "First, Number one slave, you must remember that when you wake up tomorrow, your roles will be reversed, if only for a day or two."

She grinned and nodded. "I know; I'm counting on it."

I blinked, and laughed. This might be more fun than I imagined. "My first command to you regarding your slave, she must be kept sexually aroused until we fall asleep tonight. Until I make her climax, she is not to come, not even a little bit. I will warn you, when I proposed this day to her, she had two mini-climaxes without any physical stimulation, so be prepared."

Betty glanced at Helen, and when she saw the expression on her face, she excused herself to go to the kitchen. I heard the refrigerator open and some clinking sounds. In a few more seconds she was back, with a cotton dishtowel wrapped around something. She approached Helen and ordered her to lie on her back and open her legs. Before Helen was aware of what she was doing, Betty dropped the ice pack she had made on Helen's cunt. "You bitch," Helen screamed, sitting up and scooting away from the cold.

Betty looked at me. "She won't be coming anytime soon. When you and I are clear about what is to happen with her, I'll worry about her arousal."

"Fat chance of you arousing me, cow," growled Helen.

Betty looked at her over her shoulder. "That's two infractions calling for something more than spanking. Maybe a shower; golden, of course."

Helen's eyes widened as the meaning of her new Master's words sank in. "P-please, no. not that."

Betty looked at me, a smirk on her face. "Are you quitting already?" she asked, turning to Helen.

Helen closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and, sitting up straight, said, "Not on your rosy ass!" Betty and I both laughed.

"Betty, since our new slave is brand new to the game, I think we can cut her a little slack, just as I did for you at the beginning." I looked at Helen. "I think Betty will insist that enough slack has been used." She nodded. "Betty, is lunch ready?" I asked, looking back to her.

"Almost," she replied. "I have to set our guest's place, suitable for her status."

I cringed inside, wondering what she had planned. She went to the kitchen while I helped Helen to her feet. "Are you sure you're okay with this? If you want, we can stop now, have lunch and call you a cab..."

"Mistress," she called. "Your Master is addressing me? Do I have your permission to answer him?" The look in her eyes was one I had seen only once before, just before she tore one of the staff a new asshole in front of everyone.

"My apologies, Slave 1, I should have asked your permission before addressing your slave. It won't happen again."

"Do you still need to speak with the cunt, or did you get enough information?"

"I got the information I needed. What's for lunch?"

"For you, there's homemade cheddar soup, salad, and a ham sandwich. I'm just having soup and salad. The cunt is having just salad, under the table."

"Just salad, Slave 1?"

"Yes. When I inspected her, I came to the conclusion that her tits and ass are too big. Salad is all she needs. To make it more effective..."


"Yes, slave," Betty replied, exasperation evident in her tone.

"Permission to speak?"

"Hurry, I am trying to give my master some important information."

"Ma'am, there is no dressing for my salad, and no fork with which to eat."

"You don't need the extra calories the dressing would add, and you haven't earned the privilege of a fork." Betty paused, a sly grin on her face. "Or your hands."

"Yes, Ma'am. Thank you for letting me know. I don't want to make any more mistakes."

"Good cunt. Now eat while Master and I discuss your fate." Betty grabbed a piece of scrap paper and a pen lying on the table. "I am so frigging wet right now. When do I get fucked?" she wrote.

"Soon." I wrote.

"Master," she said. "May I request a favor?" I cocked my head in reply. "You instructed me to keep my slave sexually aroused. Given her intractable attitude, it's fairly certain she will resist all my efforts. Thinking how to proceed, I remembered my own initiation and how stimulating and fulfilling it was. I was wondering if I could request your assistance in stimulating my bitch. In particular, when she is done with her lunch, and eating her dessert, I was thinking you could screw her ass."

There was a loud bump from under the table as it jumped an inch or so, nearly upsetting the drinks. "Did you wish to say some thing, cunt?" Betty asked.

"N-no, Ma'am."

"Good. You aren't supposed to hear when Master and I talk." She looked at me, laughter in her eyes.

"Dessert?" I asked. She looked into her lap, the message plain. "I think that would be possible. Although, instead of the way you were initiated, I think I want to prepare your slave a little while she starts on dessert. But why don't you use the toy you and Beth use? Wouldn't that be more satisfying for you?"

"It really is for my poor slave's benefit. Having been ass fucked by a real cock, and by a fake one, I can truly say, the real cock is better, and feels a whole lot better going in. Besides," she added with a grin, "you're much bigger."

There was a low moan from under the table. "Did you say something, cunt slave. I warned you about listening. Do I need to discipline you further?"

"N-no, mistress. M-may I go to the bathroom? M-my bladder needs to be emptied."

"Just your bladder?" Betty winked at me. "You may go, but be back in two minutes."

Helen scooted out from under the table and stood up, looked around then back at us, consternation in her face. "Uh, where..."

"Hurry, your time is quickly passing." Betty taunted her. I pointed to the door to the hall. Helen quickly ran down the hallway, opening doors until she found the right one. She made it back with a second to spare. "Spoilsport!" Betty said to me. She beckoned Helen to her and ordered her down on her knees, between Betty's.

As she explained to Helen what Helen was to do, I went in the fridge to get a stick of butter and split it. I let the heat from my hands soften the surface layer and smeared a small quantity on the middle finger of my right hand. I kneeled behind Helen, who by now was busy lapping her dessert out of Betty's snatch.

As far as I knew, except for the few times I had performed a lingual assault on her pussy during her initiation, Helen was the first person to eat Betty's minge, and she was loving it. She had her fingers entwined in Helen's hair and had her face so tight to her vulva, I was surprised Helen could breathe.

I applied the soft butter to Helen's crinkly hole and smeared it around, then got some more. I massaged it and several more smears around and inside her puckered aperture. Every time I pushed in, she tried to pull away, shaking her head, causing great pleasure to Betty.

In a fairly short period of time, I had worked two fingers, then a third two knuckles deep in Helen's ass. I pulled them out and positioned my greasy rod in the spot they vacated. Helen's head looked like she was giving a baby a raspberry on its tummy, she was shaking it so fast. Betty just held her there until I had the head of my cock buried in Helen's ass, then she let go of Helen's hair.

I had about three inches up Helen, five more to go. Although Betty had released her, Helen didn't move. It sounded like soft moans were coming from Betty's quim,. Then Helen pushed back onto my rod. I pulled back a half inch or so, then pushed forward again, and she pushed back harder. The result was three more inches in her butt. We repeated the action, and in a long second, my silky curlies were caressing her ass cheeks. She finally spoke, "W-wait just a minute. D-don't move yet, please."

Betty reached down to grab Helen's chin and turn her face up to hers. She bent down and kissed Helen on the lips, pushing her tongue between them. They remained that way for several seconds, Helen obviously participating. When they separated, Helen looked at Betty, lust in her eyes. "Thank you, Mistress, for allowing this worthless slave to experience such pleasure. Would you tell your Master he can fuck me now. I'm ready."

Betty nodded to me and I began to pump my rigidity in and out of Helen's sweet ass. In spite of Betty's claim at lunch time, Helen's ass and tits were only big in comparison to her own. Helen was about five-seven, 130 pounds, with a nice 34B rack, and 36 inch hips. She also had the little poochy tummy most women seem to develop at her age.

As I pumped away, she began to get into the rhythm with me. As our tempo began to increase, Betty said, "Okay, that's enough! Master, please pull out of my slave's ass so she can clean your cock with her tongue. Slave, you heard your next task; get to it." Helen pulled forward and off my cock with a loud moan. From the shine on the inside of her thighs, I could see she was aroused. She turned around and, not hesitating, took me in her mouth, her tongue working its magic as she slid and sucked her way up and down my male rebar.

Betty let the activity go on for five minutes or so, then ordered Helen off me. "Master, it's my job to see that you have a suitable climax. Lay down, please." I did, and she assumed the cowgirl position, and started the motion that brought her to a screaming climax just as I bathed her cervix, A-spot, G-spot and every other spot inside her pussy with cum. After she had rested a minute or so, she rolled off me, onto her back. "Clean us, slave, me first, so none of the Master's seed spills onto the floor."

Helen had her coming again in a few minutes, expelling her juice and my cum into Helen's mouth, who made a little face when she swallowed it. Betty sat up pushing Helen toward my prick. As Helen went down on me, Betty stood up.

"With Master's permission, this slave needs to lie down and take a short nap; her new slave will do his bidding. She will answer to Master just as she does to me. If she misbehaves at all, Master may punish her as he sees fit."

I didn't know if Betty was really tired, tired of playing our game, or just wanted to give Helen and me the opportunity to check in. "Very well, Betty, you may go."

"Please, Master, be thinking about what you might want to do about dinner. We have chicken, pork tenderloin, sauce for pasta, or the makings for a quiche or frittata. Our new slave hasn't earned the privilege yet of dressing or sitting at the table, so going out isn't an option. but she may now use a fork," The way she said fork made it sound like 'fok,' making the statement a comical double entendre'.

"Thank you, Betty, I'll think about it. It's 2:30, will 3:30 be long enough?"

"Yes, Master, that will be fine. Thank you." with that, she turned and walked down the hall to her room.

"Shit!" exploded Helen. "Did you treat her like this at the beginning? I can't believe she stayed."

I glared at her. "Such disrespect and forwardness from a slave is unacceptable. Just because your mistress is out of the room does not give you leave to question her or her methods.

"From the tenor of your remarks, I gather you feel the need for a time out."

Helen's expression was priceless. She was totally aghast at her breach of the game protocol. She was instantly on her knees, apologizing. "I am indeed sorry, Master. I made an assumption and acted on it without thinking. I am ready for what ever punishment you deem appropriate; but then, yes I think a time out would be beneficial."

"Very well. I will mete out to you the same punishment I gave Betty her first few days. A spanking," I paused for a long ten count, "followed by a boisterous fuck!"

Helen's eyes grew wide. I don't know if sex with me was something she had included in her considerations for the weekend, but it was something I had planned on, just not this early. I pulled her across my knee, forcing her legs apart. Each of the five blows landed either on her, now supersensitive, pucker or her vulva. When I was done, I checked her pussy. Like Betty, the spanking had left her with a swamp between her legs.

I pushed her off and turned her to face me. I pulled her to straddle my legs and sat her down so my prick invaded her quim. As I entered her, I watched her eyes widen with hunger. She moaned, "Christ, you're huge. If he was able, I'd never even feel my husband in there again."

I started rocking so I was fucking her. In a few seconds, she began raising and lowering herself on my staff. I stopped moving, letting her do the work. Since I had just come a few minutes ago, I figured we were going to be doing this for awhile. It didn't take Helen long, though. The two hours and some she had been here had been hard on her libido.

She was pistoning away on me when, all of a sudden, she grabbed me around the neck and buried her face in my shoulder. She tightened all her muscles, and I mean all, and held them like that, not moving, not breathing; I'm not even sure her heart was beating, for several seconds. Then she just collapsed and sat back down on my prick, driving it all the way to the end of her sheath. She grunted a little with the pain, but didn't move.

After she had rested a minute or so, I started rocking again, thrusting up into her. She raised her head, a puzzled expression on her face. Then realization and a big grin as she started again. We repeated the sequence three times before I bathed her inner walls. I held her close while my dick deflated and fell out of her. She got up and staggered to the bathroom. When she returned, she had a washcloth to use on me. "You said we'd have a time out. Today was the first time I have ever cleaned a cock after having sex. It's not bad, but not something I'll probably ever do voluntarily."