My Mother is a M.I.L.F.


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"I have no idea," Kelly heard a loud voice reply. She felt hundreds of butterflies in her stomach, hoping that she could pull this off. "I should have fucked him in the car or just took him back to my room," she thought feeling as if she was about to throw up all over and knew her spaghetti dinner wasn't going to be very attractive on the shiny, hardwood floor.

Brenda led them into the room, Kelly saw a large man sitting with a half-naked, blonde woman on his lap and again, she was close to Kelly's age. "Jim!" the man yelled out quickly standing up and just about threw the woman on the floor. "Man, I'm glad you're here," he said in a happy voice as he rushed to hug Jim. "I was beginning to wonder if you still liked me or not," he teased giving him a firm hug. "And who in the heck is this?"

Jim smiled watching his long time friends' eyes looking over his Mom. "Rod, this is Kelly, my very beautiful date from back home. Kelly, this is my best friend, Rod." Jim said watching a little smile fill her face. She was right in the car; this was going to be so much fun.

Rod moved towards her with his six foot six inch, two hundred and fifty pound body and felt his cock growing under his robe. "Damn Jim!" he laughed looking over Kelly as he pushed back his long, brown hair. "We don't see you with a bitch in six months and you show up with this gorgeous creature," he smiled taking Kelly's hand, twirling her around in a circle, admiring every inch of her body. "I'm proud of you boy!" Rod laughed putting out his arm for Kelly to hold. "May I?"

"Thank you, kind sir." Kelly teased with a fake, southern accent, slipping her tiny arm through his. "You have a very nice place," she said looking up to the giant man beside her, trying to remember if he was in today's game. "Did you play today? I don't remember seeing you." Kelly asked with a weak smile, hoping that she didn't offend the giant man.

Rod smiled down to Kelly as he led her to the bar. "Thank you. It's better than being in the dorms or in some crappy apartment," he laughed, turning to look at Jim, wishing that his friend had moved into the massive house when he had the chance. "No, I strained my knee a few days ago, so I sat out today," he replied moving behind the bar. "So, what would you like to drink? I have just about anything you could ask for," he smiled at Kelly, knowing that she must be a very special person to be out with Jim.

Kelly thought for a few seconds and replied, "How about a rum and coke," she said watching Brenda flirting with Jim. "Fucking bitch!" Kelly thought watching Brenda whispering something to him. Kelly felt a warm hand on her back and turned to see the blonde woman standing beside her.

"I'm Daisy," she smiled, showing all of her perfect, white teeth. "I'm glad you came."

Kelly looked to the pretty woman's face and couldn't help but smile back. "I'm Kelly, it's nice to meet you," she said and was welcomed with another hug, but Daisy's was sincere and not a fake put on, like the one Brenda had given her a few minutes ago.

Daisy pulled from Kelly and couldn't help but smile. "It's so good to see him out on a date," she said lifting herself to sit on a barstool, not caring if her silk robe came open or not. She loved showing herself off and knew that Rod's big, brown eyes would be on her black panties and matching stockings. "I worry about him. He's too handsome, there's no reason for him to be alone all the time," she added looking at Kelly and then to Jim. "You two sure do look alike." Daisy thought comparing their eyes and smile.

"Well, if I have anything to do with it." Kelly said taking her drink from Rod and took a small sip. "Thank you," she smiled to him and turned her attention back to Daisy. "He won't be alone anymore," she said with lust in her soft voice. "No guy that good looking should be alone and I'm thinking he likes me a lot." Kelly said with confidence, remembering something. "Where's the potty? I need to pee," she laughed squeezing her legs together.

Daisy smiled as she jumped from the stool. "It's down the hall," she said taking Kelly's hand. "I could pee myself," she giggled leading Kelly down a long hallway.


"You've known Jim a long time?" Daisy asked as they walked into a large bathroom and she moved to the sink as Kelly rushed to the toilet. Daisy couldn't help but watch the beautiful woman pull up her short skirt and slide down her panties.

"Yes. I live right next door to his mother," she replied as warm water rushed from her body. "I thought I was going to go in my panties!" Kelly giggled watching Daisy fixing her makeup. "Is it ok if I ask you something?"

"Sure." Daisy smiled watching Kelly's sitting with her skirt pulled up to her hips.

Kelly wasn't real sure how to ask this, but she wanted to know. "Do you and Brenda both sleep with Rod?" she asked hoping her new friend wouldn't mind. Kelly knew that Jim would never do something as wild, but he was also on his way to greatness and she hoped he wouldn't want another woman.

"Yes," she smiled looking to Daisy. "But, I told him that he needed to pick between us before the season ends. I'm sick of sharing him." Daisies added watching Kelly gently wipe herself, stand up and pull up her panties.

"I don't think I could do that. I'm sure it's fun sometimes, but I couldn't stand the thought of my guy doing anyone but me." Kelly said looking into a large mirror hanging above the sink, thinking of Jimmy asking her to share a bed with another woman.

"It's ok, but Brenda gets on my nerves. She's from a rich family back east and thinks she's hot shit. I told Rod that he has to pick one of us or I was leaving. The only reason he likes her is." Daisy paused to put on some lipstick before going on. "She lets him fuck her anyway he wants and I don't. I mean I like it crazy sometimes, but not like her. She's a freak." Daisy laughed pulling herself up and sat on the sink, turning to watch Kelly fix herself up.

Kelly reached in her purse for a cigarette and motioned to Daisy. "Do you mind?" she asked watching Daisy shake her head. "So," she said lighting up. "How freaky is she?" Kelly asked taking in a deep puff.

"I met Rod three years ago. He was in one of my classes and..." she was cut short by Kelly.

"You're an instructor?" she asked with a big grin, looking at the beautiful woman, thinking of all the young guys that would be lining up for a chance at her.

"Yes and I'm the department head too." Daisy laughed watching the shocked look on Kelly's pretty face. "He was failing my class and was close to being kicked off the team. He came to my office one Friday afternoon and asked for my help," she said reaching for one of Kelly's cigarettes "I told him he needed to stop screwing around and do the assignments or I was going to fail him. After that, he came to my office every day for help. One day I was feeling kinda low and before I knew what was going on." Daisy paused to take a puff from the cigarette before going on. "I was bent over my desk with his long dick in me," she smiled thinking back to their first time and how good it was.

"Damn girl!" Kelly smiled reaching to caress Daisy's long leg. "If your going to fool around, be sure he's young and always hard!" Both women laughed out. "That's why I can't wait for Jim to take me." Kelly said thinking of her handsome son and his large cock in her body.

"We did it like two rabbits and I was so happy." Daisy paused to puff the cigarette. "But, after he signed with the Reds, he met Brenda," she said thinking of the woman fucking up her life with Rod. "I don't remember why I told him it was ok to move her in here. I guess it was a fear of loosing him," she added feeling tears forming in her eyes.

Kelly quickly moved between Daisy's long legs and hugged her. "If he loves you, he'll get rid of her, if not," she paused to wipe a tear from Daisy's face. "Fuck him! You're hot as hell and can get any guy you want." Kelly said looking into her eyes. "You even turn me on," she said before thinking and felt her face turning red.

"Thank you." Daisy replied brushing a long strand of hair from Kelly's face. "I bet it's hot as hell thinking of your own son fucking you," she whispered watching a look of horror cover Kelly's face. "Don't worry, I won't tell anybody, but you have to give me all the juicy details tomorrow." Daisy smiled licking her lips, wondering how it would feel having a great looking guy like Jim fuck you and he was Kelly's son.

Fear rushed over Kelly. "Please don't say anything," she begged. "You can't blame me. He's so hot and he's got a dick that's over nine inches long." Kelly moaned thinking of the ride there.

"Calm down." Daisy laughed. "I told you I think it's hot. If he was my son," she paused to toss her cigarette in the toilet. "I'd want to fuck him too!"

"Really?" Kelly asked with a smile, being relived that she wasn't the only one that thought about fucking her son.

Daisy closed her eyes, trying to imagine if she had a son like Jim and him fucking her. "Yes," she smiled. "I'd let him do anything he wanted to me." Daisy said looking to Kelly with a touch of jealousy. "You lucky bitch," she giggled, hugging her new friend. "But, please tell me about it, ok?" she asked, enjoying the feel of Kelly against her body.


"We were beginning to wonder about you two." Rod laughed as Daisy and Kelly came back into the room giggling. "Brenda said you were probably doing each other, but I told her Kelly was saving it for Jim," he smiled watching Kelly's face turning red, wondering what they had been doing for so long.

Daisy just hugged Kelly closer and replied, "We licked each other from head down to our toes and I've never came so hard in my life!" she moaned grabbing Kelly and gave her kiss before letting her go.

"I'm not sure about Jim, but next time I want to watch!" Rod laughed, knowing Daisy wouldn't do anything like that. She was a one-woman man and he knew he had to commit to Daisy before he ended up loosing her. "I made you fresh drinks." Rod smiled at Daisy, feeling his cock growing for the very sexy, mature woman. "Todd stopped by. He and Brenda went down in the basement for more beer," he added walking to sit on the sofa with Jim, motioning for Daisy to sit on his lap.

Jim held out his arms for Kelly and pulled her on his lap, making sure to flex his stiff cock. "Man, only two more weeks." Jim said looking at Rod, wondering if he should have signed when the Reds scout asked him. "I hope I made the right decision by staying here," he added thinking of the money he would have had to spend on his mother.

"Just say the word and I'll call them. They wanted you just as bad as they did me." Rod said hoping Jim would leave school and go on to the pros with him. "Just think about it, I'll have Daisy, you'll have Kelly. We'll have a fucking blast!" he added with excitement in his voice. "We'll even buy houses next to each other!" Rod laughed thinking of being with Jim and all the fun they would have.

"They wanted you too?" Kelly asked having no idea that the Reds wanted her son to play for them. "You should have called and asked me what to do, baby," she added knowing the only reason he stayed in school was because of her. Kelly made it very clear from the time he was a young boy how bad she wanted him to finish school.

"I knew you wanted me to finish school before I did anything," he replied hoping that he hadn't upset Mom by not telling her.

"Man, that's weird as hell." Rod laughed watching Jim and Kelly talking. "You're making it sound like she's your Mom or something," he smiled watching Kelly's face turning red. "Holy fuck! That would be so hot having her as your Mom," he laughed feeling his cock growing harder. He thought of playing Mom with Kelly and all the different ways he would do it with her. "Man, you'd be one lucky mother fucker!" Rod said laughing with Jim. "You get it?" he added laughing so hard his eyes were watering.

"You guys are perverts." Kelly laughed with the two young men. "Watch out Daisy or he'll be calling you Mom tonight," she added looking at Daisy with a smile, feeling her panties getting wetter by the second, thinking of Jim on her, calling her Mom as he fucked.

Daisy thought for a second and replied, "I think it would be hot too! A nice, young guy calling me Mom as he fucked the crap out of me," she smiled looking to Rod hoping that he'd want to call her Mom later on. "Give Mommy a kiss," she teased in leaning to give Rod a long, deep kiss, feeling like she was going to explode.

"Ok, we were only a few minutes and I can't believe what I just heard." Brenda laughed walking back in the room carrying a case of beer. "I want to be somebody's Mom," she said putting out her lower lip and turned to smile at Todd. "Can I be your Mommy tonight?" she asked in a low, sexy voice walking towards him, and when he sat his case of beer on the bar, she grabbed him and gave him a long kiss too.

"You guys are crazy." Kelly laughed leaning down to kiss Jim and felt like her pussy had been set on fire. All the talk of playing Mommy was great for them, but Kelly had her real son. "Can I be your Mommy tonight, please?" she begged in a soft, loving voice as her hands roamed over his chest and noticed that someone turned off all the lights.

"Ok people. It's playtime. Do whatever you want." Rod said trying to feel his way back to Daisy. He wasn't in the incest game, but thinking of how great Daisy looked and the idea of calling her Mom, made him so hard.

Kelly moved on Jim's lap facing him, enjoying one hand up her blouse, one under her skirt and every other place he could find to touch. "Do you want to kiss me and do all the things that Daddy does to me?" she asked whispering in his ear, sliding her left down his body and between his legs, gently squeezing his massive cock. "Do you want to play with Mommy? I'll take off all my clothes for you and I'll suck your wee wee, just like I do for Daddy," she panted in his ear. "Can Mommy suck your thing?" Kelly said moving on the floor in front of him

"Oh this is great." Jim said feeling her moving on the floor and felt the zipper on his pants going down. "Oh yes Mom!" he moaned as she sucked him in her mouth and down the back of her throat. "Suck it, Mom! Suck it hard!" he groaned not believing that the woman, who gave him birth and raised him, was sucking his cock. "Oh Mom! I love you," he moaned louder, not caring if his friends heard him or was watching.

Rod was lying on the other end of the large sofa; Daisy was sucking his cock too, when he heard Jim moaning for Kelly to suck him. "He's sure getting into this." Rod laughed enjoying Daisy sucking him like never before and he knew that is was time to get her. Brenda was a good woman, but he didn't love her as near as much as he did the incredible lady sucking him. "Daisy," he whispered pulling her on his lap.

Daisy was in shock as she moved up on Rod. He never stopped a blowjob for anything. "Are you ok?" she asked with concern in her soft voice as she leaned to hug him.

"I've never been better in my life," he replied wishing that he could see her beautiful face, because his next words were going to make her a very, very happy lady. "I've been thinking about what you told me about making a choice before the season ended," he paused to kiss Daisy and felt her trembling. "I love you so much and I don't ever want to loose you," he said feeling tears running down his face and felt her crying too. "Daisy, will you be my wife?"

Daisy lie in Rod's arms with a hint of terror racing through her body as his words filled her ears, praying this wasn't the end of them. She loved him so much, but was sick and tired of sharing him with Brenda. Just like now, someplace in the dark room, Brenda was getting ready to fuck Todd and it made her sick. She'd never been with anyone but Rod in all the time she'd been seeing him and he knew it.

"What?" she asked in shock and wasn't sure if she heard him correctly.

"Will you be my wife?" he asked again, giving Daisy a small kiss on the lips.

She grabbed Rod, hugging him as tightly as she could and screamed out her reply. "Yes! Yes!"

Todd jumped up, flicked on the lights to find out what was going on, and was blown away by what he saw. "Oh my God!" he blurted out watching Kelly deep throat Jim's massive cock with ease. "I can't believe this!" he said grabbing his beer and went to sit by the sofa to watch. "Damn girl, suck that big mother fucker," he laughed feeling Brenda move next to him on the floor, wishing his cock was half that size. "Damn, she's good!" Todd laughed feeling his cock growing harder.

Brenda watched and she couldn't believe it either. She could see Jim's cock head going up and down Kelly's throat, on the inside. "Damn! How and the hell do you get it down your throat like that?" she asked and something came to mind. She looked up, saw tears running down Daisy's face and remembered. Her lower lip came out and she knew her ride was over. Rod wanted Daisy and not her. 'Oh well,' she thought knowing most of the guys on the team liked her, all she had to do was try and pick one that would make it in the pros.

Kelly couldn't believe that the other people in the room were watching her sucking Jim's cock, but it turned her on like never before. She sucked just him deeper. Wanting to please him and give his friends a good show. Juices ran from her pussy and down her legs as she thought of his cock in it, giving it the good, deep fucking it missed so badly.

She eased him from her throat and mouth, moving up to kiss him. "I want you," she whispered between kisses. "I need your hard cock in me so bad I hurt," she whispered. Her hips slowly moved against Jim, leisurely humping back and forth against his hard cock enjoying the feel of her handsome son against her. "Take me somewhere and fuck me, please," she begged, hoping he knew of a place that was closer than her motel.

"Hey Jim." Rod said wishing that Kelly hadn't stopped. He'd never seen anything like what she was just doing and he loved it. "You can use the pool house. That poor bitch needs fucked now," he laughed watching Kelly's pretty face and the look of desperation on it.

Kelly turned to smile at Rod, wishing in a way that she hadn't been so horny or she would have kept sucking Jim off. "Oh thank you," she moaned standing up, hoping she could walk and keep from cuming in her panties. She wanted Jim and his massive cock so bad, but it turned her on knowing that his friends watching her sucking him. Kelly wished she had the nerve to let them watch Jim fuck her.


Kelly stood before him trembling with excitement and the need to pleased. She watched him slide off his pants and move against her. "Oh my!" she whispered as his cock pointed down, insuring it was tormenting her pussy and his strong arms carefully wrapped around her body. "I can't believe what we're about to do," she whispered again, remembering the day he was born and how good it felt hugging his little body to her breasts. Now she was hugging him to her breasts and about to commit incest with him.

"I know," he said leaning to kiss her neck, slowly caressing his way down her back. "I'm about to fuck the prettiest woman I've ever known," he said kissing her harder and began to suck the tender flesh of her excited neck. "I can't wait to be inside you," he said as his big hands covered her panty-covered ass, pulling her closer to his cock. "I'm about to fuck my sexy Mom."

"I love hearing that," she moaned as kiss loving kisses sent fire racing through her body. "It turns me on so much," she panted with excitement, feeling her tiny panties being pushed down, leaving her dripping wet pussy bare and ready for her son use anyway he wanted. "I ready for my baby to go back inside me, back to where you came from twenty two years ago." Kelly smiled, giving her son a long and very deep kiss as her hips rocked back and forth against his long cock.