My Three Moms


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"On TV, a long time ago."

"Well there is this line, which compares shaking hands with fucking." I looked confused. "My point is . . . well how would you feel about shaking hands with . . u h . . Angelina Jolie? I only mean just shaking hands?"

"Yeah, that would be really cool!"

"Yes, and she's a hot sexy babe, as well as a big star. Have you ever shaken hands with the minister after church?"

"Yeah, I've shaken Pastor Rogers' hand on Sundays."

"Okay, compare the two."

"I'd rather shake Angelina Jolie's."

"Now, the pastor has a nice firm handshake, it's not bad, but not nearly as exciting or as a sexy star right?"


"So, okay, I'd . . I'd rather shake hands with Angelina Jolie myself, and I've heard rumors that she might have sometime earlier. . 'shaken hands' with some gals herself. Now I'm talking in the symbolism of 'The Graduate'. It's not that your 'handshake' upstairs was in anyway unsatisfactory; just that my druthers, if you will, are much more excited by the ladies that I am intimate with. Now, of course, I'm committed to being Danni's partner."

"I think I see what you mean. But what did you mean about my getting to fuck mom Danni? And are we, me and you, ever going to . ."

"Fuck again, you and me? Well, we'll see. But first you want to conquer Danni, right?"

"Uh . . Yeah!"

"Okay, then as I said, we can do each other a favor." She looked at my face and added, "Yes, you did me a favor, but that was a different sort of . . . well, kind of a mutual benefit. You want to get into Danni's panties and I can help; but I'd like you to help me get into Susie's knickers!"

Shannon had to pound my back as the beer I had just swallowed went down the wrong way. "You want to . . you want me to help you seduce Susan?"

"If you manage, I'll get you into bed with your mom, Danni."

"Uh . . can you help me get Susie into bed, after you get to make her? Wait! What would Danni say about you and Susie? I guess you are going to keep that a secret, like you are keeping us a secret. Right?"

"It's too complicated to explain right now, but some secrets are temporary and some are long term; but trust me, nothing in this family stays secret forever. Do we have a deal on Danni for you, Susie for me? - Susie for you, I don't know if I could help with. Let's stick to sticking it to one mother at a time Okay? Deal?"

I saw mom Danni through the garage door about to come into the kitchen and nodded my head vigorously. I took up my bottle, Shannon clinked hers to mine to seal the pact, and we both knocked back and had a long sip as Danni entered and called out, "Hi you two, what ya been up to?"

"Just talking about some old movies, replied Shannon. I rose, kissed Danni on the lips chastely and smooched Shannon on the cheek and went to my room. Talk about wild thoughts, I had a bunch from reviewing the events of the day, and educational evening, and thinking about the future. When I slept, I dreamed of all three moms as being my harem, but all I was allowed to do by Rev. Rogers was shake hands with them. Yet, Angelina Jolie was making out with all three! At least I got to watch that scene. In the morning I jerked off thinking of Danni. I wondered what Shannon could do to get us together, and how the hell was I going to facilitate Shannon getting her licks in with Susie?!

It was a complicated, convoluted, and thoroughly maniacal sort of strategy, but when Shannon got me alone several days later she let me into some of the family closets and be privy to assorted bones of the skeletons therein. It seems that the way that Shannon had seduced Danni was through cunnilingus. Because dad was not very good at that, and he didn't really like to do it. Go figure; I love to, and I wasn't bad at it so I was told by my dates. Mom Danni had been really pissed at discovering about pop and Susie, so she was vulnerable both emotionally and really turned on by Shannon going down on her. Her having an affair made Danni more understanding of my father's peccadillo; since she liked sex with Shannon and they had their own pecker - dildo as well. Thus Mom Danni discovered her bi-side.

Then something really made Danni really hit the ceiling. But she wouldn't even tell Shannon, not even to this day, what it was. But that was the last straw. She told dad that he was welcome to Susan, she had Shannon. Pop was shocked, but what could he do? Then he realized that it was all for the best, and agreed to a divorce. They decided to bury the hatchet, after all everybody was getting what they wanted, right? Except, of course, there was me. They both wanted me, in fact all four wanted me. So luck of the Irish, Shannon saw there was this lovely house down the block for sale. No tug of war, no worry about visitation problems and guidelines were established for the decision making process about how to raise me.

It was a friendly divorce, an amiable custody sharing. No complaint here, as I said I usually had the best of both worlds. But now I was educated to the fact that these rather liberated adults were evidently not the innocent souls I had earlier thought them to be. Example one, Shannon and I. I was learning that sin may blindside you. Nor was I so blinded anymore to the faults and foibles and failings of my four parents. Example two, Shannon informed me that while she and mom Danni were a committed couple, they were not without the occasional outside liaison. Danni was bi, so once in a while she had a one-night-stand with a man, with Shannon's foreknowledge and permission. There is 'nothing like a 'm a n',' goes the Broadway song the other way sometimes, I guess.

Likewise, Shannon might have a special tryst with another gal-pal which had aroused her libido. With Danni's knowing about it up front, and her okay. They did not let the sideshows spoil their main event. Danni had never wanted to hook-up with my father; that would be too weird. Besides which, Shannon and Danni each respected Susie and were supportive of her. Nor did they want to queer the deal, if I may use that old fashioned term, with the stable environment I was being raised in; one dad, two homes, three mothers, four parents to obey, but one happy boy. But now that I was grown, well . . . It's not like Shannon had never suggested to Danni that she might like to do Susie sometime. In fact, the revenge factor, on my father - not Sue, was delicious for Danni to contemplate.

But it was not to be, because while Shannon was lesbian and Danni was bi, Susan was obviously hetero. But now, many years had gone past, and Shannon thought that perhaps . . . Susie might miss cunnilingus, as much as Danni had back in the day that she and Shannon had their first flirt and fling with one another. With the seduction of myself, (inadvertent though it had been, and not so bad in bed) well, was there an Angelina in the wings, in the house up the block, that just might be willing to 'shake hands' with the other side? Try-out what she was missing, that Danni had discovered as delightful? "Mmm?" went Shannon, "Maybe? What do you think, Pete? If you could get the message to Susie, maybe she might figure that a little action on the other side of the street could be fun. You think? In any case, I want you to try." So Shannon put it to me after the long history lesson of my parents switching partners, switching sides, and swinging ways. Danni both ways.

It was Danni now, which had captured my focus and interest as my next mom to make love to. "How are you going to get Danni to commit incest with her own son? That's a bit of a ways off from just a casual fling with a male who's got a real live ding-a-ling."

"I have my ways with her, it just takes some . . imagination, if you will. Trust me; I'll get you with her, if you can hook me up with Susie. But to quote another old movie, 'These things must be done delicately!' heh - heh - heeah." Shannon imitated the voice of Margaret Hamilton, one of the green Wicked Witch of the West when she was scheming in 'The Wizard of Oz'. "So look for an opportunity to drop a broad hint about the delectable delight of a feminine tongue on a neglected cunt. I don't think you want her to get the impression that you could . . fill in the oral ministrations that your father is inattentive to. That might get you her, but it wouldn't get you Danni, get me? I'll have a better idea how you can bag mom three after I get her into my sack, So does that give you something to go on for our joint mission to make mom and momma?

"Yeah, that's a start." Quite an interesting insight to the love lives of my three moms too!

Two days later I happened on Susie out in her garden, she had some tomatoes she was harvesting. I helped her do a little weeding before I made an off-the-cuff remark about watching out for horseflies. That led to a bowdlerized version of my administering to Shannon's bite. Susie mused that Danni's mate was mighty attractive. 'Don't you agree?' she asked. I realized that this could be just the opening I needed to broach the 'delicate' subject I wanted to discuss with her somehow. I replied that, in fact, Shannon had recently remarked, in my overhearing, something similar about Susan. Susie held up a red globe and asked in a Mae West bawdy tone, "Does she think I'm ripe for the picking?"

I did my Groucho Marx and wiggled my eyebrows, "I don't know, I'll have to ketchup to her and see!"

Mae/Sue said, "Well, get the two of us toe-mate-tahs together and we'll see who's the saucier!"

Groucho/me, "Would there be linguine with wine?"

Susan in her own ironic voice, "I bet 'Red' could make me whine, with her linguine, if she knows how to use her noodle."

I took a moment to make sure that I got the 'gist' of the double entendre, then cautiously, as my own self, inquired, "What about the Man-icotti your marinara'd to?"

"What? Doesn't a person sometimes want to go out for a pizza . . ass, once in awhile? I mean, bread-sticks are fine, but sometimes I think I might like to try . . . uh, calamari? Some dish that's a bit squirmy and covered with fragrant oil. Or maybe, clams she food, if you catch my drift." Susie is looking me in the eye. She knew what she was saying, she understood the real underlying meaning our innuendos were implying and she was communicating back to me that she got it.

S H I T! She was letting me know that she was aware that Shannon had the hots for her and she might be willing to take her up on the offer. Damn! Great moms think alike . . . L O L! That worked out well. I was halfway into mom Danni's panties. I nodded to Susie. She put the ripe tomato to her mouth and bit the bright round veg; juices ran down her chin, it was a sensual declaration of her readiness to get messy. Christ that was a turn on for me too!

I stepped up and kissed her with all the goo still on her lips. I hugged her and whispered in her ear, 'I'll make sure your appetite for 'she' food gets to the gal who cooked up this whole thing. She looked surprised at my bold move, but didn't pull back, rather let her breath fill her chest and pressed her breasts against my torso instead.

She gave me a quick peck back. "Ask your dad about my herbs sometime," she sighed, "no more weed." as her hand swept the air, indicating her little garden. I wondered about her enigmatic response to me. What that was about? But now was not the time to be tempted by a tangent. I left to clean up and go over to the double mom's residence. Susie - saucy spaghetti - was ready to be eaten!

When I got to mom Danni's and mother Shannon's, they had ordered in pizza and had a cold six-pack out on the table. They had gotten three big pies, what wasn't eaten was frozen for later and always came out crisper from the toaster oven than when delivered, or if picked up even. That's why they always ordered extra. Shannon liked beer better than Danni, who was more of a white or rose' wine lover. It was just coincidence that they had pizza, but my thoughts went to how I could get Shannon alone to mention the progress with Susie. We polished off nearly half the pasta and all of the beer. This prompted Shannon to remark they were out of her 'Bud's-suds' and there was just time to get to the package store for another 12-pack. Danni said she had some work to do on her laptop. Shannon asked if I wanted to go for a ride. Perfect!

I gave a short review of gabbing in the garden with Sue, and Shannon was pleased that things were humming along. When she had gotten a 'date' with Susan, she would then engineer the tryst with me and Danni. She saw my eagerness and the disappointment at waiting, in my expression. She patted my knee, and then ran her hand up to my crotch. Thank God I wasn't the one driving! She assured me that she did have a plan, and that I might get a preview of what my assignation with Danni might be like if I could come up with a computer cam. I told her I had a good friend who could loan me his when I needed it.

"Okay," Said mom Shannon, as we came out of the liquor store with supplies, including some Peach Tree for me. "I'm going to get Danni to play 'four - N' with me."


"No, but that makes a good pun, because the game is played with 'foreign objects' if you will. The game is 'four - N', she spelled it out, 'objections'. Those being: naughty, nasty and never-never. Did you ever here the dirty joke of 'no, no, never never'?" I hadn't. She continued, "It's one of those shaggy-dog stories, the girl in every step of the progression of getting seduced says 'no, no, never never', finally when the guy has screwed her, he asks if he can take his dick out of her pussy now, and she says . ."

"She says, 'No, no, never never', okay, that must be an old chestnut from way back, but how does that relate to your game with Danni?"

"Well, we play a version of twenty-questions. One person is the 'victim', who is blindfolded. The other partner, slash-player, has a dildo, or boy-toy if you will; girl-toys are most anything else. Toys are 'foreign objects' so to speak; they could be beads, a tongue substitute, feathers, all kinds of fun items. The object of the game is that the 'victim' is being seduced by somebody and they have to guess who. It's fantasy role-playing, and lets us imagine a scenario, which we might not ever want to have happen for real."

"What are the four N's about?"

"Well, a situation might be Naughty, that's not so bad and not outside the realm of possibility; even if we don't seek that sort of action, it might be interesting under certain conditions. The Nasty is bad and likely we would not want to do it; except that this is just a fantasy with a safe partner and so it's safe to dream of those, to imagine the danger or really sinful sex. The Never-never is very way out and it might be a rape or having to do it with a stinky ugly guy, or even an animal. We don't go that route often, but once in a while we will test the limits, and we can always call it off. But sometimes, you let the terrible thing take over and you are over-cum with abandon and primitive urges that no self-respecting woman would do, but it is shocking what a thrill it can be. Think Fay Wray and King Kong. Did you know that in the original uncut film, the ape pokes a finger in her crotch and smells it? The female sexual odor, pheromones, that's how he finds her in New York City, by her scent!

"Was King Kong un-cut?"

Shannon screamed with laughter at my joke. "I'm sure that the monkey was uncircumcised, and certainly he had to be a few sizes too large for Fey under the circumstances!"

"So, would Danni consider incest with her own son, as naughty, nasty or 'never-never'?"

"Well, when it cums to sex and being naughty, or even nasty, with Danni, you never-never know. It just might be that she would be willing, but you have to do something to prime the pump, if you understand my meaning."

"Just tell me what I need to do."

"Somehow we have to get your mother Danni to see you naked and erect. That one I'm still working on. If you have any ideas in the next few days, discuss them with me. Don't want to blow an opportunity with a poorly executed exposure and turn her off, or get her angry."

I agreed to talk over with her any ideas I thought of, to be suggestively nude, with my flag-pole raised high for Danni's inspection. I meanwhile contacted my buddy with the camera and borrowed it. I gave it to Shannon and we made the necessary arrangements to cue me when to go on line, so getting her feed of the video, when she was going to play the game with Danni. I would log in and watch. I expected that would be a very wicked program! I was going to learn if mom Danni might actually find sex with me to be merely nasty as opposed to 'never-never'; and what might be the best approach to seducing her, or with Shannon's guidance to bed her somehow. That still left mother Susan to figure out what the key to her cooze was.

But the games had to wait until after Susie and Shannon had their rendezvous. I unfortunately, don't have the details of that 'tete a twat' lark. It was a one on one, not a three way with Danni, though she of course knew of the date. As with all their 'side action' the other partner was informed and approved of the deal. This was especially sweet for mom Danni that my dad was being cuckolded by the 'other other' woman in the change-partners-and-dance / dosie-doe of the double duos 'switcheroo'. But I think she may have also gotten to watch with the borrowed camera, I couldn't be sure at the time. And afterwards, well, you'll see how complicated things got later on.

I was batting zero for ideas on how to expose myself to mom Danni, with my stalk standing straight and stiff to boot as well. Meanwhile Shannon figured out that it was not as difficult as we thought at first. It had to do with timing, and attitude and motivation. It needed to be timed so that Danni would have to be confronted with the image. I had to have the attitude that I was trying to hide my manhood, since it was in boner mode. Besides which I was to have behavior apparently innocent in my (seemingly) motivation; but ultimately accomplished what need to be done.

Shannon and I had always played a rough and tumble tag game since I was little. It was a bit of 'Gotch-ya!' and some of 'swipe-and-swat' with a good dollop of general mayhem. As a kid, I'd steal her cookie, candy, some sort of treat and run. Then she would chase me and try to swat me for being a 'thieving knave'. If she caught me, she would tickle me until I gave the purloined treasure back, but if I was able to consume the item before being captured then she would pretend to spank me to teach me a lesson. I always ended up in gales of giggles as a consequence no matter what. All done in fun. Now we would regress to that ploy and rig the results to be rather risqué.

One day, as mom Danni was coming in from her work, just as planned I flew past her with only a towel on, twisted around my waist. Shannon was hot on my tail chasing me. "Come back here you damn little thieving knave, that's the last cold beer in the house!" Indeed I carried a sweating beer bottle, as I was scampering and dodging mother Shannon, who sought to grab me and reclaim her chilled brew. Shannon was also using a towel for her only article of clothing. Prior to Danni's arrival she had been massaging my member and talking dirty about our memorable first time. She tried to grab my beer. Shannon explained to her partner, as I used Danni as an obstacle to block Shannon's grasp, that I was up to my old tricks.

"Serves you right for taking all the hot water for the shower, leaving me none!" I defended my actions, as I feinted one way and scrambled the other. Shannon at a disadvantage, with one hand to hold her single garment in place, had a hard time changing directions. But then at a pre-arranged signal, the swig of beer that I took as I stood still for a moment, she clutched at the bottle, missed (on purpose) caught the knot of my own terry cloth skirt [kilt?] and OOPS! off it came! There I was naked and erect in front of the both of them, one surprised, the other not so much, since she was in on the gag. Now to cover up the scandalous scam, but not the scamp and his rampant rod and scrunchy scrotum.