No Wrong Way to Do Me Right


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Alexandra laughed, partly with relief and partly in anticipation of what was clearly on its way. "And I didn't know you weren't bi, Marie." She touched Marie's thigh and, seeing it seemed to be okay, inched her hand slowly upward.

"Right, that's what I get by being so in-your-face with my sex life," Marie conceded. "But it's true, I've never been with a woman."

"And I've never been with two," quipped Pete.

Alexandra turned to him and saw he was eyeing her breasts hungrily. "Don't be shy, Pete," she said, and with that she took his hand and placed it on her left breast. "Don't worry, they love the attention," she said.

"Well, in that case..." Pete got up on his knees and spun around to face her. Straddling her on his knees, he helped himself to both breasts.

"Oh, you're in for a treat now, Alex," Marie said. "He's got a magical touch."

He certainly did, Alexandra learned. She opted not to tell them just yet that she could come from breast play alone; there was little doubt she'd get a chance to show them soon enough. Pete's light, almost tickly rubbing was perfectly delightful, and the tease even knew not to touch her nipples right away, so they were both soon itching for his touch. When it came, she let out a wonderfully cathartic grunt of approval.

Not wanting Marie to feel left out, Alexandra finally moved her hand all the way up Marie's thigh, and let her finger probe its way into her vagina.

Marie's squeal rang out alongside Alexandra's husky exhalations. "You've been wanting to play in there since last week, haven't you?" Marie teased.

"Desperately," Alexandra admitted, turning to look her friend in the eye.

Neither one was sure who kissed whom, but soon their lips were locked in a passionate bond. Keeping one finger inside Marie, Alexandra got busy teasing her vulva with the others. As Pete rubbed her nipples harder, she almost didn't feel the orgasm coming. When it did, she was still kissing Marie and both their mouths rang out with the vibrations of her jolting yelp.

Marie pulled away and laughed. When Alexandra began to slow down her rubbing, Marie said, "Don't stop!"

"An order is an order!" Alexandra rubbed faster, and reached down with her thumb in search of Marie's clit. She was aware of Pete's finger on her own and she wriggled in pleasure, but the focus was on Marie.

Alexandra got her off with ease, and was rewarded with a beautiful howl as she came. "I always did wonder what you sounded like in bed," Alexandra admitted as Marie closed her eyes and savored the moment.

"Could've asked anyone else in the bath last week!" Marie burst into laughter.

"You've been with Francois too?" She darted a glance at Pete, who was rubbing her legs. He nodded and showed no discomfort at the subject.

"Only once," Marie said. "When I thought I'd lost Pete, I needed a rebound, badly."

"So he's bi too?"

"Yes, as I discovered the first time he joined us - Jean-Charles and me - in the bath. He couldn't take his eyes off my bush and he was hard." She chuckled at the fond memory.

"I can identify," Alexandra said, finally removing her hand from Marie's pussy but now gazing at it. "Sorry..."

"I told you last week, it's fine," Marie said, putting an arm around Alexandra and cuddling her. "I'm used to it getting lots of attention, and don't worry, I've always liked being a hairy lady."

"No kidding?"

"It's like I told Francois that first night, and Pete's heard this story too. When I was young, I saw under a woman's dress once. She was wearing tights but no panties, and her bush just looked so grown up and sexy, from then on I couldn't wait to have one of my own. Of course, I never knew just how true that wish would come!"

"What are the chances?" Alexandra wondered.

"But enough just talking about it," Marie said, and slowly she stood up. "You've got a lovely pussy too, and I think we both want a closer look at it!"

"You can say that again!" Pete gave her smaller bush a playful rub and kissed her gently. "Ready to take this to the bedroom?"

Equal parts bemused and titillated with thoughts of Marie snooping under other women's skirts, Alexandra gave Pete a gentle, playful yank and got to her feet.

Alexandra had never, from the night she'd lost her virginity ages ago - in fact, especially not on that occasion - been the type to gaze at her partner's body like it was a work of art. Nor had she ever cared for her partner only looking and not touching. But as she lay back on Marie and Pete's bed with her legs spread, she found their adoring gazes did indeed make her feel beautiful. As she looked back and forth between them as they flanked the bed, she confessed, "I don't really know what to do next!"

"You already got me off in the bath," Marie said. "Pete, you make love to her. If that's okay with you, Alex."

"Is it ever!" Alexandra held out her arms to Pete. "Bring that over here and let's have some fun!"

Having always thought he was rather cute, but having never let herself think too much about it since he belonged to Marie, Alexandra was delighted to welcome his arms around her and his body on top of her. As they kissed, a hundred concerns roared through her mind - what if he liked it too rough for her? Knowing Marie, she was probably awfully kinky? - but luckily, none of them lingered as his gentle kisses set her mind at ease and her heart flying. She was momentarily disappointed when he pulled away from her lips, only to feel thrilled afresh when she realized he was making his way down to her breasts.

"Oh, lovely!" she cooed at his first tender kiss on her left nipple, which promptly grew into a delightfully hard suck.

"I love how he always pays so much attention to my breasts," Marie said from the sidelines.

Alexandra passed over in silence that she was surprised he was as enamored with her smaller ones. She was enjoying herself too much to care, rubbing his sides lightly with her fingernails, which he seemed to like as he wiggled a bit, but didn't let it break the focus of his magic lips.

He also didn't keep his hands idle for long, as she felt one of them working its way slowly down her side and over her hip. By the time he brushed her wet pussy lips with his fingers, she was anticipating his touch, but it was a wonderful jolt all the same.

"Unghhh!" Alexandra opened her eyes as she let out the joyous grunt, and saw Marie sitting spreadeagled on the other side of the bed, masturbating up a storm, Alexandra's own super-intense expression reflected on her face. Alexandra grinned and lay her head back to enjoy Pete's gentle strokes. She was ravenous for more.

"I want you now," she whispered with a playful slap on Pete's hip.

Far too many guys had taken that request as a challenge, or an excuse to tease her. Not Pete. He looked up from her breasts and said, "Yes, please!" and lost no time in sitting up.

Alexandra spread her legs wider and took his hardness in both her hands. Marie handed her a condom from somewhere, and Alexandra eagerly rolled it on. His play had her as wet as could be, and she slipped him effortlessly deep inside her.

Pete - and Marie - did not need to know how long it had been since she'd been with a man. The only answer she'd have given in that wonderful moment was, "Too long!" She welcomed the fleeting opportunity just to savor the sensation of enveloping his hardness within her, and her eyes opened wide as she gazed up at him to see the joy was definitely mutual.

She expected him to begin flailing away hard and fast any second now. Once again she soon saw she'd underestimated her friend, for he began thrusting so slowly she felt like she was starring in a slow-motion porn flick. "Oh, Pete..." She said nothing else but let out some appreciative moans, and rubbed his back as it bobbed slowly back and forth above her.

She opened her eyes once to see if Marie was still at it - she was - and then chanced a look up at Pete. His eyes were open as well and he was gazing happily down at her.

"Oh, Pete, this is beautiful!" she whispered. "Make it last forever!"

Pete did pick up the pace, not by much but by enough for Alexandra to feel the intensity growing. She was in for a delightfully intense orgasm soon enough, but there was plenty of time yet to enjoy the ride. And enjoy it she did - her earlier reservations now long forgotten, she egged Pete on with wordless grunts of joy.

"Come for me, both of you!" Marie squealed. "I'll come with you!"

"Do it!" Alexandra concurred. "Do it to me!" She smacked both his hips playfully to spur him on, and he flailed at her faster, but still with a certain gentleness she'd never experienced before. Her responses grew more intense as well. "You close?" she managed to say.

"Yes!" he answered breathlessly.

"Come with me!" she ordered. "Oh, oh, ohh, ohhh..." Each "oh" a bit higher than the last, but silence reigned in place of the last one as Alexandra threw her arms around Pete and pulled him down tight against her. He came as well and announced it with a muffled cry that vibrated delightfully on her shoulder. She also heard Marie let out a satisfied sigh, but didn't open her eyes. She wanted to savor the moment. And savor it she did, hugging Pete tightly and closing her legs to lock his receding hardness inside her.

At long last, she opened her eyes. "Marie," she said, "You are the luckiest woman alive."

"I see that more than ever now," Marie said. "That was beautiful!"

Alexandra finally released Pete from her arms and her pussy. "Now then, Marie, are you and I going to give Pete a show?" She sat up and reached for Marie.

"Please do!" Pete rolled over and settled himself on the far corner of the bed.

As Marie put her arms around Alexandra, she told her friend what she already knew. "I don't really know how..."

"I know," Alexandra said. "There's nothing to it, really!" She pulled Marie in closer to her, and thrilled to the press of their breasts together, which she was sure Pete was loving too. "Just kiss me like you'd kiss Pete."

Marie did just that. The unfamiliar absence of stubble on her partner's cheek was a wonderful variation, a thrilling hint of the taboo she was breaking. With that on her mind, she reached between Alexandra's legs and rubbed her vulva just as she loved Pete to rub her own.

"Oh, that's lovely!" Alexandra said. If Marie's touch was a little clumsy and a hint that she'd never been with a woman before, it was still delicious. It was, though, also a reminder that Alexandra had never cared for having straight women go down on her, and after all, it was Marie's turn to receive.

Alexandra let Marie probe her pussy for a bit longer, enjoying every stroke, before whispering in her ear, "Your turn, Marie." She gently pushed Marie back to where she had just been and pulled her arms around front so she could massage her breasts. "Always have wanted to play with these," she confessed.

"Please do!" Marie said. As Alexandra nibbled her neck and worked her way slowly downward, Marie ran her fingers through her long hair and pressed ever-so-gently down to encourage her.

Alexandra was pleasantly surprised at how much sensation Marie seemed to have in her large breasts. Most of the bigger women she'd been with hadn't had much, but Marie's coos and gasps as Alexandra kissed her nipples and rubbed the undersides made it clear she had plenty. Her plump, hard nipples gave Alexandra plenty of joy as well as she licked and sucked on them for a long moment.

But her mind was still right where it had been from the first time she'd seen Marie in the bath last week. Even as she'd been lusting after Tom and happily replaying the scene under the willow, she'd been itching to frolic in Marie's vast bush. That she'd finally been able to finger her in the bath had only made her want more, and the poor girl had been so very patient while Alexandra was busy with her husband...

With a reluctant, long last kiss on one nipple and a flick of her thumb on the other, Alexandra scooted downward. Marie had just enough time to be aware of what she was in for before Alexandra buried her nose in her bush.

"Oh, Alex! Oh my..."

Alexandra teased at the edges of Marie's triangle with her thumbs, hoping her light touch would tickle Marie pleasantly. Evidently it did, for she heard Marie giggle and felt her squirm just before Alexandra found her clit with her tongue. That, of course, brought on an even louder squeal, and Marie grabbed at Alexandra's hair and held on as if she were afraid of falling off the bed.

Alexandra had heard all the complaints about flossing one's teeth with the hair and how you got more friction with bare skin and so forth, and sometimes in the past she'd agreed with it. But the sheer uniqueness of Marie's bush and the dignity with which she wore it - not to mention that Alexandra now knew she'd always wanted to be this way - were irresistible, and she welcomed every follicle that tickled her nose as she licked and kissed her friend's well-hidden clit.

"Ooof, yes! More please, both of you!"

Alexandra looked up just long enough to see Pete had picked up where she'd left off with Marie's breasts, and dove back in. Four hands were certainly better than two, and on that note she remembered she could be doing more with her hands. She slid her right hand up Marie's thigh and slipped two fingers into her vagina.

"Ooooouuuuw my God, yessss!"

Alexandra was almost jealous of what Marie was feeling as she went hard with her tongue and her fingers, and with Pete doing his part up above. But hadn't she waited her turn? In any event, she couldn't have held Marie off from coming if she'd wanted to. At the big moment, Marie clamped her thighs tightly around Alexandra's head and pulled her in closer with one hand so Alexandra was quite happily stuck right where she was.

"Thank youuuuu. Both. Alex, that was amazing! Tom is one lucky guy!"

"He is if he says yes anyway." Alexandra couldn't help recalling he still hadn't called her.

"He will, Alex, we'll see to that!" Marie hugged Alexandra, and steered her to rest between herself and Pete. "Tis the season, isn't it?"

"Does that mean you're reconsidering your hate for Valentine's Day?" Alexandra asked hopefully.

"Well..." Marie sounded uncertain.

"It is probably best we put that nightmare to bed, isn't it?" Pete said.

"I guess," Marie said. "Maybe I just hate thinking of how lonely it makes people who don't have someone feel." She gave Alexandra's hand an affectionate squeeze. "That's why we'll make sure Tom opens his eyes."

Alexandra knew it was now or never for telling them the moment may have already come and gone. She opted not to; a push from their mutual friends might be just what Tom needed.

Before she could say anything anyhow, Marie's phone rang. While Marie rolled over to reach it, Alexandra snuggled up to Pete.

"Oh, it's Sandy," said Marie. Alexandra climbed over Tom to make her escape to the bathroom, just to be safe. She only just caught Marie cheerfully saying, "Hi, Sandy" before shutting the door behind her.

"Marie, hi! Have you got a minute to talk?"


"Great, two things. First, I'm a little worried about Tom. You know, it's almost Valentine's Day and he's alone..."

"Not for long, Sandy," Marie said, turning to her two bedmates with a grin before she remembered they could only hear her end of the conversation.


"Let's just say, Pete and I have someone in mind for him," Marie said. "I have a feeling he won't be lonely at all on Valentine's Day.

"Really!" Marie was surprised at how happy Sandy sounded to hear that. "That's a relief, really, Marie. You know, I think he's had a crush on me and I was just about at the point where I'd have to set him straight that it ain't happening, you know? Maybe now I won't need to."

"No, I shouldn't think so," Marie said. "Just leave that to Pete and me."

"I will! Now, Pete and you, that's the second thing. Look, I know how you both feel about Valentine's Day, and honestly, so do I."

"Do you really?" Marie's surprise was genuine. Sandy could be so touchy-feely, after all.

"Yes, really. Guys always making fools of themselves over you, buying you chocolate and flowers, and then I have to let them down easy...who needs it? But the good news is, my Aunt Sophie is coming to Paris - she's touring across Europe on her own, she never married, and she invited me to join her that night at the Hôtel Porte de la Ville."

"I've never been in there," Marie said. "I hear it's beautiful."

"Me too, and she said I could invite two of my friends. Of course I thought of you and Pete. What do you say?"

"Well, I would love to see the Hôtel Porte de la Ville." Marie looked over at Pete to see the feeling was mutual. Alexandra found an excuse to look at her left hand for the moment. "All right, Sandy, that'd be lovely. We were going to throw an anti-Valentine's party, but no one we'd invited was free that night anyway."

"You weren't going to invite me?" Sandy asked.

"Sure we would have, if we hadn't had so many other people already say no. We gave up on having it."

"Oh, right, then. So, meet you both at the club around seven o'clock on the fourteenth? And of course you'll have to dress up to be let in."

"We'll be there in our Sunday best," Marie said. "Even if it's a Wednesday. Sandy, thanks."

"Great! Will you be coming to the pub this week?"

"Probably," Marie said with another look at Pete. "Good night, Sandy."


As soon as Marie had hung up and called out to Alexandra that the coast was clear, Pete asked, "Are you sure you want to spend an evening alone with Sandy?"

"I kind of feel sorry for her," Marie said. "I mean, she obviously wants to be one of the gang, and she doesn't realize how she's been alienating us. Poor thing doesn't know any better. And a night at the Hôtel Porte de la Ville is its own reward, don't you think?"

"Sounds like it to me," Alexandra said as innocently as she could as she climbed back into bed. "I'm so glad Tom is over her."

"Is he?" Pete asked.

"News to me too, Alex," Marie said.

Only then did Alexandra remember she hadn't told them about what had transpired on Saturday. She opted to keep it that way. "Yeah, last week at the pub, she said something that really hurt him, and I think it broke the spell. Hope so anyway."

"It was just a matter of time," Marie said.

Though they all had to work in the morning, they were all too keyed up to sleep, and the conversation lingered for what felt like hours. Alexandra had to get up at the crack of dawn to go home and change her clothes, but it was well worth it.

Tom finally called Alexandra on Wednesday afternoon. She was in the teachers' lounge correcting papers, but fortunately she was alone for the moment when her phone rang.

"Hi!" she said.

"Hi," he said. "Listen, I'm really sorry I haven't called sooner. I just was worried it might be too soon."

"It wasn't, but that's fine," Alexandra said. After a cursory look up to make sure she was still alone, she went on. "I had a really nice time on Saturday, Tom. I really hope there wasn't any awkwardness at your end!"

"Not anymore there isn't!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I thought you might have had second thoughts," Tom said. "But if you haven't, I sure haven't!"

"Oh, that's such a relief!" Only now did Alexandra realize how much she'd been worrying that it might be a false start. "So are you coming to the pub tonight? Maybe we could let the others know then. No sense in playing coy with them, you know."

"Well, that's why I'm calling now. I can't come tonight. There's a big group project due Friday and...well, I don't want to pull a Sandy on my classmates."

Alexandra laughed through her disappointment. "Well said, Tom. I'll miss you. And I won't tell them until you can join us, all right?"