Nobody Rides For Free Ch. 01

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A man, his wife, and life's changes.
  • April 2006 monthly contest
21.9k words
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Chapter 1: Austin's Story

The vibrations of my 'ride' were perfect for my mood. I have been riding my custom built chopper for about ten minutes. This ride wasn't for pleasure however...matter of fact, this ride was keeping my away from home and my very beautiful and loving wife by choice. Having built this bike all by myself, even down to machining some of the detailed dresser parts, I was understandably proud of it.

I had opted for a 280-rear tire; a 124 S&S engine and a nice five-speed belt drive transmission. I had power to spare, and the rumble of my ride as it cruised down our street would bring kids to the edges of their yards trying to catch a glimpse of us. I say us because I considered my 'ride' to be a person in it's own right. When I rode, it was 'us', me and my ride.

Married, and quite happy, I had decided to get back into riding again. Instead of buying a Harley off the showroom floor though...this time I opted for building my own from the ground up. I had friends that rode, and they helped me when I needed some special assistance. It had turned out to be a magnificent ride. One worthy of cover page magazine with an inner spread.

I am riding now mostly to calm my nerves. I have something in my life that has me upset. I have more or less asked a friend to do something for me and now that has upset me way beyond anything I can imagine and everything I hold near and dear is in jeopardy.

I knew that some of my friends rode on the 'edge' of life. Always one-step away from the law or jail. They lived free and mostly acted as such. Still, they were good people...especially to have as friends. This particular friend had save my life, and probably my wife's too. I had paid him back by doing myself. I only hoped we would survive this all.

Several buddies had spent hours working with me on my ride and in doing so had gotten to know my wife. Since most of the work was done in my home garage after my regular job, we had all started hanging out there. The overhead door was usually open and there were almost always several other rides sitting in my driveway. I knew that my neighbors didn't fully approve, but then, they didn't ride like we did either.

Riley, my wife, is about 5' 8" in height, and very well put together. I met her in college, and was her first lover. When we first went to bed I broke her hymen...taking her virginity. It was a momentous occasion since she had been raised to be a 'good girl' and hadn't messed around much before that point. Heavy petting was about all she had done.

Our first years together as a married couple had gone smoothly, and now, after nine years together as husband and wife, we had been talking about having kids. Riley worked for an engineering firm that did mostly public projects. Since she had a civil engineering degree her department worked mostly on highways and interstate projects. She was happy in her job.

I work for an aircraft parts manufacturer, as a design engineer. I worked my way through college as a machinist in a small shop, and knew all the ins and outs of machine tools. Now, instead of running the CNC lathes or mills, I run the department, overseeing about twenty people. It is interesting work.

At home in my garage/shop I have a small lathe and a little milling machine. They came in handy while I was building my chopper. Riley had been pretty patient with me and my need to build this bike. She had even managed to find a great artist to paint it as it all came together. She would help me time to time, usually if none of the other guys were around.

We were close. In the early days of our relationship I still had my Harley and used to take her for rides. I noticed that after those rides she would be especially hot to trot, and as soon as we got somewhere that she considered safe...well...I'd get some of the hottest sex we had. I had parted with that one, working things out to get into this one that I was near completing.

After a time most couples get that...well, bored with each other thing going on. Riley and I had yet to have that happen to us. Matter of fact Riley seemed to work extra hard to make sure we didn't slip into that zone. Several times she had come up with different things to do in bed from reading magazine articles or even stories from online erotic story sites.

When some of the guys would come over to help me Riley would fetch us beers and chips or whatever. She volunteered to do this and it was always appreciated. When she'd wear cut-offs and tube tops or tank tops the guys would always have some flirty comments for her, as she is a very sexy woman.

I was comfortable with the flirty stuff since I knew that she was faithful to me as I was to her. I'd even get a kick out of it at times when one of the guys would really get her going. Once in a while she'd even get caught off guard and start blushing when some of the remarks got more...personal. It was always in good fun, so I never gave it any thought.

When 'Dog' started coming over things slowly started to change just a bit. He was a rather large guy, and he was also a real biker type. Long hair, big beard, tattoos, and even an attitude that at times that made me nervous.

His bike was a traditional Harley with his own style blended in to it. Rough and tough, he was still a gentle giant kind of man if he knew you. I had learned that he could be a hell of a good friend, as well as a damn bad enemy. He was always loyal to his friends, but as it seems to be with some people, he had a whole different idea of what loyalty really was.

Riley was comfortable around all the guys, even Dog. Once in an while one of the guys would take her to the local convenience store for beer or chips and always, she'd come back hot to trot. The vibes of the bikes as they rode would work her into a zone where at times; it was hard for her to wait until we were alone to jump my bones. It was always interesting after she had been on a ride.

Dog had a saying, one that we all laughed at and I never figured that any of us took seriously. He used to say...

"Gas Grass or ass, nobody rides for free."

As usual, if he was making the run with Riley to the store for beer, the beer would suffice for one of the three.

As time went on and my ride was about finished, Dog was spending more and more time helping me to detail the bike. His talents were in the finite and minute things that bring a bike from 'okay' to 'top of the show'. He had experience since he worked for a bike shop.

His help and advice had helped me to bring my bike to a state of the art and top quality ride. Once I was done with it I planned on putting it in a local bike show. Just to see how it fared. Dog was certain that it would be in the top five...if not the top ride period. Deep inside I was pretty certain that he was right about that.

One day when Riley was about to make a run to the store, he volunteered to take her.

"Honey, we need some more beer, maybe some chips too."

"Do you want me to make the run?"

"No, I can go. How much beer should I get? You still planning on having the birthday party for the bike this weekend?"

"Yeah. Maybe a couple of six packs for now...we can make a real run with the pickup for the party stuff later."


Dog was standing there looking at Riley. She was wearing some cut-offs that had been cut rather short. One could see the cheeks of her ass as she walked. I loved to see her in them, as did all the guys. Just to see her walking in them was enough to make everybody hard as a time when she bent over there were actually moans around the garage at the sight that unfolded.

As she bent over, the cut-offs rode up her ass until only a very small piece of material was showing between her legs. I know from where I was standing, I could see the start of her pussy lips, and her little asshole was barely concealed. As she stood up again, one of her breasts had popped out of her top and everyone got a nipple shot.

I knew that Dog was interested in Riley in more ways than just as a friend. I also knew that he would, if he could, try to get into Riley's pants. In that same way, I knew or was reasonably certain that Riley would never allow that to happen.

"Hey, I can run you over if you want. Of know the logo babe. Gas Grass or Ass...nobody..."

"Rides for free, I know Dog. Lets has worked for the grass part in the how's about I buy you a tank of gas today?"

"Gas it is then babe. You'll let me know when you'll give up some of that delicious ass someday too...right?"

"Hey know that the only guy that will get the ass part of that deal is Austin. Hubby's always win in that regard."

"Yeah...well you can't blame me for trying to tap your beautiful ass. I swear you are the most beautiful bitch in the whole state."

I waited for Riley to jump on his having called her or referred to her as a 'bitch'. I was mildly surprised when she just smiled and kissed me on the cheek as she walked over to stand by Dog's ride.

"The whole state huh? I'm not sure about that Dog...but thanks anyway."

As they roared off to get the beer I had a premonition that nagged at the back of my mind. Shrugging it off I decided that if I couldn't trust Riley to be with Dog or anyone else for that matter, what did I have? I certainly couldn't go around watching her all the time at work and off elsewhere. I had to trust her.

I knew that she was above average in looks. I also knew that almost any of my friends would be hard put to not fuck her if they had the chance. Still, I knew as well that Riley wouldn't to that...well, I was fairly certain of that anyway. As far as I knew I had been enough to keep her satisfied and she never had complained or even hinted that our sex wasn't anything but great.

Still that little warning bell had caught in my mind and was faintly ringing.

It took them a bit longer to get back than usual. I noticed it was only about fifteen minutes more, so I figured that Dog had given her a scenic tour. A couple of times here or there all of the guys had taken the long route so that Riley could enjoy the ride. Each of those times she had been wilder than ever in the sack later on.

She breezed up to me and kissed me using a lot of tongue. I could tell that she was real hot to trot and as a matter of fact, so was I. I think I was wanting to make sure my 'territory' was claimed and marked. Anyway, Dog seemed to find a need to be somewhere right after they got back.

"Hey you two...I have to head out. Got some things to take care of. I'll stop back by tomorrow afternoon and give you a hand with the oil tank mounting Oz."

Most of the guys had taken to calling me Oz, a shortened and much loosely version of 'Austin'. I guess it was easier to spit out than my full name at times. More...comfortable too. I kind of liked the nickname anyway.

"Cool Dog. I'll be looking forward to that. I don't think I'm going to get much more done tonight anyway."

Riley hit me on the shoulder as I winked at Dog. He looked at us and laughed.

"If you don't fuck it all up, you're about to get laid pretty well buddy. Catch ya tomorrow."

As he roared off, Riley was rubbing up against me. She was hot. Real hot.

"Come on Oz...I need you. Bad."

"Can I finish my beer first?"

I was teasing her, laughing as I said it.

"No...Later. Right now I have something I want you to suck on other than that damned beer."

She was serious.

Taking me by the hand she almost ran us into the house. In the living room, she stopped and turning, started to strip off my clothes. I was surprised since we had rarely done anything in the living room.

As she dropped my pants, she went to her knees, taking me in her mouth. She had learned to give great head, and I knew I was in for a treat since she had jumped right to that immediately. Usually this was part of our foreplay, but only after I had worked her up with some pussy licking.

I found myself being pushed back onto the couch, and as soon as I was seated, she really got on sucking me off. She didn't slow down as I started to cum, and even though I warned her, she just kept on sucking me. I shot off into her mouth, and her eyes went to mine as I came. I wasn't ready and I will admit I came rather quickly. Far faster than normal that was for sure.

Riley kept sucking and licking me, until I was hard again...then she slipped up and onto my lap. Her cut-offs had disappeared and she slid down my shaft taking me into her very over heated and wet pussy. Even though she was real tight, she took all of my shaft in one shove. Holding me tightly, she began to rock back and forth, hard...and fast.

I bent down and licked her nipples, having pushed her tube top up over her breasts. Hard nipples stared at me, begging me to suck and I did what came naturally. Moaning and mewling she worked herself into an orgasm almost as fast as she had worked me into one. The one exception was she worked herself into one, then another, then still another.

I was hard as a rock and knew that I wouldn't cum any time soon. Riley worked on her orgasms for quite some time, and pretty soon I started to cum too. I figured that she had had around seven or eight orgasms to my two. She had at times been multi-orgasmic, but this time was a lot more than all the other times had been. She had really been worked up today. In the back of my mind I had to wonder what had caused this extra excitement for her?

Afterwards, as we laid on the couch, I worked up the nerve to ask her about her sudden up-kick in the sex.

"Wow. That was great. what do I owe the pleasure for this great time anyway?"

Riley blushed deep red. This had my interest too. In the past us talking about our sex had never caused her to blush.

"Oh...It could have been just the ride that Dog gave me...but...well..."

"Well? Well what?"

"Promise you won't get mad?"

"Okay. I won't get mad."

"Are you sure? I mean it can't get mad at me. Promise me."

"I promise. What's gotten into you Riley?"

"Well, when we got to the store, Dog came in with me. There were several people in there and one of them, some creepy guy, made a gesture like he wanted to grab my ass. Just as I was about to make a comment, Dog reached out and grabbed my ass, then without a pause, he looked at that guy and told him I was his bitch...and he'd better keep his eyes and hands off me."

"What? Dog grabbed your ass and told them that you were his bitch? What the fuck? You let him get away with that?"

"You wouldn't get mad."

"Yeah, that was before I knew that Dog had claimed you too."

"It wasn't like that. He was making a statement to that creep. It worked, the creep left as quick as he could. Dog apologized for grabbing my ass and saying that I was his bitch. He just figured that it would move the attention away from me and onto him."

"'re okay with that then?"

"With what?"

"Dog...claiming you and grabbing your ass."

"I TOLD YOU...he did it to keep the creeps attention on him, away from me. It worked too. I'll bet that even if I run across that creep alone someday he'll stay way the fuck away from me."

"Why did that get you so worked up then?"

"I don't know. Maybe the danger. Maybe that Dog acted like I was his property instead of a buddy's wife...I'm not sure. It was all so sudden too. All I know is that once we started home and that bike started working on my clit, it worked me up to a frenzy. I think that's why Dog left so fast too. He knew. I left a wet spot on his seat. A very big wet spot."

"What about his calling you his bitch? I have never been able to call you that. My bitch."

"That's because you wouldn't. You love me and your type of man doesn't have to call their woman crude names. Dog...well I think its second nature for him to refer to any woman as a bitch."

"As 'a' bitch or as 'his' bitch? Is that it? Do you have some kind of fantasy about Dog now? Who were you fucking just now? Dog? Or me?"

"AUSTIN...damn you. I was fucking YOU for your information. Dog got me worked up...yes. But he got me worked up for YOU."

I let her think that I bought that explanation. I really wasn't sure now though. I knew that I had better get my ride up and running quick so that she'd have me to rely on for the good vibrations going to the store.

I was troubled by Riley's revelations about her ride with Dog. In my heart I knew that she'd never intentionally cheat on me...on us...but I also knew that as worked up as she got when on a ride she could slip one day. I tossed and turned, wanting to sleep but having nightmares about demons on motorcycles taking Riley away from me. Funny thing about that was that none of the demons looked at all like Dog.

The next day I headed out to work. Riley had the day off, and was getting things ready for our party on the weekend. She was working in the backyard, so when I left I went out that way and kissed her goodbye.

"See ya later...gater."

"After a while...You'll be home on time today right? I'll need to run to the store and get some things later and I'd like your help."

"Yeah. I should be home right on time. You could call up one of the guys and see if they could pick up some things for you too though. I think Charlie and Dog aren't up to much today. Up to you."

"I'll need the pickup for this stuff. Although I may call Charlie and see if he could run me out to the orchard for some veggies."

The orchard was a place on the outskirts of town. They were a truck farm that had fresh organic produce at a fair price. Riley and I had found the place one-day on a drive and ever since most of our vegetables were bought there. It was about twelve miles from our house, but we still liked the idea of knowing where our food or at least most of our food was coming from.

"That'll be cool Charlie has those monster saddlebags on his ride so you'll be able to carry everything pretty well."

Kissing her goodbye I headed out. Once on the road I drove straight for work. Arriving, I found everyone standing outside and it seemed like they were waiting for something.

"What's up guys?"

"Power's out. Guess a truck hit a power pole over on Sixth Street and took down this whole section of town. They told us that we won't have power back until late this afternoon. If then."

"Damn. Well...I guess you all can head on home. I'll put in your time for the day. Hopefully tomorrow things will be smoother."

They all left and I went in. After a bit, my boss stopped in and talked to me. I told him that I had sent everyone home due to the power outage, and I also told him I had taken care of the time cards.

"I can remember the days when a power outage was a day off...without pay. Unions. Oh well. They do get the job done and in the long run a lot cheaper than the alternative."

My boss...always a bit against unions...until he realized just how close he had come to losing his operation one time. Then, the union had managed to make the difference between him getting the contract that put him on the map and not. The outfit he had sub-contracted for was union and they had to cut a contractor. It ended up being the other outfit since they were non-union. It worked out for the best and ever since his ideas about unions had undergone a metamorphosis. A necessary evil he used to joke around about. Not any more.

He sent me home with blessings, and so I headed out after only spending about an hour at work. No power pretty much prevented me from finishing up some of the work I had to do. As I drove home I thought about Riley and how nicely surprised she'd be when I got home. That was an understatement.

Partially anyway.

On the way home it started to rain. As the air cooled down from the rain I hoped that Riley's work for the party hadn't been ruined. Once home the rain let up and the sun came back out. I pulled into the garage and closed the overhead door, as it was still quite cool. I walked into the house, calling out. Nobody was home.