Paid to Seduce His Mother V. 02 Ch. 03


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"Well then, Gramma, why don't you come down for a week this summer? We could go into the City or run up and see the dinosaur tracks, or some other museum, or something..."

With a smile which showed where her daughter's had come from, she looked at her grandson. "I've got your something..." she laughed, with an obscene hip thrust.

"Mother!" "Gramma!" the pair cried, laughing.

"Wow, Gramma, I... I... That's not really what I was thinking about, but, yeah, maybe."

"Michael! That's my mother you're hitting on," laughed Maggie. "But do think about it, Ma. It's been ages since you've visited."

"What about whosis? Will he be around?"

"Harry? Not likely. Sometime this week, Mike will present him with a proposal to divide our property in the divorce. If he agrees, I should be a single woman by the first of October. Why do you dislike him so much?"

"You mean besides the fact he's a cheating asshole? The last time I was there, the Christmas after Mike graduated, I couldn't sleep and was in the den watching late night television when he came in, seven sheets to the wind. He flopped down on the couch beside me and nearly bowled me over with the smell of booze on him.

"He put his arm around my shoulder so that his hand covered my breast and began to talk about how lonely I must be, living alone for so long. He put his other hand on my leg and started rubbing it. I pushed his hands away and stood up, then bent over, giving him a good look at my boobs, and whispered in his ear that if he ever touched me again, I'd do this for real, squeezing his balls and pulling on them, letting them slide through my fingers. He sobered up in a hurry, I can tell you."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Maggie asked, anger and pain battling for supremacy on her face.

"No reason to. I handled it, and figured you knew who you were living with. There was no reason to rub your nose in it." She gave her daughter a hug. "Since he won't be around all that much, I'll call in a couple of days and arrange to come visit. Going into the City for a day would be fun."

The trip to Galilee along the coast of the bay went through several villages over two lane roads. Although it was only twenty-five miles or so, it took nearly an hour. Rather than eating inside, they went to the carry out window and ordered a lobster roll each and an order of clam cakes, a New England version of hush puppies. They took them to a nearby flat topped rock and sat down to eat while they talked.

"Sally said we shouldn't make love for a week or so, to cool off a bit," Mike started, before taking a bite.

Maggie nodded, indicating she understood. "What do you think?" she asked, biting into a clamcake.

He laughed. "Depends which head I'm thinking with," he replied. "You?"

Maggie shook her head. "Did she say why?"

"Something to the effect we had just had three weeks of heady, intoxicating sex, and probably weren't thinking too clearly."

"She's a smart lady. Did she tell you about her family and their initiation rites?"

"She said nobody in the family but Uncle Jim knew about them."

Maggie nodded. "When Sally's father called about Debbie, he needed someone to talk to and thought Sally was tied too tightly to the family to be objective. So, what does your big head tell you about what she suggested?"

"If we were going to be isolated, then she might have a point, but we're going to be around people, interacting with others most of the time, so there isn't going to be the opportunity for the kind of uninhibited lovemaking we had at the cabin. I think if we act like reasonable adults instead of honeymooners, we can achieve a similar result."

"What result is that?"

"A clear head so we can sensibly discuss what we want out of our relationship, and how to manage it so nobody gets hurt."

"And you think we can do that and still make love, how often, weekly, bi-weekly, daily, hourly, constantly?" she asked, grinning.

"As attractive as those last two choices are, even I recognize they're impractical," he answered, returning her grin. "Daily sounds good, but I'm not sure how long I could keep it up, no pun intended. Two or three times a week sounds about right. Maybe twice a week, with the possibility of a weekend marathon now and then."

"Jim's gonna shit when I tell him what you suggested. He suspected Sally might tell you to cool it for a bit, but he predicted you'd opt for at least once daily. He said after he and Sally got back from their honeymoon, their first six months frequency was every morning and every night."

"Yeah, so would I if we were married, or even just living together as a couple. But we have that damned 800 pound gorilla to contend with. And you still haven't told me what you think."

"Let's get started, and we can talk while we drive. Want me to take the wheel for a while?"

"Nah, I'm good. It's only a couple of hours." They got into the car, buckled up and pulled out of the parking lot and made their way to US 1, on their way to I-95.

As Mike pulled onto the interstate, Maggie twisted in her seat, facing Mike. "Be careful; I don't want to go flying through the windshield," she said with a smile. "What do I think about Sally's advice to take a breather from our love life? Mmm...

"I must admit, Mikey, when you told me what you had planned for our trip, I was more than thrilled. If you couldn't smell my kitty that day, it was a miracle. Any objection I had was based on what I saw as best for you. The specter of an incestuous relationship with my son didn't bother me. As I told you, I had often thought about it, fantasized about it.

"I considered it wrong because it would make it difficult for you to meet and date women of your own age, women you should be seeing, and, yes, fucking. What's the line from your favorite Tom Hanks movie, '... trying them on, seeing how they fit...' That's what you should be doing, instead of me. And, frankly, so should I. How would you feel about that? Don't answer that just yet.

"What we're doing is so wrong, on so many levels and from so many points of view, it's ridiculous, but I don't care, or want to stop, at least, not completely. Since that afternoon at the pool, learning you wanted me like I wanted you, has made a world of difference in me.

"I've tried to be upset about it, angry about it... angry at you. One of the reasons I wanted to go with Jim last night was to see how I would be with someone else. I couldn't get aroused; since it wasn't you, it didn't feel right."

"I think I understand that. With Aunt Sally, and with Gramma, it felt good, but it wasn't the same. It wasn't like sport fucking, but similar."

"God, I hate that term--sport fucking! It sounds like you men think of having sex as a competitive game; you even use the term scoring when you convince a woman to open her body to you." A shudder, caused by her distaste, shook her body and she went on.

"You're right, it was more personal than the nameless sex that term has come to mean, but still didn't come close to how I feel when I'm with you. So where do we go from here? As you pointed out, continuing at the same pace isn't possible, and completely stopping is undesirable."

"Do you have an idea?"

Maggie laughed. "In this area, I am absolutely the last person to ask about what is normal or desirable in a sexual relationship. I had sex a half dozen times and found my self pregnant. After I got married, I learned my husband had a Madonna/whore complex when it came to sex, and he never touched me after I began to show. For six months, when he was trying to get me pregnant, we had sex four or five times a week, and then for the next year and a half, I was too sick, too tired or both. By the time I was able to have sex, my husband had decided to flex his fuck muscle in other women.

"Until you reawakened my kitty, I could probably count the times I've had sex since Ellie was born on my fingers, not including my thumbs. But, I've learned I enjoy sex, and I don't intend to give it up. Especially, sex with you. I don't know why, maybe it's the taboo, or the underlying biological relationship, or just that I was so fucking lonely... We will be together as often as we can manage, Mike. I promise.

"But you have to promise me you will pursue other women your age, or I will become a yenta and find you someone, a regular Dolly Levy, except I won't be promoting myself to you, but someone more age appropriate, like Evelyn."

"Okay, I promise, after I start working. I reserve the summer for us. It will make sense to folks as they learn about the divorce, and it's my last summer free, without needing to work. We can go dancing, and to the beach, and clubs to show you off. My own brand of Dolly-Levy-ing."

Maggie laughed. "Okay, but didn't Evelyn say something about you owing her a night after work? You could bring her home, Mike. I won't be upset, or jealous. And when you explain that you're not starting to work until October, I'm sure she'd understand. As of May first, according to her mother, she was still at home, too."

Part XLI

At Maggie's insistence, claiming she didn't want to have to cook when they got home, they stopped at Waverly's for dinner. Although it was only slightly past five o'clock on a Sunday, the dining room was relatively empty. As they waited to be seated, they could hear Evie in the kitchen.

"Bert, you can't just quit like that, not with only five days notice. That means I won't have a cook for the weekend...and where the fuck do you expect me to find someone to replace you in five days...I don't give a damn if your new boss is short a cook, so will I be...oh, go to hell!"

She came out of the kitchen looking like someone had walked on her face. In the dim light, it took her a few moments to recognize that she had customers waiting to be seated. Barely glancing at them, she picked up some menus and led them to a booth near the back of the dining room. "Problems, Evie?" asked Mike as she laid the menus down.

Her head jerked up at the question and she looked at Mike, a smile and an expression of hope on her face. "Mike! Oh, god, please tell me you're not busy Saturday. My cook just gave me five days notice and this time of year, with everything opening up, there's no way I'd find someone decent by then. Please..."

"Of course he will, Evelyn," interrupted Maggie. "I understand he owes you a couple of favors. This will let him redeem them. Right, Michael."

From the tone of her voice, and the way she used his full name, Mike knew there was no room to negotiate. "It doesn't need to be both, unless you want it to be. I can fill in until you find someone. It'll be good experience."

Evie threw her arms around his neck. "Thank you, Mike. With graduations, the festival, and the Fourth weekend, the period coming up is usually pretty big for us." She put her mouth close to his ear and whispered, "You can collect that second favor whenever, and as often as you want it. Not just because you're rescuing me either."

Backing away from his ear, she gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Now, what can I get for you? Drinks? Appetizers?" she asked, taking deep breath to calm herself. "It's on me. I can't tell you what it means, Mike, that you can step in."

"I'm happy to help out, Evie; that's what friends are for," he said, smiling at her.

"Can you come in tomorrow, so we can get all the paperwork and Health Department stuff done?"

"Sure. What time?"

"Anytime after ten."

Maggie interrupted, "I see your kitchen is closed on Mondays. How late do you work then?"

"Yeah, Monday is my day for ordering and catching up on paperwork. I'm usually out of here about six. Why?"

"Why don't you come to dinner tomorrow? It'll give Mike an opportunity to show you what he's learned. But, before you answer, I have to let you know that we practice casual nudity at home."

Mike quickly swallowed whatever comment he was about to make about inviting Evie, and studied the paper placemat in front of him. The busty blonde caught her breath and glanced at him, aware of the fluttering of butterflies in her stomach.

Barely able to get the words out, she accepted, saying, "I, uhm, can handle that. At least I won't have to worry about dressing for dinner." Maggie's grin convinced her that her response was taken for what it was--a nervous response to an unexpected situation.

"Great. Now, dinner; do you have any of that delicious veal cutlet we had the last time we were in?" Evie nodded. "And a glass of Riesling, please."

"Salad or soup?" Maggie shook her head, so Evie looked at Mike.

"How's the cacciatore?" he asked.

Evie laughed. "If you want cacciatore, I'll bring you schnitzel."

Mike laughed. "That bad, huh? The veal's fine. And a side salad, with your French bleu cheese dressing. And, uh... the Riesling will be fine." He watched Evie walk away, then looked at his mother.

"What're you up to, inviting her to a nude dinner."

"Just getting to know her, and creating opportunities. Do I hear an objection?" Mike shook his head, and seeing the server bringing his salad, held his tongue. Maggie just smiled and helped herself to a bite of salad.

Their meal came, and shortly afterward, Evie stopped by to make sure everything was alright and confirm that Mike would be there between eleven and noon the next day. The couple skipped dessert and thanked their hostess on the way out. A half hour later, they were turning into Belle Vista Drive.


By seven-thirty, they had the car unpacked and the suitcases emptied. The rest of their gear was taken to the backyard, to be cleaned tomorrow. Extra foodstuffs were unpacked and put away. Mike was just coming up from the basement, storing the ice chest, when he met his mother coming from her room on her way to the pool.

In spite of the fact he had just spent three weeks with his mother, mostly totally unclothed, the sight of her coming across the room took his breath away. Tall, slender, and bronzed from the sun, both carpet and drapes sun bleached, her small B-cups capped by dark red areolas, she was a vision to drive any man's libido to the boiling point.

"Good God, Mom! I...I... you are absolutely beautiful! Stunning doesn't begin to describe you. I knew at the cabin how... but now, here, out of the sunlight, I can't find the words... if Dad saw you like this, he'd never look at another woman, I swear... I know you want me to... but, there's no one..." he stammered and stuttered, getting the half thoughts out.

Maggie laughed, and walked up to her son, and wrapped her arms around his neck. "If nothing else, my son, you're good for my ego. Go get ready for a swim and bring out some wine. I'll be waiting by the pool." She gave him a light kiss on the lips, gently caressing them with her tongue.

When he tried to pull her closer, she backed off with a smile. "Later. There's only an hour or so left to swim; hurry and join me." while she went out through the french doors, Mike stripped in the kitchen and had just started toward the outdoors when she called back, "Grab our robes; it's getting chilly."

By the time he got back to the pool with the robes and towels, Maggie was on the second of her planned twenty laps, approximately a half mile. It was a large pool, built so that 50 round trips was a mile. Both of them had worked their way up to that distance at the cabin, but they didn't have time or daylight enough to swim that far.

Mike joined her and added the five extra laps to make his swim a half mile. "Showoff," she teased.

"It is easier without suits, even racing suits add enough drag to noticeably slow you down. Damn, it's really getting cold out here. What's the weather supposed to be like tomorrow?"

"I heard them talking about wet and chilly on the radio, but didn't pay much attention, but heard something about a tropical depression. Will that make a difference in what you make for dinner?"

"Ennh, Waverly's likes to brag about their steaks. I could do them inside, but... hmm, she said their cacciatore isn't very good. I have a variation that should have customers coming back every week. I can pick up the ingredients after I see her tomorrow.

"A salad, some pasta, a good bread from Gianelli's, and some spumoni for dessert. A nice Chianti with dinner and coffee with dessert. A meal fit for a Caesar."

"It sounds delicious. Is there anything I can do to help?" Maggie asked. They had moved to the den, at the back of the house, as they talked. The mother son duo settled on the sofa, sides touching.

"Mmhmm. I'll leave the salad to you. Your vinaigrette with the chunky bleu cheese would be perfect." He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer.

"This is perfect," she said. "As much as I talk about you finding someone your own age, I could stay here forever. Oh, Michael, what are we going to do?" she sighed.

"I don't know, Meg. But we have a few weeks to think about it. Uncle Jim said things won't start to look weird until New Year's, my living here, 'n' all." He tightened his grip and gently placed a light kiss on the top of her head. "Whatever it is, I am glad we had the last few weeks for ourselves. I will always be grateful for that.

"Uncle Jim suggested moving to a larger city and when I suggested Providence, he didn't seem to have feelings either way, but Aunt Sally seemed to think it would be a disaster for the family if we moved any where in Rhode Island."

He felt Maggie nod her head against his chest. "I agree with her," she said, and paused. "With Jim and Ma," she went on, "and their life style, their life is complicated enough. If we moved within a half hour drive, there would be an irresistible attraction, just like us, and it could be disastrous.

"Moving may be an answer, but I'm pretty sure it isn't the answer. I think Jim and Ma have found the best solution. We need to find you a woman your own age who can accept the fact you have a physical relationship with your mother. It might be a long search, but as long as you're actively engaged in the search, we can find time to be together without raising too many eyebrows.

"Come, let's go to bed. I want to feel you next to me, naked."

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 2 years ago

Great story. I was particularily impressed with the development of the possible problems Michael and Maggie could encounter with the continuation of their incestuous relationship. Additionally, I liked the description of the innerconflict of Michael and Maggie when faced with the fact that they were going to have sex/make love with someone other then themself. For those who want nothing more than a quick jerk off story, this is not it. As an avid reader of incestuous love stories and one who, in real life, has no problem with mutually consentual incest (one without positional powerplay, emotional or physical abuse and/or abandonment), the depth, honesty, purity, and chemisty between mother and son takes time and space to describe. Sex is the most physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually fulfulling experience life has to offer. Although fiction, I wonder how different things would be if every male and femal could love someone to the depth that Michael and Maggie do?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
What happened?

this entry is about 25 pages too long, there is a GREAT 15 page story buried in here

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 11 years ago
They may be over thinking their situation.

Since he is going to be an apprentice chef, he probably won't have the time or money to be dating too many women, and his mom will be the only outlet for him to have a loving sexual relationship with any woman.

They will have to play it cool out in public and while his dad is around.

They have to get rid of her cheating husband and then think of taking a vacation to Europe where his sister lives.

Perhaps Evie will fit into their family nicely and all of their troubles will be over

Thanks for the good read...

XXMuffDiverXXXXMuffDiverXXalmost 11 years ago
Another Great Series

Thanks for another Great Series, I always enjoy your work and can't wait for the next episode of this one!!

darkdance69darkdance69almost 11 years ago
Very Nice

I prefer V2 to V1, it does a better job of exploring some different erotic avenues. I love the Sally/Celeste character and everyone's thoughts of making everything "work". It will be interesting to see how Evelyn will fit in to the story.

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