Part of the Family


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'Will you stay?' Diane asked.

'I will,' Kerry breathed back, wanting Diane to be back between her thighs, using her tongue and lips


Diane sat back up, she trailed a finger over the inside of Kerry's thigh, moving up towards her soaking slit, then slipped a finger inside, making Kerry shudder with pleasure.

'I must tell Johnny, and the others. You should start with your fiancé first,' Diane said softly.

Kerry gave a sigh of disappointment, as Diane got off the bed. She watched Diane, still naked, go out of the room. She was going downstairs stark naked, Kerry realised, mildly shocked at the act. Then Kerry remembered what was to come, and Diane's leaving naked suddenly gave a sense of reality to the talk of the orgy, or bonding as Diane called it, that up until now seemed remote, abstract.

Kerry hurriedly climbed under the duvet not wanting Johnny to see her naked so soon after their argument. She was still feeling very horny, and this muddied her emotional state because she knew she should still be mad as hell with Johnny and some part of her wanted to reject what was happening here as sick, perverse and unnatural. However, her carnal desires were over-riding those thoughts, urging her to embrace whatever happened here tonight.

Johnny appeared at the doorway, looking sheepish.

'Hi Kez,' he said. He didn't seem surprised that she was in bed.

'Hi,' Kerry replied, flatly.

'I'm sorry I upset you earlier. You okay?' he asked. There was genuine care in his voice and it dispelled any thoughts Kerry had for giving him a hard time.

'Come here and get into bed,' she ordered.

He pulled his shoes off and undressed quickly, climbing into bed beside her. Her eyes took in his muscular torso, and she drank in his scent.

'Diane said you were ready to talk.' Johnny said.

'If I talk I might just get mad at you again. I don't want to be mad at you,' Kerry replied, her voice low. She leant forward and kissed him on the lips at the same time reaching under the duvet, her hand fondling his semi-erect penis.

He kissed her softly on the forehead then taking her face in his hands looked her in the eye. 'Did Diane tell you about the bonding?'

'Uh huh,' Kerry affirmed. His member was now hard in her hand and she traced her thumb lightly over the sticky head of his penis. 'She confirmed what you said. Everyone sleeps with everyone in this bed.'

'And she told you about what happens at the end of the bonding? About the transformation?'

Kerry wanted him to be kissing her, not talking. 'She said something happens, I don't know, she said I had to experience it. So I guess I will. To be honest, come tomorrow I don't know what I'm going to think about this, but Diane said I should give this a try, just one try, and then decide. Now can we stop talking about this?' She put the finger that caressed the head of his penis into her mouth letting him see her taste him.

He kissed her then. It was hard and needful kiss, his hand cupping the back of her head, his tongue wet and thrusting in her mouth. He moved his hand from her head to her breasts, stoking and kneading them with an urgent desire.

She broke off the kiss, and shifted herself downwards, her lips caressing his chest, the hairs there soft on her mouth. Her tongue traced downwards towards his navel, leaving a shiny trail of saliva in its wake. He pulled back the duvet so they were both uncovered. Kerry kissed his belly button and looked up at him pleased to see he was watching her, his eyes leaden with lust and yearning, his erection hard and demanding in her hand.

She laid her head on his belly, looking at his swollen manhood that was barely an inch from her mouth. His foreskin was fully back, leaving the smooth head of his engorged penis exposed for pleasure. Glistening liquid oozed from the meatus, and a drop of it slowly descended towards Johnny's navel. Kerry caught it on her tongue, tasting his warm saltiness in her mouth. She held his member at the base of its head and ran her tongue over its curves, delighted to be rewarded my Johnny's low groan of ecstasy, his hardened penis tensing in her hand. His own hand was on her head, gentle pressure urging her to take him in her mouth. Instead, she resisted his desire, and ran her tongue gently down the shaft and began to kiss and lick his balls. He moaned and shivered in pleasure, each sound increasing Kerry's own arousal to new euphoric heights.

Her free hand sought her own well of arousal, the need for contact there overwhelming, she slipped two fingers inside herself as she ran her tongue languorously back up Johnny's shaft then took him fully into the hot cavern of her mouth. Johnny's breathing was heavy and laboured, and she began to slowly bob her head up and down, her fingers gently scratching the taut skin of his scrotum, whilst her other hand moved between her legs satisfying her own urgent needs.

'Kez,' Johnny breathed gutturally. 'Tonight, when we bond as the family, don't be scared.'

She released him from her mouth. 'I won't be,' she assured him, then plunged her head down enveloping his hardness again in her soft mouth

'Well, I see you two couldn't wait to get going,' Diane's cheerful voice sounded.

Kerry turned, a thread of come trailing from her chin to the tip of Johnny's penis. Diane was back in the room, still naked, her big breasts heaving and jiggling as she climbed on to the bed. Behind her, Stevie was standing beginning to undress. Diane flashed Kerry a big smile, clearly pleased at finding Kerry fellate her fiancé.

'Hi guys,' Johnny said, sounding out of breath.

Diane reached Kerry on the vast bed. 'You okay, luv?' she asked, kissing Kerry on the cheek. Kerry nodded, and smiled.

'Well, don't let us interrupt,' Diane said nodding at Johnny's waiting erection.

Kerry, aroused at the fact Diane was watching, took Johnny back into her mouth, swallowing him as deeply as she dared.

'Johnny, throw me a pillow, love,' Dianne requested.

Johnny took a large white pillow and passed it to her.

Kerry felt Diane position her so she was on all fours in front of Johnny. Then she felt Diane ease her knees apart so she could lower her hips closer to the bed. She felt the cool material of the pillow on the inside of her knees, then Diane's soft hair, as Diane lay down, her head directly beneath Kerry's sopping valley. Kerry shuddered with anticipation as Diane reached up and placed her hands on either side of Kerry's rump.

Gentle pressure eased Kerry's hips down, and Kerry quivered with pleasure as Diane mouth attached to her, Diane's tongue pushing apart the slick lips of Kerry's labia, finding the softer more sensitive inner lips, sliding slowly up and down, teasingly flitting over Kerry's sensitive bud. The delightful waves of pleasure engulfing Kerry distracted her from her rhythm and she had to take a break from Johnny's taut member so she could release her own panting moans of pleasure.

'Yes,' she breathed, 'Oh God, yes.'

She half turned and could see that Diane was in turn being attended to by Stevie, whose head was dipped between Diane's opened legs. Kerry felt a flicker of envy. She wanted to be the one pleasuring Diane, tasting Diane's honey on her tongue. Diane pulled away from under Kerry and turned to join Kerry on all fours, moving up to join Kerry between Johnny's legs.

'You taste fucking good, Kerry.'

Kerry kissed her, fiercely and hungrily. She could taste her own come in Diane's mouth and the sensation drove Kerry to a higher pitch of desire. Diane slipped a hand under Kerry's midriff to caress her big hanging breasts. Johnny's fingers stoked both their heads and they took the hint and began to pay attention to his erection. Kerry lapped at his balls while Diane took him in her mouth, twisting her tongue expertly over his bulbous head to elicit deep sighs and curses from Johnny. Kerry felt hands on her rump and realised Stevie was about to penetrate her, she shuffled her knees further apart widening the gap between her legs to accommodate him, then whimpered as he slipped inside her. He moved slowly in and out, sometimes pausing so the head of his penis was barely touching her opening, then, after a teasing second or two, ramming back inside her, making her cry out in ecstasy.

She was partially aware of a movement from her far left, and looked to see that Uncle Frank and Aunty J had come into the room, smiling at the scene before them. Frank caught her eye, and he gave her a good natured smile. Kerry couldn't help noting the size of his manhood which was only semi-erect, yet already massive. Auntie J, bore the weight of an older woman, with a figure that was delightfully rubenesque, with large melon shaped breasts, and big wide fleshy hips.

As Kerry returned her attention to Johnny's member, Stevie pulled out of her. She expected him to re-enter, but instead felt him shift over to Diane. Diane let out a gasp as Stevie penetrated her and began a rhythmic thrusting, his hands on her hips for better purchase.

Auntie J hauled herself up past the younger two girls and sat astride Johnny, her back to Kerry and Diane. She took Johnny's hands and placed them on her big heaving breasts. 'This won't do Johnny,' she said, playfully chiding him. 'Letting the girls do all the work. It won't do at all.'

'Sorry, auntie,' Johnny said, his voice husky as Diane and Kerry continued pleasuring him with their mouths and tongues.

'Don't apologize with words, Johnny. Apologize with your tongue,' she said authoritatively, moving up further and positioning herself above Johnny's face.

'Yes, auntie,' Kerry heard him say. Then his aunt lowered herself onto his face, her back arching with the pleasure his tongue gave.

'So glad you decided to stay, young Kerry,' Uncle Frank said, as he positioned himself behind her.

'Yes' she breathed, as she and Diane exchanged positions on Johnny's demanding erection.

'You can call me uncle,' he said placing his hands on her buttocks. 'After tonight you'll be part of the family.'

He must mean after the wedding, Kerry thought, mentally correcting him. Then she gave a guttural moan as he plunged inside her. She was more than wet enough to take his size, but the girth of his penis filled her completely and she shuddered with pleasure. Frank's large hands gripping her hips for added leverage. Almost at the same time she felt Johnny's hot hard penis tense in her mouth, his hips beginning to push up off the bed. Diane felt it too. 'Don't swallow,' she urged Kerry. Then there was a sudden explosion of come as Johnny ejaculated, his warm semen pumping into her mouth. She forced herself not to swallow as her mouth filled with the warm creamy effluence. And when she was sure he had finished, released his expended member.

Diane licked come from Kerry's chin, then, kissed her. Kerry opened her mouth and let Diane drink Johnny's come too, their tongues coated with his ejaculate as they shared his semen. Their teeth jarred sometimes as both girls, their mouths pressed tightly together, were still being humped from behind, the motion making it hard to control their kissing.

Diane broke the kiss, a thread of Johnny's come strung between their parted lips. Diane scooped it from her lip and let Kerry suck it from her finger. 'He'll be up and ready again soon,' Diane said, patting Johnny's semi erect penis. She looked over her shoulder. 'Uncle Frank, Stevie darling, we need to change.' Diane said.

Both men withdrew from their mounts, and Diane gave Kerry a tender kiss on the lips.

'What now?' Kerry said, hazy with arousal.

'We drink from each other. Lie on your back,' Diane instructed.

Kerry obeyed, lying down and opening her legs, her eyes on Diane's.

Diane slipped a hand from Kerry's foot over her shin and knee then down over her thigh, slowing as she trailed fingers though Kerry's wet opening, then over Kerry's belly, up over her breasts, then the curve of her neck finally stopping at Kerry's lips. Kerry took her fingers and kissed them.

'You are beautiful, Kerry,' she stated simply. Kerry smiled in gratitude.

Diane shifted round so she was above Kerry, with her face upside down to Kerry. Then she kissed Kerry on the forehead, then the mouth, then moved down slowly, pausing when her breasts were over Kerry's mouth and Kerry's breasts were level with her own mouth. Both girls spent some time kissing and licking each other's soft big mounds, Kerry drawing one of Diane's hard nipples into her mouth, sucking hard on them, pleased with the small gasps that this produced from Diane before moving to suck at the other nipple, then, she in turn gasped as Diane returned the favour. Diane slid downwards again. Their big fleshy breasts rubbed together eliciting contented sighs from both girls. Diane continued downwards kissing Kerry's navel, then arriving at Kerry's shaved moist valley. Diane's own crotch, equally shorn, hung delectably over Kerry's face. Come dripped onto Kerry's cheek, and she angled her head so she could catch it in her mouth as it dripped like syrup from Diane. Then after a tantalizing pause, Diane lowered her head and slipped her tongue between Kerry's welcoming pink wet lips, at the same time lowering herself onto Kerry's hungry mouth.

Kerry's tongue licked eagerly probed the slick sopping folds of Diane, wanting to return the pleasure Diane had given Kerry earlier and was now giving again. Kerry had one hand on Diane's bottom, pressing down so could she taste deeper, her other hand on Diane's head stoking her thick soft hair, scraping her scalp whenever the pleasure became too much as Diane licked her clitoris. The girls moaned as they licked and teased and tasted each other's fluid lust.

Through the hazy film of ecstasy that enveloped her, Kerry could hear that more of Johnny's relatives had entered the room; sounds of clothes being removed, low voices. The sounds soon faded to be replaced with slap of flesh on flesh, of sucking and licking, or rapid breathing, of moans, cries of pleasure, gasps, groans and curses, joining her own noises of delirium, until the she had the impression of swimming in an undulating sea of lust and physical pleasure. She could see Uncle Frank on his knees above her. He smiled down as she pleasured Diane, then he bent down and began licking Diane's anus. Diane squirmed in delight, and Kerry had to hold on firmly to Diane's buttocks to keep her slippery hot cleft pressed into her mouth. Then Diane came, and Kerry tasted her delicious come, her tongue straining to thrust as deep into her lover as possible, Diane's juice, thick, warm, and tangy in her mouth. Then it was her own turn to squirm as someone entered her. She wondered briefly if it was Stevie or another family member, then was lost in pleasure as whomever it was slid in and out of her, making her gulp for air. She could still feel Diane's tongue lapping at her with languorous and delectable expertise. The combined pleasure was too much. She could feel herself beginning to climax. Uncle Frank, had finished tonguing Diane's anus, and was pushing his massive member inside her. It slid inside and Kerry felt Diane's body shudder with ecstasy.

As Uncle Frank slowly moved in and out of Diane, Kerry licked his big shaft and balls that rubbed on her face and that were soon wet with Diane's come and Kerry's own saliva. He slipped out of Diane and allowed Kerry to take him in the warm pit of her mouth. His strong hands were stoking her hair as he slowly pumped in out of her. Kerry was coming, and she licked and sucked the thick member in her mouth with desperate haste as she felt her orgasm build. Uncle Frank sensed she was coming and withdrew from her mouth and instead slipped back inside Diane. The orgasm coming a moment later, wracked Kerry's body and she shouted out her ecstasy as the spasm came, her nails digging into Diane's rump, her toes curled with tension. Another wave hit her and she cried out again, then her body relaxed and she breathed deeply.

She could still feel whoever it was thrusting inside her, but mercifully, Diane had stopped licking her, replacing the sensation of her tongue with wet affectionate kisses around Kerry's sensitive flower. The man still taking her from behind tensed, his hands tightening on her hips as he drove himself deep in her. He cried out as he came and the grip on her hips tightened further as Kerry felt his gush of release inside her, and feeling with it that sensation of fulfilment from having a man ejaculate inside her. He withdrew, and Kerry heard Diane shout as Uncle Frank made her orgasm.

Kerry climbed out from her position and could see now that others had entered the room and joined them on the bed. Each person in sexual congress with another so that the whole bed was filled with a writhing mass of naked bodies. The air was pungent with the smell of sweat and lust and sex. The effect of the mirrors had on the scene was amazing, It looked as though Kerry was in the middle of field of thousands of copulating people.

She felt dizzy, and overwhelmed, and put a hand out to steady herself. The undulating movement of the others on the mattresses made it feel as though she were on a raft on the ocean. She sought her own reflection in sea of bodies, then someone touched her on the shoulder. She turned to find the big fleshy figure of Aunty Bev before her, smiling hungrily at Kerry. She was big in every sense, somehow larger without her clothes on. Her arms were thick, and her big boulder sized breasts rested on a round belly that sat on a tyre of flesh round her hips, obscuring her crotch completely. The balding form of her husband Uncle Bob, smaller and leaner in comparison, was latched onto one breast suckling like a ravenous baby. Still smiling at Kerry, Aunty Bev eased him off her and taking the hint he turned his attention to other naked forms around him that bucked and caressed and licked in the incestuous orgy. Aunty Bev smiled tenderly at Kerry, who was at a loss for words, and so simply held her gaze. She felt like some small helpless animal hypnotised by a snake; waiting to be devoured. Still flushed from her orgasm, Kerry felt the stirrings of arousal again.

'Come to me, child,' Aunty Bev said, her voice soft, persuasive, as she placing a meaty hand behind Kerry's head and pulled her down to her vast breasts.

Kerry allowed herself to be guided to the older woman's fleshy bosom. By now, she had long given herself over completely to the animal hedonism that was around her, and the feeling of freedom from such wanton abandonment was intoxicating. Aunty Bev's nipples were soft but very big and her areola was dark pink and easily the size of a saucer. Kerry slid her tongue around the woman's dark bud that hardened with the stimulation. Aunty Bev maintained a vice-like grip on Kerry's head, dominating her completely. Kerry sucked harder, and reached down beneath the older woman's belly, searching for the mass of pubic hair that was the woman's sex. Her fingers found the place then were grasped by the Aunty Bev's other hand and guided forcefully into the wet warm slippery lips of her vagina. Kerry's efforts were rewarded by the guttural breaths of the big woman. Then, surprisingly, Kerry felt the woman pulling away from her, and detaching Kerry from her cushion sized breast. Reluctantly, Kerry let the woman's engorged nipple escape her mouth. Kerry raised her head then saw the reason for the rejection.

'Kerry, my daughter to be,' Johnny's father said, smiling with affection at her.

He stood before her one hand on the head of Janet, who was on her knees performing fellatio on Uncle Bob.

Kerry looked up at him, past his erect penis that was only inches from her face, and into those commanding eyes that seemed to bore into her mind, only now it did not feel uncomfortable, but welcome.

'You will a good wife to my boy?' he asked, his tone stern.