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"Forty- forty thousand dollars?!" Victoria gasped.

Her eyes roamed the rest of the items on display but they were of similar prices. She shook her head, amazed at the incredible display of wealth while knowing that if they were willing to have such expensive items shown in the window, the items inside must be even more extravagant.

A single employee, or perhaps the owner, wandered around the store - touching, adjusting, and eyeing the various pieces spread throughout the interior. No customers browsed the boutique.

"I couldn't afford a single thing in there," she told her reflection.

The employee turned from her inspection to notice Victoria, who looked away with her head down to avoid meeting the woman's eyes. She took a step back towards the sidewalk but hesitated. The pendant was as beautiful as any art pieces she'd seen in the few museums she'd visited and she realized she could treat the rest as such. As unobtainable works of art in a high class museum.

Victoria swung back, angling for the door to push it open and slip inside.

Even the air was a different quality inside. It smelled richer while settling over her with a physical pressure that was comforting with its touch. A gentle hush surrounded her, enhancing her sudden fantasy of being a bored debutante gracing society with her very appearance. She adopted the role in the hope of quelling the butterflies fluttering throughout her belly.

As she feared, the prices within the store skyrocketed into unbelievable heights that left her wondering what the boutique was doing sandwiched between stores frequented by broke college students.

In the front corner of the boutique, a detached wooden arm rested lightly on a red silk pillow. Victoria stared at the bracelet encircling the wrist. The narrow band was rimmed by a silver metal that created visible hexagonal shimmering effects in the soft glow of the overhead lights. An unbroken, polished emerald three inches in diameter lay between the metal.

"I- I- I need this," she stuttered. She whimpered when she tried to look away from the bracelet but it held her complete attention. Her fingers reached out. Already she could see it around her wrist. Walking smugly in public while ensuring everyone would see it. Her temples throbbed as phantom hands squeezed her brain, constricting her willpower.

The placard showed the price in the corner of her eyes. Thirty-five thousand dollars was more than she could spend. Much more than she had readily available. But, already she began to think of ways she could make up the difference - selling plasma, selling her furniture and television and everything else in her apartment. Selling her body. Kneeling in dirty alleys to give to nameless men blowjobs or whatever else it would take to make enough.

"I- nrgh-" she groaned, slowly closing her fingers into a fist, inches away from the bracelet. Physical pain shot throughout her arm.

Ignoring the pain as much as possible, she turned while closing her eyes.

"Huh, that's weird," Victoria said while massaging the side of her neck. The threads of the memory from the last few minutes unraveled into nothingness, leaving the bracelet forgotten.

She moved throughout the store, from one display case to the next while admiring the occasional well-dressed and well-appointed mannequin. It hurt her to think that each of them had a better chance with Elias than she did, and they weren't even real.

Standing in front of one faceless figure, Victoria frowned. She leaned to the side to look for earrings and then down to her neck and over to her hands. With a shrug, she started to turn away until she spied gold surrounding the mannequin's ankle.

Victoria tucked her skirt beneath her thighs as she crouched to get a better view. Unlike the other items, this one had a simple price tag attached directly to the anklet rather than a card set below.

"Just one thousand dollars," she said wryly while reaching out to touch the little square paper. "That's basically nothing compared to the rest of the items. You're like the plastic trash of overly expensive trinkets. Poor little thing."

Three symbols were etched into the golden band, side-by-side. They tickled her mind and she wondered, vaguely if they were Egyptian or Greek glyphs. She'd have to ask when she brought it to the register-

Wait, I can't afford this, she told herself. She could, she knew. Her account had the money for it even if she'd need to watch her budget for the next two months to make space for it. No, seriously, I can't afford it.

The vision of her unlatching it to carry it to the counter was clear in her mind. Enough so that she found herself mimicking the movements in her mind, slipping fingers around to the back until they brushed the clasp. She felt suddenly certain in her ability to cut out a few things from her groceries as well as shifting her monthly 'fun' fund into the purchase. The decision was clear and simple in her mind despite how she would often argue with herself over such a large, frivolous purchase in the past. It was her habit to go back and forth, potentially agonizing over the decision for a week or more until finally choosing. And even then there would be restless nights where she wondered if she'd picked the right outcome.

Victoria unhooked the clasp while holding the anklet with her free hand. It flexed at the back, opposite the glyphs but was otherwise one connected piece.

It was perfect for her. There was no waffling over the decision. As she held it in her hand, she knew she would buy it and she was immediately satisfied with the decision. Even better, she'd wear it to work tomorrow. With the metal touching her skin, she could easily see herself sporting the band at work, with a low-cut shirt and tight shorts that showed off her legs. Or a low-cut blouse with trousers and heels that left her ankle bare to show off the jewelry, matching Elias' suit with her own sexy spin that left him watching her close. Dazzling him with how the gold complemented her freckles and paleness.

Without a single shred of doubt left, she stood with the anklet in her hand. She'd made up her mind without caring what remained in the unexplored sections of the boutique.

Seeing her approach, the employee quickly finished dusting an amulet inside a display case. She closed the glass panel, latching it with a key around her wrist before making her way to the counter to greet her customer.

I'd like to buy this, please, the words came to Victoria automatically - a memorized phrase she'd used for years.

"I'll take this," she said instead, placing the anklet onto the counter while maintaining eye contact with the employee. Her fingers never left it.

"That's certainly a good choice," the clerk said while glancing down at the item on the counter. "I'm sure whomever you give it to is in for an amazing experience."

"It's for me," Victoria told her boldly.

The words, and the way they were spoken, drew the other woman's attention. She looked up at Victoria and the skin tightened around her eyes.

"For you, you say?" the woman asked.

"Yes," Victoria said, annoyed at having to repeat herself.

"You know, I don't think I've seen you around before," the woman told her. She touched her thumb to a ring on her index finger.

"No, I'm not surprised. This is my first time here," Victoria replied, surprised at the sudden change in the conversation.

The anklet was slipping away from her. A new sense, tied to her increased confidence, let her feel it happening. The other woman's movements made it clear. In the subtle changes of her facial expression and the tone in her words. And the way she held herself suddenly. It made no sense - she had the money to buy the anklet and she wanted it. Why should she care?

"I've passed by a few times but never made the time to stop in," Victoria lied. She was shocked at how easily the words rolled off her tongue, without stuttering or hesitation. The tip of her finger touched the gold band where it lay on the counter. Despite the boldness of her words, she felt her heart racing while her stomach turned sour from anxiety. Yet her outward appearance never changed. "And, really, this piece is perfect for me. I've been ready for a change for quite some time. Why wait? Why hesitate?"

"Well, still-" the clerk said, rubbing the side of her ring.

"Frankly," Victoria said, feeling nausea spreading throughout her body as she stood her ground. "It's none of your business if I want to buy this for someone else or myself. Are you often in the habit of questioning your customers? I'm quite busy, you know."

Please, just let it go. Please, Victoria prayed as her lips hardened into a thin line that telegraphed her displeasure.

"Ah, yes ma'am, you're right, of course," the other woman said while relaxing. She opened her, removing her finger from the ring to place her palm flat against the counter while flashing a well practiced smile. "And how will you be paying today?"

Oh, thank god. Thank god, Victoria thought. She smiled in return, bolstered by bluffing her way through the conversation. It was the first time she'd tried it and it felt amazing to have stood her ground.

"Credit card," Victoria told her while reaching into her purse to retrieve her card from the wallet inside.

"Ah. Oh. Okay," the clerk said.

She knelt, rummaging on a shelf beneath the counter before pulling out a point of sale terminal. The woman turned to blow on it and wipe the dust away before placing it beside her sleek register. She fumbled with cables, muttering quietly until it was connected. Once finished, she glared at it while tapping the side with her finger. Finally, it beeped loudly. She nodded and picked up the credit card Victoria had placed on the counter, swiping it four times with increasing agitation until it finally beeped.

"Sorry about that," the clerk said. She held the card out for Victoria who gave a 'no problem' while taking it. "Oh, sorry, it's printing a receipt. It's been so long. I forgot they did that. I'll throw it away and handwrite a standard receipt for you."

"No, it's fine, I'll take this one. No need to do the extra work," Victoria said. She felt quite magnanimous after her earlier victory.

"You- are you sure?" the wariness she'd displayed earlier returned.

"Oh, yes, it's just- it's just so cheap that it really doesn't matter," Victoria lied again. "Trust me, it's not worth your time or energy. I don't expect any issues. Just the printout is enough."

"If that's what you'd prefer," the woman said after a moment or two of contemplation. She tore the printed receipt before laying it to the side of the anklet. "We appreciate your business and I hope you- that you enjoy- have a pleasant day!"

Victoria stared at the flustered woman, confused and concerned before realizing that it wasn't her business and it did her no favors to linger after the interactions she had with the employee.

"Thanks! You, too!" Victoria said, snatching the receipt and the gold band. She walked a path straight to the exit with her eyes locked onto the door and her shoulders squared back behind her. The very model of self-assuredness.

Once outside, Victoria exhaled. She relaxed while placing the anklet into her purse with her hand against it. It calmed her but also made her stand up straighter. With her fingers lightly tracing the three symbols on the gold band, she continued her walk home. It soon became uncomfortable to walk with her hand inside her purse so she pulled it free but took the anklet with her to hold clenched in her fist. To keep it safe, she told herself, while caressing it with her thumb.

It took barely five minutes for her to realize something was wrong.

A man, perhaps a year or two younger than her, watched her walk past. She saw him turn his head to follow her with his eyes tracing a path from her face down to her chest and further to her hips and ass. His gaze was palpable. It buffeted her wherever he looked. Silky tendrils stroked her body, gliding beneath her shirt to fondle her breasts and drag down her sides before slipping into her skirt to claw over her ass. And lower, between her thighs to-

She gasped, missing a step. Half a block away he shook himself to look back at his phone.

The absence of his eyes upon her body left her temporarily emotional. Victoria focused inward, trying to understand exactly what it was she felt. The answer shocked her.


She'd had her share of catcalls and men leering at her, but this was different. His attention had been a physical force that excited her and, now, without it, she felt deserted. Unwanted.

A middle-aged woman, sitting on a bench in front of a coffee shop, clenched her husband's thigh when Victoria passed in front of her. The woman jerked her head to get him to look and they both stared.

Their attention fed her. Victoria smiled while slowing her pace. The excitement she'd felt earlier returned and amplified when a college student glanced up from his laptop to watch her pass. As the others had, he ogled her without subtlety. Victoria threw her head back and her smile widened. She placed her right foot in front of her left and then the left in front of the right, sashaying with exaggerated motions. The older woman's hand slid higher on her husband's thigh to the bulge of his hardening cock while she spread her legs ever so slightly apart.

Victoria sighed. Warmth spread throughout her body. Her nerves hummed in a line from the hand holding the anklet, up to her shoulder and down to her chest before branching into a multi-tined lightning strike that made her shiver. She reached up with her left hand to undo the top button on her shirt. And then the second. And the third. The front of her shirt waved open to show the swell of her breasts over the top of her bra.

The couple's attention wavered at a distance. The seated woman found herself surprised to be stroking her husband's cock through his slacks but she was horny and she turned, biting his ear and whispering about him taking her into the nearby bathroom to fuck her against the wall.

Two men replaced them with one whispering a loud 'Damn' while slapping his friend's chest. Victoria preened herself, dragging her fingers through her hair before bringing her hand down to her shirt, tugging briefly on her bra until a narrow crescent of her areola showed in an extraordinary display of exhibitionism. She smirked and tugged on the bottom of her shirt, pulling it tight against her while lowering her cleavage.

She felt drunk off of the exposure and the looks she gathered from it. Her knuckles grew white as she clenched the anklet, pressing it against her side while basking in the attention. In the past, she withdrew into herself, hiding away like a stone at the bottom of a river. Now she was the current, dragging everyone in her path, swirling them in dizzying circles while she swept past.

Her heart beat quickly beneath her chest. Small bumps pushed against her bra when her nipples grew erect, the flat, pink flesh twisting until they were clearly visible.

Victoria stopped in the middle of the street. Eight pairs of eyes watched as she bent forward. While still holding the anklet tight, she reached for the hem of her skirt to lift it, raising it slowly over her legs until the seat of her panties were nearly visible. Someone groaned. A woman moaned. She let it lie against her ass while reaching forward to fiddle with her shoelaces, as if she'd stopped to fix them and nothing more. And then she straightened.

Energy filled her to the tips of her toes and fingers and ears until she was brimming with it. Her left hand trailed up to her shirt and another button slipped free. Another. A third. The shirt, tucked into her skirt, lay completely open. Wind forced it apart, baring her chest for all to see. Her body felt alive and she ached to be touched. To be caressed. To be kissed. To be taken.

Fantasies filled her as she continued her walk. Fantasies of being bent over a glass table, panties dragged down with a fat cock thrusting into her. Surrounded by people standing, sitting, lounging, watching, talking amongst themselves. Stroking themselves. But always watching. Watching her as she cried out in pleasure until the man walked away and she turned, legs spread to show everyone while masturbating. Gathering a crowd around her. All eyes on her as she lifted her legs with her heels against her chair, plunging fingers within while screaming out from every orgasm.

She stood before her apartment door, inside the multi-level building, without remembering the rest of the walk. Her key scratched the metal plate until she lifted it to press into the hole on the doorknob.

Alone in her apartment, with the door closed and locked behind her, Victoria stared down at her body. Her shirt was untucked and opened. She remembered it happening - remember doing it and enjoying it at the time but it felt like that was a completely different Victoria.

The strange sense of abandonment returned. Like a lover's affection withdrawn without warning or explanation. She mentally picked at it while untying her shoes and her lips twisted into the hint of a moue while she focused inward. Her open shirt slipped from her shoulders when she shrugged out of it.

Victoria flopped onto her couch, pressing back into it before lifting her feet to lay her heels on the small coffee table.

The anklet rested against her stomach, still clutched in her right hand. She hadn't even realized she was still holding it. It was a comfortable weight when she placed it on her palm, neither too heavy or too light. She ran her thumb over the three symbols yet again and wondered why she hadn't asked the clerk for the meaning. The answer came immediately when she remembered the odd interaction and the way she stood up for herself.

Her hand trembled.

It had been empowering. Thrilling. She'd walked out on a high that increased every time someone noticed her.

Victoria sighed while turning her head and spreading her legs apart. Her hand slipped beneath the elastic band of her skirt, sliding down her smooth belly until she felt the tiny, wrinkled hood covering her clit. She sighed again when her finger felt the sticky wetness covering her labia. Her finger rubbed back and forth against the inner lips.

The inside of her thigh and her entire crotch was coated in her cum, slick and warm. She gasped when she touched herself. In addition to how incredibly wet she was, her body was as sensitive as if she'd already orgasmed several times.

Her eyes focused on the floor-length window in the little area the apartment managed had optimistically sold as a 'breakfast nook.' Too small for anything other than an end table, she'd left it empty. Now she stared through the open curtain at the faint cars in the distance.

People staring at her. Watching her. Enjoying her slim body as she passed. The center of attention for all within eyesight.

"Fuck," Victoria whispered. She exhaled sharply from a small orgasm while sliding her ass forward and spreading her legs wider.

It wasn't the same. Despite how turned on she was at that very moment, it wasn't at all the same.

Victoria pulled her hand away before wiping her fingers on her dress. She walked, entranced, to the tall window set into the recessed wall to stare down at the sidewalk and street below. Her pale reflection looked back at her, a soft reminder of the people watching her earlier.

She lived on the third floor of her building. People rarely looked up and she'd appreciated that in the past, but now, with the anklet clutched to her chest, she wished they would. Like they had earlier. Entranced by her.