Queen Charming Ch. 01


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The made hurried extracted herself off the end of the Duke's erection and grabbed her clothes, scurrying from the room.

Brianna quickly turned away as her father's raging erection came briefly into view, before the old duke climbed slowly off the bed and grabbed his trousers.

"So what can I do for you?' he asked as he slowly tugged on his pants.

Brianna was still turned away from him. "Did you have Thomas murdered?" she demanded, still angry but not as furious as she had been moments before walking in on her father fucking a maid.

"Murder?" repeated Khalan in mild surprise. "I believe the King died of natural causes."

"Don't play the fool with me father!" snapped Brianna. "I know Thomas was poisoned, and that you ordered the investigation stopped."

Duke Khalan sighed in apparent frustration. "Brianna my dear, does it really matter how he died? You didn't even like the fool. I remember you crying and begging me not to make you marry him."

Brianna spun back around, and was relieved to see her father had pants on. "It matters to me!" she cried.

Khalan shook his head patiently at his daughter. "Look Brianna. Yes I did get the investigation closed, have you stopped to think how it would look if it came out that the King was poisoned? And that he was with you at the time? That you were fucking him at the time?"

"I..." Brianna stammered, not sure how to answer. Why did she care about how Thomas died anyway?

"No, I didn't have him murdered," he father assured her, although Brianna wasn't sure she was convinced by him. "Just let it go Brianna. It's better for me, it's better for you, and it's better for our family, and it's better for the Kingdom."

"Fine," replied Brianna stiffly, her jaw set with determination suggesting she wasn't quite ready to let this go at all.


As it turned out, Angeldust Root was indeed a very rare and deadly poison. In fact there was only one person in the whole city who could supposedly source the lethal substance, a master poisoner who went by the name Greythorn.

Bravely, perhaps foolhardily, Queen Brianna decided to meet this master poisoner alone. Her main reason was the sensitive nature of her enquiries; her father's warning had definitely given her some pause for thought.

The master poisoning business seemed to be treating Greythorn rather well. Brianna met the poisoner in his large, richly decorated townhouse which was not far from the centre of the city. Greythorn's manservant led the Queen to a rooftop garden that was carefully maintained and was decorated with a number of rare plants and trees. The weather was fine and the surroundings unexpectedly tranquil for such a sinister meeting.

Greythorn, the master poisoner, was a rather unimpressive middle aged man. He was average height and weight, possessed average looks and was all in all rather average. Brianna had perhaps been expecting some menacing master criminal, but instead met with what appeared to be a very normal man. Even his handshake had been rather weak.

After Greythorn's servant served them spiced wine and a small selection of delicious looking cakes, they got down to business.

"What can I do for you, your majesty?" asked the poisoner as he took a small sip of his wine.

Brianna reached for her wineglass, and then thought better of it. She was having afternoon tea with a master poisoner after all. Instead she took a deep breath and cut right to the chase. "Angeldust Root," she said, watching Greythorn's face closely for his reaction. "Have you heard of it?"

Greythorn hesitated only a moment. "I am familiar with the substance," he replied guardedly.

"I am told that you are the only person in the city that can source the substance," Brianna told him.

"More than likely," allowed Greythorn. "In my line of work the competitors often meet premature ends." Greythorn reached out and grabbed one of the cakes, popping it in his mouth and chewing noisily.

Brianna tore her eyes away from the plate of cakes, "Have you sold any recently?" she asked.

Greythorn raised an eyebrow at this question. "I'm sorry your highness, but I'm not in the business of revealing my business."

"Listen," snapped Brianna, "I..." her throat caught and felt like it was frozen. Brianna's eyes widened as she felt every muscle in her body abruptly go slack and she collapsed down out of the chair, falling on the grass floor of the townhouse roof.

Greythorn smiled smugly. "Very clever not tasting my cakes or drinking my wine your highness," he said as he stood up from his seat and moved around the table to where Brianna was lying.

"Your caution was completely pointless of course," added Greythorn as he crouched down beside her paralysed body. "You are dealing with a master poisoner after all."

Brianna focussed and strained, trying to will be her limp muscles back to life. It was a hopeless effort however.

Greythorn held up his hands, palms facing towards Brianna. "A contact poison. Applied to my hands. You absorbed it into your skin when we shook hands. I myself have built up a resistance to the substance of course."

Inwardly Brianna was cursing and panicking all at once. What did this bastard have in store for her, he knew she was the Queen after all. Ransom? Execution? This was not good.

To Brianna's complete astonishment, Greythorn's hands dropped down, pressing onto the upthrust sphere's of her breasts, cupping them through her dress. Brianna's futile attempt to regain control of her muscles resumed as the master poisoner squeezed her big boobs in his hands.

"A perfect pair of breasts," he murmured in admiration.

Brianna's mind was racing, what the hell was going on? Had he poisoned her with the intention of raping her? But she was the Queen! Was it him that had poisoned Thomas?

Greythorn hummed softly to himself as he began to unlace the bodice of Queen Brianna's dress.

"I always like to sample from my more beautiful customers," Greythorn told her, his tone was very matter of fact and conversational. Inside Brianna was raging; it felt so galling to be incapable of stopping this man from having his way with her while she was completely conscious. And she was the Queen! How dare he defile her in this manner!

Greythorn pulled open the front of Brianna's bodice revealing her bare breasts. The two mountainous globes thrust up from her chest, full and plump, topped by nipples that had hardened in the cool air.

"Magnificent," breathed Greythorn in admiration. "The royal bosoms," he added as he reached into her open bodice, helping himself to a good hard squeeze of Queen Brianna's ample boobs.

"I imagine only kings have touched these puppies," said Greythorn as he groped and massaged Brianna's perfect jugs.

Queen Brianna's eyes went wide as Greythorn leant forward and pressed his mouth against hers. His tongue darted into her lifeless mouth as his bulk pressed down on top of her. As his tongue probed deep into Brianna's unconsenting mouth, he ground the bulge of his crotch against her thigh.

"Very tasty," murmured the master poisoner as he broke off their one-sided kiss. "Now let's see what you have under here." He dragged up the hem of her skirt, exposing her long slender legs and her regal pussy.

"Superlative!" exclaimed Greythorn as he ran one hand up the length of Brianna's right leg, admiring the smoothness of her warm skin. His groping hand slipped up between Brianna's thighs and cupped her pussy.

Brianna's nostrils flared slightly, the only sign of her anger as the poisoner slipped a finger up inside her moist cunt.

"Excellent," breathed Greythorn, sawing the digit in and out of her most intimate orifice. "The poison also acts as a mild stimulant," he explained, "which is why you are lubricated. Kind of a nice bonus really."

Greythorn lifted himself up off the prone, helpless blonde and began to unfasten the front of his trousers. He pulled out a rock hard erection.

"Now for my favourite bit," he told her, reaching down and giving her right breast a firm squeeze, rubbing his thumb across her hard nipple.

Greythorn positioned himself between Brianna's thighs, taking his erection in one hand and guiding it to the wet entrance to her sex. He rubbed the tip of his cock against the lips of her vagina and then slowly pushed forward.

The master poisoner gave a long, satisfied groan as his hips surged forward and his stiff pole penetrated the Queen's defenceless twat. "Oh yeah! That's the trick!" he groaned as he felt her tightly clutching pussy around his throbbing member.

"I wonder if it's treason to fuck the King's wife?" he said enquiringly as he pushed forward with his hips, feeding more of his length into Brianna's snatch. When he had bottomed out, the entire length of his hard cock inside her, he leant forward on his elbows, pressing his weight down on top of her, and positioned himself to vigorously fuck her.

Greythorn gave a low, throaty groan as his hips started to pump and he began to ram his hard cock into Brianna, his loins bouncing briskly between her perfect thighs. As he fucked her, one of his hands slipped down, sliding across her shapely hip and reaching beneath her to grasp the taut sphere of her left buttock, squeezing the peachy globe eagerly as he pulled her up against his thrusting pelvis.

"Ah, that's it!" he gasped as he humped rapidly into the Queen's cunt, the small rooftop garden filled with the sound of slapping flesh.

As he fucked her, Greythorn dipped his head down and captured the tip of one of Brianna's heavy breasts, sucking eagerly on her nipple.

To the shocked Queen's dismay, as the crazy poisoner got into a rhythm, his hips pumping and bucking wildly, he began to whistle to himself. He was clearly thoroughly enjoying fucking her, almost like taking a walk in the park.

It didn't take much longer, Greythorn's hard-on surged inside Brianna's now soaking pussy, cum squirting deep within her as he loudly cried out in orgasm. The poisoner's body tensed on top of the Queen's, his toes curling inside his socks as he spent himself deep with the gorgeous woman.

"A perfect fuck," he told her as he slowed the rhythmic grinding of his hips, milking out the last of his semen into her pussy.


After getting raped by Greythorn, it had taken only about fifteen minutes for the poison he had drugged her with to wear off.

Brianna had been livid at first, ready to kill the nasty little man, but when he'd offered her the information she was after she managed to hold herself back.

Even now, back at the castle, Queen Brianna had been very tempted to send the guards over to imprison or behead the poisoner, but she decided that depending on where her inquiries led, the assistance of a master poisoner could prove rather useful.

Other than her father, Duke Khalan, there was only one other person that Brianna still trusted. Tessa, her personal maid and lady in waiting.

When Greythorn had told her that he had sold the Angeldust Root to a lowly guard by the name of Mat, she had decided to send Tessa to pump the guard for information rather than going herself. After all, it wouldn't really do to be seen visited the castle barracks, far too many watching eyes and gossiping mouths.

Tessa, ever obedient, had immediately made her way to the castle barracks and tracked down the guard called Mat.

Mat was quite young, probably about eighteen or nineteen, and clearly not the sharpest. When Tessa had given him her most seductive look, and dragged him into the laundry room, he hadn't immediately got the hint.

"Um, I can't really help you fold the laundry sorry ma'am," he told Tessa as she shut the laundry door and stepped close up in front of the young soldier. "If Captain Ramsay finds me away from my post I'll be in big trouble."

Tessa, the gorgeous, buxom redhead, took Mat's hand in hers and tugged off his leather glove. She lifted it to her lips and softly kissed his palm, causing the surprised young guard to frown.

"Ah, I thought you said you wanted some help with some clothes?" he said. He gave a snort of surprise as Tessa sucked on the tip of his index finger, her lips pressing firmly around the digit and her tongue twirling interestingly around it as she moved his finger slowly back and forth between her lips, almost as if she was..

Mat gasped as she drew his hand down to her chest, the vast globe of her ample right boob pressing against his palm. Mat swallowed as Tessa's other hand closed over the top of his, encouraging him to squeeze her large breast.

"I do want help with some clothes," Tessa purred, grinning up wicked at the young guardsman. "You can start by helping me out of this dress."

"Oh," squeaked Mat. He wasn't exactly the best looking young man, this kind of thing didn't happen to him.

Tessa turned away from him, looking back over her shoulder. "Can you undo the back of my dress please sweetie?"

"Sure," agreed Mat, his voice cracking slightly and going up half an octave. With shaking hands he reached up and untied the back of Tessa's dress. The gorgeous redhead, pushed the gown off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Beneath she was completely naked. Mat's gaze dropped down to Tessa's bare ass, admiring the smooth, flawless globes of her buttocks and the enticing crack that separated them.

"Oh!" gasped Mat as she turned back around and he saw he massive tits and the scarlet thatch between her sleek thighs. The poor young lad almost fainted at the magnificent sight.

As Mat started dumbly at Tessa's sensational body, the busty young maid's hands were at work between his legs, unfastening the front of his leather pants and pulling out his cock. Mat gave a small whimper as Tessa's cool fingers stroked his painfully erect penis.

"Very nice," murmured Tessa as she stroked playfully on the guard's cock, one of her hands reaching down to toy with his testicles at the same time.

As the gorgeous redhead tugged on Mat's erection, his hands almost unconsciously rose up and grabbed her big bare breasts, giving them a probing squeeze.

"So where do you want to stick this big thing?" asked Tessa as she mischievously licked her lips. Her hands were now moving quite rapidly over Mat's cock, stroking the hard length in her fist.

"Huh?" mumbled Mat as he squeezed Tessa's big boobs, he was still kind of bewildered by the pretty maid's sudden advances.

"In my mouth?" suggested Tessa, pouting slightly to make her lips more inviting. "Or maybe in my pussy?" she asked, smiling wickedly as she watched Mat's eyes go wide at that suggestion. "Or perhaps in my ass?"

"Ah..." Mat stammered, his hands frozen over Tessa's tits as his mind tried to process the gorgeous redhead's staggering question.

"Come on big boy," pressed Tessa, her voice husky. "Which hole do you want?"

"Pussy," whispered Mat, barely able to speak. The young guard couldn't believe his luck.

"Good choice," murmured Tessa. She let go of his cock and spun around, leaning forward over a nearby table that was covered with freshly washed and folded piles of clothing, mostly guard tabards.

"Knock yourself out," she offered, her pert backside jutting out towards the young guard she was seducing.

"Oh wow!" murmured Mat as he stepped up behind her. His cock was hard as a rock from the attention that Tessa had been giving it, and it was now lining up perfectly towards her delicious bottom.

The guardsman reached down and took hold of Tessa's curvy hips as he moved close behind her, the tip of his dick nestling in between her thighs towards the moist entrance to her pussy.

"Ugh!" he gave a grunt as he thrust himself into Tessa's delightful pussy, his hips slapping against the flesh of her ass as he penetrated her.

"Oh God that feels good!" Mat groaned as he slowly started to screw the gorgeous maid, his hips pumping, driving his cock in and out of Tessa's tight vagina. "Oh thank you so much for letting me do this!"

"Just shut up and fuck me!" snapped Tessa. He was a cute enough kid, but she could do without the grovelling.

"Oh shit!" swore Mat as he suddenly started cumming, his seed flooding Tessa's pussy prematurely.

Mat's groans of orgasm suddenly dropped to a strangled gurgle and his weight fell forward on top of Tessa's back. She felt his dick pop from her pussy and a spurt of cum splash against the back of her thigh.

"Huh," grunted Tessa as she pushed the young guardsman off her. She lifted herself up off the table and glanced at the still body of the guard. "Looks like this poison business is spreading."

...to be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
good Copy

Nice sceen with the poisoner. A new take on Joe Abercrombie Best Served Cold.

aeroboobyaeroboobyabout 10 years ago

This is a parody of A Song Of Ice And Fire. Brianna is clearly Queen Cersei. She also has NEd Stark's search for Jon Arryn quest going on. I can't believe it took me four years to see it.

EtaskiEtaskiover 11 years ago
Ah, but repulsive male characters are the point...

GeorgeTasker sets himself apart by writing fantasy parody, comedy, and highlighting in hilarious ways that "every dog/jackal/trickster" has his day. The unattainable beauty and the everyday schmoe; the haughty, well-figured sorceress and the disgusting little gremlin she looks down on.

It would break the charm of his stories and derail his themes to make his male characters lean, sexy, and handsome, and it would make his stories easily 75% less interesting, more like everyone else's.

He's a natural jester, and this is his talent that he exploits. There are not many like him, and for that, I truly enjoy his stories for what they are. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
repulsive male characters.

hi george tasker.I really enjoy ur stories becos ur female characters always have big tits and there's a lot of breast play.However,i'm usually appalled by ur choice of male characters...they're always either short, old, ugly, timid, fat, dirty e.t.c.It really turns me off!why can't they be sexy, muscled,lean, tall,etc?pls do something about it cos ur stories are a HUGE turnoff because of the repulsiveness of ur male characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Really good story. Keep it up.

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