Quiet Servitude Pt. 01


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"Yes ma'am." I replied, laying the feminine voice on so thick it was almost comical.

She came in, set a towel on the edge of the tub and leaned in giving me a kiss.

"You shouldn't tease me like that." She said. "In fact, from this moment on we'll start practicing as though Stacy were here. In fact, it looks like she's already arrived." She ran a hand down my smooth shaven leg and I shivered despite sitting in a very hot tub of sudsy water. I could feel an erection shoot up from between my legs but it was hidden under the bed of bubbles. Unfortunately, her hand stopped at the water's edge and she rose to her feet.

"After you get done finishing up with the grooming you can unpack the things I picked up for you today. Stacy can begin tonight by sleeping in her room. When you get up tomorrow get ready and come out ready to report for work!" she winked at me. "Terry said he'd be here tomorrow around noon. I'll let Stacy get her beauty sleep so she can be ravishing well into the evening before I let her quit for the day."

"Thank you ma'am." I said, starting to enjoy my new role. I wanted to slide into bed next to her tonight but gave in instead. The thought passed while I continued to shave my body. As I started to finish up my mind turned to what the presents could be that she was referring to. I was hoping she wasn't just talking about the nylons, lipstick and other items I had requested.

Freshly shaved and fully plucked, I opened the bathroom door and emerged into the bedroom where numerous boxes lay on the bed. I was savoring the thought of opening them when I realized that I had tossed my clothes into hamper in the master bedroom. Christa had closed the guestroom door and had locked it behind her. I shrugged my shoulders and decided that Stacy would feel more at home in a pair of fresh silk panties instead. I pulled open the closet where Stacy always kept her clothes and shoes and knelt down to open the footlocker where her unmentionables were kept. I opened it and to my surprise found instead an empty container. Puzzled, I was about to ask Christa where they had gone when I stood and spotted the dresser on the opposite wall. With a quizzical look on my face I strolled across the room and pulled open the top drawer to find my odd assortment of bras and panties. I searched the rest and found a few slips, nylons and other items neatly laid out in the drawers completely different than how they had been haphazardly tossed into the footlocker. Christa was really getting into this and it was infectious.

I selected a pair of satin panties and slipped them, feeling that silky smooth material slide across a full erection. My body shuddered as they slid into place. When I had caught my breath I decide to forgo a bra as it neared bedtime and pulled out a matching nightie, sliding it on over my head, the spaghetti straps straddling my shoulders. It felt so slick across shaven skin, my own nipples getting as erect as they could under the gentle rubbing of the smooth material.

It was clear from the pile on the bed that she had picked up more than nylons, lipstick and some deodorant. I pulled the first box towards me as I sat on the bed and noticed the familiar stripped box with Frederick's in gold across the top. I seriously hoped she wasn't just teasing me with false packaging as she had during last Christmas and found that when I pulled the tissue paper away that she hadn't. Inside there was a new lace a bra and matching silk panties. I checked the size and they were as perfect as they could be for my body. Christa had done her homework.

"Wonder what the salesperson thought when she approached with these?" I asked myself, knowing that although were the same height, I had much bigger shoulders, a slight tire around the stomach and a waist that was considerably larger than hers. It was a shame really because she always had the BEST clothes and it would have been incredible to be the same size. I was that petite when I was fourteen I remember but wouldn't be again.

I moved on to the next box and found garters and nylons. Not the pantyhose that stretched when you put them on but the wonderful nylons that just wrapped themselves around your legs when you slid them on. They were black and would go perfectly with the patent, black heels and maids outfit I would find myself joyfully wearing beginning tomorrow. It too was black with white collar and white trim around the sleeves. It wasn't a tacky French maid's outfit but rather the English style that was actually worn in service around the world. I pulled the nylons out of the box and let them dangle across my legs and felt another shiver rack my body in pure pleasure. I ran my fingers, now adorned for the week in polished nails with the French manicure style, across the nylons before setting them gently in my dresser drawer, Stacy's dresser drawer. I continued through the other boxes finding my requested items in addition to face cream, slip and other feminine items. With all the boxes open I placed the items in the dresser or in the bathroom cabinets. As she had promised Wednesday evening this would only cost me a couple of hundred dollars and she was true to her word.

I heard the TV in the master bedroom switch off and assumed that my wife had turned in for the night hoping she would miss my presence as much as I would miss hers. Then again I tended to snore and she might relish the quiet solitude. Not too terribly much I wished with all my heart.

Confident that I was ready for the challenge ahead of me I turned out the light and pulled back the covers, sliding into bed and quickly dozing off. Tomorrow was going to be something else and no matter what the outcome I was going to make the best of it.

Chapter 5 - Saturday, June 7th

I woke up in the morning and for a moment I couldn't figure out where the heck I was. I travel a lot for work so I was used to waking up in strange places. Today was no different. I lay still for a few minutes and let my mind catch up with me. I shifted under the covers and felt my shaven legs rub across the silky sheets and it all came rushing back. Under the covers I could feel the nightie and when my hand appeared, long, luxurious finger nails in place, I knew where I was and what day it was. The clock on the nightstand read 9:30 and I knew it was Saturday morning. Today was the day and I could feel the growth between my legs come awake at the thought of events to come. I climbed out of bed and heard the vacuum cleaner running in the house as I neared the bathroom and started the shower, loving the feel of hot water as it rushed across my body driving back the fog. I lathered up and quickly found the erection sticking out from my body, the slick soap covering it. Before I knew it, my hand adorned with the French manicure grasped it light and stroked it quickly. The thoughts of what was to come today had hardened me beyond its normal, upright state and I gasped as the hand continued to slide back and forth, drawing an incredible orgasm in less than sixty seconds. As quickly as I had come, the muscle drew back into its usual state, limp state. I finished up in the shower and stepped out, toweling off and wiping the steam from the bathroom mirror. It was 10 a.m. and knowing that it took an hour for me to get ready I knew I'd be ready to report to work on time. Considering the tightened state of my stomach breakfast, had I had time, would be out of the question. I would nibble during lunch and hopefully be ready to eat for dinner.

After cooling down by strolling around Stacy's room I returned to the bathroom and began the task of shaving my face as close as possible. Convinced that I had gotten it to a state as near to perfect as I could accomplish I continued with the makeup, applying the base coat and trying to make it look natural with light amounts of powder. Putting it on with hands adorned with nails was a little tricky since I usually put on temporary nails after getting ready but was satisfied with the feminine looking face staring back at me. The nose was a little too wide, chin a little too round and the jaw-line a little too square but overall it was better than I could have hoped for. Maybe, just maybe we would pull this off.

I took out the bra and panty Christa had purchased for me and slid them on, my erection returning in record time. I suspected I would be fighting with it all week as I walked around house in my uniform. I put on the exquisite nylons and garter and finally slid into my outfit, pulling the zipper up in back. I had lost a few pounds over the summer and it fell into place perfectly. I stepped into my high heels and wig and strolled confidently back into the bathroom where I pulled my brush from the drawer and straightened up my hair. It wasn't going to get any better but I ran my fingers to loosen it up and strolled across the bedroom to check my appearance in the full-length mirror in the corner. In the light of day streaming in through the lace curtains I was overwhelmed by what I saw. Stacy was looking awesome and my hope rose with her appearance. I tried to smooth out a few creases in the uniform when a knock at the door caused me to jump. It was 11:00 a.m. right on the dot. I brought my breathing under control and answered.

"Yes?" I asked, hoping that Terry hadn't snuck in the house.

"Are you ready to go?" she asked, sounding somewhat hesitant. The look of relief on her face when she opened the door indicated that she wasn't sure I was ready to go through with this.

"Look at you?" she said, admiring my appearance. "I told you that you'd look great."

My face flushes slightly at the compliment and I backed up a few steps to check my appearance again in the mirror.

"Thank you for the presents ma'am. They're beautiful."

"You're quite welcome. I'm sure you'll enjoy them." She said, strolling into the room.

I looked good but Christa looked absolutely stunning. She had on a cranberry colored silk blouse that drove me nuts every time she wore it. Underneath I could tell she was wearing a thin bra because a hint of her nipples pushed up against the thin material. She had on a short, gray skirt that wrapped around her round hips and ass and hung perfectly. Nylons that were practically invisible wrapped around her long legs and ended at her feet, adorned in black-patent high heels almost identical to my own. She had her long, dark hair in curls the way I like it and had on the diamond earnings and necklace I had given her for our anniversary. Stunning. She was absolutely stunning and was everything a woman could want and everything I wished I could be but never would.

"You look great." She said, walking around behind me and tightening the white apron straps that had come loose. She straightened out my collar in the back and tried, as I had, to smooth out a few of the creases in my uniform. One hand slid down my waist and across my ass, sending wonderful waves of shivers through me. When I opened my eyes she was still standing behind but looking at us in the mirror, a sly smile across her face. She was clearly enjoying the fact that I was enjoying this. The smile retreated from her face when she caught me watching and she walked around in front of me, continuing to adjust my uniform. I could feel the almost constant erection pushing hard against the tight undergarment I wore to keep it in check. When she was finally satisfied with my appearance she spoke.

"Are you ready to do this?" she asked in a serious tone. It was as if she were testing the waters to see if I was ready to go. I couldn't be more ready.

I nodded, a confident smile appearing behind my painted lips.

She nodded an approval apparently relieved.

"Thank you again for doing this. I really appreciate it."

Following that comment, her smile disappeared again and she became all business.

"Ready to get to work?"

"Yes." I said confidently.

She raised an eyebrow and waited.

"I mean 'Yes ma'am'." I said, turning my gaze down towards the floor in a subservient manner.

"Much better." She said approving. "Now please come out to the living room and finish up the vacuuming for me before our first guest arrives."

"Yes ma'am." I said, closing the bedroom door behind us. Christa sat down at the desk in our study as I stepped to the living room and switched on the vacuum. I normally hated this chore but doing it today, in this outfit changed my mood. The shoes weren't practical for a housekeeper but they felt great and went with the look. I couldn't help but watch the clock as the hands swung towards noon, the time Terry had given for his arrival. The butterflies in my stomach turned it up a notch higher than I thought they could go when I heard the doorbell ring over the growling of the vacuum cleaner. It was 11:40 a.m. Terry was early. I kicked off the power and looked towards the front door, expecting Christa to come out of the study to answer it. The doorbell rang a second time.

"You're going to get it aren't you?" she finally asked from the study.

"Yes ma'am. Sorry ma'am."

I dashed across the foyer as fast as my heels would allow and peered through the viewing port. A man with a shoulder bag stood just outside. This was obviously Terry. I swallowed hard, took a deep breath, unlocked the door and pulled it open, taking a step back.

"Yes?" I asked, trying to sound feminine. Instead, my voice cracked and I sounded horse.

"Hi. I'm Terry. I believe Mrs. Miller is expecting me?"

"Oh yes. Sorry about that sir. Please come in." I motioned him inside.

"Thank you!" he said, pulling the screen door open and stepping into the foyer. Even standing in heels, he was still and inch taller than I was. Through his designer shirt I could see the bulk of muscles rippling.

"Terry! You found the place all right? It's so great to see you!" my wife said as she stepped into view.

"Great directions and I must say that you look sensational!"

It was true. She looked great as we both looked her over. She was nearly six feet herself in the heels she had on.

"Stacy, please take Mr. Williams' bag to the front guest room. And if Terry doesn't mind you can unpack it for him please."

Terry didn't seem to mind. "Thank you Stacy."

Terry handed it to me and I nearly tipped over. Obviously the heels had me off balance but I could help but admire the effortless way he had handed it to me.

"Yes ma'am." I said.

They embraced for a few moments and separated, kissing lightly as one would expect of old friends. When they separated it was clear she felt more than glad to see him. Her voice had dropped slightly, a nervous laugh came out, her face had gone flush and her nipples had come to attention under the thin material of her blouse.

"You don't look like you've aged a day since I last saw you!" he commented as I left the room.

I set his bag down on the bed, which moaned under the strain. I unzipped it and pulled out the contents, putting the shirts and pants in the drawer. Next came his silk boxers and I put them in the top drawer along with socks and under shirts. I placed his shaving kit in the bathroom and returned to the bedroom, sliding my hands through the remaining pockets of his duffel bag. In the last one my hand struck something and I pulled it out. An unopened box of condoms. Wonder if he's planning ahead and expecting some action this weekend. Christa did mention he had also dated Julie in school and in fact she had met Terry through Julie. Not sure where to put them I dropped them back into the pocket, zipped it closed and dropped the duffel in the bottom of closet, closing the doors.

I returned to the living room and my wife and guest were no where to be seen. So much the better I guess as I began to calm down from my first encounter as Stacy. I picked up the vacuuming where I left off and after finishing the living room I worked my way through the house, finally spotting Christa and Terry out back on the patio under the shade. When she saw me she motioned me outside. My eyes darted around to check the neighbors yard and found no one. I slide the screen aside and stepped outside into the shade of the umbrella.

"I don't think I properly introduced you when Terry arrived. Terry. This is our housekeeper Stacy. Stacy, this is Terry, my old roommate from college."

"How do you do sir. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Williams." I said, working to keep eye contact.

"You too Stacy."

"Want something to drink Terry?" Christa asked.

"Sure. It's only noon but a beer sounds good?" He looked at me expectantly.

"Anything for you ma'am?" I asked, feeling more into the role and comfortable knowing that the neighbors weren't out doing yard work.

"Lemonade sounds good. Are you hungry Terry? I think we have cold cuts. Do we have any tuna fish Stacy?"

"I'm not sure ma'am but I can make some if you like."

"That sounds good." Terry said.

"Thank you Stacy. Tuna fish would be great."

I retreated inside, enjoying the sounds of my heels as they clacked against the hard tile floor. I poured a glass of lemonade, opened a beer and found one of the serving trays we received years ago for our wedding. I walked back to the doorway, stepped carefully out onto the deck and under the umbrella, setting down the tray and giving each their drink. I grabbed the tray and was ready to head back to the kitchen when our neighbor Roger rolled passed on his mower and waved.

"Tuna sandwiches will be ready in a moment" I said, grabbing the tray and retreating inside making sure to time it when Roger was rolling towards the back of the yard away from us.

I was breathing easier from the safe confines of my kitchen as I finished the sandwiches, loaded them on plates, added some chips and set them on the tray, watching Roger tooling around the yard hoping to time it right once again. Out in the sun of the deck I was sure he'd recognize me so I wanted to either be inside the doorway or in the shade of the umbrella where I'd stand a chance of anonymity. When Roger had circled the yard and was heading back towards the front of his house I was getting ready to make my move when I saw Roger's wife Lisa had stepped up the steps of our deck, shook hands with Terry and took a seat at our picnic table. The air conditioning was on and the windows closed so I couldn't hear the conversation. My breathing picked up and pulse raced as I stood in the kitchen in my high heels with plans on waiting out my neighbor out before delivering lunch. I felt hope rising when I saw Christa start to get up from the concrete bench and approach the doorwall.

"Stacy?" she said, sliding the door open.

"Yes ma'am?" I called out.

"Can you bring another lemonade out when you come please?" With that I heard the doorwall slam shut.

Oh no. I looked at my reflection in the stove and took a deep breath wondering if I could do this. Terry might not recognize me but Lisa certainly would. Christa returned to her seat and was enjoying a joke amongst the trio when I decided that it was now or never. I could do this, I said, trying to convince myself. It was all about confidence. Act the part and people will see what you want them to see.

I poured a second glass of lemonade and added it to the tray along with the salt and pepper, napkins and silverware.

Here goes nothing.

My heels clicked again against the tile floor on my way out to the patio and despite the butterflies in my stomach, I could feel my erection returning again as it did whenever I unexpectedly encountered people while in public as Stacy.

I approached the doorwall and could see them sitting outside. I hesitated, unsure if I could do this after all, when Christa saw me at the door with my hands full and stepped up, opening it for me. I stepped onto the deck and out to the table, setting down the tray, unable to look at Lisa sitting across from me. I unloaded the tray, setting a plate in front of Terry and Christa and passed Lisa her lemonade.