Quiet Servitude Pt. 03


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All four of us behind the pile froze, our breaths locked in our chests, eyes wide when I looked up at them. No one was moving and the sounds from the pair pounding away nearby had suddenly stopped. I turned and slowly moved my eye up to a crack in the pile and could barely make them out, their heads slowly looking for the source.

Convinced now that they were alone, the grunting and grinding slowly grew louder, quickly back in step where they had left off.

I looked down and could see the set of 0’s on the digital face and knew I had to leave. The teens had returned to their peep show while I reluctantly made my way back towards the side of the house, nearly stepping out onto the lawn as Mr. Jenkins walked out the side door and stood there, looking around. Convinced I was easily visible where I stood, I turned behind the tree next to me, making sure the bright white shirt of my uniform was at least blocked from view. Just down from me, not attempting to be stealthy, the three teens walked out of the woods a minute later and were half way across the lawn before they spotted their boss and he spotted them.

Jenkins reminded me of my grandfather but I never heard him rattle off the long list of obscenities that Jerry was cursing under his breath at the trio, motioning them towards him. They hesitated, wondering if they should flee instead.

After several moments of indecision, they finally gave in, walking towards the catering truck and stepped quickly passed him, trying to reach the relative safety of the front porch and the guests. As they approached, he regained his composure and looked around to see if there were any witnesses. Finding none, he dropped in behind them, nipping at their heels.

Seizing the opportunity I shuffled across the lawn and back inside the garage, trying to hit a more leisurely pace when I burst back into civilization, pocketing the stopwatch in the front of my apron and stepped back out onto the deck. I grabbed a tray and strolled into the tent, snatching up the occasional dirty dish or glass I could find.

“How was dinner?” Tina asked in passing.

“Too short but the food was excellent.” I said, taking the dishes from her hands so she could take a drink order.

I was stepping up to the deck when Mr. Jenkins turned the corner of the house, nearly running into me.

“Excuse me sir.” I said smiling as I separated the dishes and glasses into their spots in the hopper.

I could hear him standing behind, not saying a word. When I was finished I stood up and turned around in time to see him start to walk away.

“Oh. Sir? I understand I’m supposed to give this back to you.” I said, passing him the stopwatch.

“Yes. Thank you Stacy.” He said, taking the stopwatch and smiling, his grandfatherly image back in place.

I nodded and went back to the task of cleaning up for the next hour as the sea of guests continued to shrink, only a few tables and pockets of people were mingling on the lawn under the stars. Tiki torches were glowing now and the excited sounds of chatter were nothing more than a few conversations rising up occasionally to fill the void left by the string quartet who was storing their instruments in preparation for their departure. When they said goodbye to Debbie and walked out I fully realized the purpose of their music. It had carried over the crowd filling in the lull in conversations and forced the party guests to speak louder than they naturally would have. Now that they were gone, however, you could tell the party was winding down. Even though it was a Monday evening the guests stayed longer than I expected and it was after midnight before the holdouts decided it was time to go. Only the serious politicians were left, Mr. Hennesey hosting a group of serious men at a back table out of earshot of everyone else while Debbie was working the departing crowd, none of them wanting to be the last people out the door as it were.

The centerpieces and wares were gone from the tables and the other employees began stripping the tablecloths, their previously impeccable, white surfaces stained with a variety of unknown compounds.

“Sort of like our sheets at home.” I mumbled to myself.

I had followed suit and began doing the same when I heard someone coming up behind me.

“Hello Stacy.” Debbie said, approaching the table.

“Hello ma’am.”

“Mr. Jenkins had high praise for you this evening. Called you a natural and wants to hire you away from us.” She said smiling.

“It took a while to find my stride so I can only give myself a ‘so-so’ rating tonight. I only hope it was satisfactory for you.” I was hugging the pile of linen in my arms hoping nothing was leaking through.

“I was impressed as well. You kept at it and held your own tonight. I’ll have to keep that in mind if Christa decides she doesn’t need you any longer.”

I wasn’t sure how to take that but tried to be gracious, pictures of Terry and Christa in the woods flashing through my head.

“Thank you ma’am. I’m glad to have been of service.”

“You’ve been a great help. Maybe even learned a few extra skills you can put to good use.” She said, cocking one eyebrow in a knowing fashion.

“I’ve learned a lot tonight.” I said.

“Tina!” she called out, motioning the other young lady over.

“Yes ma’am?” she said stepping up.

“Could you take these please?” she motioned to the tablecloths in my hands. “Stacy’s done for the night.”

“Of course ma’am. It was nice meeting you Stacy.”

“You too Tina. Thanks for helping me out tonight.”

“You did fine.” She said, turning and walking away with the linens.

“Looks like you made a friend tonight.” Debbie added when she was out of earshot.

“She was the reason I looked competent tonight.”

“You’re always so humble.” She said. “I’ll make sure Jerry knows how well she trained you tonight.”

“Thank you Mrs. Hennesey.” I replied, trying for a slight curtsey.

“You’re welcome Stacy. Before I forget though here is a check for your efforts tonight with a little something extra for your hard work.” She took it from her clutch and handed it to me.

I took the folded check in hand but didn’t open it, to do so almost seemed insulting.

“Thank you.” I said, smiling.

“Mrs. Miller’s friend Julie offered to stay late and drive you home. She’s up in the house waiting for you.”

Yes. But where had Christa and Terry gone?

“Goodnight then and have a safe trip home.” She said, stepping passed me, headed for the table in the back where her husband was holding court.

Finally! I exhaled a long breath, tired but somewhat disappointed that the party was over, the rush I felt while cross-dressing and out in public began to drain quickly away. I stepped on the deck and into the house, hoping to put in a good word for Tina with Mr. Jenkins but he was no where in sight, only the kitchen crew still at it.

“Good night.” I said, noticing the same young man from earlier, as I walked through and into the livingroom, climbing the stairs on weary legs.

These guys had more energy than the Energizer Bunny or Christa and Terry for that matter. I didn’t spot Julie either on my way through the first level and assumed she was out front getting the car. Maybe I’d get to take my Porsche out for a change!

Finding the bedroom empty, I closed and locked the door and switched on the light, retrieving my purse from the floor. I dropped the check inside and secured the latch, tossing it on the floor before taking my dress from its hanger and heading for the bathroom, the door cracked and the light off.

I reached through and flicked on the light as I pushed inside and nearly had a heart attack.

“Took long enough. Have any idea how long I’ve been sitting here on the toilet in the dark waiting for you?”

“Ms. Jackson.” I said, trying to gain my composure and catch my breath. “Mrs. Hennesey said you were waiting for me but I just assumed it was out front.” I stated, motioning downstairs.

“Really? I’m pretty sure I told her that I’d wait for you in the house.” She said, stepping towards me.

I backpedaled until I was in the center of the room bedroom, her shapely form closing the gap between us.

“I was just about to change. Won’t take a minute if you want to get the car.” I offered.

She tossed her red clutch on the floor next to my purse and then drew within range, a smile curling across her lips.

“I’m not in that big of a rush.” She purred or at least I thought she had. “Let me help you.”

Her long, lean fingers, wearing beautiful red nails at their tips, reached up towards me, and worked their way through the ruffles on my chest until they found and unlatched the first button, the material opening an inch at the neckline.

I reached up with my own hands and lightly held her arms, staying her progress.

“Are you supposed to man handle the guests?” she said, raising an eyebrow questioningly but smiling the entire time, sending a bunch of mixed signals at me all at once. I released her wrists but kept my hands in the general vicinity. “But in my case, I want you to.”

She looked down at my chest and concentrated on her work, each button giving way quickly to her nimble fingers. I wasn’t sure what to do, my hands now frozen at my sides as the front of my uniform opened wider by the second, the gap now below my bra.

“Ms. Jackson. I’m really confused at the moment.” I said, being perfectly honest with her.

She paused for a second but continued on unabated, her hands working their way down to my waist before her eyes looked up to meet mine.

“It’s OK Stacy. You don’t need to keep up the act with me. Christa and I had a long talk today about you while we were getting our hair done.”

I wasn’t sure how to answer or what she meant but in a moment her hands were going to find something interesting and seemingly unexpected.

“You were quite good.” She said, only a few buttons remaining unattended to. “I didn’t realize it at first, since it would have been just like Christa to hire a housekeeper before I came to visit. She can be such a bitch that way.”

I smiled wide at the compliment, having heard them call each other that name several times since her arrival. It was apparently a little game they played when one tried to out do each other.

“There were casual clues I picked up on. Nothing that most people would have noticed.” She said, her fingers working free the final button, the back of her right hand rubbing against the huge erection held in place by my tight undergarments.

She stepped closer, standing toe to toe and took my artificially narrowed waist in her hands, the strong corset material preventing our skin from touching.

I had to look down to meet her gaze, her blue eyes staring up at me. Even after a long day of activity, her blond hair still looked immaculately in the flawless up-do, a few loose strands handing tantalizingly down the sides of her neck. She just stood there with a smile on her face, her eyes following my admiring stare as it worked its way around the flawless face, long neck and finally down her shoulders and across her chest to her nylon wrapped legs and finally her petite feet clad in strappy shoes.

“Done?” she asked.

“Yes ma’am.”


She pulled us closer, her hungry lips drawing mine into the embrace, two pairs of red, painted lips finding each other. My hands cradled her face, my fingers pushing lightly into her hair while her hands moved around behind my torso and down, sliding under my tight briefs and across my ass, the smooth feeling of her hands against my skin driving me on even harder.

We had tapped into raw magnetism and the slow, gentle beginning moments earlier had turned into a wild struggle to grab everything we could get our hands on, exploring every opening.

“Wait. We shouldn’t.” I said, trying to slow the momentum.

“It’s OK. Christa said it would be all right.” She nodded.

I looked skeptical, doubtful, so she continued.

“She wanted me to have a little fun too while I was here and was more than willing to share.”

Apparently the old roommates were used to sharing everything.

Withdrawing her hands, she reached behind her neck and lifted the halter-top up over her head letting it fall as far as her ample chest would allow.

“Your turn.” She said, reaching up and pulling the serving uniform over my shoulders and down my back until if fell to the floor.

“Out.” She said, kicking it towards the door when I stepped clear. “Good girl. Now let’s get rid of this horrid thing.”

She motioned while I obeyed, pulling off the binding undergarment and kicking it onto the growing pile near the door, the lock thankfully engaged. I adjusted my black, lace panties back into place, a move towards modesty that she must have found charming.

“Don’t worry. You won’t have those on long.” She growled like a cat that had cornered its prey.

The familiar rush of adrenaline was back, my brain not sure on whether or not it wanted to flee or fight.

“Much better.” She said, stepping forward and placing her hands on my shoulders. “Now its your turn!”

I looked down, seeing my corseted body and lingerie, not understanding what she meant.

“Your turn to undress me!”

I was breathing heavy again as my hands reached up and grabbed the sequined dress as it hung out in front of me and pulled it gently down over her breasts the material suddenly dropping to her waist. Her chest was heaving slightly, the large round mounds held up in front of me by a strapless bra straining against their weight.

“Don’t stop.” She commanded.

I moved closer and bent slightly at the waist, wiggling the garment over her wide hips. When I felt it fall free I let it drop from my fingers where it hit the carpet a few seconds later. She grabbed my arms for balance before stepping out of it and kicking it aside.

“Now isn’t that better?”

I had given up trying to fight the temptation.

“Much better ma’am. Thank you.”

She reached up and took my hands in hers, pulling them forward and placed them on the snaps of the strapless bra. I understood her desires and undid them slowly; my shaking hands and long nails preventing me from undoing them faster. I could see it straining harder as they slipped away under my grasp; the heaving breasts eager to escape their tight confinement. The last hook gave way and the garment literally sprung off behind her, landing on the bed.

“Oh. That feels great after being on all day long. You’re one man who can probably relate,” she said, pointing to the corset.

I nodded. She then took up my trembling hands in hers and pulled them towards her, my palms turned up, cradling each breast.

“That’s it.” She said, nibbling her bottom lip absentmindedly.

They were gorgeous breasts as I continue to massage them, her hands helping me on the task. Christa had a wondrous chest that made me drool, but Julie’s were larger, more round.

I’m not sure how long we stood there together but I began to notice my erect penis pushing against the flimsy lace of my panties. Julie moved up closer and we touched near the hips.

Her face was turned up towards mine, eyes closed, but she was elsewhere, enjoying the sensation of my touch. Without opening her eyes, her hands dropped down towards my groin, her manicured fingers carefully fining a way inside my lace underwear and took a gentle hold on my cock, rubbing it softly.

It was my turn to moan. I stepped forward this time, chest to chest and our lips found one another again, and savoring the flavor that each had to offer.

After several minutes, I was quickly becoming over heated. Beads of sweat forming across our lingerie clad bodies. Julie was panting heavily now. Finally disengaging she dropped to her knees and grabbed at my panties, trying to pull them down but the garters between my nylons and corset prevented their full removal. But she had managed to drop them several inches and that as all she needed as my exposed penis sat straight out, an easy catch for her mouth. She pulled it in with ease and began frantically working it over; pushing it in and out at a good clip, making sure it stayed well lubricated. To add to the sensation one hand worked up ahead of her mouth while the other slid along the underside of my testicles, just barely rubbing against the hair there, making me want to jump clear out of my skin.

As if sensing an approaching orgasm, she pulled back and stood up, each of us taking the other in our arms. The thought of the bed flashed into my mind a split second too late and before I knew it, she had me lined and on my back, stepping up and straddling my corseted waist. She had come out of her sensual stupor and was smiling, finally back in the room with me. Julie had me by the wrists and was leaning forward, pinning them to the bed. With her light frame, I could easily have lifted her away but there wasn’t a chance of that happening. Her hot breath flowed over me as we roughly kissed one another. I looked down and could see her fit and trim frame straddling my body. It was the first time I had had sex as Stacy, having never broached the subject before with Christa and that drove me on still further. Julie was still holding me down as she slid backwards, bring our hips closer together, her moist vagina pushing tenderly at the tip of my cock as it stood at attention just out of view.

Trying to line up all the right parts, she rose on her knees slightly and tipped her hips forward continuing to inch back and forth until things fell into place and she backed up a little harder. She was breathing slowly now but still heavy as she continued to watch my face for any reaction. Julie could feel that we were aligned properly and fully lubricated with her natural juices. She gave one final push and slippe backwards until her ass came to rest on my hips, my dick plunging as deeply into her as it could go.

I shivered as I always did when I bottomed out inside a woman. I was trying to rock gently to bring myself in and out of her, in and out, but with her weight on my body and bed underneath, she had me at her mercy and she knew it. Even though she wouldn’t cooperate, I could still move a little, her body rising against the driving force of my muscle.

She was looking down at me now, her hair still in the perfect coif and smiled, slowly licking her lips, lowering one breast towards my face. I raised my mouth to meet it, lips and tongue petting her nipples and smooth skin. Each of those beautiful breasts looked as though they were going to come down and smother me. What a way to go.

Even as I continued to lick and suck each of the large mounds, I could feel my wrists come free, her body supported on her own arms and hands. No longer restrained my hands took on a life of their own and slowly worked over the different shapes of her body while I could feel her hips begin to grind, motion increasing like an engine building up steam. She was driving me insane with her control now but I could tell she was beginning to crack as the rate of her body convulsing was steadily increasing until her hips were rocking at top speed, my piston driving in and out of her slick walled cylinder. I watched as her chest swung back and forth above me, my hands moving up to support the pair.

I could feel the tingling across my chest finally being to localize near my groin and I knew I was getting close. Sensing this, she stared down at me wanting to watch the transformation as my face moved from one of heavy panting and exertion to one that showed what appeared to be agonizing pain but was just the opposite. My mouth closed and my red lips curled back in a sneer I had seen in the mirror hundreds of times as I neared and finally shot over the line, the eruption shooting upwards into my very suspecting victim!

She let out a laugh that would have easily reached the hall but I couldn’t have cared less. Her body slowed but continuing to pump as my penis made several final pushes to shove out the last of the milky, while fluid. Her arms grew weak and she leaned forward as far as her chest would allow and gave me a long, sweet kiss before easing off, snatching up her clutch and stepping into the bathroom to clean up.