Ray's Ring Ch. 10


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She was pushed aside by Carolyn, who was both pouting and smiling. "You are a tease, young man. I caught as much from my daughters." Holding his sac in one hand as she snaked her arm around his neck, she engaged him in a tongue wrestling match. The kiss continued until Diane gave her a slap on the butt.

"Still the horny wench, huh, Car. I'm surprised you haven't already sampled him."

"Ooooooh, you know I only get like this around alphas, and he's been hidden all this time." She gave Ray another quick kiss. "See you later, lover"

"Sooner than you think," thought Ray. He looked at Ginny, slowly approaching him, a puzzled look in her eyes.

"What's going on, Ray?" she asked. "This is unprecedented. I should be the last mating, to fill out your powers....."

Ray interrupted her. "There is a storm coming. It doesn't feel violent, like the others have been, but bad enough to be uncomfortable for a long time."

Ginny looked alarmed. "What do you feel? And why do you think it's important?"

"The wind shifted during the ceremony, and brought the smell of rain a long way off. For the past few days, whenever there was a situation in process, or developing, in which I had to intervene, a violent storm arose suddenly. It happened with Amy and Harry, with Ellen, and when Jake was shot, it came and went in a blink. With this rain, there is a strange feeling of disquiet, uneasiness, like waiting for the other shoe to drop. From something Diane said, I think you have some information I'm going to need in a hurry."

"How do you feel about sex al fresco?" she asked him as she removed her cloak and spread it on a grassy area nearby. "I think we are going to have to abbreviate the ceremony quite a bit. If you can sense danger, it can't be far off.

"I scanned the girls, to see what their experiences had been like with you. Linking with them, as you did, was fortuitous. You were able to forge a bond which will make future links easier, and it is similar to the links that Diane, Carolyn and I will have to form with you to pass on the information we need to convey to you.

"Your powers are developing much more rapidly than is usual. Besides finding the ring and the skirmish with Harry, did anything else happen Thursday?"

"I got rolled over by a ball of lightening. Priest said they did it because I was going to need some of the ring's powers in a hurry and they didn't have time to train me how to access and use them." Ray dropped to his knees between Ginny's as she settled back onto her cloak. "Are you sure this is necessary. My sense is that whatever is going to happen is at least a week away. We do have time to walk to the house."

"No, this is quite alright. It is one of my favorite things to do. You should try it in a warm rain sometime." She stretched her arms to him, and pulled him over her. "I've been waiting for this since you came into the kitchen this afternoon. Just relax, and let me in your mind, just like you're in my quim." She engaged him in a lovers' kiss, wrapping her tongue around his. He felt the psychic link taking place, as if a series of switches were being thrown. As it progressed, he became aware of the altered perceptions which were involved.

As the last few links were established, he felt as if a corridor were opening in his brain. He sensed when it connected with a similar condition in Ginny's brain. With the conduit open, an information transfer began, and proceeded so quickly it was complete before he was really aware that It had started. He felt Ginny's sheath grip him. "Now," she said, "as hard and fast as you can!"

He felt her legs tighten around his thighs. As he began to move in his Mistress of Ceremonies, a series of images began to form in the corridor in his mind.

Europe in the Middle Ages and the Witch Trials

The Salem Witch Trials

The Spanish Inquisition

Isolated, grisly murders across Europe during the 18th and 19th Centuries

KKK rallies and burning crosses

Labor riots in the late 19th century, and early 20th,

Russian pogroms

Rise of the Nazi party in Germany

Anti war movement in late 20th century

Civil Rights movement in US

As he watched the history of the Western World unfold, he became aware of shadowy figures always in the background, instigating violence, including murder, torture, rape, and worse against some of those whom he was able to identify as members of the colony of adepts. When the transfer of the history was completed, he ceased his thrusting, checking Ginny's level of arousal and finding it, like his, at a beginning level.

He wrapped his arms around her, crossed his legs, and lifting her, sat up and back so that she sat in his lap, with his erection fully embedded in her. "Ooooh, this is nice," she cooed, "I could get used to this real quick." She leaned in for a kiss. As Ray returned it, one hand moved to caress her breasts, while the other snaked down between their bodies to massage her clit. When he made that contact, she jumped a little. "Careful, lover, I don't want to break anything important," she laughed.

He flexed his legs, raising and then lowering her a couple of inches. "I'm pretty sure I can defend them. The people who are hunting for us? Who are they? And why are they after us?"

"We don't know. When any of them were taken captive and questioned, it was as if their minds had been erased. Our interrogators were either too slow, or too unskilled to get any information from them. All we have been able to determine is that they are used like hunting dogs, to locate and flush the quarry, and then someone else we haven't been able to identify comes in for the kill. Whether they do it and disappear, or incite others, the result is the same."

"Do you have more for me, or can we have some fun now?"

"The history was the important bit, and showing you how to identify the hunters. The other information I had that you will need was also passed along. When you need it, look for it, it will be there. So, yes, now we can have some fun. Was there some thing special you wanted?"

"Something very special. You," and he began to slowly flex his legs so that she raised and lowered on his shaft.

"Mmmm. That's so nice." Ray leaned forward and captured one of her breasts between his lips. "Oooo. Yessssss. Harder! Faster! Omigawd...omiiiiiiiii....moremoremore...omigod..I'm cummmming!" Her legs and arms gripped Ray and pulled his body into hers, her nails raking his back, her hips thrusting against his, clutching him deep within her sheath. Slowly her breathing returned to normal, her arms and legs, and finally her vaginal muscles relaxed. "My God, how did you do that?"

"Like this," he laughed and began flexing his legs again. She felt the stirrings of another orgasm. "You ready to try again?"

She kissed him passionately. "If you are. Do you need to change positions?" She pulled back to look him in the eye. "Beth and Amy both said something about slow motion sex. Is that what..."

"Damn! Is that all you women talk about is sex? I thought men were bad." Suddenly Ginny was aware that his voice was getting slower and deeper. She became aware of the breeze passing over her skin, the pulse in Ray's cock deep within her, the raspiness of her nipples as they glided across Ray's chest, the friction of his hands on her ass.

Very slowly, she became aware that he was shifting their position, falling backward so she was in the cowgirl position. She noted the changes in pressure on her pussywall, the subtle change in friction on her G-spot. She noticed that Ray was lifting her, then let her slide back down his prick, only to repeat the motion, over and over again. As he did so she felt his crown sliding against the walls of her sheath, she felt every ripple, every vein, every wrinkle in his foreskin.

From somewhere deep within her, the climax she had felt start at the beginning of this started to swell, expanding to totally engulf her, but so slowly she felt every muscle tense and release and repeat the sequence several times. It was as if each individual nerve in her body was firing individually in turn.

She heard her own scream, sounding to her like a deep guttural roar, "Aaauuuuuugh!" And she was aware of Ray beginning to swell and lengthen within her, flexing, then she felt the wave of semen traveling through his urethra and splashing against her pussywall. Only when his eruptions stopped did her perception of time return to normal.

"Oh, you fucker!! How did you do that? No fucking wonder those women adore you! I may not return to Pine Bluff, and you will probably never sleep alone from this night on. I think I could keep that going for days and give up everything but sex, no eating, drinking, breathing, just fucking." All of this delivered around a series of kisses and tongue tangles that hardly stopped for the talking.

"And then," said Ray, "there's the rapid fuck," and he sped up their perception of time, rapidly bouncing Ginny on his cock, seemingly bringing her to climax in a matter of seconds. This time it swept over her like a tsunami, there and gone before it really registered, but leaving her totally breathless and wiped out.

"Oh, shit!" She said. "Are you trying to kill me? Maybe you're just a plant, working for the hunters. Anymore like that and I won't be worth killing, I'll be absolutely worthless for anything. I know I'm moving back here now, and I'm going to take advantage of Amy's plan as much and as often as I can," and she engaged him in another tongue tangling liplock. As the kiss broke, she shook herself and said, "I guess I have to share you tonight. Whom do you want next?"

"Before we get to that, how do I go about conferring powers on the girls?"

"Grandmama did it by the laying on of hands, her special kind of petting, she said. I think it's up to you. It has to highlight a talent the person has already demonstrated, though. Like Beth, already a nurse, would be a natural healer. Amy's empathic skills could be directed in any number of ways–healing, seeing, counseling. Oh, yes, we have special counselors for adepts. Since most, if not all of us are telepathic, it takes a special kind of skill when one of us needs mental or emotional help. Just like we have specialists for interrogators for when we do catch a hunter." She paused. " I don't know Ellen well enough yet to suggest anything, but you should by now."

"But it can be that simple, just laying my hands on them?"

"Look inside, Ray, you have the answers when you know the questions to ask."

"Okay. We have time, then, to follow your original schedule. Where do you want to spend the night?" He leaned down to nuzzle her breast, his hands kneading and rubbing her buttocks. "Or is there something else you wanted to talk about?"

"Let's go to your room. We can talk there, if we have to, even with the audience we're going to draw. You know that, don't you? The other women will be in the room watching us, and tomorrow night I'll join them as you join with...who?"

Ray was silent as he withdrew from her and stood up, then helped her up. As he wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her tight to his side, he replied, "Carolyn, I think. She's still of childbearing age, and if I really need to get them all with child, I should start. Besides, I have a feeling she has some gifts, or powers, to pass on I'm going to need to learn how to use quickly."

PART 10-D (Ellen gets some news)

In his bed, as Ray and Ginny lay joined together, they used the connection they had formed in their al fresco fuck to pass information about the remnants of the surrounding colony from her to him. He gleaned its history, its problems, and its current struggle to thrive. He learned that, while he had the responsibility for propagating the colony, there were ways he could distribute the responsibility. First, he would need to complete the conferring ceremony. Then the women could help him identify hidden alphas in the area. When she mentioned the other women, he became aware of them in the room, watching him and Ginny, and pleasuring each other. The two sisters were continuing what they had learned from him over the past weekend.

Diane, his biological mother, mute due to a stroke, was sitting with Ellen, her recently widowed daughter-in-law, on her lap in the upholstered Queen Anne chair in the corner. They were exchanging kisses, and while Ellen caressed Diane's breasts, Diane was running her hands in and out of Ellen's crotch. Suddenly she stopped and smiled. " Beth, Amy, come here." she sent the thought.

The two girls stopped what they were doing and crossed to the other pair. Ellen pulled back from Diane and looked at the two women walking across the room. She was the only person in the room who did not have telepathic ability, and was not aware of Diane's request for the girls to approach them. "Check this out," Diane instructed, passing her hands over Ellen's abdomen. Ray sensed Ellen's growing anxiety, and using the connection he had forged earlier in the week, sent her calming messages. She relaxed as the two girls, both nurses, ran their hands over her abdomen, while they linked with Diane to see what her concern was.

In an instant, they both broke into huge smiles. Amy hugged Ellen, and told her that she and the baby were okay. What Ray had thought was new disease process was really old scar tissue. Apparently, what he had seen was the site of the original onset of her MS, badly scarred. She would be able to carry her baby to term, with no problem. Ellen turned to look at Ray, who was also smiling broadly. She stuck her tongue out at him, as if to say "See!!"

He motioned her to come to the bed. As she flopped down by him and Ginny he took her in his arms and kissed her deeply. Then he pushed her head down toward Ginny's chest. In her mind she heard the instruction to suck Ginny's nipple. It took her a moment to register that she had heard the instruction. In the past, in her experiences with Ray, her 'communication' had all been at the emotional level, sensing his feelings, emotional and physical. She lifted her head from Ginny's breast and looked at him, beginning to say "Wha..." when he put his finger to her mouth, silencing her.

"Think it," came the command

"What did you do to me?" She looked at him, some wonder, some fear showing on her face.

"Remember, the other day you complained about feeling left out? Well, now you won't be. I found out from Ginny I have the power to instill this ability in women I want to have it."

"B..B..But me and my family, we were never part of your colony."

"You became part of my colony when we made love the other day, and planned to continue making love." He pulled her close, so that she was on her knees, her arms around his neck. "Is it a problem?"

"I...I...I don't know. You've all grown up with this. I just heard about it today. I don't have any idea yet what it all means."

"Neither do the girls, and I'm just beginning. We didn't grow up with it, didn't know anything about any colony until earlier today. And except for Beth, none of the children knew anything about mind reading and telepathy until a week ago. Now, go practice with Diane and the girls while I play with Ginny. As soon as the other alpha fems have concluded my training, I'll finish imparting your abilities. And Ellen, I am so fucking happy I was wrong."

Her answering kiss made Ginny moan as he lengthened inside her. "Girl, you keep that up, and it'll bring back the witch hunts." Ellen giggled and returned to the other women in the room.

At that point, Ray became aware of Carolyn's absence. "Where's Mom?"

Diane answered, "When she heard she was next and you wanted to get her pregnant right away, she decided she needed to prepare herself, so she's off making herself sexy for you. Amy and Beth tried to tell her that as long as she was female she was sexy enough, but Car has always had a thing about alpha males. And now she learns she's had one in her house for twenty years and didn't know it. I expect you'll be in her for over an hour before any knowledge gets passed back and forth."

Around sunup Ginny indicated she had had enough. As Ray withdrew, he rolled off to spoon in behind her. She reiterated her intention of moving from Pine Bluff, pulled his hand to her breast and fell asleep. Amy moved in behind Ray, and Beth joined them on the other side of her aunt. Diane and Ellen went down the hall to Amy's old room and shared the single twin bed.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

First off I liked the story. That said, I have to wonder where it came from. Nothing in the previous chapters said anything about a colony. The priest said they knew everything that a ring bearer heard or experienced. Therefore, they would have known about the colony and all these rituals and had Ray seek out his step mom for information. Seems like you are changing the story out of left field. On its own though, the story is Well written as most of your stories are.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 13 years ago
Wow ! I think this has been the best chapter yet.

Totally erotic and loving.

The stud is going to be a well used bull before this ceremony is over.

A great chapter, thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
This has been Enjoyable So far

Good writing, Good story line, characters are being nicely fleshed out, and an element of not only surprise but foreboding. Keep the chapters coming.

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