Reese Ch. 02


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"Whether he is hurt or not will depend on him and his father," Reese replied. "If all goes well, he won't be hurt. That is all that I can and will promise you."

"Do you always have to be such a hard ass?"

"I'll be in touch and Marco? Not a word to your pillow mate. Am I being clear?"

"Very," Marco said and hung up.

Reese put the phone on its charger and lay back down. As soon as it was dusk, he was leaving for Daytona Beach. He knew how he was going to get into the party.


Edgar Nichols could hardly wait. He loved the parties with all of their excesses and hoped that there would be plenty of men to meet his needs. He wondered about Dante and his sudden disappearance. He had thought that they had something. He shrugged it off telling himself that it wasn't meant to be. The party was just three days away and he was as horny as hell. The thought of going to a bar crossed his mind, but he resisted. It was his ritual not to participate in sexual activity of any kind until the night of the party. It made his first release so much sweeter and more powerful. In fact, Dante was the last person that he had been with.

"Maybe I was too clingy," he muttered.

That had been a common complaint about him from other lovers, but Dante hadn't seemed to mind. He seemed to like the role of decision maker, protector and dominant- so what had gone wrong? He went to the kitchen to check the blood supplies as his father asked him to do. Only in private did he refer to Lewis as his father- to the outside world, Lewis was his uncle.

It wasn't the way that he wanted it, but Lewis didn't want it known that his son was a 'cocksucker' as he called him. Edgar had hidden his true desires from his family for centuries because he knew what the reaction was going to be. He would still be in hiding if he hadn't been found out by his mother of all people. She had been every bit as appalled as his father had been when she told him.

That Lewis had actually invited him to stay at the beach house with him came as a surprise. His hope was that they could come to some kind of understanding and begin to repair the rift that had come between them. His mother on the other hand had accepted what he was long ago although she didn't like it.

The blood count was done and he was satisfied that there was more than enough if it was needed. His cock throbbed with excitement that he was actually going to one of Rossi's parties. He had heard about them for years, but until now had never been invited. What always shocked and amazed him was that both of his parents attended and were active participants. For that one night, the fact that they were mates was forgotten as they fucked as many people human and vampire as they could. The only thing that they didn't do was drain people to their deaths. Every so often, they would come home with new slaves, one male and one female. When they tired of them; they found another home for them. The whole process reminded Edgar of the process that humans went through when they were giving away a family pet.

Edgar sighed as he went on to the next task of checking the wine supply. He went to the room where the bottles of wine were stored and took one from the shelf. He looked at the year and shrugged. One bottle wouldn't be missed.

He filled a large wineglass to the brim and sipped on it as he completed his tasks. The question of why his father wanted him to stay with him nagged at him. Finally, he decided to see it for what he thought it was- his father wanted to reconcile with him. His mind went from his father to Dante and then to the party.

"You can wait," he said looking at the protrusion between his legs.


Marco didn't know what to do. There were times when he regretted meeting Reese and there were times when he almost hated him. This was one of those times. If he called Edgar and warned him, not only would Edgar die, so would he. His fingers itched to pick up the phone, but Reese would know. He had already overstepped by involving Edgar in the first place.

"Shit!" he grumbled as he picked up the phone. The least he could do was to tell Edgar to be careful. He stopped. Reese would see it as a betrayal. He put the phone down and hoped that whatever Reese had planned worked and that Edgar wouldn't be hurt in the process. He looked at the phone again and walked away. He could only hold on to Reese's half promise and do what he could from his end to help.


Paolo stomped through the condo trying to understand his irrational fear. He didn't see Leo in a corner watching him. Leo had been in the kitchen when Natalie had been summoned. He wanted to stop her, but knew that it would have been pointless. She had no control over anything, her body included. Every time Paolo took a woman, Leo remembered Rosaria.

"Leo! Get your ass out here!" Paolo bellowed.

"Yes master?"

"Call that security team, I want them here pronto!"

"Sire?" Leo asked thinking that he had misunderstood. In all of the time that he had been with Paolo, he had never seen him so unsettled.

"Do not make me repeat myself!"

Leo blinked. Something was happening, but what?"

Leo hurried off to make the call wondering how he could use the security team to his advantage. The problem was that none of them were allowed outside contacts so he had no one that he could trust. Still, the party was three days off; he had a little time. He wondered if Natalie knew something and decided to make a point of asking her. He had to be careful though. He was well aware of her mixed feelings for Paolo. He didn't doubt that if it came down to it, she would choose Paolo over her fellow slaves.

After the phone call, he reported to Rossi and went in search of Natalie. He found her in the kitchen cutting up blocks of cheese for the party. He looked behind him before he spoke.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she replied without looking up at him.

"Did he hurt you?"

"I'm fine, but... but I don't understand what happened."

"What do you mean?" Leo asked.

"I mean... something is wrong with our master. That is the only reason why I'm talking to you."

"Is he ill?" Leo asked his hope rising.

"No, he's frightened. I was.... He made me stop and leave the room. He has never done that."

"That is odd," Leo said feigning concern. "Did he say anything?"

"No... he just acted funny- do you know anything?"

"No," Leo lied. Whatever he was going to do, he didn't want anyone else involved. 'I'll keep an eye on him though."

Natalie nodded at him absently and went back to cutting the cheese. Leo left the kitchen wondering what had happened to frighten Rossi. His instincts were telling him that if he found that out, he could be rid of his maker. If he died, then he died- he had nothing to live for as far as he was concerned.


The leader of the security team showed up an hour later. Leo hung around just out of sight to hear what was being said.

"Just what or who is it that we're supposed to be protecting you from?" the big vampire asked.

"Nothing, I just want extra security here from now until after my.... Gathering. I need not remind you that discretion is a must. I don't want my guests to be alarmed by your presence."

"They won't know that we're here," the vampire replied.

He didn't believe Rossi-not entirely. He had that spooked look about him, but it wasn't his job to question the clients. He was paid to do what the client required.

"One more question, if we find a trespasser, what do you want done with them?"

"Bring them here," Paolo replied thinking that one couldn't have too many party favors.

"As you wish," the vampire said with a bow of his head. "We are already patrolling the grounds as we speak."

Leo left his hiding place before the security guard left the room. There had to be a way to make this work for him.


Donatello landed the plane behind the house, woke Vangie up and had her double check the heavy blinds to be sure that they were pulled tight. That would be the one big disadvantage of turning her- as it stood, she could go out in the daylight if he needed her to. That had only happened three times and he hadn't liked it.

"They're closed tight," Vangie said from the back of the plane. "I have a unit of blood thawing out too; do you want me to heat it in the microwave?"

"Yes darling and prepare for bed. You have done well today and I plan to reward you."

He smiled when he heard her quickly opening the small refrigerator and then the microwave oven. She would be naked and on the bed before he got to her. After he rewarded her, he would bring up the topic of turning her.

Just as he knew it, Vangie was naked and on the bed. The warmed blood was already in a glass waiting for him. He drank it down in one long gulp and looked down at her. She was beautiful- even more beautiful than Lisbeth. He loved her in a way that he had never loved Lisbeth. If he truly loved Lisbeth, then...

He shook his head to clear it of thoughts of Lisbeth and turned his attention to Vangie. On very rare occasions, he let her decide what she wanted him to do for her. He already knew, but liked hearing her say it.

"In what way may I pleasure you my queen?"

He only called her that on these occasions. The day was hers to use him as she saw fit. His cock hardened when her nipples stood at attention. He hoped that one of the things would be sliding his cock between her medium sized firm breasts. It was something that he could have demanded of her at any time, but these times were a treat for him as well.

"I want you to eat my pussy until I come," Vangie said without hesitation.

"As you wish," Donatello replied as he stripped. He knew that by evening, he would have her in every way possible that it was to have someone.

He got on the bed between her legs and inhaled deeply. Vangie squirmed signaling her impatience. The last time that he had given her full control in the bedroom was more than five years ago. He knew that it wasn't the norm, but he loved those times of giving her what she wanted. Now that they were mates, he would consider doing it more often.

"Donatello, I'm waiting," she said with authority that she rarely got to use.

"Yes, my love," he replied as he rubbed the tip of his nose against her clit.

Vangie's hips jerked up and ground against his nose. She cried out when he reached up, took hold of her hips and held her in place as he took the hardened nub into his mouth and began to lightly nibble on it. She reached down and grabbed his head holding it in place as she ground against his mouth as much as his holding her in place would allow.

Donatello held her down tighter and began to suck on her in earnest. For the second time since their original meeting, Vangie screamed his name. Like the first time she did it, it made him pause and want to hear it again. This time, he was determined to make it happen. Without asking what she wanted next, Donatello moved so that he lay on top of her and began to slowly slide into her. He slid in an inch, pulled back and slid in even further.

"Say it again," he prompted but didn't tell her what he wanted.

It took her several seconds to understand what he was demanding from her.

"I need to hear you scream it again," he said as he picked up the pace.

Vangie wrapped her legs around him letting him control the pace. When her orgasm came, she gave him what he wanted and needed to hear.

By the end of the day, Vangie was exhausted; but sated. During the course of their lovemaking, he said the words that she had longed to hear for as long as she could remember- "You are mine."

He had said those words before, but in a different context. Before he was claiming her as his slave, now he was claiming her as his mate.

Donatello stayed where he was although it was more than dark enough to go out. While Vangie slept, he made several decisions one of which was to tell her about his past. This he wanted to do before he took her into their new home. If they had to spend another day in the plane, then so be it. There was food and blood to last for several days. Once the decision was made, he felt a peace that he hadn't felt since long before the illness. It made him realize that he should have told her a long time ago; but there was Lisbeth.

He closed his eyes and drifted off into a peaceful, dream free rest.


Reese rode into Daytona Beach just as the sun was touching the sky. He pulled into the hotel parking lot and went inside. By the time he was finished checking in, the sun would be fully raised. He was thankful that he could tolerate the sunlight for a short period of time before he began to feel the effects of it. To expedite things, he had researched the hotels closest to where Lewis Nichols and Paolo Rossi lived and made reservations.

"I'm Gerald Melvyn- is my room ready?"

"Yes sir, it's in the back and in the corner. All of the staff has been alerted not to disturb you in any way."

"Good," Reese said as he paid for the room with a pre-paid debit card.

He wheeled his bike to the back of the building and placed protective wards on it. By the time he was finished, he was feeling burn of the sun. As soon as he was in the room, he pulled the drapes breathing a sigh of relief as the darkness enveloped him. He turned on the lights although he really didn't need them and looked around the room.

He showered, lay on the bed nude and began to make plans. The first thing that he would need was a private place. Secondly, he would need a supply of blood and then he needed a way to lure his prey. As an afterthought, he called Marco.

"You aren't thinking of calling your pillow mate are you?"

Marco's silence was his answer.

"The best way that you can help him is to leave things be. I have no plans of harming him unless you do something stupid such as calling him to warn him. If I get there and he's gone-"

"I won't call him alright?" Marco snapped. "I thought about it. I just have to trust you don't I?"

"I have never gone back on any promise that I have given you have I?" Reese asked.

"You haven't promised me anything!" Marco replied. "You only give vague assurances which mean jack shit!"

"Marco, do you have feelings for this man?" Reese asked finally understanding.

"I don't know, but Reese he has nothing to do with this."

"Maybe not, but he is a means to an end," Reese replied. "Look, I will give you my word that no harm will come to him if things go as I plan."

"And I suppose that you aren't going to share this plan with me?"

"No I'm not."

"Damn it Reese-"

"Keep your phone close, I may need you." Reese said and hung up.

Unable to rest, Reese got up and turned on his laptop. After checking his email and to see if his any of his opponents made their move; he logged onto the vampire real estate site. His initial thought was to find a place close to Rossi's. Instead he looked for a place further away. He found a home that was about twenty miles away and took the virtual tour. It had everything he wanted- total privacy. It was gated and even had a panic room that would be perfect for keeping someone hostage. He typed in his false identification and phone number. This time he was Caspar Wyse and the phone number was to a prepaid cell phone.

To his surprise, the phone rang fifteen minutes later.

"I want to buy the property located on Atlantic Avenue... I don't need to see it; I just took the virtual tour. No there is no need for a loan; I will fill out the forms online and will put my banking information there as well. Yes... The keys? I noticed box on the gait, put them in there... yes... yes... I plan to move in tonight and if you don't mind, I want no one to know of this. Oh and one more thing, please do not show up at my doorstep inquiring if I need anything. I am very private and do not appreciate drop ins... Yes you may use this number if there is an issue."

Just as he hung up, the other cell phone rang.

"What is it Marco?"

"An update. I don't know what happened, but Rossi has got security all over the place and don't ask how I know."

"How many?" Reese asked.

"I don't know for sure. Just be careful."

The next thing Reese researched was where the nearest blood bank was. As he researched, he realized that he didn't know if Edgar ate human food or not. He added a grocery store visit to his list of things to do. The nearest blood bank was twenty miles in the opposite direction of his new home. It became clear that he would have to buy or rent a car.

Three hours later, he was driving to the blood bank with a chest filled with ice in the back seat of a 2013 BMW van. The transaction was quick because he had prepaid and the blood was sitting outside of the back door as requested. The grocery store was next where he bought enough to last several days. Finally, he arrived at the house. The keys were where he told the agent to put them along with the code to get into the gate. He immediately changed the code and drove through the gate.

He took a quick tour of the house looking for exits and points of entry. All of these were warded so that no one could enter or leave without his permission. Even if Edgar managed to get out of the panic room, he wouldn't be able to leave the house.

Reese checked out the panic room noting that it was fully furnished and functional. He unpacked the blood and food and left the house. He had to take Edgar before his father arrived at the beach house with all of his security. He drove to the beach house, parked got out and walked around. He knew that the security system wouldn't be a major problem, but he had expected guards. He closed his eyes and sniffed the air in all directions: nothing.

He wondered why Lewis would leave his only child unprotected, but it was to his benefit that he wasn't. It simplified things. He walked up to the gate and used one of the oldest tricks known to man- he was a traveler in need of help.


Half finished with the list of things that his father had left for him to do, Edgar lounged in the living room sipping wine and channel surfing. He was bored and thought again about going out. He went back and forth in deciding and had just decided to go out when the chime rang alerting him that someone was at the gate.

He frowned and ignored the chime. When it rang several more times, he finally answered it.

"Hello, I'm sorry to bother you, but my car just stopped on me and my cell phone is dead. May I use your phone?"

Edgar turned on the monitor to see who was there and gasped. He liked what he saw and if he could persuade the traveler to come in...

"Hold on, I'll buzz you in."

He discounted every warning that he had ever been issued about letting strangers in, but he was thinking with his little head. Reese was already at the door by the time he got there. Too late Edgar realized that Reese wasn't human and tried to slam the door in his face. Reese was quicker and was in the house before the door was halfway closed.

"Who are you and what do you want?" he asked backing away.

"Who I am isn't important, what I want is," Reese replied as he assessed Edgar. Could things get any easier? His skills were weak at best. Edgar should have known what he was as soon as he stepped foot on the property- that had been the unknown factor. "You will come with me quietly or I will be forced to hurt you."

"My father-"

"Isn't here, yes I know that," Reese said with a small smile. "Let's go and don't make me ask again."

Something in Reese's tone told Edgar that he was serious. He also knew that he was no match for him.

"Is it money that you want? You do know who my father is don't you?"

"No to the first question, yes to the second one- let's go now." Reese said as he grabbed Edgar and vanished from the house to the car.