Room w View Ch. 06


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She nodded eagerly.

There was still something in her eyes, something like fear.

"Annie, I will say this only once and only in the confidence of this room. I will never, ever treat you badly. I will never hit on you. I will never make sexist remarks to you. I will never expect any sort of unethical considerations. I will try to be a decent boss who operates by professional standards. Uh, but can I say fuck in front of you?"

She smiled and said, "Fucking a right."

We laughed. "If I do anything that makes you uncomfortable, tell me. We'll talk about it"

She smiled and seemed to relax.

"Now, that does not mean I don't expect you to do some of the shit work that comes with the job. I can make my own coffee, but sometimes will need you to get me a cup. I may ask you to get me lunch if I am tied up here. You will not have to get my laundry or take care of my pet iguana."

"You have a pet iguana?"

"No, just a joke. If I have clients in the office, I expect you will offer to get them coffees or other things like that. You will keep my calendar and make all travel arrangements for me. I'll let you know what my preferences are; you make sure they are met. Not trying to be a jerk, but I don't want the small stuff to distract me from the important stuff. Do you know what the important stuff is?"


I laughed out loud. "God, you did learn something from Martin. Yeah, but billing is the result of doing good for the client. You may not believe me, but the client comes first. When a client calls or visits, he or she has to feel like there are no other clients. I want them to fucking love us."

"Got it.

"Great. Now this is the last time I expect to have a conversation like this, unless there is a major problem. So, let's get to work. Agnes told me that I will have a couple associates, paras and support staff assigned to me. I want you to find out who they are and get their personnel folders to me within the hour. You should review them first and point out any significant things in them. Then, this afternoon, schedule appointments with them. Make it an hour apiece with ten minutes in between. Are you getting this?"

"Absolutely. I didn't bring in a pad, but I will in the future. But, I'm with you so far."

"Great. That's it."


"Concentrate on the folders, Annie. And, by the way, how do you take your coffee?"

She blushed. "One Sweet n Low, two creams."

"I'll bring it to your desk. And, I like mine with one sugar."

The rest of the day was a blur of meeting my new staff. I finished up the last meeting at seven-thirty. I walked the attorney out of my office and was surprised to see Annie at her desk.

"Still here?"

"Lot of organizing to do," she said. "Also, this arrived in inter-office mail. It's marked confidential."

I took the envelope and went back into my office, closing the door behind me.

It was the partnership agreement that Agnes had outlined. I read it twice and signed all copies. The deposit on the buy-in was due within five days or the agreement would be void. I had twenty thousand in savings. It would mean I had no safety margin and might have a couple lean months, but the hike in my salary would soon make up for it.

I resealed the documents and addressed the envelope to Agnes.

Once again I was surprised to see Annie outside my door.

"Please see that this gets to Agnes first thing in the morning. Now, let's go home. Can you call me a cab?"



"Judy from Agnes' office stopped by earlier. She explained some of the perks of partnership. Oh, congrats, by the way."

I smiled.

"If you work past eight, you get a car service to take you home. So, no cabs for you."

"What about you? Do you live far?"

"Just about twenty minutes on the train."

"Well, we'll drop you at the stop."

"You don't have to..."

"Get your coat, Annie, we're going."

After dropping Annie at her train stop, I sunk into the back seat of the town car. My head was spinning.

"Any chance we can pick up some food on the way," I asked the driver. "I haven't eaten all day."

"There's a late night deli on Eighteenth Ave. I can call and order you something."

"Good deli?"

"I like it. I'm also Jewish. And, by the way, my dad owns it."

Laughing, I said, "Well, with those endorsements, I'll take a corned beef on dark rye, coleslaw and a big pickle."

"I'm on it," he said.

After eating alone in my new apartment, which still smelled like the girls, I took a long shower. I collapsed on my bed and felt the loneliness surround me. I grabbed my cell and texted Diana. I had no idea where in the world or what time zone she was in. I asked her to call me when she could. I closed my eyes and finally slept.

The buzz roused me from a near-death slumber.

I fumbled for my phone and caught the call before it went to voice mail.

"What's up, darling?"

The voice immediately warmed my room and peeled away one layer of anxiety.

"Where are you?"

"New Zealand."

"Shit, what time zone?'

"I have no clue, Kyle. What's up?"

"I missed you. Missed talking to you. Missed seeing you."

"Hmm, not missed fucking me?"

"Oh, yeah, there's that, too."

We both laughed and I felt us falling back into our special place. "Can you talk with me for a bit?'

"That's why I called. I'm all yours." If only, I thought.

Slowly, and probably not so coherently, I filled Diana in on all that was happening. I told her about the girls' move to California, their pregnancy, taking over their apartment and the bomb that landed on me in the firm. She listened and with tiny sounds encouraged me to keep talking.

"That's a lot, Kyle. I wish I were there."

"Me, too."

She was breathing into the phone. I could picture her holding the phone and running her free hand through her short blond hair. I longed to have her beside me.

"Kyle," she said after a long pause, "doesn't Ferry live in Kansas City?"

God, she got to the heart of my anxiety since Agnes told me about the search for a mid-west office.

"Pretty sure."

"If your new office were to be there, what would you do?"

"I'd work my ass off to make it a success."

"Cut the shit. What would you do about Ferry?"

"God, I don't know. I doubt if she would see me or even talk to me."

"Do you want to see her?"

I surprised myself with the swiftness of my answer, "Yes."

"Then you should do it."

"She hates me, Diana. She's never responded to any of my calls, emails or texts. She'll never agree to it."

"Time and distance, Kyle, time and distance. They sometimes can work wonders."

"I guess." Changing the topic, I asked her what she was doing and she filled me in on a new scent in her perfume line and how she was launching it in Australia and New Zealand. She'd been making the rounds of TV and radio stations and newspapers.

"Kyle, I have to run. Got an interview on live local TV in a couple minutes. Would you mind if I sent you something?"

My heart raced. "Never."

"Bye, sweetheart. Call again. Fanny would love to hear from you, too."

We ended the call. Five minutes later my cell buzzed.

There was a picture of Diana with her skirt hiked up to expose her naked pussy. The caption read, going 2 doTV interview commando. pussy wishes u were there. miss u


The next weeks were a blur. The facilities team came back with the recommendation that Kansas City was the best option. Considering costs and a bunch of other factors, they said we should open there. The management committee agreed and Annie had me booked business class to fly out in two days.

"I want you with me," I said.

"In Kansas City?" she replied.

"Yep. I know shit about setting up an office. I figure you will be a huge asset."

"Kyle, I've never done that either."

"Ok, then both of us can fuck up together. Am I interrupting something here?"


"Are you sure? I don't want to get personal, but I also don't want to mess up any relationships."

Annie laughed. "My only relationship is with The Good Wife on Sunday nights, and I'm pretty sure they have TV in Kansas City. Just to be sure, I'll TiVo it."

I purposely had steered away from personal conversations with Annie. I didn't want her to think I was prying and I also didn't want to have the burden of thinking about messing up her social life when she had to work nights and weekends. For her part, she never offered any information, nor did she ever complain about the hours."

Annie's a few years older than I am. I had checked her personnel file and knew she was thirty-three. She graduated from a small, but well regarded Catholic college in Massachusetts. Having worked in a couple small ad agencies, she started at our firm five years ago. All her evaluations were in the top range, even from Martin.

Always professionally dressed, I would not call her a knock-out, but she was attractive in a simple way. Kept her brown hair pulled back into a bun, favored tailored slacks and conservative blouses, and always sensible shoes. She had brown eyes and wore red-framed glasses. I'd say she was around five six. She was on the large size, but carried her weight well. What saved her from being fatally plain was her contagious smile. It really lit up her face and made you want to smile along with her.

"So, book a business class seat for yourself. Look for a decent hotel near downtown KC. Try getting a suite with a room we can use as an office. If you don't think it's too weird, and if there are two bedrooms, we can share the suite. If it makes you uncomfortable, book a separate room for yourself. Annie, I have a feeling we are going to be working our asses off and the more convenient we can make it, the easier it will be. Questions?"

"Want a car?"

"Yeah. I've been to KC a couple times. The mass transit system won't work for us. We'll need a decent ride. Go for a full-sized."

Annie stood to go and then turned back.

"Yes?" I asked, wondering what she wanted.

"Kyle, thank you."

"For what?"

"For treating me as a real member of the team. I will not let you down."

"Never crossed my mind that you would."

She smiled, warming my entire office, and left.


True to her word, she did not let me down. Annie found a hotel that offered a Presidential Suite. It had two bedrooms, on opposite sides of the suite, a full kitchen, living room and dining room. It also had a mini workout room and small sauna.

Annie arranged to have the dining room furniture removed and rented a couple desks, small conference table, printers and a conference phone.

Annie assured me that the cost in KC for the suite was less than two rooms in our home city. We also would save on the cost of renting a separate temporary office since we converted the dining room into workspace. By the end of the week, we were settled in our suite and reviewing the recommendations for office locations.

By Friday night we were both beat.

"How about some real KC barbeque?" I offered.

"With beer?" she said with a smile.

"Buckets of it."

We opted for a cab and headed to one of the main BBQ joints. We split plates of ribs and brisket, corn bread, fries and slaw. Some cold beers made everything go down easy. I opted for pecan pie with whipped cream for dessert. Annie just asked for a fork and stole a couple bites of mine.

"Off to a good start," I said. "Tomorrow, we can check out a couple more locations."

Annie nodded.

"Annie, thank you. You've been great. I appreciate all you have done."

She beamed and thanked me.

Saturday turned out better than we expected. Our real estate agent showed us a floor in a turn-of-the-20th century building that had just been totally updated. It was close to the banking and business center of town. There was nothing on the floor, not even walls, but the location and the classic tall windows convinced both of us to want to take it. I called our facilities manager and he got right on working up a lease.

I offered to take Annie out to dinner that night, but she had made tentative plans to meet with an old college roommate. She took the car and said she'd be back around eleven.

After having a light room service dinner, I did some work on Jerome's planned acquisitions and emailed a revised purchase and sales agreement to our home office. It was only a little after seven. After the travel, eating out and non-stop work, I needed a workout.

In my bedroom I stripped and pulled out my jump rope. I selected some Springsteen hooked up my iPod and began to jump.

Soon I was lost in my own world and let the endorphins kick in. I picked up the pace and closed my eyes enjoying the burn in my legs and arms.

A noise made me open my eyes. Annie stood in the doorway looking at me.

Her hands covered her mouth. I pulled my ear buds out. I could hear her saying, "Oh, God. Oh, God."

She turned and ran. Not thinking, I followed her.

"Annie, wait. Annie.'

She turned and her look shocked me back to reality. I was still naked.

"Oh, God," she said

I looked around and grabbed a throw pillow from the couch to cover myself.

"Annie, I am so sorry. I thought you would be out for a lot longer."

"My friend called and cancelled. Her daughter was sick. I came in and called out, but you didn't answer."

"Listening to music," I offered lamely.

"Then I heard a strange noise. I thought maybe it was housekeeping or something, so I went to your room. I should have never done that. I am so sorry, Kyle."

"No, Annie. I apologize. Hell, I can't imagine what you must have thought."

Annie stopped gazing around and looked at me.

She smiled. "You're not mad?"

"No. I feel terrible. You didn't do anything wrong. Again, I can't imagine what you thought."

A bigger smile, "In that case, I thought my boss has a wicked hot body."

She smiled again and I cracked up.

We both laughed.

"Let me get dressed and let's have a beer." Without thinking I turned and headed back to my room.

I heard her gasp. I moved the pillow back to cover my ass. "Sorry."

I came out a few minutes later dressed in casual clothes.

Annie had set out a couple beers. We sat in club chairs across from each other.

"Annie, I really am sorry."

"Oh, it's ok. I mean it was a bit of a shock. I just don't want you to be embarrassed."

I took a long drink. "Truthfully, that sort of thing doesn't embarrass me."


"Nope. I just don't want you to think I was trying to, I don't know, do something, you know, sexual or improper."

"I told you, Kyle. It's my fault for just barging in. What freaked me out was thinking that I probably pissed you off and I would be on the next plane back east."

"No chance," I assured her. "Honestly, I'd be lost without you."

We sat in silence and sipped our beers.

"It kinda reminds me of a movie I saw once," she said. "It was about these cops, a man and a woman. They just became partners. The woman cop was a veteran and the guy was a rookie. After a couple days together, she invites him up to her apartment. She tells him to strip and she then starts to take off her clothes. She explains that they will be together all the time. Eventually they will be wondering what each other looks like naked. It's only natural. So, she says it's best to get it over with. So, they strip, look at each other and then get dressed."

"Is that how you've felt?"

"Kyle, can I talk frankly?'


"We've been spending a lot of time together. I think you are a great boss, I mean it. You are like the perfect supervisor. I love working with you. All the other admins keep asking me what it's like working for The Hunk."

"They call me that?"

"Yeah, we have nicknames for all the partners."


"The Prick."

I laughed. That's what Ferry and I used to call him, too.

"Well, I don't call you The Hunk. Not that you aren't really handsome and are in great shape. It's just that you never treated me in any sexual way, so I was going to do the same. Still, I liked looking at you."

"So, you imagined me naked?"

Annie turned crimson. "Not all the time," she said.

She slowly smiled and then we broke out laughing again.

"Well, now we've got that out of the way. Hope I didn't shatter your image."

Annie fanned herself with her hand and said, "Hardly."

I got up to get us more beers.

"So, are you going to share with the other admins?"

"No way. It would never sound as innocent as it was. So, I think we keep it to ourselves."

I raised my beer bottle in silent agreement.

"So, do you like do that all the time?"

"Jump rope?"

"Yeah, but in the nude?"

I nodded.

"Are you a nudist?"

"I don't know. I've never been to a nudist place."

"I have."

"No shit."

"Once, after college I was rooming with this girl. She was always walking around nude. One day she says she's going to this naturist camp for the weekend and did I want to go along? I'm not one to show off my body because of my size. But, I figured one time wouldn't hurt. To my surprise I liked it. After the initial shock of being outside naked with other naked people around, I really enjoyed the feeling of freedom. And, there were people there of all sizes. I was worried that they'd all look my gorgeous roommate and I'd be the only fatty."

"Was that the only time?" I asked. "No, forget that. I should not be asking you that type of question."

"It's ok, I don't mind. The answer is no. Actually, I usually spend my vacations at naturist resorts. I've travelled to France, Germany and Florida for nude get-aways."

"Well, I'll try to not repeat tonight's situation. I think we need to forget about it and keep our relationship professional."

"No problem. I want to keep things going great between us," Annie said with a wide grin. "But, I don't care. As far as I'm concerned, be naked all the time."

"And, you? Are you going to be like in that movie and let me see you naked?"

"Wow. I don't know if I could do that."

"But you do that when you go on vacation."

"I don't vacation in the nude with my boss. You have a nice body, Kyle, and I, well, you can probably imagine what's under these clothes."

"Actually, no offense, I haven't. Not because you aren't pretty, but because I never wanted you to think I was treating you with disrespect or making any improper advances."

"That's kind of you, Kyle, but I am fat. I know it."

"Annie, I am not comfortable talking about our bodies, but let me say this. You are pretty. You have a great face and a fantastic smile. Plus, you're smart, funny and nice. Don't take this the wrong way, but I never think about your weight."

"But you'd never date someone like me," she said holding my gaze. "I bet you would not even be seen in a social situation with me."

"Annie, I would never date you while we worked together. Beyond that I don't think about it."

She nodded trying to assess everything I said.

"What if I invited you to go to a nudist resort?"

"Well, I'd have to think about that. But, if you want to know, I would never, ever hesitate to be seen anywhere with you."

"For real?"

"For real," I said.

Smiling, I finished my beer. Annie nodded. We then talked about our plans for the next few days. I wondered if Annie could really put this incident behind us. I also wondered what she looked like naked. My thoughts wandered to imaging what it would be like at a nudist camp. To have all those people looking at me naked made me shiver. God, I missed Diana. Why did all my thoughts involving naked people usually end up with a longing for Diana?

The next few weeks were split between KC and the home office. I left Annie to deal with the fit-up for our new offices. She called me several times a day to be sure I approved major decisions. Most of the details she handled on her own.

It was early May when our office was nearing move-in status. We were still sharing the hotel suite and had added one admin person who worked in our converted dining room. Jerome stopped by on a number of occasions to meet with me. I included Annie in all those meetings and the two of them hit it off. Although she had worked for Martin, Annie had never been introduced to Jerome. After their first meeting, she and I were standing in the suite's kitchen having a beer.