Sable Island


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"But you said you were naked."

"That's right."

"I hope you come home with proof of at least some of this."

"Oh we will trust me."

"Joe is she telling it right?"

"Charlie she's giving you the brief version and leaving some things out."

"Holy shit."

"We have all of tomorrow and a few hours Friday and then we'll be coming home. We really do miss you two."

"It serves you right because we miss you too."

"Well we better go before our tans start to fade."

Charlie said, "Screw you, the weather here is for crap. Hurry home but be safe."

After they hung up Marcie smiled and said, "Joe it's going to take a lot to get them to believe anything we tell them."

"If we can't get them to believe what we tell them we'll bring out the big guns."

"The pictures?"

"You got it and I mean we'll keep showing them until they do believe us."

"We better tell the story right from the beginning and ease them into it or they won't talk to us again. We have to remember they weren't here so they still think like we used to."

"Yeah your right, damn. Want to go over and look at the ocean before we get into the hot tub?"

"Yes let's do that. Remember to take the camera so we'll have more pictures to show Gail and Charlie." Marcie changed into her new bikini and Joe into his new suit and with sandals on their feet and Joe with his camera they walked across the lane and out across the beach. When they reached the waters edge Marcie said, "The wind is the strongest it's been since we've been here and look at the waves, it's all so beautiful." She tipped her head back and let the wind comb through her hair and caress her body as Joe took her picture without her knowing it. They

wanted to save their walking until after dark so they could walk in the nude again so after enjoying the view and feeling the breeze they headed back for the hot tub. They were just coming to the lane when Joe saw her. "Hi Meredith."

"Hi Joe I thought you must be gone by now."

"Not until Friday."

"Really? Me too I'm afraid. Back to the Derby city and work."


"Yes that's the one."

"We're from Evansville about a hundred miles west."

"Yes of course the company I work for has a small plant there."

"We flew out of Louisville because we got a better flight plan from there."

"So we'll probably be going back together then."

"I'll bet. Oh I'm sorry Meredith this is Marcie my wife. Marcie this is Meredith of torn bikini fame."

Marcie smiled and said, "Oh that Meredith hi, he told me about your crash."'

"I hit him so hard I was afraid I had hurt him."

Marcie was watching the two of them and said, "Meredith why don't you come over for something cold to drink. We're right here in number twelve."

"No kidding, they moved me down to thirteen when the launch blew up and they had to shuffle guests. Yes thank you I accept."

Marcie looked at Joe and whispered, "Island magic again right Joe?"

He knew she was referring to the way things just kept falling into place for a specific reason and they didn't even question it this time, Meredith was put in cottage thirteen for a reason and that reason had to be Joe. Marcie didn't know how it was going to go or how she would handle it but she didn't worry because she knew she would handle it and everything would be great. She also knew that meant that she was going to follow through on something she was working on.


Chapter Twenty Seven

As soon as they went in Joe asked Meredith, "Beer, wine or Coke is what we have."

"Wine if that's what you're having otherwise a Coke will be fine."

"Wine is a perfect choice. Meredith how is the post divorce celebrating going for your friend?"

"It went so well that she met a guy and she flew out with him to Tucson."

"That was a fast recovery."

"Too fast but that's her business. So what have you two been doing for fun on the island?'

"Apparently a lot because we were tired so we just loafed this morning and got caught up. We've taken several moonlight beach walks, long ones in fact and we've met a number of people, done some shopping and spent a couple of afternoons at the private beach."

"What private beach?" Marcie looked at Joe and couldn't help but smile at him. "Did I say something funny?"

Marcie said, "I'm sorry, no you didn't. It's about that beach. You see it's...well you know how liberal the beach is here with the micro bikinis and the sling bikinis and all?"


"Well the private beach is more liberal."

"You're kidding...oh you mean a nudist beach?"

"It can be if that's what you want."

"So...where is it and tell me about it."

"I'm not sure how to get there because our houseboy takes us there but the beach...well really the whole area is beautiful."

"So you and Joe...I mean do you two go naked?"

Marcie smiled and said, "Well we have. Listen, would you like to join us tomorrow? We're going out there for one last visit."

"I wouldn't want to spoil your last time there."

Marcie couldn't look at Joe that time because both of them knew where this was leading. "Oh don't worry about that, you wouldn't spoil it believe me," Marcie answered.

"Then I'd love to."

Joe said, "Come over about one and the three of us will go. I'll have our houseboy bring an extra beach towel for you."

"Thank you."

Marcie said, "Meredith tell me about your time here on the island."

"It's been phenomenal. I mean off the charts awesome."

"Like you're needs and wishes are seen to almost before you can think of them?"

"Exactly like that yes. In fact that was one thing that urged Lindsey, my friend to leave because it was spooking her."

Marcie continued with, "And a seemingly impossible series of events will unfold that result in a very interesting outcome."

"Yes isn't that wild? I don't know how I'm going to make myself leave Friday but I have to, I can't afford to stay here that's for sure."

After a few more minutes Meredith said, "Well I'll let you get on with your day but I'll be here tomorrow at one."

As they walked to the door Joe said, "We take our moonlight walk about nine or ten o'clock if you'd like to join us."

Meredith looked at Marcie and saw her smile so she said, "Yes I'd like that."

"Remember though we do like to walk three or so miles."

"I do a lot of walking and jogging at home so that's not a problem at all. Thank you both and I look forward to the walk tonight."

Marcie looked at Joe and he said, "We look forward to seeing you again."

As soon as the door was closed Marcie smiled at her husband and asked him, "Which fantasy is this?"

"I have three or four that could fit this set of events. A very sexy woman makes over me for example. Of course that's you but I mean other than you."

"Very smooth recovery lover."

"So you invited her to the beach tomorrow."

"I figured I might as well because it was meant to happen anyway I'm sure."

"Do you really think so?"

"Of course don't you?"

"I have to admit I do."

"What about the walk tonight?"

"It might just be a prelude to tomorrow but I don't know."

Marcie started to strip and said, "Hot tub time honey."

"I'm right with you love."

They soon leaned back next to each other in the bubbling hot water and as she laid her head back against the pad Marcie said, "She's quite attractive."

"If you mean Meredith I agree."

"But her best feature is her figure."

"I agree with that too."

"And she is very fit. Almost athletic looking but still feminine."

"Nice breasts too."

Marcie smiled and said, "This place is going to ruin you honey. You will never even come close to anything like this again in your life."

"Make that we will never come close to this in our life. You have had your share of experiences just like this but with handsome men that worship you."

"You're right. It's a good thing we have each other and we love each other."

"Yes it is.

Marcie paused a minute and then looking at him said, "I'm going to call Ki in a little bit."


Chapter Twenty Eight

Joe was leaning back with his eyes closed until she said that about Ki. He opened his eyes and looked at her as he asked, "Want me to disappear for awhile?" "No. Maybe stay out of sight at first is all. After that it's up to you."

"I may observe but I'll try to be discreet. I wouldn't want to spoil his fun and I think he's just shy enough that I might make him pretty nervous."

"Joe I feel a little bad because I think I'm getting the best of this vacation. I mean I had Ian and you at the same time for example. What would you like? Would you like to be alone with Meredith for example?"

"I don't think so. I might change my mind but, well I just don't know what will happen."

She looked at him and said, "Good. Not because I'm jealous but because I want to watch you with her."

"Are we going to be naked tonight with her along?"

"I don't know about you but I plan to be."

"I'll try to be a good host and wait to see what she does. Well at first I will anyway but I want to try walking naked again."

"I have you hooked on that I think."

"You just may have at that."

"I think it's time to page Ki."

They got out and Joe toweled her off and kissed her before he said, "Enjoy yourself honey."

"I will even if nothing happens between us."

She knew that he would be there within ten minutes of being paged so she brushed her hair but that was all because she was going to meet him at the door in the nude. About the only place for Joe to hide was in the closet but he was going to wait until he heard her talking to Ki.

He saw Ki pull up so he moved to the bedroom and waited and listened. Marcie was standing naked in the doorway easily visible to any that might pass and Ki smiled when he saw her. He walked up to her and she pulled him inside and into an embrace before kissing him. "I've missed you Ki." Can you stay with me for awhile? I poured us some wine."

"Yes of course I can."

She led him to the wine and handing him a glass he took a taste of his wine as his eyes sampled her body. She could see the growth in his shorts but she waited until they had about emptied their glasses and then she moved closer to him. She took the last of her wine in her mouth and kissed him as she gave him her wine in what she hoped he would see as a sensual gesture. "Ki would you put some lotion on me, my skin is dry."

"I really shouldn't."

"I know, the rules. But would you please anyway?"

"I can't say no to you Marcie."

"Let's go to the bedroom so I can lie down." Joe was tucked into the closet with the bifold doors slightly open and he watched as she put her hands on Ki's shirt and helped him out of it. Then she stood in front of him and as she looked into his eyes she unfastened his shorts and worked them down and off before moving his underwear down kneeling as she went. She helped him out of them and then kissed and caressed his rigid cock as his eyes stayed fixed on her. She stood back up and once again looked into his eyes as her hand found his hardness again she moved her hand up and down the shaft a few times. She knew he was young and wouldn't last as long as she might like so she didn't want to tease him too much. She kissed him and said, "I changed my mind about the lotion Ki, lie down with me instead."

It was easy to see he was nervous and unsure of himself as he hesitated and didn't seem to know what he should do. She knew she had to be the aggressor, but that fit her fantasy perfectly. It was up to her to seduce him and help him learn the art of lovemaking.

With her guidance he was soon on his back and she moved over him with her upper body and they kissed as his arms timidly went around her. One thing was obvious however, he didn't need any lessons in kissing. She put one of his hands on her breast as one of her hands slowly explored his body without too much contact with his cock. It took Ki a few minutes but he moved her onto her back then and started to kiss her and run his hands all over her as Joe watched from the closet. Ki wasn't all that smooth and sensual but that too played into her fantasy. She knew he was inexperienced so had he been too smooth her fantasy would have been spoiled. Ki didn't really know what he was supposed to do so she guided him and he got the idea of feeling her between her legs as she opened them wide for him. She said just loudly enough that Joe might be able to hear, "Ki honey go down and look between my legs. See what my pussy looks like and feels like." None too gracefully he did that and she said, "Now taste me Ki. See what a woman tastes like and feels like with your tongue." He did better than she expected he would and she encouraged him to continue a little longer as she moaned softly. After a few minutes of that she moved him up and with her help his cock divided her lips and a minute later he was inside of her.

Ki's cock was larger than average and that helped to make up for his innocence and lack of finesse. From there on Ki seemed to get the idea of the basics of lovemaking or what some might simply call fucking since there wasn't a lot of sensual play on Ki's part. Marcie was quick to reach orgasm because the whole fantasy had played out pretty nicely. Ki wasn't far behind her and soon emptied himself inside of her before dropping down beside her. The fantasy was over and it hadn't lasted fifteen minutes. Ki was still hard which Marcie didn't think would be unusual for an eighteen year old but she was done. She'd had a moderate orgasm and she had really enjoyed the experience so she was happy. She got up and said, "I better clean up Ki, would you like to come with me and wash up too?" Joe had to stay where he was until Ki retrieved his clothes but as soon as Ki and Marcie were in the living room he opened the closet door to let more fresh air in and to give him room to move. After cleaning up, Marcie walked Ki to the door and after one more kiss she asked him to pick them up at one for the private beach and bring an extra beach towel for their guest. She walked back to the bedroom and into Joe's arms. "Let's go back to the hot tub honey."


Chapter Twenty Nine

Joe settled into the hot water next to Marcie and put his arm around her as she settled in against his side. He stayed quiet for a long minute before he asked her, "Was it what you hoped it would be?"

"Yes and no. I still think he's a sweet guy and I like him."


"It's your fault because you have me spoiled. He is so naïve. That's part of his charm and one day he'll be a good lover but..."

"I'm sorry it wasn't more of what you hoped it would be."

"I'm not sorry it happened though. I still enjoyed being with him and now I know my fantasy needs to be replaced or altered."

"This is a day that Ki won't soon forget honey. I'll be curious to see how he is tomorrow when we go to the beach with Meredith."

She smiled at him and said, "I'll be curious to see how it is between you and Meredith tomorrow."

"How it goes between you, me and Meredith honey. Don't put yourself into the background because I like having you by my side."

"I'm not worried but thank you for saying that. She really is charming and I like her. I just wish she wasn't so healthy looking and curvy."

"I like her too and I think she is very attractive, but I think you match her curve for curve. You also have her beat in the sexy legs department."

"You know just what to say lover. I'll be curious to see what happens on the beach walk tonight."

"The moon won't be much more than a sliver tonight so it's going to be pretty dark."

"Maybe that will help when she learns we walk naked. Of course you won't see much of her even if she does undress."

"There's always tomorrow at the private beach."

"Maybe you can rip her bikini off again."

"You're just too cute. Ripping off is a slight exaggeration but I could accidentally untie it or something."

"I'm confident you'll make out just fine and I mean that in every sense of the word."

"You are just too witty love."

Marcie tucked herself even closer to Joe and said, "You know I think I'll be ready to go home by Friday. I'll miss the magic excitement, the beaches and wonderful weather more than I can say, but I miss home and our friends too. Besides we can't keep going at this pace."

"I think I'll be ready to go too but I can't wait to come back again either."

"Honey take me to bed and just hold me close." Joe kissed her softly and they went to bed. They lay on their sides and each with an arm around the other and didn't talk for a minute. Then Marcie said, "I wouldn't trade our memories of this place for anything in the world. I even treasure the little spat we had a few days ago, but at the end of the day this is what I want most. I want you to love me and be close to me. I want to feel your arms around me and hear you tell me you love me. We both know that at some point you will make love to Meredith and I'm very okay with that. If something like that had happened before this vacation I would have killed you or divorced you but at least while we're here it just doesn't bother me as long as at the end of the day you are in my bed and in my arms."

"I will always be in your bed and in your arms at the end of the day and you'll always be in my heart. All of the things we've experienced and shared with others are just that, experiences and adventures. I know that Ian really impressed you and I'm glad that you could be with him. I even wish you could see him again before we go, but like you said at the end of the day it's you and me and there is no room for anybody else." Joe kissed her and then hands wandered and they made long slow and gentle love.

Joe and Marcie took a short nap and when she opened her eyes Joe was lying there looking at her. She smiled and said, "You know we really do spoil each other. Not many men would make love to their wife just hours after he watched her make love to another man."

"Not many men have a woman like you for their wife. You didn't make love to Ki. You shared an experience, a very pleasant experience and you and Ian fucked but you and I just made love."

"You're right, when we were at the beach with Ian we fucked. I clearly remember you whispering to me that Ian was going to fuck me. God I can still hear you say that and I get that funny feeling inside of me. No honey the three of us fucked. Like you just said, just now we made love but that day we did fuck."

"I don't think I've ever heard you use that word until we came to this island."

"Does that bother you?"

"Not at all. In fact in a way it turns me on."

"Joe how was it to make love to me right after Ian?"

"I'll admit that I had second thoughts for a moment but I discovered you didn't feel any different to me. All of that was the most prolonged and intense experience of my life because that whole event didn't start with us making love, it started when we left here in Ki's car and slowly built up until we fucked. A whole day of foreplay."

"That's true. The long build up was almost as wonderful as the lovemaking."

"I have to agree with that."

"What about the video camera by the way?"

"He said he'd have a copy waiting for us at the desk when we check out."

"We'll have to get about half drunk before we watch that at home because we won't have the island magic anymore."

"I'm hopeful a tiny bit of that magic goes home with us."

"I like this magic a lot more than the magic at Disney World."

Joe laughed and said, "I do too honey."

They were at the restaurant by six o'clock and were tasting an after dinner drink by seven. Marcie was just going to say something about Meredith when she saw him. He was smiling and a second later kissed her. "Hi Marcie, Joe."

Marcie was glowing as she said, "I'm so glad to see you again."
