Sable Island


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As he looked into her eyes he could see and feel the change in her and there was no force strong enough to separate them at that moment. With their eyes locked onto each other she said, "Joe I want to see everything and hear about everything you and Marcie did." He put his lips to her ear and whispered, "With Marcie's permission I made love to Meredith later." She already knew that but when she heard him tell her it sent new and exciting sensations shooting through her. Their eyes stayed locked on each other and the seduction continued as he added, "I just wish it could have been you with me that night." She no longer blushed at words like that and as she continued to look at him she said, "I do too."

Marcie was afraid that if she didn't say something Joe and Gail would end up making love on the floor so she said, "Joe why don't you open the Ian file." Marcie reminded Charlie and Gail about Ian and Thea as Joe took a few seconds to respond to her request. But then he turned his attention to the computer and brought up the first of many pictures of Marcie getting sun lotion applied by Joe and Ian. He had separated the blatantly sexual shots from the others so he moved ahead and showed Marcie getting her sun lotion massage. Joe was already hard but seeing those pictures again made him even harder it seemed. As Gail watched her friend being teased she said, "My God Marcie how could you just lie there. How could you stand that?"

"Gail they were driving me crazy but I was afraid to move and have it end." Then they saw Marcie naked on her back and again she had four hands teasing her with Ian's hand between her legs. Charlie was watching in stunned silence as he imagined himself in Ian's place and his hands between her legs. The images were getting to Marcie too as she remembered how it felt to have both men all over her and teasing her pussy. Gail was overwhelmed by the images and suddenly had the uncontrollable desire to be free of her top so without saying anything she leaned back slightly and undid the strings and let her top drop free. She slipped that aside and moved even closer to Joe and moved her hand closer to his hardness. When Marcie saw Gail she smiled but said nothing and Charlie stared at the screen as more and more of the threesome was exposed to the camera. While the guys were distracted Marcie worked at getting her mini skirt up farther and farther until it was almost to her hips and would take very little effort on Charlie's part to see her sex. Gail's heart was racing now and a moment later Marcie removed her top. Was Marcie trying to top whatever she did or was she trying to get her to do more too? She didn't know if she could be brazen enough to simply move her skirt up and sit there naked for Joe and Charlie but she did know that something was happening to her that she couldn't seem to control. That she had no desire to control.


Chapter Forty Six

Joe was the first to notice Marcie's nakedness. She smiled at him and he watched her as she moved her skirt up until she was naked except for the skirt bunched around her waist. That seemed to do it for Gail and just as Charlie looked over at his wife and saw that she was topless she stood up and with shaking hands pulled her skirt down and she stepped out of it. Another of Joe's fantasies had just come true as he stared at her exposed and neatly trimmed sex no more than a couple of feet from his face before looking up at her eyes. She was looking right at Joe as she sat back down and then put her arms around him and they kissed deeply as his hands went all over her. Marcie moved up to Charlie and they were soon engaged in a deep and passionate kiss as well but Gail and Joe were far too involved to even notice. So much more was happening than Gail could have ever dreamed herself capable of but she had no intention of ever going back to her old ways either. She did pause for a moment and Joe whispered, "We still haven't told you everything yet."

As her hand rubbed his rigid cock she looked into his eyes and said, "I'm sure that Marcie made love to Ian and I want to hear all about that but you can tell me all of that later. Right now just kiss me and hold me close, but don't take your clothes off because I don't trust myself." He kissed her again and as one of his hands went between her legs and she opened herself up to his touch. Marcie and Charlie were wrapped up in each other but she kept an eye on Gail too. She had to let Gail set the pace and not let things between her and Charlie go any farther than with Gail and Joe but then she put Charlie's hand on her pussy and she moaned softly and was afraid there was no stopping them now. Gail saw Charlie and Marcie in an embrace and saw that his hand was on her pussy so she quit worrying about what Charlie might say later and focused on what she and Joe were doing. They stayed in their embrace and as she put Joe's hand on her breasts she looked over at Charlie and said, "Honey the four of us have to go to the island as soon as possible. We have to go taste all of the island magic with Joe and Marcie."

Joe put his lips to her ear and said, "I have my arms around some magic right now."

She looked into Joe's eyes and whispered, "So have I." Then in a louder tone she said, "Besides Joe owes me a day of his life and I intend to collect while we're there."

Marcie, without releasing her hold on Charlie said, "I agree, the four of us need to experience the magic together."

Joe said, "I have finally figured it out. The island magnifies emotions. That's why fantasies are fulfilled because they are perceived as emotions so they are magnified and made to come true. When I met Meredith my feelings for her were multiplied. But what I've also figured out is that means that love is also magnified. I love Gail but with the help of the island I now love her even more. I love Marcie and of course that love is many times stronger now as well."

Marcie thought about that for a second and then said, "But that doesn't work either because we argued and so did two other couples and remember Thea left Ian."

"Those are emotions and they were multiplied too. In our case our anger was magnified but our love and passion was magnified too so we handled it nicely."

Marcie said, "Let's call down there and see what it would cost and how far ahead we have to make reservations."

Charlie reluctantly released his hold on Marcie but his eyes never left her as she found the number for Sinclair Retreat and she stood there in her naked beauty and placed the call.

She put the phone on speaker so the four of them could all get the information at the same time. There was a click as the phone was picked up and then they heard, "Thank you for calling Sinclair Retreat on magic Sable Island, my name is Ki how may I help you?" Marcie was speechless and quickly looked at Joe but he was just as stunned and confused as she was

Again Ki said, "This is Sinclair Retreat may I help you?"

Marcie looked at the phone like it was alive and said, "Is this really you Ki?"


"Yes. Ki I...what are you doing there and why didn't they know anything about you at the resort?"

"I know you must have many questions and I'm sorry that you are so confused but there are reasons for everything. Are you coming back to the island?"

"I...we want to, I mean that's why I called, to get prices and so forth but when I heard you answer the phone I got rattled and confused. Why didn't they recognize your name at the resort?"

"I'm so sorry to do that to you Marcie. They knew me as Larry and I promise to explain it to you when I see you. It had to do with a special project and I said I'll explain it all to you and Joe I promise. I'll send you an information packet about the retreat by express mail but if that doesn't answer all of your questions please call me and when you are ready to make reservations talk to me only. I'll see that you get very special rates to make up for confusing and perhaps scaring you. How are Joe and Meredith?"

"Joe is well and we hope to see Meredith soon."

"Give her my best if you would and I hope she can join you when you come to see us and I'll see that she is provided for as well."

"Ki is there really magic on the island?"

"That depends on what you consider magic Marcie. Do things happen here that are hard to explain? Yes but of course and you know that, but some of that magic comes from you and how you wish things to be. I heard it said once that the idea for the television series Fantasy Island came from somebody that had visited us about two years earlier. Of course I wasn't even born at that time."

"But Ki it's like the island can read our minds."

"Perhaps when you come back to see us you will be able to better understand about what is called the magic of the island. Of course I've always said it has magical properties and that's why I could never work anywhere else. I love it here just as I told you before."

"We want to come see you as soon as we can, maybe in two or three months."

"I hope you do Marcie, you and Joe have been in my thoughts many times in the short time since last Friday."

"We'll be in touch Ki, bye."


Chapter Forty Seven

While Marcie had been talking to Ki, Gail and Joe were holding each other close and near the end of Marcie's conversation Gail looked up at Joe and whispered, "I can't wait to be there with you. I have plans for that day you owe me."

He kissed her and said, "If I had my way we would leave for the island tomorrow because I can't wait to share everything with you."

Her hand went between his legs and she asked him, "Everything?"

He smiled then and asked her, "Do you love me?"

"You know I do."

"Then yes, everything. Because I love you too I'll be yours to command."

The possibility of the four of them going to the island started a whole new set of questions followed by excited responses from Joe and Marcie. For the remainder of the evening Gail remained naked and stayed with Joe and Marcie sat next to Charlie on the couch as they had more wine and talked. Gail had managed to get past the almost overwhelming urge to make love to Joe but she never left his side. Marcie and Charlie took turns teasing each other but at the end of the evening the women dressed and Charlie and Gail went home.

Within minutes Marcie had called Meredith and as soon as Meredith got past the surprise of the call Marcie told her about calling the resort and then about talking to Ki at Sinclair Retreat. When she told Meredith about going back as soon as possible Meredith was eager to join them but said, "I just hope I can get the time off that soon."

"I may have a problem too but if I do I'll quit and worry about getting another job when I get home because it's that important to me."

"I just may consider that too. How's Joe?"

"Fine and he misses you and sends his love."

"Marcie would it be possible for me to come see you and Joe weekend after next?"

"We'd love to see you and I hope you mean for the weekend."

"That's what I was hoping for. We still need to talk and we need to find out about our magic."

"I can't wait. We'll keep the weekend open and expect you then." A minute later she hung up and told Joe the news and he smiled and said, "It's going to be a very interesting weekend no matter what happens."

"I just hope we don't find it was all smoke and mirrors and we have nothing in common."

The next weekend Marcie and Gail got together for some girl talk but started by talking about the island and possibly going there as they reviewed the information that Ki had sent them. Then Gail asked her, "Marcie am I wrong or did you and that Ian make love?"

Marcie smiled and said, "You aren't wrong. We did make love and it was right there on the beach after the sun lotion massage."
"Where was Joe?"

"Holding me and kissing me, talking dirty to me and telling me he loved me and...God Gail that was such an incredible afternoon. Joe made love to me then and Ian held me and kissed me and, I get excited just reliving that experience."

"Wait it just occurred to me, who was taking the pictures?"

"What were their names...Mark and...Mark and Faith."

"My God you mean two other people watched Ian and Joe make love to you?"

"She used Joe's camera and Mark used his video camera. Oh yes and that was another of my fantasies that came true. I have this one about being the star and somebody videos me and...well you get the idea."

"So your lovemaking was all recorded?"

"Yes and we haven't even looked at it yet."

"Can I I guess that wouldn't be..."

"Gail if you'd like to see all of that I don't mind. You've seen me naked and you saw me almost make love to Charlie last weekend."

"Just thinking about last weekend gets me going again. Joe was so sweet but I know it was really hard for him to be the strong one of the two of us. Do we have time to look at those pictures before Joe gets home?"

"We have almost three hours so we have plenty of time. Gail do you think less of me for making love to Ian?"

"Not long ago I would have been very disappointed in you but not now. As long as you're comfortable with it and so is Joe I don't have a problem with it at all." Marcie got Joe's laptop out but it took her a few minutes to find the pictures. Then she remembered the video was in the top desk drawer along with some other mementos of their trip. They sat next to each other on the couch and the first image was just like last weekend showing Ian and Joe with their hands all over Marcie. They moved through those fairly quickly but when they saw Ian between Marcie's legs and his hard cock was close to her pussy they stopped for a second. Regular pornography was of little interest to either of them but since this involved Marcie that all changed. They moved ahead frame by frame and they even saw Ian's cock head just inside of Marcie's pussy lips. She paused and said, "God I can still remember feeling Ian enter me. I can remember that very moment. I almost cried I was so excited. Joe's hands were on my breasts and nipples and his lips were teasing my ears as he talked dirty to me." Gail wasn't even blinking her eyes as she stared and imagined what it must have been like. They went through the others and then Marcie put the DVD in and they watched it all unfold again but this time with motion and sound. They couldn't hear what Ian or Joe were saying but they could hear every time Marcie would moan or cry out and by the end neither of them could sit still.


Chapter Forty Eight

Marcie was surprised to discover she felt a little embarrassed once the show was over and Gail just sat there staring at the blank screen on the laptop. Gail finally asked her, "Will you tell Joe that I've seen all of this?"

"Yes. Our lives have changed so much that we just can't start keeping secrets from each other now." She looked at Gail and asked her, "You doing okay?"

She smiled at Marcie briefly and said, "No I'm so excited right now I can't think straight."

"I hope you know that Joe and I have never done anything even remotely like that before."

"I'm sure you haven't since you wouldn't even buy a modest bikini before you left here. Even I wasn't that up tight. What else do you have to tell me? Before Marcie could answer Gail asked, "What about Meredith?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you and Meredith make love?"

She looked at Gail in surprise and said, "Why would you ask that?"

"Well the way you two kissed and, well you know."

Marcie hesitated for just a second and then in a softer tone answered, "No we never made love."

Gail watched her as she answered and then said, "I get the feeling that I'm not getting the whole story, is it something you don't want to talk to me about?"

"No it's...have you ever kissed another woman before?"

"Just my sister or cousin, that kind of kiss."

"I never had even considered it before but then at some point, I don't remember the exact circumstances but she and I were naked and she put her arms around me. We shared a long embrace and talked like that for a minute, very tender and you know? Then she kissed me. That was...oh I think it was while we were on our first naked walk on the beach that night. Joe had just really kissed her for the first time and she was thanking me for being so sharing or something. Anyway the feeling of her warm skin against me and under my hands and her lips on mine and, well the whole thing stayed in my mind for a long time. It was all an innocent event that time."

"That time?"

"Gail when she made love to Joe we kissed again but that time we really kissed like lovers. I know it was the damn island thing and both of us were so excited and so forth but I really did kiss her back with all the emotion I was feeling right then and she kissed me the same way."

"Do you want something like that to happen again?"

"I don't know. I'm still trying to work all of that out. I have no desire to make love to another woman I do know that much but..."

"But you had no desire to kiss another woman before either."

"You're right I didn't."

"You and I have kissed before."

"Yes like sisters though right?"

"Well yes. What was it like kissing her?"

Marcie couldn't decide how to answer that question. She didn't want Gail to think she was becoming bisexual or something but at the same time she wanted to talk about it in hopes it would help her get it straight in her mind.

"Gail I liked it. It wasn' didn't make me want to make love to her but at the same time it felt so good and so loving. I liked how she felt in my arms and how it felt when she kissed me. In fact when we kissed while Joe was still making love to her it was like I could almost share her building orgasm. I still don't know what to think of it and I can't explain it I guess."

"So was it because it was her or because of the situation?"

"That's part of what I don't know."

Gail turned onto her left hip on the couch and putting her hand on the side of Marcie's face gently brought them together in their first true kiss. Then she felt Marcie's tongue touch hers and Marcie's arms go around her as the kiss continued. It wasn't about passion but more about an experiment that moved on to tender sharing of emotions and sensations. The kiss lasted for some time as they explored each other with their tongues and Gail's arm went around Marcie. When they separated Marcie whispered, "I can tell you it wasn't because it was Meredith."

"Marcie I see what you mean about how it feels and just for the record I like it too. I don't know if it's some of your island magic or what but I enjoyed us kissing."

"Gail about what I said about keeping secrets from Joe. I think we better keep this to ourselves for now because you know how guys are about seeing two women together."

"Especially if we're naked."

"Would you be willing to try kissing that way too?"

Gail hesitated for just an instant and then stood up as she was reaching for the hem of her pullover shirt. Marcie stood up and a minute later they stood there naked and looked at each other. Then everything became automatic and they came together in another long kiss as they felt each other's soft warmth and hands that moved from back to butt and up again as their tongues once again danced with each other. When the kiss was over Gail said, "Wow, I see what you mean. Now you've given me something to think about too."

"Did we tell you about our threesome shower?"'

"No what's the story there?"

Well Meredith and I bathed Joe and then Joe and her bathed me but when it was Joe and me for Meredith Joe was washing her back and butt so that meant I had to do her front."

"Oh no you didn't."

"Gail I didn't know if I could wash her...her pussy. But there was that damn magic again and before I knew it I was kneeling down and bathing know her lips and, well everything. My finger even slipped inside of her for a second. What got me was it didn't feel any different than washing my own except I could see exactly what I was doing and it was fine. I even liked how it felt to touch her.
