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"It's okay," I interrupted, not wanting him to be reminded of his time in prison. "I guess I should be glad that you're that comfortable with me. But I would die if you walked in while I was going to the bathroom. So...."

I rinsed my mouth and left the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I went to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee and let the dogs out into the back yard.

By the time I got back to the bathroom, Moose was finishing up brushing his teeth. I walked in and turned on the shower. I crinkled my nose at the smell that lingered in the room and he looked at me and laughed. I couldn't help but laugh, too. When he laughed, it was infectious.

I stepped into the shower and I motioned with my index finger for him to join me.

He got into the shower and pushed me against the back wall and kissed me hard. I grabbed at him and pulled him closer. My hard dick pushed into his groin while his quickly stiffened and poked into my stomach.

"I wanna fuck you, Danny," he growled at me.

I nodded frantically. He turned me around so that I was facing the wall. I looked back and watched him grab the shower gel and squirt it into his hand. He smeared it up the crack of my ass and around his fat cock. I braced myself against the wall with my hands.

"Spread your legs."

I obeyed him without question. He moved closer and squatted down slightly and pushed up into me. His thick rod slid into me nice and easy until his furry bush was resting against my smooth ass.

"M-m-moose," I quivered.

Moose grabbed my hips and began pushing in and out of me.

"Jesus fucking Christ, your pussy is tight."

"God, your dick is so fat and hot inside me. Fuck me," I begged.

He gripped me tight and began slamming his cock in and out of me, alternating shallow and long strokes, speeding up and slowing down. He knew exactly where my spot was and he rammed into it with every thrust.

"No, don't stop," I cried out when he pulled out.

He turned me around and put my arms around his neck. He lifted me and pinned me against the back wall. He pushed his hips up and began pounding into me. I gripped him tightly. It felt so good, so amazing. His dick was so hot and so hard.

"Oh god, oh yes!" I panted.

His mouth clamped onto my neck and he sucked hard. My body began quivering and I tripped.

"I'm coming!" I cried out.

My ass clamped onto his fat shaft and squeezed rhythmically as my dick pulsed come in between our wet bodies.

Moose stifled a groan and he came hard with a triumphant shout of my name. His cock thickened even further and it throbbed and jerked inside me. I felt the hot heat of his thick juices pulsing into me and running down my leg.

"Oh god, oh my god," I panted.

Moose stepped back and his cock slipped from my ass. I felt his semen ooze out of me and run down my leg. I laid my head against the shower wall and looked at him through half closed eyes and grinned.

He looked at me in horror. "Danny! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to... to come inside you."

He started to get upset and I put my arms around him.

"Shh. It's okay, Moose. I promise, it's okay. I would have stopped you if I didn't want it."

"You're the only person I've been with since before... They make us take tests when we go in, so I don't have anything... You know what I mean? I promise."

"It's okay, Moose."

"You're not mad?"

"No. I... I liked it," I blushed. "You felt good inside me."


"Yeah. You're the only one who's ever been inside me like that."


"Yeah. Only you."

"I love you, Danny. Love you so much."

We started kissing and then reluctantly pulled away so that we could get cleaned up before the hot water ran out.

After we showered and dressed, we went to the kitchen and had a cup of coffee. We didn't have time to cook breakfast since we took so long playing in the shower, so we made some toast and and took it with us.

We drove separately to work. We were the first to arrive as normal. It was raining cats and dogs and I ran to the side door as fast as I could and unlocked it. We were both laughing when we got inside. After I tossed my briefcase on my desk, I went to the break room and started the coffee like always. Moose walked in and came up behind me. He put his arms around me and nibbled my neck.

"You've got a hickey," he whispered.

He nibbled on my neck again and I giggled and squirmed against him.

"Fuck, you're making my cock hard," he groaned.

"What the hell are you doing?!" a voice shouted.

I gasped and turned around to see my Dad standing in the doorway.

Dad advanced on us and punched Moose square in the face. Moose stood there and took the punch. I jumped in front of him and pushed Dad back.

"Stop!" I screamed.

Dad was livid. He tried to get around me and get at Moose. "Are you fucking my boy?! You filthy piece of shit!"

"Dad, stop it! Leave him alone!"

"You let this dirty ex-con trash touch you?" he looked at me with disgust, before turning back to Moose. "You ain't good enough for my boy! Fucking murderer!"

I gasped in horror. "Dad, please!"

Dad swung at Moose again and clocked him in the jaw. Moose just stood there.

I started to cry and I pulled Dad away from him.

"You're fired," Dad spat. "Get the fuck out of my building! And if you ever come near my son again, I will fucking kill you!"

Dad lunged for Moose and I had to pull him back. Moose pushed past the crowd that had started to gather and left. I sobbed and looked at Dad.

"How could you?!" I screamed. "I'm in love with Moose. And he loves me. But you don't care. He's a good person, but you don't want to see the person he is inside, the person he's become. You only see what he did all those years ago. I'll never forgive you for this, Dad. Never!"

Dad looked at me with his mouth agape. I shoved past him and ran through the crowd out to the parking lot. Moose's truck was already gone. I got in my car and drove to the motel he was staying at. His truck wasn't there, so I kept going towards my place. He wasn't there either, so I doubled back to the motel.

I pulled into the parking lot of the motel and I ran through the rain into the lobby. I walked up to the elderly woman at the front desk.

"Hi," I panted. "I'm looking for Marvin Kellogg. He's in Room 214. Can you call his room for me?"

"Room 214? Sorry, hon, he checked out."

It felt like she just stabbed me in the gut. I stumbled out of the lobby and let the rain soak me to the bone as I shuffled back to my car.

As I got to my car, Dad's truck pulled in next to me. He pushed open the passenger door.

"Get in, Danny!" he shouted over the rain.

I just stood there shivering looking at him like he was crazy.

"Get in," he repeated.

I got into the truck and he pulled a blanket from under the back seat and wrapped it around me.

"He's gone, Dad," I cried. "You got your wish."

Dad sighed. "I don't understand, son. How could fall in love with that man?"

"You don't know Marvin, Dad. You never took the time to talk to him. He made a mistake a long time ago. Yes, he got drunk and someone died. But it was an accident. He has spent the last ten years beating himself up. He'll never forget or forgive himself for what happened, but that just shows how much he cares and how big his heart is. I would give my life to make it all go away, to let him be happy and at peace."

I looked up at Dad and he stared at me in silence.

"He's a good person, Dad. He deserves to have some happiness. And I think he has that with me."

"You're a smart kid, Danny. And you've got a big heart. I guess I should trust you know what you're doing. You really love this guy?"

"Yes, Dad. I do. He's the one, Dad. The one I want to share my life with."

Dad sighed. "All right. Let's go see if we can find your man."

I looked at Dad and started to cry. "Really?"

He took me in his arms and patted my back.

"I just want you to be happy, son. That's all I ever wanted for you. You forgive me?"

"Yes. Thank you, Dad," I sniffled and hugged him tighter.

We quickly laid out our search plans and I got into my car and we took off. We drove around for a few hours, checking in with each other regularly.

Dad finally called and said it was too dark and raining too hard to continue. I agreed to go home and get some rest.

After hanging up with Dad, I got onto the highway and headed west. I figured he would head towards Chicago. I didn't really have a plan. I just drove.

I drove for about an hour when I saw a truck on the side of the road. It looked like Moose's truck.

'Oh, please, let it be him!'I thought

I pulled up behind it and ran to the passenger side and looked in. He wasn't inside. I touched the hood of the truck and it was cool. I guess it had broken down. I opened the door and pulled out his big duffel bag and put it in the back seat of my car.

I pulled back onto the highway and started driving. I drove for nearly an hour when I saw the big guy on the side of the highway walking. He was hunched down, his jacket over his head. As I approached, he held out his thumb and I pulled over to the side.

I leaned over and pushed open the passenger side door. Moose bent down and looked at me in shock. "Danny?"

"Moose, get in."

He hesitated for a second and then climbed into the car.

"What... What are you doing here?"

"I have been searching for you all day. Why did you leave me?"

I threw my arms around him and sobbed. He brought his arms around me and held me tight.

"Don't you ever do that again, you big dummy!" I said as I shoved him.

I let him go and sniffled and wiped my nose.

"What are you doing here?" he repeated.

"I'm taking you home. But first, you need to get out of those wet clothes. I brought your bag from your truck. Come on, get undressed."

I leaned over into the backseat and unzipped his duffel. I looked back at Moose. He sighed and started to get undressed.

"God... You're soaked, Moose," I said as I took the wet clothing from him.

Moose stripped complete bare. I couldn't help but look at him. He reached into his bag and grabbed a flannel shirt and used it to dry himself off. He pulled out a pair of sweat pants and a sweatshirt and pulled them on.

I turned the heat up to high and put my car in gear and drove up to the next exit. I turned around and headed back east towards home.

"What about your dad, Danny? He was right. I don't deserve you."

"Stop! I don't want to hear that ever again," I said firmly. "I love you and you love me. That should be all that matters."

"Okay," he whispered.

"Crap. I need to call Dad."

I picked up the phone and dialed his number.


"Danny? You okay?"

"Yeah. I found him. We're on our way home. His truck broke down on the highway."

"The highway? Tell me where and I'll call to get it towed."

I told Dad about where the truck was and we said goodnight and hung up.

"I can't believe you came and got me," he said.

"Why? You think I'm gonna let you get away from me that easy? But the next time I have to come chasing after you... When I find you, I'm gonna cut your dick off."

Moose chuckled and shook his head. "You're bossy when you get pissed."

I looked over at him and laughed.

Once we got home and got the dogs satisfied, I told Moose to take a long, hot shower. While he did that, I cleaned out one side of my closet. I emptied his duffel bag and hung up his clothes. I placed his underwear and t-shirts on the shelves that were supposed to be for linens. I took his dirty and wet clothes and brought them out to the laundry closet.

Moose came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist as I was loading the washing machine.

"Danny? Where'd you put my clothes?" he asked.

"In the closet."

He walked off to the bedroom. Once I got the washing machine started, I went to the bedroom to check on him. He was standing in the closet staring at his hanging clothes.

"You okay?" I asked.


"Please, Moose. I want you to stay with me. Please don't leave me."

My eyes filled with tears and he pulled me to him and hugged me tight.

"I won't leave you, baby. I promise."

Moose leaned down and kissed me. I cupped his bearded face in my hands.

"I love you, Marvin."

"I love you, too, Danny."

"Come on. Let me make you something warm to eat."

I went to the kitchen and heated up some chicken noodle soup and made him two grilled cheese sandwiches. I made myself a sandwich and we sat down at the kitchen table and ate our dinner.

"You feeling okay?" I asked.

"I feel great."

We smiled at each other and finished our meal. After we finished, I loaded the dishes into the dishwasher.

I took the dogs outside so that they could go to the bathroom. Once they came back in, I wiped them down with a towel and sent them off to their beds.

"You ready for bed?" I asked Moose.


I took his hand and we went into the bedroom. I shut the door behind us and led him to the bed. We undressed and climbed into bed and I pulled the covers up over us. We laid on our sides facing each other. Moose's hand moved to my face.

"You're too good to be true," he said. "You saved me, Danny. You saved me."

"You're my soul-mate, Marvin. I love you."

Moose leaned in and kissed me passionately. His tongue pushed into my mouth and he licked at my tongue, beckoning it to play with his. We kissed and made out. I stroked my hands all over his furry body.

I slid down his body and turned around. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and stroked him. I glided his foreskin back and forth over the head. I moaned when I felt Moose's mouth on me. I looked and saw him take me into his mouth. His cheeks hollowed in as he sucked. I dove onto his dick and sucked him hard. I slid down his fat cock until I choked and then drew back. I bobbed up and down on him while he did the same to me.

Just when I was about to come, he pulled off me. He grabbed the lube off the nightstand and pushed me onto my back. He moved between my legs and pushed my legs up to my chest. He shoved his face into my crack and went wild. His tongue and mouth were all over my ass. I cried out and grabbed his head as he swirled his tongue around me, kissing and licking and sucking at my hole. His tongue pushed inside me and I moaned wantonly as I writhed on the bed, lost in ecstasy.

He moved up my dick and took me into his mouth as he pushed his finger into me. He bobbed his head up and down my shaft while he slipped another finger into me.

"I'm coming," I moaned. "Oh god, I'm coming!"

My ass clamped onto Moose's fingers and I came hard into his sucking mouth. He swallowed every drop and I finally had to pull him off my ultra-sensitive dick.

I fell back into the bed as he moved on top of me. I was so relaxed after my climax that he slid right into me with no pain.

He fucked me slowly, but each thrust was hard and intense. I knew he was close to the edge, but trying to hold back. He quickly built up speed.

"Come inside me, Moose," I whispered.

"Oh god, baby!" he called out as his thrusts became erratic. One last shove and he was grunting his release into me.

He rolled off me onto his back. We turned around so that our heads were back at the pillows. I moved up and straddled his hips. I reached behind me and took his still hard cock and I sat back on it. He slid into my slimy tunnel with ease.

I looked down at him with lust in my eyes.

"I love your big dick," I whispered. "I love it inside me. It's the biggest and best I ever had."

"Your ass is so fucking tight, baby. You make me feel so good. I love you so fucking much."

I braced myself onto Moose's belly and slid up and then slammed myself back down.

"Oh god," I groaned.

"Fuck my cock, baby," he growled. "Fuck me, Danny."

He brought his rough and calloused hands up to my chest. He ran his thumbs over my hard nipples, then slid his hands down my body to my hips.

I bounced up and down his fat cock. He gripped my hips tight to guide me as he thrust up into me.

I looked down at him. He was staring at my face, his eyes dark with lust.

"Love... you... Moose," I panted.

"You're so fucking sexy, baby," he voiced, deep and husky. "Fuck, you're gonna make me come."

I grabbed his hand and pushed it towards my cock.

"Moose, please," I whispered.

"You want me to touch you, baby?"

"Yes, please," I cried as I rode him harder, slamming my prostate onto his cock over and over.

"Tell me. Tell me what you want."

"Touch me, Moose. Make me come..."

Moose spit into his hand and wrapped it around my cock. I thrust up into his hand and then slammed back down onto his cock. I did it over and over until I cried out in ecstacy.


Ropes of hot come ejected from my dick and arced across Moose's chest and stomach. My hole convulsed around his pistoning cock and he grabbed my hips and pulled me down as he slammed up into me.


I felt his dick pulsing and throbbing as it spurt jets of hot semen deep inside my hot tunnel. I fell forward onto my big lover and he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed all over my head. I slid off him and crumpled at his side in exhaustion.

Moose got up out of bed and returned with a warm, damp towel. He wiped my chest and stomach down. He gingerly picked up my soft dick and gave it a cleaning. He then ran the towel up between my legs a couple of times. I was half asleep when he came back to bed. He pulled me to him and I looked into his eyes.

They glistened and sparkled. I saw love and joy reflected back at me. The sadness was gone.

I smiled at him and kissed him. He turned onto his side and I rolled over and snuggled back into him. He brought his arm around me and pulled me close.

"I love you, Danny," he whispered as he kissed the top of my head.

"I love you, too."

I felt his breathing slow down and even out. Then he began snoring lightly behind my head.

It was the first time he ever fell asleep before me. In fact, he slept through the entire night and didn't wake up until after I did.

I knew then that he'd be okay. He just needed love. Love can fix anything.

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SummerSammySummerSammyabout 1 month ago

Beautiful and sexy!

Brahms21Brahms21almost 2 years ago

So goood, love CAN really fix anythingโค

Spadger2Spadger2over 3 years ago
love Can Fix Anything

I don't know how many times I have read this wonderful story Rob. But for someone who has only been in a heterosexual relationship I can still appreciate the Love between Danny and Moose. I think stories about their relationship would be very acceptable to your fans (and I am sure there must be many.).

Thank you again for the pleasure you give your readers.

Love from Patrick

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Love Can Fix Anything

Once mor I has to come back o this wonderful story, Rob. The magic you weave into your stories surely must be based on you own life's experiences.

May I wish you and your husband happiness together always.

Love and Blessings from Patrick.

Spadger2Spadger2over 3 years ago
Made for Each Other

You have just woven your magic on me once more,Rob. Even though I have never had a gay experience, I can feel the Love that exists between Danny and Moose. Thank you so much for this great story which, no doubt, I shall return to again. One can really feel the Love between them.

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