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Carol felt another surge of moisture between her legs. Turning and walking up the stairs she glanced back over her shoulder to see Paul standing at the bottom and watching her go up.

"He's looking up my dress," she thought and another twinge in her groin told her that she liked him looking at her.

The office was tiny. It wasn't much more than a large closet with a window in it. Glancing around, Carol saw piles of papers all over the place and what looked like textbooks stacked on shelves along the wall. She opened the lid on the desktop copier and lined up the first sheet to be copied.

"No sense in wasting paper," she thought and inserted the copies he had made into the feeder tray and hit the start button.

She felt rather than saw Paul as he entered the room behind her.

"Got it working all right?" He asked.

"Yep. It'll only take a minute," she replied and took a sip of her drink.

Carol watched as the first copy slid out of the copier. She immediately recognized that she had put the sheets in upside down and the new page was being copied over the text already on the sheet.

"Oops!" She said. "How do you stop this thing?"

"Here," Paul said and reaching his arm under hers he pushed a button to stop the machine.

"Let me straighten this out," he said and pulled the upside down sheets out of the feeder tray with his other hand. Carol realized that the palm of his right hand was now flat against her belly. He pulled her gently back against his chest before releasing her and used both hands to reshuffle the pages.

He reinserted the copies into the feeder tray and punched in the copy number.

"Careful you don't get any toner on your pretty dress," he said and smoothed the front of her dress with both of his hands flat against her belly.

His fingers were only inches away from meeting at her pussy. Carol didn't know how to get out of her situation without causing a fuss and besides he was making her feel good. She held still and she did not pull away from their body-to-body contact.

Working from behind her, Paul restarted the machine and they watched the light come on for the first copy.

"Uh, what did you say you did?" She asked to break the moment.

"I do consulting work," he responded and moved away from her.

Sitting down in his office chair he moved the computer mouse and the screen came to life. An image of a beautiful red-haired woman filled the screen. She was completely nude and the freckles on her almost white body seemed to pop out at Carol.

The woman was lying on her side with one foot flat on the floor or whatever she was lying on. Her pussy was completely exposed and there wasn't a hair on it. Her breasts, topped by pinkly erect nipples, hung down a little but they could not be called saggy by any means.

"That's my wife, Susan," he said by way of introduction. "Beautiful, isn't she?"

Carol felt a wave of heat start at her toes and move up her legs and into her belly. Her face was on fire and she heard herself gasp for air. She literally felt her moisture gush out of her pussy and run down her thigh. Holding onto the back of his chair for support, Carol leaned her hip against his desk.

"Yes, she is," Carol forced a whispered reply from her lips.

"You are also a lovely lady," he said without looking up at her. "Your essence is intoxicating."

At first, Carol did not know what he meant. Then she realized he was talking about the smell of her sex that was radiating out from between her legs. Now, she could smell it too.

"I-I-I've got to be going," she said and put her drink down on the top of his desk.

"So soon?" He asked without looking at her. "Stay a little while longer."

He emphasized his words by grasping the inside of the calf of her right leg. "You're not in a real hurry. Are you? I want to show you something."

"Show me what?" She thought. Carol's body jerked when the image of an erect penis covered by a condom flashed in her mind. She made no reply and made no effort to stop his hand from caressing her leg. The heat from his hand was burning her skin and she was not sure that she could continue to stand beside him without fainting.

Chapter 10

Paul's left hand continued to caress the inside of her right leg just below her knee. He maneuvered the computer mouse and charts and graphs moved across the screen. He talked about chemicals and toxins and Carol understood nothing except that her body was betraying her marriage vows.

Carol wanted to move but she couldn't force herself away from the pleasure that was building inside of her. Paul was making her feel wanted and desirable. She was not a housewife and a mother at this moment. She was a sensuous woman whose needs were being met by a near stranger.

Paul's hand moved inexorably up the inside of her leg and Carol tried to shift her feet to open her thighs a little. The office was so cluttered that her shoe caught on a box sitting next to the desk. Without pausing in his description of his work and the moving computer images, Paul dropped his hand from her leg and reached down to open the bottom drawer of the desk before returning his hand to her leg.

Carol immediately understood his intentions and she raised her left foot and rested the sole of her sandal on the top edge of the drawer. Her body was now completely open to his caresses and she willed him to continue.

"Thom's arms bulged when he lifted Elanora up onto the low-hanging limb of the tree. She rested one foot on the crotch of the branches and the other hung down with her bare toe just touching the warm earth.

Thom wasted no time and his hands moved between her legs and caressed the insides of her thighs. Elanora's body trembled with desire. She wanted and needed this man to take her again. He was quickly learning that she needed to be treated tenderly and that she was not to be taken as a beast would take its mate.

He massaged her thighs and his thumbs crept closer to her center. She was panting now and she closed her eyes and widened the space between her thighs in anticipation of his touch."

Paul's hand moved slowly up and clasped the inside of her thigh. Carol could feel his thumb as it traced little circles on her damp flesh. Her body's lubrication had trickled far enough down her leg to where he was feeling it under his hand.

His hand left her leg and moved to the outside of her thigh. It continued up until his fingers were tracing along the crease between her butt and her leg.

His hand moved still higher and it gently squeezed the cheek of her ass. His thumb was now resting on the upper reaches of the crack of her ass. As he moved it down her ass he pressed it between her cheeks and she clenched her muscles in response to his gentle probing. Another squeeze of her cheek and his hand dropped to the inside of her leg.

He again traced little circles with his thumb. Each circle moved his touch closer to her pussy. She was sure that he could feel her heat and her moisture. Carol's sandal made a scraping noise on the desk drawer as she moved to open herself even more to his touch.

Paul's voice droned on but neither he nor Carol was aware of what he was saying. All of their senses were focused on the point where his thumb was contacting her flesh. Paul stopped talking and, except for the hum of the computer, the room fell silent.

Paul's hand moved higher and, as he grazed the edge of his thumb along her saturated pussy lips, Carol's chin dropped to her chest and a sound like a whimper escaped her lips. Her head lolled to the side and her mouth went slack as her legs tensed with the anticipation of his next move.

Paul was now tightly holding her leg and pulling her hip against him. Each time his thumb passed along the length of her pussy lips, Carol whimpered. Each time his thumb moved against her it crept another millimeter deeper inside of her.

Her knees were bowed as she attempted to spread her thighs to the limits of her tendons. His thumb continued its slow penetration until the next time that he moved it upwards it passed under her distended clitoris and induced a long, low cry of need from her throat.

Carol's hand moved from the back of his chair and she pulled Paul's head tightly against her hip. She was now moving in counter rhythm to Paul's thumb as it probed her opening. Her shoe fell off and it clattered into the drawer as she lifted and bent her left knee until it rested on the top of the desk. The muscles in her calf tensed when she raised herself up on the tiptoes of her right foot.

Paul knew that she was close. He inserted his thumb entirely into her pussy and clenched her clitoris between it and his moving index finger. His massage sent her over the edge and Carol exploded into a shuddering orgasm. Her breath streamed out of her lungs accompanied by a long, low moan that signaled her completion.

Chapter 11

Carol sat in the driver's seat of her car and contemplated what had just happened to her. It was like a dream or like one of her romance novels.

She had just allowed a man who was not her husband to fondle her to an orgasm and she had enjoyed it.

No words were spoken between them after she had come down from her climax. He kept his thumb inside of her until she put her foot back onto the floor and backed away from him. He retrieved her sandal from the bottom drawer and she took it from his hand. Lifting her right leg, she removed that sandal and held it in her fingers along with the other one.

She avoided looking at him and he did not get up from his chair when she turned and walked out of the office and down the stairs on trembling legs. It was not until she had made the second turn around the block towards her home that she realized that she had forgotten the letters that were still in the copying machine.

Carol felt a slight thrill of excitement, followed by a wash of guilt, when she realized that they would have another opportunity to get together when she picked up the letters.

When she climbed out of her car, she had to pull her dress away from where it was stuck to her still wet pussy. Carrying her sandals in her hand, she hurried into the house and threw her purse on the chair. A quick glance in the mirrored hall closet door confirmed her suspicion. The back of her skirt did have a huge wet spot on it. Carol giggled, smoothed her hand over her butt and pulled her dress away from her sticky body.

"Just like Clinton's girlfriend's dress," she thought. "Maybe I should give it to my mother to hold for me."

Laughing at her own joke she skipped up the stairs to their bedroom. Stripping off her dress she realized that she had left her pantyhose in her handbag. Still feeling the euphoria of her little tryst, Carol hurried downstairs wearing just her bra. She reached her purse, retrieved her pantyhose and scampered back upstairs like a child who had just gotten away with something.

Examining herself she realized that she was still all swollen and sensitive down there. Her orgasm had not really satisfied her completely and she was left wanting more. She wanted to feel a man inside of her.

After washing the evidence of her gratification off of her legs and crotch Carol sat on the edge of their bed. She wondered why she was feeling so exhilarated and not guilty. She had just cheated on her husband with a guy who is almost bald and whom she didn't even have any real feeling for.

"He sure had feelings for me," she giggled as she remembered his fingers caressing her. She lay back on the bed and pulled her panties up over her knees. Planting her feet on the mattress, she raised her butt so that she could get her panties up to her waist. She rolled over on her side and picked up her book from the bedside table. Fluffing up the pillows under her shoulders, Carol opened her book and continued to read.

"Elanora's knees were spread wide to allow Thom to stand between them. The tree branch that she was sitting on was uncomfortable but the sensations that Thom's hands were causing at the center of her womanhood made it worthwhile. Thom continued to caress her and she held him tighter and tighter against her breasts. His moving fingers made her forget everything but the pleasure that he was giving her. Stepping back, Thom released his turgid manhood from under his robes. Elanora marveled at its shiny hardness and she reached for it and pulled him into her moist cavern."

"Mom, we're home," the voice of the twins interrupted Carol and she closed the book and lay there for a moment.

"I wonder if I can really let him fuck me?" She thought. "Is it worth it? What if Jim finds out? What if I fall in love with him? That won't happen stupid, you just want to get laid by someone different. There is no love involved, only sex."

"Mom! I'm hungry," the voice was outside of her bedroom door.

Carol pulled her hand from underneath her panties and rose to get dressed.

"I'll be right down," she said and bent over to pull up her sweats.

When she straightened up her eyes went to the Dwyer's house just a hundred feet away. She thought she saw a figure in the bedroom window looking out at her. The sun's glare may have fooled her but she felt a surge in her groin as she planned her next move.

Chapter 12

After making a snack for the twins, Carol peeled some potatoes and got dinner going. She pulled some frozen cordon blue entrees out of the freezer and was choosing a vegetable when Jim walked in the door.

She was on the phone with Tim who was telling her that he had to stay late for practice when Jim came home.

"Hi honey," he said and gave her a quick kiss and a hug. "I'm going to take a quick shower before dinner. OK?"

"Sure, I'll hold off on my gourmet micro waving until you come down, she said. "On second thought, maybe I'll come up and wash your back for you," she added.

Jim looked at her in surprise. She hadn't made him an offer like that in quite a while.

"That would be nice," he said with a little note of caution in his voice.

Carol checked on the twins who were watching television in the family room. She told them that she would be back in a few minutes and went up to their bedroom. Jim was already in the shower by the time she got there so she stripped and opened the bathroom door. The steam in the bathroom had fogged the mirror and the shower doors. Carol stepped to the shower doors and knocked on them while pressing her naked body against them. She could see Jim turn around and stare at her.

Carol giggled and sliding the door open she stepped into the shower and into Jim's arms. He was all slippery and soapy and she moved her body against his. She had not really recovered from her little episode just a few hours before and she was ready for more. Jim accommodated her by sliding his fingers between her opening thighs and pushing her up against the wall of the shower.

Carol's hands found Jim's cock and she gently stroked him.

"Easy, honey, easy," he moaned. "You got me so excited that I'm right on the edge."

Carol slowed her stroking but it was too late. Jim groaned again and mashed himself up against her. His erection was trapped between their bodies and it rubbed her wet belly as he humped against her.

Carol was trying to raise herself up on her tiptoes to at least get his cock between her legs and against her pussy but he was holding her too tightly. She was trying to push his arms loose when he gave a louder groan and squashed her tightly against himself. She could do nothing except hang on as his cum spurted out of him and onto their already slippery skin.

"I'm sorry, honey," he apologized when he stopped cumming. "I couldn't wait. I'll make it up to you tonight. I promise."

"That's OK," Carol replied without conviction. "I'd better get back downstairs and finish dinner."

Carol dried herself and threw on a light robe before going downstairs. She was pissed off at Jim and pissed off at herself for setting herself up like that. She had calmed down a little by the time she got the table set and sent the twins off to wash for dinner.

Carol was still a little miffed during dinner but she tried not to show it. They ate dinner while discussing the usual family stuff about school and how they were going to arrange the schedules to get the twins back and forth to their softball and soccer games.

Carol was cleaning the kitchen and the twins were up in their rooms, supposedly doing their homework. Jim was watching television and reading the paper when the doorbell rang.

"Who can that be," Carol asked herself. "Get that will you please," she called to Jim. "I'm not dressed."

A few minutes later Jim came into the kitchen carrying a manila envelope. Carol felt a moment of fright when she recognized it as the one containing the original cheerleader letters that she had earlier given to Paul Dwyer.

"Our new neighbor brought this over for you," Jim said. "He said that he saw you at the drugstore fighting with a broken copy machine and that he volunteered to make the copies."

"Oh! He didn't have to bring them over tonight. I'll have to call him and thank him tomorrow," Carol offered.

"You won't have to call him. He's still here," Jim replied. "Would you like a beer or something?" He asked over his shoulder.

Paul's voice came out of the living room area, "A beer would be great. Thank you."

"I'll be right in," Jim said as he motioned Carol to greet their visitor.

"But, I'm not dressed," she said.

"Oh, you look fine. He's only a neighbor," Paul laughed.

"If you only knew my secret," Carol thought and walked into the living room.

Paul stood up and greeted her when she walked into the room.

"Hello, Mrs. Fielder," He said louder than he had too. "I was in the neighborhood and I thought I'd drop the copies by."

Paul continued walking towards Carol and held out his hand in greeting. Carol continued with the charade and glancing over her shoulder towards the kitchen, she offered her hand. Paul grasped it and pulled her towards him. He grasped her waist with his left hand and she again felt the familiar touch of his fingers as he searched for the elastic of her underwear.

Carol's knees got weak and for a moment she though she was going to fall.

"Don't you ever wear panties?" He whispered with a little laugh.

Aloud he said," No problem, I wanted to meet your husband anyway."

Carol gave him a dirty look and he smiled at her. Without taking his eyes off of the kitchen door over her shoulder, Paul brought his left hand back towards her belly and turning his wrist he tried to cup her pussy through her light robe. Carol gasped and arched her back to pull away from him but he held tightly to her hand.

"It feels like rain," he said loudly and tried to push his fingers up into her. "It's a little damp."

"Stop it!" She hissed at him. "Stop it this instant."

Paul released Carol's hand and stepped back as Jim's voice came from the doorway.

"I'm going out to the garage and get some more beer. We only have a couple of cans left in the fridge," he announced.

As soon as the door to the garage clicked shut, Paul pulled Carol back towards him. This time his hands were on her waist and he pressed their bellies together.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Carol whispered loudly. "Are you crazy? He could come back in any minute."

"It's OK, I'm watching," Paul said. "Damn you feel good and you smell nice."

Carol felt herself giving in to the excitement of the moment and she allowed her body to relax against Paul's. His erection was prominently sticking up along the fly of his shorts and he rubbed it against her belly. Carol's pussy started to throb and she rose on her tiptoes to raise her pussy so she could feel him against it.

Raising her face towards his, their eyes met and Carol glanced down at his lips. Paul got the hint and he lowered his face. Their lips met for the first time and Carol's breath whooshed out of her nose at the contact. It was a gentle kiss and their tongues touched briefly before Paul suddenly broke the kiss and pulled back.