Sharing the MILF List Ch. 10


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I found the entrance to Peppers, Bickerstaff and Kline. I hesitated outside till I saw the blond woman staring at me. I pulled open the door and tried to saunter in like I owned the place. I doubt anyone was fooled. I wore a nice outfit with jacket and everything but with an open necked shirt; ties are not my thing. The blond, Blondie in my mind, stepped up to me and extended a hand.

"Mr. Duncan?" She said in a breathy voice.

I gulped as my cock twitched and began to inflate. I was already primed and this woman just frosted the cake. She was blond but the rest of her was pretty awesome too. I closed my eyes for a moment and when they opened I could see confusion and a bit of concern in her eyes.

"Are you okay, sir?"

I nearly giggled. This woman, twenty-eight or twenty-nine I figured, so nearly ten years older than me. She called me "sir". I shook my head. "How old are you, miss?"

The blush was so sudden and so profound I thought I had really fucked up but her eyes dropped and she said softly, "Old enough." She said.

I nodded an acknowledgement. "Twenty-five," I said confidently. "You look twenty-five. I'm always right about this."

When she looked up her green eyes were glittering and she smiled a not-very-businesslike smile at me. "Right this way." She breathed at me.

I shuddered. My cock twitched and grew. The woman turned and my eyes took a moment to get the image of her cleavage out of my mind. The tight red blouse hugged her and I envied it. I moved to keep close to her, eyes fixed on her sashaying hips. What legs! What an ass! The thoughts rattled around in me and put a hitch in my step while I tried to adjust my cock, giving it room to . . . whatever. I tagged along after her into a smallish office.

"Right in here. Make yourself comfortable." Miss Blondie gestured to the easy chair by the door. She slipped behind it and lowered the blinds looking out on the rest of the office and then tilted them closed. She turned and smiled at me, crowding the chair where she directed me to sit. "Mrs. Honeywell will be right with you."

I moved around her and she stepped to the door, her high heels made her walk like a young deer nosing through a thicket except she was full grown. She turned and hugged her breasts to the door frame. "Can I get you anything, Mr. Duncan?" She asked then her head twisted to look out of the room and she was gone. Something spooked her. I went to the door, hating the feel of an open door with my back to it. I noticed one of the gumbies from the previous week. The white one, one of the partners but realized I did not know his name, Bickerstaff or Kline. He was staring at me. I closed the door and sat on the far side of the room. The room was dim, lit only by the light from the big cubicle warehouse outside. The office was small, made smaller by the large wooden desk. I sat in a chair against one wall at the end of the couch/love seat. Another lounge sat at the other end right beside the door where Blondie had suggested I sit.

My heart thundered and for a moment I wondered if I was scared and then I realized I was imagining Alissa Honeywell bent over this big desk, my cock pressing into her body, her full, arched black ass bunching up against me as I entered her. I thought again of her gasping, ebony face, how her eyes fluttered and squinted as she felt a man enter her. When the door opened I jerked like I had been shot.

The gumbie appeared. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

I leaned back and stretched, balanced one leg on my other knee. "Sitting." I said. "Say, I remember you. You are one of the partners, right? Which are you, Peppers, Bickerstaff or Kline?" Before he could respond, I said, "Somebody told me Kline and Bickerstaff were twins but I did not believe them. So? Are you? Twins, I mean?"

The man's face went completely red, clear up into the comb-over that passed for hair. "Mr. Bickerstaff is black." He growled.

I snapped my fingers and put both feet on the floor and leaned forward. "Right! Right. He is the one with the sense of humor. That is how they tell you apart, right?" Honestly, I don't know what happens to me when I get scared. I get flirty or fucking chatty, bitchy I think, like a well-dressed switch-hitter who stumbles into a biker bar. I don't dress good enough to be gay but I always imagined this sort of witty repartee was what passed for the bitchy gay man under the eyes of some hulky homophobe; confused about whether to flirt or hiss and spit or run like hell. I did not like the looks of this asshole and yet I had to be careful, for Alissa's sake and my own, if I had any shot at their little job. That last thought locked in and I stood up and extended my hand. "Sonny Duncan, sir. Sorry to be such a smart ass. I have heard so much about you and what an impressive persona you have, I was stunned for a moment. I get chatty and stupid when that happens."

I almost burst with pride when the man shook my head, a look of confused pleasure on his face. I wanted a shower. At that moment, Alissa appeared at the door, Blondie peeking over her shoulder at me.

"Mr. Duncan? You are on time, I see." Alissa said in a chilly voice. She tilted her head. "I see you have meant one of the other partners, Mr. Kline, Sonny Duncan. You saw him at lunch last week."

"What is he doing here, Alissa?" The man rounded on her, planting hands on his hips. The cut in his suit coat widened and I imagined a tail poking out of the back of his pants. The image fit his stance so perfectly, I gurgled a choked laugh that earned me a glare from Alissa.

"I asked you a question, Mrs. Honeywell. What is this gentleman doing in my office?"

"Your office? This is my office until you and . . . until I get the office I was promised when I signed the partnership papers."

Mr. Kline ignored her. "I asked you a question. What is this, this boy doing in my offices?"

Alissa clicked her lips and let her breath out slowly. "I have some business with him."

"Business? What sort of business do you have with this boy? I am a senior partner and I deserve to know . . . . "

"My business." Sid's deep voice seemed to curdle the air from around the corner. Blondie gave away and disappeared. Sid's lanky, tall form created a shadow as he moved up behind Alissa. "Mr. Duncan is handling some business for me, private business. Business you best take no interest in, Mister, ah, I am sorry, was it Bickerstaff?"

I almost choked.

Alissa, seeming to take a cue from his appearance, stepped past Mr. Kline and moved behind the desk. I sat back down in my chair. Kline looked at Alissa, a questioning stare, a glare for me and then a smarmy, unctuous smile for Sid. Sid's expression did not change.

"Well, Mr. Kingston, if he is part of your business, I think it is only right that I be read into it right from the beginning. I am one of the senior partners, after all."

"Yes, you are but let us be clear. I am doing business with Mrs. Honeywell. Only Mrs. Honeywell. If that bothers you, I am sure I can find another firm."

"Oh, Mr. Kingston, that will not be necessary, will it Wilfred?" Alissa sounded scared. Before Mr. Kline had a chance to speak, Sid did.

"Mrs. Honeywell, I assure you our arrangement is not in any danger as far as I am concerned. If this gentleman and the other senior partner objects to how you handle my business, I am sure I can buy them out, change the name of this firm to Peppers and Honeywell." Sid grinned sardonically. "That seem a bit extreme don't you think, Mr. Kline?"

The man blubbered for a moment but then finally said, "Mr. Kingston, I just want to be sure you receive the best representation . . . ."

"I am sure you do." Sid turned around and spoke to someone whom I presumed was Blondie. "Would you ask the three women who arrived with me to join me here. They are still in the conference room, I believe. Thank you." Sid moved into the room and sat on the end of the couch closest to me. He extended his huge hand and shook mine. "How are you Sonny? Ready to do this?"

I could not help myself. "Or whomever." I said.

Alissa peeped and looked embarrassed.

Sid smiled without teeth and turned his big eyes to Wilfred Kline. "You are welcome to witness this final little bit of business if you like? I bet your curiosity is getting the best of you but, little kitty, you should remember what they say about curiosity." Sid settled back into the couch.

Kline looked down and he visibly straightened his shoulders and his egg-shaped back. "I am sure my involvement would benefit anything you need."

Sid lifted his eyes to the skies and shrugged his big shoulders in a large motion around his sigh; sort of phlegmatic, 'Have it your way' without the words. "You do have a very beautiful wife, Mr. Kline. Your second I believe."

Blondie appear leading Mother, Melissa and behind them, Annie. They trooped in. Melissa sat in the chair next to the door, Mom took the couch beside Sid and I got up and offered my seat to Annie. She nodded with a nervous smile and sat. For a moment, no one spoke, no one moved.

"Go, Mr. Kline or close the door." Sid nodded at Blondie. "Thank you Ms. Swearington. I appreciate all your help. I am sure Alissa will benefit from your particular benefits. I hope you enjoy working with her. Close the door for us, would you."

The blond Ms. Swearington glanced at Mr. Kline and when he did not bother to acknowledge her, she turned on the overhead light and left, closing the door behind her.

"So? What is this about?" Mr. Kline said in an avuncular tone. "I understand this is the last detail before you sign our contracts?"

Sid laid a big hand on my mother's leg and stretched his ent-like frame on the couch. It made his pants ride up and showed his gray socks and smooth nut-brown legs. My mother snuggled closer to him. I thought of sitting down beside them for a moment but then leaned against the wall at the end of the desk, liking my vantage point. I could not tell if I was a Roman, a lion or a Christian. I recalled Sid's comment about curiosity to the "little kitty". I decided this was the perfect time to make like a wise Roman and keep my mouth shut, so I did, secretly proud of my newly acquired super power. Then I thought of my smart comments to Monsieur Kline and I lost that flush of accomplishment. Only God knew what that little outburst would cost me.

Sid cleared his throat, still looking at me. His head swung back to Mr. Kline. "You have been researching me and you have discovered the aspect of my reputation that gives lots of men in your situation pause."

"My situation?" Kline said, nearly a sneer in his voice.

I glanced at Alissa and saw temerity in her eyes when hers met mine. She made no attempt to communicate, waiting to see what was coming next. I thought at the time she had more at stake than I did and admired her for her waiting. I was mistaken. Turned out I was Roman, lion and Christian.

"You have a trophy wife. What is her name, Portia?" Sid said.

In that moment, thinking back, I believe Mr. Kline realized he had stepped into a hole or maybe on a mine. "My wife? What does she have to do with it?"

"My reputation is for horning in on men who fuck away from home. But that is just sport, fucking a man's mistress right under his nose when he knows he cannot really object. But that is just sport. When it comes to business I am sure your investigation into me has revealed that I only do business with men. My reputation, I believe is that I fuck their wives, or girlfriends or sisters, a mother or two, daughters, whatever. It is a matter of business, a good exchange. My business for their most treasured pussy. I presume your various hints during the conference about the agenda being 'all there is to it' intimated at this and by now you are certain that it is all false. I assure you," Sid's hand slid high up my mother's leg. She bit a lip, stifling a gasp as his large hand moved under the hem of her tight, white, very unprofessional dress. Her legs parted and she slumped down on the couch. She jerked when his hand disappeared between her legs, his fingers must have touched her pussy. Her hips rose once, pressing against him.

Kline stared at her.

I was thinking that one huge cock and my mother turned into a cock slut. But her behavior made my cock hard. I wondered if I should try to hide my wood or not. Lion or Christian?

Sid continued. "I presume, Mr. Kline, that you and your partner thought it all bull, all hearsay and legend but I am here to assure you, both aspects of the legend are true. Are you sure you don't want to leave us to our business?"

Sid waited for Mr. Kline to pull his eyes away from the sight of my mother being fondled. The gumbie looked up and in a sort of a daze, shook his head.

"You want to understand how this is going to work, right? You thought that you would discover these stories about me are false or you would be in a position to take my business away from Mrs. Honeywell here, right? Because she is a woman and I only do business with men? Isn't that what you were thinking?" Sid stopped but then continued, giving only the merest impression that he cared about an actual answer. "You thought that I would not settle on Mrs. Honeywell because she is a woman and I would not fuck her husband or her son and since she has no daughter . . . " he glanced at Melissa who tucked her chin and cocked her head at him, the oddest smile on her lips. " . . . you thought I had not intention of doing business with her and that this was going to be your account, your business and you and your buddy were going to find a way to replace Mrs. Honeywell as my counsel. Isn't that right?" Now, Sid waited.

My mother groaned into the silence. Her head lolled back onto the back cushion of the couch. She lifted her hips, one hand gripping a cushion as Sid stroked her pussy.

Mr. Kline glanced at her and then returned his attention to Sid. He licked his nothing lips, so thin they looked itinerate mascara.

Sid ran his hand down my mother's leg to her knee and pulled it wider. My mother responded and she grunted when his hand disappeared under her skirt again, pushing it high on her thighs.

I got so hard.

"I did not introduce this woman. Her name is Cecelia Duncan." He nodded at me. "She is Mr. Duncan's mother. Mr. Duncan has made an arrangement with my wife, whom I did not introduce. Mai Li Ting is my wife, Annie Kingston." Annie glared hard at Mr. Kline, no acknowledgement of his glance. "I beg your pardon. Annie is fucking . . . or rather I should say, Mr. Duncan is fucking Annie. He can fuck her whenever he likes and she likes it a lot I understand. Annie, why don't you show Mr. Kline that Mr. Duncan can have what he likes from you? Suck his cock for us, why don't you?"

I gulped. My vision of a quick poke with Alissa bent over the desk turned out to be much less complicated than this reality I was watching unfolding before me.

Annie did not hesitate. She slipped to her knees and knee-walked over in front of me; an arresting sight in any circumstances but particularly in that situation for she was well dressed and coifed to look professional and alluring at once. The sight of this woman on her knees licking her lips unhinged me. She looked up at me, her serious eyes replete with eye makeup and green shadow. My gawd but she looked sexy staring up at me like that while she found and unbuckled my belt. The sound of my zipper sounded like a scream in the suddenly silent room. She unhitched the button and my trousers rumpled around my waist. My cock ignored everything since my eyes were fixed on the woman's lips which she kept licking. She smoothed my slacks away from my cock and they sagged down my thighs. They tickled me and I had a sudden compulsion to giggle. Annie saved me by running the palm of her little hand up the cloth arch of my covered cock, which sobered me. Suddenly I could not breath.

Then my mother groaned into the silence.

My eyes opened and I could see Mom twisting on the couch. With two hands she daintily picked up the edge of her white skirt and stretched it up and off Sid's hand. Sid had his middle "FUCK YOU" finger buried deep in my mother's cunt, her white satin panties pulled to the side to accommodate his dark hand. She was pumping her pussy up and down on his long, knuckled finger, perfectly framed with her white garter straps and the sash of the white belt.

For a moment I wondered what had become of her thong, the one I had slipped my cock past in our kitchen.

Annie's head turned to look at the sound. When she turned back, she pulled my briefs off my hard cock, which stopped any wondering about unimportant shit. With both hands she skimmed them down my hips and onto my thighs. A little hand gripped my cock and bent it to her lips. She kissed the head and then her mouth opened and I felt her tongue swiping at me. I was glad for the wall behind me. I locked me knees and arched my back a little as Annie's mouth smoothed down the singing length of my cock.

Damn but I wanted to groan.

"The arrangement is to their benefit and with me out of the country," Sid shrugged, "I do not begrudge Li Ting her orgasms. She certainly has to put up with all the stories you have heard. Everyone sees her and wonders how she can be married to someone so obviously unfaithful. The answer to that is none of your business but there is something you should know. Mrs. Duncan, would you care to help?"

Cici opened her eyes. She turned her head and said, "What? Sid? Uhhhh, what?"

"My cock, Mrs. Duncan. Show this good man my cock. He seems to think the legend is a lie."

While my mother got herself together and got to her knees between Sid's splayed legs, Annie sucked on my cock. Each time I thought I was going to come into her luscious mouth, she would hesitate, stop and wait. I felt like she was scooping out my brains with her tongue.

"I am here, Mr. Kline, was it? I am here because of Mrs. Honeywell. She understood this aspect of how I do business and she arranged for this part of my business; offered it in such a way I decided to look no further. I am impressed with her willingness to use sex to get what she wants. You see, the way this is going to work is this. Sonny fucks my wife. I fuck his mother. Since I cannot fuck Mrs. Honeywell and have no wish to do a son or a husband, Sonny is going to fuck Mrs. Honeywell for me. He will fuck her whenever, however and wherever he likes which in this case, since I am making a rather notable exception to my legend, will be quite often, I assure you. I will get my pound of flesh and Mr. Duncan there, will have his fill of your Mrs. Honeywell. In exchange for my business, Alissa has agreed to become his willing mistress. However, now that you insist in being read into this part of our deal, you are going to have to participate. You and your partner." Sid stopped talking to lift his ass.

Mom pulled his trousers and BVDs down his body, down his thighs and down to his ankles. His bare ent-legs glistened smoothly in the dim light, hairless and brown.

"Jesus Christ!" Mr. Kline muttered.

Mom put both hands around Sid's huge cock and tried to fit the mushroom head into her mouth. She licked, she slurped, she sucked. The cock swelled, straightened, stiffened and rose.

Sid tapped the side of Mom's face. "Mount me." He said softly.

Mom did not hesitate. She struggled to her feet and swept her panties down and off her legs.

Annie withdrew my cock from her head and, still sitting on her knees, twisted to watch my mother mount her husband. I noticed Melissa staring at Sid's monster cock.

"Fucking fuck me." Melissa whispered. "Oh fuck me!"

Sid put his legs together. Mom spread her legs and balanced on one knee, the other on the arm of the couch. She fit the head of the cock inside the entrance of her pussy and then she grunted and leaned into Sid. Sid held her by the hips and helped her control the cock piercing her body. Mom's body bucked once and she lost her hold. Her hips dropped a few inches. She twitched and grunted and then started to shake. She found her balance on both knees and pulled her hips back. Then she pounded them forward and down, taking half of Sid's monster cock deep into her welling body. She bent forward and lay her head onto Sid's shoulder.