She Wants More than the Tip


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"Are you and Anna planning to have kids?" Alicia asked, capturing his attention.

"Um, not right away. She said she wants to wait a few years." Ryan replied.

"Do you want to have kids?" Alicia asked.

"Yes, of course." Ryan said.

"Does Anna know this?" Alicia asked.

"Yeah, we talked about it." Ryan replied.

"Does she want kids?" Alicia said.

"Have you been listening to me? Anna wants kids too. She seemed open to it." Ryan started.

"Did she ever say, 'I want kids'?" Alicia asked.

"Well... not that I remember." Ryan said.

"Hmm, that's what I thought. Ryan, she's lying to you. She doesn't want kids. She's a scheming little bitch, and trust me, I know scheming little bitches. She'll make you wait a few years, and when you bring it up, she'll say 'Oh, not now, it's too busy now to have kids. It'll just be a few more years.' You'll wait patiently, like a good husband, and she'll keep putting it off, then finally she'll say 'I'm too old to start having kids'. You'll start to put together the pieces that she never wanted kids, but you're too deep in your marriage to get out by that point. If you stick with her, Ryan, you'll never have the children you're so desperate to have." Alicia said.

"That's not true." Ryan said.

"Okay, fine. Don't believe me. Just don't come crawling back to me when you realize the truth." Alicia replied. They continued their meal in silence. Ryan took another glance at Alicia's chest. He realized that if he looked real hard, he could see a slight outline of her nipples under her too-tight dress.

"It's probably best, you know, that you don't have kids with her. She's not exactly good looking. She'd probably have pretty ugly kids anyway." Alicia said.

"Fuck you." Ryan responded to the slander against his future wife.

"It's true, and you know it. You know you could do better. I'm guessing she was your first, right? She helped you grow into the man you are today. Now, you feel obligated to stay with her, even though in the back of your head you know you could do better." she said.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Ryan replied.

"Hmm, of course not." she said with a smug smile. Was there any truth to any of the things she said? Could it be possible that Anna didn't want kids? She had been noncommittal whenever they discussed it. Usually, if someone wanted kids they were pretty emphatic about it. Could it be that she actually didn't want kids? Could it be that Alicia was right?

"She probably wouldn't be a good mother anyway." Alicia started. "She strikes me as the type to just hire a nanny to do all the hard stuff. She would be too busy to actually care for her children. Not like me. I would be a great mommy. I can't wait to be a mommy."

Ryan was shocked again at her statement.

"You don't strike me as the type to want kids. You seem like too much of a... free spirit." Ryan said.

"You saying I'm too big of a slut to want kids?" she said with a smile. A trace of a smile appeared on Ryan's face before he caught himself. "I want loads of kids. Just look at me. I'm built for it. I'm built to be bred." Ryan was again shocked at her honesty and self-awareness. This bitch was saying that she was put on this planet to breed. Her sole purpose was to be bred. But, he had to admit, for any man looking at her, trying to breed with her would be their first thought.

"I know who I am, Ryan. I am a slut. I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm proud of it. I know that I do my best work in the bedroom. It's what I'm built for. I was put here to fuck. Trust me, guys take one look at me and know where my true talents lie. I'm not fighting my true nature. I love to fuck. I'm really good at it. I know things that your little fiancée wouldn't dream of knowing. Anyone can tell just by looking at her that she's bad in bed. Girls like me can tell. Any slightly intelligent woman could tell that the woman you saddled yourself with is horrible in bed. Everyone will know that." Alicia said.

"That's not true." Ryan stuttered out.

"Oh really? Do it! Tell me how spectacular your fiancée is at sex. Make me believe it!" she said with a skeptical smile.

"She's, uh, she's good in bed." Ryan replied nervously. Ryan always enjoyed having sex. Anna more than met his expectations in bed. They had fun together, but he had always wondered how some people could describe sex as such a life-changing experience. Sex was fun for him, but not life-changing. Could it be he was missing out on something?

"Oh, very good. I can really sense the passion you feel." Alicia said sarcastically. She was starting to get the upper hand. She stood up.

"Look at me, Ryan. I'm fucking hot. You can't deny that. Hotter than your fiancée. I have Anna beat in every category. I'm prettier than her." she pointed at her face as she smiled wide. "My hair is longer and more beautiful than hers." she said, combing her fingers through her long, shiny, lustrous brown hair. "My lips are softer and poutier." she said with a kissy face. "Now, look at my stomach." She had been moving downward, but she skipped one important feature. Well, two important features."My stomach's nice and flat. I keep myself in great shape. She's already fighting the bulge if you know what I mean... Look at my legs." She said, posing with one leg in front of the other. "Nice and long and firm. I don't think what she has compares to these." she said, before turning around. She straightened out her skirt around her ass to highlight her butt next. "My ass is just perfect. Round, firm, and perky. Not bony like some girls... like Anna's." She turned back around. "I have a nice, sexy tan. Evidence of how much care I put into my body." She looked into his eyes. They both knew the next thing or things she was about to point out. "Now, look at these suckers." she said, cupping her massive breasts and gave them a little bounce. "Feel free to look. I know how hard it is not to stare. From now on, you can look at them whenever you want. They're so much bigger than you fiancée's. Anyone with eyes can tell her mosquito bites don't compare to my massive boobies. Anyone can tell that you need a woman with big tits in your life." She gave her now hardened nipples a pinch before releasing them.

Ryan couldn't help but realize that Alicia was right. In any measurable way, Alicia was sexier than Anna. Every part of Alicia's body was superior to Anna's. Her face was prettier. Her lips were poutier. Her hair was more stylish. Her legs were longer. Her stomach was firmer. Her ass was rounder. Her tits were much bigger. Looks-wise, Alicia was superior. But looks weren't everything, right?

The insults Alicia made against Anna inspired hatred against Alicia. She was a catty, evil bitch. How could anyone be that blunt and mean about someone else? Those vicious insults against Anna and her body were over the line.

"You know if you turn me down, you will never get a chance to see these in the flesh. Do you think your marriage will survive your fetish for big tits? If you turn these down, you will keep thinking about them, wishing you had the balls to dump your fiancée so you could see them. So you could feel them. So you could taste them. You'll keep checking out big-titted women, indulging your fetish whenever you can. Eventually, it will consume you. The need to have a big, fat pair of tits in your hands will override any loyalty you have to Anna. Ryan, you just have to face it. Your engagement is over. Now that you've seen what I have to offer, you can't go back to ugly, flat Anna, can you?"

How could she think that? How could she think that a glimpse of her body would be enough to end his marriage? Sure she was hot, but she was clearly such a slut. She has probably been with lots of guys. With a body like hers, it would be impossible for her not to get laid on a consistent basis. She had probably learned all the tricks by this point. She was probably really good at sex. She probably was one hell of a fuck. But the fact that she had put out for tons of guys was something he had never encountered in a woman. Women don't generally advertise how big of a slut they are. Why did she think that would appeal to him? Did she think he was into slutty girls? Did she think that guys wanted sluts?

Ryan didn't know that what she was saying was appealing to him on a base level. Her hot body, which seemed to ooze sex, and her voracious sexual nature let it be known that she was a very viable mate. And, by minimizing his fiancée's body in his mind, she was hammering the idea into his head that Anna was not a viable mate. That Anna was not meant to be bred. That Anna was not meant to pass her genes on to the next generation. That Anna's genes were inferior to Alicia's. That Alicia was a more viable mate than Anna. Ryan didn't know that the basis of attraction was whether the person of the opposite sex is viewed as a good mate. And Alicia was clearly a very good mate. So no one could blame Ryan for the fact that his dick was rock hard. And Alicia could sense it. She was such a slut that she could practically smell his hard-on. She sat back down.

"Imagine the beautiful babies we would have, Ryan. Better than what your girl could offer. She is inferior to me in every way. We've already established that. I'm better at sex than her. We both know that. I'm more attractive than her. Plus, I'm smarter than her. Even though she's going to be a fancy lawyer, she's an idiot where it counts. And because of that, a stupid waitress is on a date with her man." Alicia argued.

Ryan had to admit he had underestimated Alicia's intelligence. Alicia was a driven, ambitious, motivated slut. She worked hard to get into this situation. She worked hard to get Ryan alone. She had outsmarted Anna, and manipulated both of them into making the situation suit her

"An idiot waitress has outsmarted your girl to the point where her man is starting to fall hard for some skanky waitress." Alicia said.

"What makes you say that?" Ryan inquired nervously. He let out an oof as her foot reached under the table and pressed into his throbbing erection. She gave him a knowing stare, knowing that she had him wrapped around her finger. She started to massage his throbbing dick with her bare foot. He groaned out loud.

"So you have to ask yourself: Why are you tying yourself down to a sinking ship? Why are you with a woman who is inferior in all the ways that matter? When you hook up with me, everyone will understand you traded up. Heck, I've become friends with all of Anna's friends. And guess what? They stopped hanging out with her because they all like me better. They like me because they actually can meet men when around me. With her, they get nothing. You're not alone in preferring me. Anna's friends, people who you like and respect, like me better. So don't be afraid, Ryan. Admit you've been in love with me ever since you met me. Admit that it was love at first sight. Admit that you want to dump her and hook up with me. Admit that you had to stop yourself from proposing to me that night in the restaurant. Admit it." she said, her foot still rubbing his dick so well.

Ryan thought about this logically. Alicia was hotter than Anna. Alicia was sexier than Anna. Alicia had a better body than Anna. Alicia had outsmarted Anna, so she had displayed some superior intelligence. Alicia was superior to Anna in every way. He had to ask himself, why was he still with Anna? What was holding him to her? Was it loyalty? What if he was making a mistake? What if he was loyal to her simply because she was his first? Ryan realized the choice was all his. He could choose to leave Anna for Alicia. He realized that was a possible outcome. He could do that. His body was clearly reacting to Alicia. His body wanted Alicia. His hard dick wanted Alicia. His cock wanted to be inside Alicia. His cock wanted to shoot the massive load of cum that was building in his balls deep inside Alicia. His dick wanted to breed with Alicia.

Could he do that to Anna? Could he dump her in such a vicious way? Why was that not sounding so bad right now? Why was he more open to that possibility now? It couldn't be because of her huge tits and filthy mouth, could it?

"I don't love you." he said, putting up a last plea.

"Yes you do. Just think what an outsider would say. You gave me a huge tip at the restaurant, equal to the bill. You friended me immediately after meeting me. You texted with me, and chatted me up on the phone. Anyone would say that you wanted to hook up with me." Alicia said. Ryan knew there were extenuating circumstances with those things, but he couldn't find the words. Her foot on his dick was too distracting.

"You don't even know the things I would do to you. I would destroy your dick. In bed, I do it all. Not like her, who just lies there, right? I know you wish your sex life was better. This is your chance. You think hot sluts like me would throw themselves at you all the time? This is your chance to improve your life. Take it!" Alicia said. She removed her foot from his dick. Before he could recover, she was kneeling at his side. She put her hand on his dick and proceeded to stroke it through his pants. He groaned as she did this.

Alicia was right. He might never get this chance again. Could he possibly just fuck her once, just to get it out of the way? Could he experiment, and get some pussy on the side, just to make sure he was not making a mistake with Anna? Could he fuck her just to make sure he knew what was out there? He might have to, just to reaffirm that he was making the right decision with Anna. He might have to fuck Alicia to make his impending marriage to Anna stronger? Could he do that? Could he cheat on Anna just this once? No, he couldn't. It would be cheating. He couldn't become a cheater. He had to fight. He had to stay loyal to Anna. He had to be a good person.

"It feels so good, doesn't it? It's okay. Just let go. I'll take care of you." she whispered in his ear. She kept at it, teasing him to the point of insanity without letting him go over. His eyes were drawn to the valley of juicy cleavage she was exposing for him. That soft-looking cleavage took the fight out of him. He rested his head on her shoulder as he let her stroke him. Finally, she released his dick and moved to sit on the table in front of him. Their dinner was long finished, so she shoved the empty bowl off the table, sending it crashing to the floor. She replaced the spot the plate occupied with her butt. Sitting in front of him, she flipped her dress over her crotch, revealing her thong-clad pussy to his leering eyes. She reached down and swiftly pulled the thong to the side, exposing her bare pussy to him.

"You made dinner. I brought dessert" she said, eager to take this date to the next level. Eager to turn this into a fuck-date. She reached forward and grabbed his head. He couldn't do it, could he? Could he eat this slut's pussy? If he did that, it was a slippery slope to full-on sex. If he ate out her pussy, this would end with them in a sweaty tangle of limbs, their sticky naked bodies pressed against each other as they fucked. Ryan had to admit this slut was affecting him. She was extremely sexy, and her body was out of this world. What she had said earlier was correct: she was made to be bred. But she was also a psychotic stalker.

Ryan knew he had to fight back. He had to take all the loyalty he had for his future wife and resist this evil bitch from having her way with him. All the loyalty he had towards Anna would provide the strength he needed to prevent this bitch from pulling him face-first into her pussy. He geared himself up for Alicia's onslaught as Alicia started to pull on his head. With all the loyalty he had towards Anna, he tried to resist her attack.

Would Ryan be able to prevent Alicia from pulling him into her pussy? Would his loyalty and love for Anna, his fiancée, be enough to stop Alicia?

Alicia was able to easily pull his face towards her waiting pussy. She expected more of a fight, but Ryan didn't put up much of one as she mashed her pussy against his mouth. At first, he was content to simply let his mouth press up against her pussy. But she would not be satisfied with that. She ground her cunt violently against his face, smearing her juices all over her face. Faced with no other choice, he proceeded to start eating her out.

Ryan's tongue leapt out of his mouth and into her pussy. His tongue dug deep into her pussy, collecting her copious juices. His face was pressed hard against her, so his nose was pressed against her clit. He sucked hard on her pussy, trying to draw her juices into his mouth. Alicia moaned, which echoed throughout the house.

Ryan had thought he was so much smarter than this waitress. He thought he had nothing to fear from her. But there he was, eating her pussy on the dinner table. That waitress had established herself as the top dog here. And now she was reaping the rewards, having this engaged man between her legs, vigorously eating her pussy.

He ran his tongue up her soft pussy lips, enjoying the sensation. He could tell she was close by her hardened clit, which was pointing skyward, begging to be sucked on. Ryan couldn't resist as he wrapped his lips around it and started to suck. She yelled out loud and wrapped her legs around his head firmly.

"What a good boyfriend you are!" Alicia yelled out, her voice warbling and her thighs quivering as an orgasm ripped through her body. Her juices spilled into the engaged man's mouth in copious amounts. For a fleeting moment he feared he would drown. He had no choice but to swallow every drop. She finally released his head from her thighs as she came down from her orgasm. Ryan sat back in his seat, regaining his breath.

What had he done? He had eaten this bitch's pussy. He had made Alicia cum. He licked his lips at the thought, collecting the remnants from her twat. He watched as Alicia readjusted herself, covering her pussy again with her skirt. She looked down at him smugly.

"I can't do this." Ryan said.

"Quit fighting it, Ryan. You know you want me. You know what's going to happen." Alicia said.

"Anna..." Ryan started, his head in his hands.

"Isn't here for you. I am here. I always will be." Alicia said, her eyes glassed over in lust. Ryan looked up into her eyes.

"Wanna know a secret?" she whispered. She took his non response as a yes.

"Did you know that the air in a woman's cleavage smells extra sweet? When a man takes a whiff, it'll drive him wild with lust. So wild that he can't control himself." she said. He raised his eyebrow questioningly. She reached over and grabbed each side of his head with her hands.

"Here, take a whiff." she says, pulling his head into her chest. He was caught off guard, but his shock did not last. It was hard to stay shocked when you're nose-deep in a massive pair of breasts. Ryan didn't fight Alicia. He just took it. He just sat there and let this slut with the huge boobs do what she wanted to him. He let he scrub her tits across his face. He closed his eyes as she smothered him. The softness surrounding his face was an incredible sensation. He could feel her hard nipples rubbing across his cheeks. He couldn't breathe through his mouth, so the only way he could get air into his lungs was through his nose. As he breathed deeply, he realized Alicia was telling the truth. The air in her cleavage smelled great!

Ryan was lost in her cleavage for what felt like an eternity. He felt like he could fall in there and get lost forever. She just pressed his face tightly into her soft breasts before finally releasing him. He gasped for air, but the smell of her cleavage was not going away. The smell was driving him mad with lust. He started to violently shake his face between her breasts, wanting to be fully covered in their softness. Alicia's breasts had driven him to this point, the point where his body and mind were reduced to their basest of levels. That was why Ryan didn't put up a fight when Alicia grabbed his hand and led him upstairs towards the bedroom.