Tales of the eKids:.. Ch. 06


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Emma halted her descent just a half inch above Eamon's lips. She shivered as she felt his facile tongue slide along her lips.

"Oh, yeah, Eamon. Please, baby. I promise I'll pay you back. I'll pay you back every day of your life. I promise. But do me now. Please Eamon. Do me?"

Eamon's face plunged against Emmy's pussy. His lips captured one of hers and sucked. He put his hands on Emma's waist and began to lift her slightly, moving her back and forth over his mouth. He wanted access to all of the good parts. His long tongue slipped between her nether lips and he began to lick her nectar.

Elle continued to ravage Eamon's dick. Both she and Emmy had their eyes closed but in a ballet of empathic coordination both sets of eyes opened simultaneously and they found themselves looking at each other in the passion of their own sensual lovemaking.

"Goodness, Emma, that is one of the sexiest things I've ever seen!" Her sister was impaled on Eamon's tongue as she rubbed her pussy against his mouth.

Emma couldn't help watching the movement of her sister's pussy as she rode Eamon's dick: up, slowly up; quickly plunge down; and when their pubic hairs were intertwined, slowly grind their sexes together. Then repeat the motion.

Emma said, "This is sexy? You should watch what you are doing. Eamon, honey, if you can hear me I swear you are going to get a double blow-job for doing this for us."

Even with Emma's legs pressed tightly around his ears Eamon heard her promise. He smiled. The girls thought they were the ones getting all of the pleasure out of this. Eamon had never been more excited in his life. Sucking on Emma's sweet pussy while having his dick deep into Elle had Eamon in sexual heaven. He didn't know how much longer he could endure such extreme stimulation. His nerve endings were firing on all cylinders. He had that feeling in his dick: that feeling that he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.

Emma and Elle looked deeply into each other's eyes. Emma's hand reached out and touched Elle's cheek. It was like they had completed an electrical circuit between each other. Both girls gasped. Their eyes opened wide, then suddenly slammed shut, their faces in a grimace of sexual completion. Both girls were groaning as they rubbed their pussies on Eamon.

Eamon had all he could take. He erupted into Elle in a torrent of release. She felt his pulsations and her own climax became even more intense. Emma and Elle leaned forward and embraced in each other's arms, small aftershocks of orgasmic release continuing to affect both of them.

With all of their remaining strength, Elle and Emma extricated themselves from atop Eamon, then slid into his arms, both heads resting on his chest.

Elle whispered almost to herself, "Death by fucking."

Part 23

The wintry calm of the fjord was suddenly broken by what sounded like a thousand trees cracking into kindling. But there were no trees. On and on the sound increased until it was the roar of a million waterfalls. In a majestic surge, the ice that had been blocking the fjord for millennia collapsed upon itself and forged its way toward the sea, followed by dozens of cubic miles of previously trapped fresh water. A back-surge into side fjords weakened the ice dams there. They in turn collapsed, only adding to the mass of liberated fresh water.

Ice and water alike rushed into the North Atlantic in a vast flood, mixing with the seawater that had already been seriously desalinated by years of heavy rainfall and melting glacial ice.

Several monitors in New Man University's science labs caught the spectacle. Certain low altitude weather satellites had been programmed to watch this very fjord 24/7 and thus glimpsed the final straw that broke the camel's back in the cycle of global warming.

Edie Adkins called her parents and her siblings immediately to alert them. They watched fascinated as their virtual monitors replayed the beginning of the end of mankind's comfort zone.

"Our forecasts were extremely accurate. When someone said it might be ten years till this would happen I was insulted."

The family was linked into a conference call via their internal network. Emma assuaged her sister.

"Edie, we were only giving best-case and worst-case scenarios when we said ten years at the maximum. We knew that ten days was going to be far more likely. No offense intended, Sis, but we had to cover our asses."

Deirdre Adkins put in her two cents. "Girls, do we have a plan to disseminate this information? Remember, the government already has reason to hate us."

Elle was first to respond. Ever since she had become close to Eamon Turner, Elle had become more assertive.

"Fuck the government! We've got to get these pictures out immediately before the screwballs in Washington run it through the spin cycle."

Deirdre look shocked. "Goodness, Elle, I don' t think I've ever heard you swear before. Well, except when you were a little girl quoting your father."

Andrew Adkins threw in, "Yeah, this Eamon kid must be doing you some good."

Elle smiled. "Very funny, Daddy. But why don't we have Helen Randolph issue a news release along with a tape of the glacier collapsing? Everyone in the world should see this before the US government tries to explain what it thinks it means."

Edie said, "I'll call Helen. Eddie and I will get together with her. Maybe we can have this thing released by this afternoon. But you all know what this means, don't you? When this gets out the government will have to know that New Man University is still in operation."

Emma said, "We'll have to take that chance, Edie. I don't want to underestimate the opposition, but they sure seem like they are about two beers short of a six-pack. Maybe they won't be able to put two plus two together and make four. "

"There's no reason to think that the decision-makers in our fair government have a whole brain between them. It's a better than even chance they won't even think about us", added Elle.

Andrew reasoned, "We don't have much of an option in any event. We've got to write a news release right now. Send a copy to CNN, BBC, that Arab terrorist news network, what's its name?"

"Aljazeera" came from the lips of six women and two boys in unison.

"Yeah, them, too. And any other news service we can think of. Except Fox of course. Fuck them. Better yet, wouldn't it look great if we could get C-SPAN to show this? We could make it seem like an official US government release, kind of. Then let the administration explain why this event is meaningless. Emmy, I'll let you arrange that."

Elle said, "Daddy, you are so devious. I'm beginning to understand where Emma gets it."

Andrew felt the need to object. "I'm a piker in the deviousness business. Emmy could out-devious me any day of the week."

"Thank you, Daddy. You're so sweet", Emma gushed.

Just then an icon flashed at the bottom of Emma's screen, alerting her that she had an incoming call from Eamon. With a few keystrokes she invited him into the conference. She said, "E-man! We thought you would never wake up. Say hello to everyone. We're on a conference call with the whole family." She thought she better warn him so he didn't say anything too incriminating; not that it mattered.

Eamon flicked a key at his end and the each person on the call was shown on his virtual monitor, each in a small box kind of like the Brady Bunch, he thought. "Hello folks. I didn't mean to interrupt you. I'll call back later."

Elle protested. "No wait, Eamon. You've got to see this. She directed the video of the collapsing glacier to his address. When he saw what it was, he expanded the view until it filled his entire field of vision. He was overwhelmed by the majesty of it all, as the glacier and its previously captured deluge of water were swept to the sea.

"Oh, wow! That is so cool. Uh, in an ecological disaster kind of way."

Emma asked, "Would your grandfather be willing to issue this to the press? He can say he got it from private sources, or make up something imaginative. At least we can file off our fingerprints from this thing, if you know what I mean. This is the big one, Eamon. The beginning of the end. The grand finale. The..."

Andrew broke in. "Will you give it a rest, Emmy? At least you're right about one thing. Coming from Jake Turner the news may hold more weight than coming from you non-humans at New Man U. Would you give him a call, Eamon, and feel him out? Ask him to do this only if he trusts us, believes we know what we are talking about. Eddie and Edie will provide all the technical support he needs. I'm sure he has scientific contacts he can use to confirm our findings."

Eamon felt like he was on the spot. Jeez, he just was calling Emmy to find out if she wanted to get laid. He hadn't been with her since yesterday and just the sight of her sexy little body on his monitor was enough to... Enough of that, he thought. Respond to the man's question you idiot.

"Uh, sure Sir. I'll call my Granddaddy. I can't speak for him, though. He's the kind of guy who makes his own decision."

Eamon had redisplayed the video feeds from each conference member onto his monitor.

Andrew nodded. "Okay, please give him a call. But make sure he understands the urgency of the situation. If he can't bring himself to do this today, we'll do it ourselves. I would prefer to have at least one degree of separation between that data and us but we've gotta do what we've gotta do. This conference is closed."

Everyone laughed except for Emma.

Part 24

Within a day the world was abuzz with the news. All of the news channels were following the collapse of the Greenland glacier. But none was willing to commit to its meaning. Except for Fox News. Its commentators said the collapse was just another natural event like a hurricane and had no long-term significance.

Andrew Adkins got several requests for interviews from various organizations, but begged off. He said that he was not a scientist and so his opinion really carried no weight. When they asked to talk to one of his daughters, he said they were not available for comment. He had no idea which caller might have the ear of the administration and so he refused to admit that his daughters were anywhere near him.

A few nights later, the Adkins family plus friends gathered in their den to watch an address by the President of the United States. The President rarely gave speeches and almost never gave press conferences. It was acknowledged among the cognoscenti that the President didn't respond well in situations where he had to answer actual questions, since his range of knowledge was limited and he had a tendency to misuse words. It was rumored that the Vice President kept the President on a short leash. So a presidential address was a rare occurrence indeed.

There were more people than seats in the den that night. When Deirdre and Donnie walked into the den carrying trays with glasses of iced tea, they saw that there was no place for them to sit. Andrew was sitting in the recliner he reserved for football games. It was roomy and comfortable. He looked at his wives and then gestured with his hands as if in supplication.

Donnie and Deirdre looked in each others' eyes and then glided towards their husband. To the casual observer, the movements of Andrew's wives always seemed smooth and serene. When they reached their husband, each turned and slowly lowered herself onto a knee, then slid backwards until they were both firmly ensconced on Andrew's lap. Each wrapped an arm around Andrew's neck and leaned her head against Andrew's shoulder. Andrew's arms each encircled a slender waist but not before patting each beautiful woman on her bottom.

Almost instantly Andrew pulled Dee Dee's head up and they shared a tender loving kiss.

Their son Ethan complained, "Dad, will you three get a room!? Geez, it's embarrassing to be around you. Don't you have any respect for the President?"

Helen and Jake Randolph were sitting in the love seat and laughing. Jake said, "Ethan, old son, your daddy's never had any respect for this president. Why would he start now?"

Helen said, "Don't you think it's cute that your parents are still in love after all these years?"

Ethan was sixteen years old and was generally embarrassed by everything his parents did. As far as he was concerned, public displays of affection should be limited to teenagers like himself. The thought of his parents having actual sex gave him the willies.

Emma was seated by herself in another large chair when Elle and Eamon entered the room. Emma quickly stood up and waved her sibling and their boyfriend over. Eamon sat down and Emmy and Elle imitated their mothers by sliding onto Eamon's lap. Elle kissed Eamon on one cheek while Emma kissed him on the other.

This time it was Andrew that looked uncomfortable at this public display of affection.

Jake Randolph could never refrain from pushing Andrew's buttons. "Hey Drew, why don't you introduce me to this here boy who's making out with your daughters."

Helen jumped in. "Jake, honey, this is Eamon Turner. He is Elle and Emma's new boyfriend. I told you about him. He's the grandson of Jake Turner."

Jake Randolph turned to Eamon. "Boy, at least you have excellent taste in women." Emma and Elle's eyes both sparkled as they graced Jake with a brilliant smile. Jake could feel their power clear across the room. He thought to himself, 'That boy has his hands full'.

The President had been introduced and was beginning his address, leaving Eamon off of the hook.

The President always presented himself well, with his patrician appearance and southern drawl. His 'aw, shucks' persona was belied by his being a third generation politician and the scion of an old-money family. He had been sent to the best schools but had no claims to intellectual vigor. Still the American people never seemed to notice these minor inconsistencies.

The President was addressing the recent glacier problem and global warming in general. "Now some people have been trying to put a scare into the country, saying that this event might cause a new Ice Age. I'm here to tell you that scientists of all political persuasions disagree with this."

(Andrew puzzled over how the political views of a scientist could have anything to do with his research results.)

"I've talked to my Science Advisor and he has told me that there is no proof about global warming. He tells me that global warming has been made up by people on the Left who want to stop the necessary development of our natural resources. They want to keep us dependent on foreign oil. They wish to hinder America's energy independence.

Emma called out, "Yeah and gravity is a Communist plot!"

The President continued. "Well friends, that just isn't going to happen. I'm not going to allow the scare tactics of a few ultra-Liberals to effect the policies of the government of the United States of America!

"Don't be worried by these reports you've been seeing on the TV. Sometimes ice melts. That's the way God made the world. America will stand strong and united against these terrorist scare tactics that are designed to force a wedge between our people and their government. Thank you for listening and God Bless America."

Andrew Adkins shook his head in wonder. He looked over to his daughter's boyfriend and said, "Eamon, my boy, there you see the result of a drunken fuck."

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AnAncientAnAncientover 2 years ago

Please complete the story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Finish IT

Damnit finish the best story series on Literotica. I've followed it since Death By Fucking.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
It is sad...

It is very very sad to see such a wonderful story go unfinished =(

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Great story, but unfinished

You have to finish this story. It's too good to leave undone.

MatedforlifeMatedforlifeabout 15 years ago
OH Please!

continue. This is great story one of the best i have read.

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