Tastes Like Candy Ch. 02


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"Is it too much?" I asked. She gulped.

"Is it too slutty?" I asked with a nod. Her eyes narrowed.

"Is it too nasty?" I asked. She stood up, tense.

"But, it's perfect for me. I look SO good in it!" I said, shaking my tits, jiggling my tits in front of my daddy's wife. She walked right up to my face and stared me down. I bit my lip as I looked up at her, waiting for her reaction.

"You're this fucking close!" Linda said angrily, storming out of the room. She was right. I was so close!

Two days later, fate came knocking at the door. Literally. A package was delivered to the door, a very important package that Linda told me to keep an eye out for. Something about some very important floor-plans and contracts or some bullshit. I wasn't really listening. All I knew was that it was very important to her, something to do with some lucrative job she was on, people's jobs on the line or whatever. But this bitch would pay for getting between me and my daddy. So that was why the very important package went from the deliverer's hands to mine, and from my hands into the garbage can, just as the garbage truck was heading down the street.

I got a few calls from Linda during the day:

"Hey Brandy, did that package I told you about come yet?"

"Hey Brandy, did that package come yet?"

"Brandy, is that package there yet?"

"Brandy, call me as soon as the package gets there!"

"Is it there yet? Dammit!"

I smiled evilly as she got more and more angry. Finally, she stormed home earlier than usual.

"Is it here yet?"

"No." I said, shaking my head. She talked angrily to herself as she went over to the phone. She dialed it furiously.

"Yes I was supposed to get a one day shipment today." she said quickly.

"Linda Edwards." she added. "36457 Maple Tree Lane."

"What? I was told it wasn't delivered. It was signed for? By who?" she said. I watched her as the delivery company told her it was my name. I watched her turn and look at me then slam the phone.

"Okay! Where is it??" Linda stormed up to me angrily, getting into my face.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I replied.

"That package is the most lucrative project we've ever had. It needs to start tomorrow, and if I don't get that package, we will lose all of that. People's jobs depend on it!" Linda said.

"I dunno." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"No more games, you little bitch. I know exactly what type of girl you are. I know what you've been trying to pull. No give me back that fucking package!" Linda yelled.

"You have no idea what type of girl I am, bitch. What do you think I'm trying to pull?" I replied, beginning to drop the act.

"You don't like me. You want it to just be you and Marcus. You want me out of the picture." Linda said.

"Daddy deserves better. And I'll do whatever it takes to make him realize that." I said simply. And just after I did, I saw Daddy walk in.

"Where is the fucking package?!" Linda screamed in my face.

"I don't know." I said, biting my lip. Linda reared back and slapped me in the face. I tasted blood in my mouth. On instinct, I fought back, my nails out, scratching her, creating a few scratch marks on her face.

"Oh, you bitch!" she said, jumping towards me. Marcus intercepted her, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her away from me.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! What's going on?" Marcus yelled out, setting down Linda and stepping between us.

"She just attacked me! She's crazy!" I yelled out, turning on the tears.

"What? Linda, what's going on?" Marcus asked.

"That package that I told you about. She did something with it. It's not here. The company said she signed for it, but she did something to it. She hid it or something." Linda babbled.

"Brandy. Where is it?" Marcus asked, turning to me.

"I don't know." I lied, scrunching up like a little naïve girl.

"Brandy! Tell me where the package is!" Marcus asked angrily.

"I don't know! If I knew, Daddy, I would tell you. I would never lie to you!" I pleaded, running upstairs, tears falling to my cheeks. As soon as I was out of sight the tears slowed. I wiped my cheeks and eyes clearing the tears away. I slammed my door behind me, but listened intently to them downstairs.

"Marcus, she is bad news. I have to drive 300 miles over there tonight to get that info, and then 300 miles back in the morning before work. If she is not gone by the time I get home from work tomorrow... then I'm not coming back!" Linda yelled out.

"Linda..." Marcus said.

"Marcus, face it! That girl is evil. She is trying to sabotage me. She has been making shitty little comments for weeks now. And newsflash... she's a whore! She dresses like a complete skank! She gets along by mooching off guys. That's what she does. You know there is something wrong with her. You know it! I'm sorry to make you have to do this. I didn't want to push it to this point, but I've had enough! I can't deal with her anymore. It is time for you to step up and deal with her! Kick her ass to the curb. She needs discipline! She needs to learn that there are repercussions to her actions! You need to choose Marcus! Your wife of nearly twenty years, or that little spoiled princess that you've only known for a few months. That little bitch off the street, or the woman you've been with through the good and the bad. The woman that loves you with all of her heart. Marcus, I'm sorry to have to do this, but you need to choose. I'll see you tomorrow. I'd better not see her." Linda said. I heard her walk out of the house.

Walk out of her house. Walk out of her marriage. Leaving me and Daddy alone at last.

Stupid bitch.



I was numb.

Linda had walked out on me. My wife had walked out on me. She had given me an ultimatum. It was her or Brandy. My wife or my daughter. The woman I loved with all my heart or the girl I had created. The woman I pledged my loyalty to, or the girl I felt a biological responsibility to.

The evidence was there. It was. By all accounts Brandy was a mooch. A leech. A lazy spoiled brat. But she was my daughter. I had never been there for her, and I felt incredible guilt about that. So many moments that I missed that I should have been a part of. By the time I met her, she had grown to be a spoiled brat, poisoned by her slut of a mother. I had done my best to fix her, to give her a positive influence. But Linda was right. It wasn't working. Something had to be done.

I walked slowly to her room, where I knew she was. I opened the door and found her sitting on her bed, tears in her eyes, a sad smile on her face. My daughter. My beautiful daughter, the one person that would carry my genes once I was gone. I couldn't just abandon her, could I? I was her father. I couldn't just give up on her. I just needed to find a way to get things good. Get the life I always wanted, a lovely wife, a lovely child. But part me of knew that wouldn't happen. I didn't know what to do. I just wished there was some way I could get through this situation. I wish someone could come in and tell me what to do to make this all better.

"Hi Daddy." Brandy said sadly.

"Hi." I said simply. I walked over to her and sat next to her on the bed. She looked like she was about to cry. Even when she did, she still looked cute. She was wearing tight jeans, a thick, chunky belt, a pink tank top, and a light zip up jacket.

"Did you do something with the package?" I asked. She looked at me, tears in her eyes, and nodded yes.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"It's gone." she said simply.

"Brandy, why would you do that?" I asked.

"I don't know. She's such a bitch to me all the time. I wanted to get back at her." Brandy said.

"Brandy, I can't undo this. This was really bad. I can't make this all go away or all better." I told her.

"I can." Brandy said.

"What? How can you make this better?" I asked skeptically.

"I heard what she said. How she wanted you to choose between me and her. I know what you should do." Brandy said.

"What?" I asked.

"You should choose me." Brandy said simply.

"Brandy, it's not that simple." I said, rubbing my forehead.

"Daddy, it really is." Brandy replied.

" No, Brandy, it really isn't." I said.

"Do you not what me around anymore Daddy?" Brandy pouted.

"That's not it. It's not about choosing between you two. I want you both in my life." I said. Brandy looked down and nodded. "Brandy you can't keep doing some of these things. You have to grow up. You can't be a little girl anymore."

"But I'm your little girl." Brandy replied.

"Brandy..." I began.

"Listen, Daddy, there is a way to make this all better." Brandy said, putting her hand on my shoulder, getting on her knees next to me.

"What's that?" I asked. She waved me closer and I leaned towards her. She put her hand to my ear and then moved close to me and whispered:

"You have to spank my ass."

"What!?" I said, moving away from her in shock.

"Daddy, you are right. I need discipline. I need to learn not to be such a spoiled brat. I need to learn not to be such a bitch. Daddy, I need to be taught. I need to learn how wrong I was. It's the only way to get your family whole, Daddy. It's the only way to get what you've always wanted. I want to be good, Daddy. I want to be a better person. If you had been there when I was growing up, you would have been the hard-ass I needed. You would have been the father I needed. You would have kept me in line. But you weren't there. Now it's not too late. You can get me on the straight and narrow. You can make me into a good girl. You can get your family back. All you have to do is spank my ass, hard, until I learn my lesson." Brandy said.

"Brandy, uh, I just don't know." I started, but the truth was, she did need a good spanking. If she was a child and she had been acting up like she had been, being lazy and bratty, she would get punished. Spanked. But obviously, she was too old for that now.

"Here, I'll make this easy for you." Brandy said. With that, she began to undo her thick belt, then she followed that by undoing the button and the zipper on her pants. Before I could stop her, she lowered the hem of her jeans and plopped over my lap, her jeans at her thighs, her thong clad butt exposed to my view. I couldn't stop myself from looking down... but then looked away.

"Brandy! No! I can't do this." I said.

"C'mon, Daddy. It's okay. I need this." Brandy said, her voice breathy.

"Brandy, this is, uh, this is inappropriate." I said, nervously, being confronted by my daughter's bare ass in a hot pink thong, poised on my lap. I tried not to look.

"Daddy, you've already touched my ass. What harm would it be if you did it again?" Brandy postulated.

"I... can't. This isn't necessary. Please, uh... move." I begged. I had no desire to spank my daughter. She was 18. She was not a little girl. At this age, it just seemed immoral. She looked back over her shoulder and watched me, waiting for me to take action.

We just sat there, my nearly bare-assed daughter lying on my lap. How the hell had I gotten into this position? I couldn't spank my daughter, could I? Sure, she was a brat. Sure, she needed discipline. Sure, she needed to change her ways. Yes, she needed a good spanking. Yes, a spanking would probably really reinforce the fact that her actions were very bad, and she needed to stop being such a child. But, she couldn't really want a spanking, could she? That would be so strange. Maybe this was a test or something. I had to resist. Spanking my 18 year old daughter seemed so wrong.

Yes, she had pissed me off. But my anger had never reached the level that I thought of disciplining her physically. I had never been that kind of man. I had always been good at never getting too angry. I always had ways of blowing off steam. But I was feeling closed in, in this insane situation with my daughter. My wife had walked out on me. I had to choose between my wife and my daughter. I couldn't think of any way out of this situation. I was confused. I was hurt. I was angry. I was conflicted.

"Daddy, I am not moving till you spank my ass." Brandy stated. "I've caused you so much trouble. Your wife walked out on you because of me! I have ruined your perfect life! I have made your life so much more complicated! You want to make me pay, don't you? You want to make me pay for all the trouble I've caused you? You want me to pay for being for such a brat? Then spank me, Daddy! Spank me!"


I did it on instinct. She just kept bringing up how much trouble she had caused, how conflicted she had made me, and it made my blood boil, so I just did it. With no other outlet, I spanked my daughter. I reared back and brought my hand down and spanked her right on her left ass cheek. The smack echoed throughout the house. The smack of my hand on my daughter's ass. Oh my God! What had I done? I had just struck my daughter. I had spanked my 18 year old daughter.

Was this a test? Was she daring me to do it? Now that I had done it, would she hate me forever? Her reaction would decide everything.

"UGGGGGGHHHHHH, FUCK YES!" Brandy moaned out, almost in pleasure. What? Did she enjoy that? Did she like me spanking her?

"C'mon, Daddy, keep going." Brandy begged. "Please."

"I can't. I'm sorry." I said, confused by her reaction.

"Look at my ass, Daddy. Look at it. It's built to be spanked." Brandy begged. I couldn't resist. She watched as I looked down, staring at my daughter's practically bare ass, really taking it in for the first time.

"There you go Daddy. It's so much easier to just do what I say." Brandy whispered, but I was too zoned out to respond. It was madness! I was staring at my daughter's thong clad ass, almost... admiring it.

"Look at my ass and tell me it's not built to be spanked." Brandy whispered. I couldn't help but look. She had two ripe, round cheeks. They were perfectly tan with no tan-lines, showing that when she tanned, she did it bare-assed. The cheeks were perky and firm with muscle. The pink thong was really set off by her glowing tan skin. The only blemish on her left-ass-cheek was the light imprint left by my hand. And on her right ass-cheek was a tattoo in fancy lettering, with just one word:


"Candy?" I asked.

"It was my nickname in school." Brandy said. I thought about asking more, but I got distracted. Drawn like a magnet, I couldn't help but run my finger along the tattoo, then circling it, teasing it with my finger, admiring the firmness of her flesh as it rebounded against my finger. Then I realized what I was doing, running my finger over my daughter's ass. I pulled away as if burned.

"Oh, uh," I stammered, just realizing what I did as I tried to stand, but her weight on my lap held me down.

"See Daddy, it's impossible to resist touching it. Please! Keep going! Keep spanking me! I need it!" Brandy moaned.

"Brandy, I can't, I..." I began, my blood pumping.

"Do it!" Brandy said, getting upset. "Do it, Daddy! Spank me for being such a slut! Spank me cause your wife fucking hates me! Spank me cause I haven't learned my lesson! Spank me cause if you don't, I will do something much worse! Teach your daughter a lesson! Spank me till my ass is red! It's the only way I'll be a good girl! Do it Daddy! Fucking do it!" Brandy pleaded, moving her ass around, begging to be smacked. And the truth was... her ass really fucking was built to be spanked.

So I did.


"OH THAT'S IT!" Brandy moaned out as I spanked her other cheek.

With each thing she had said I got madder and madder. So I couldn't be blamed for spanking her, right? She was being a complete brat, and she was practically threatening my wife. I had no choice. I had to teach her a lesson.

"Keep going Daddy! Beat my ass!" Brandy moaned. How could she be enjoying this? What kind of girl was she?

My daughter was a little brat. She was. I couldn't make any excuses. She was a complete spoiled brat. And she needed to learn a lesson. She thought she could get away with doing the things she did. Trying to ruin my wife's livelihood. Getting in the way of me and my wife's happiness. Refusing to get a job and do any work whatsoever. Being a little slut.

"Do you plan to get a job?" I asked huskily, my voice in a low monotone.

"No Daddy! I never planned to get a job. I never will. I tanked all the interviews. I just want to live off your guys' money. Girls like me don't have to work. I'm too hot to do work." Brandy said.

"You are a spoiled brat, aren't you?" I asked angrily.

"Ohhh yes Daddy! I'm such a spoiled brat!" Brandy pleaded, desperate to be spanked. The only thing that was stopping me was how inappropriate this seemed. I was fighting with the conflict this situation was causing. It felt so strange to be spanking my daughter, my 18-year-old daughter. But she seemed to want it. She seemed to be craving it. She wanted to be a better person. She wanted hard discipline. But I felt strange being the one do it. That thought of it made me extremely unnerved, confused, and conflicted. But there was a way out of this conflict. Brandy was right. It was so much easier to just give her what she wanted. She needed to be spanked. She wanted it. She needed it. And I was the man for the job. Sometimes a parent had to put aside their best judgment to do right by their children. That's what I had to do now. I was her father.

I was her daddy.


"UGGGHHHH!" Brandy moaned. "Tell me what a bad girl I've been!"

"You've been a bad girl!" I said, angrily, mad that she had made me do this. Mad that my daughter had brought out a dark, angry side of me, making me spank her ass.


"FUCK, IT HURTS SO GOOD!" Brandy screamed out, grinding her belly into my thighs.

"Stop cursing in my house!" I ordered.


"UGHHHH, sorry Daddy! Sorry I've got such a filthy fucking mouth!" Brandy moaned out.


"AHHHHHH! Keep going! Teach me a lesson!" Brandy screamed out.

"You're such a brat!" I said.


"OHHHHH! I know I'm a brat. I'm so sorry. Please, I need this! Make me regret all the bad things I did!" Brandy moaned out.


"SHIIITTTT! FUCKING SHIT FUCK! I shouldn't let you see my ass, Daddy! Really look at it! Admire it! Make me feel like a naughty little bitch! Make sure I regret ever letting you see my ass!" Brandy said.


"FFFUUUUCCCKKKK!" Brandy moaned out, slamming the bed with her fist. Obeying her wishes, I looked down at her ass again. It really was a great ass. The cheeks looked perfectly round and perky. They now glowed red from the spanking. But somehow, the tattoo stood out from her ass, capturing my vision even more once the cheeks were glowing red. They were now swollen and pulsing, and I'm sure she was in a lot of pain, but I did not stop. I did not show mercy.


"OHHHH! FUCK! Do it harder! Spank me fucking harder! Spank me Daddy!" Brandy begged. As I spanked her ass, I watched the cheeks jiggle like a jello mold before they came to a stop. The tattoo was like a target, right at the perfect part of her ass that was just ripe for smacking.


"AHHHHHHHH! FUCK! That's hard, Daddy. But I can take it harder! C'mon Daddy! Spank my ass as hard as you fucking can!" Brandy said. As I spanked her, I watched her ass cheeks ripple. As they did the tiny material of her thong running down her ass-crack was exposed between the jiggling cheeks. What a nasty girl. That spank was the hardest yet, and still it was not hard enough for her. I wasn't going to stop until she stopped begging. Once she stopped begging for more I would know she had reached her limit. That she had learned her lesson. That she had had her fill of hard discipline. But... until then...


"SHIT!" Brandy screamed out as I spanked her harder.

"I want you to apologize..." I started.