Tastes Like Candy Ch. 03


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I was extra pissed when the hick tow truck driver started putting the moves on me as he drove me back into town after waiting for three fucking hours on the highway while this dipshit tried to find me. And the 90 minute drive back into town was a fucking treat. Listening to his idiotic ramblings and stories, listening to his horrible country music, and smelling the wonderful smells he gave off.

It took two hours for the ninety minute drive, and the sun was beginning to rise as I finally got a taxi home. I needed to wash up, change my clothes, change my underwear, and verify that that little bitch that caused all this was out of my house.

As I got closer to home, I could only hope Marcus had done what was right and took care of that little bitch once and for all.



The sun hit my body as I rode my daddy's cock.

Now Daddy was in really good shape. Like mature, sexy, hot older-man shape. But no older man, no matter in how good of shape, can keep up with the gross sexual appetites of a teenage girl.

I had given Daddy his little illusion that he was in control, even though we both knew I was running the show. It was cute how he thought he actually could control me. HA! It was cute how he listened to my commands and somehow tricked himself into thinking they were his ideas. It was cute that his solution to his guilt was to act like he was punishing me and making me into a better person, when the truth was, he thought I was hot and wanted to fuck the ever loving shit out of me. It was cute how he thought he could be the daddy in the sack and dominate me. Everything he did was what I wanted him to. I was getting what I wanted. I was in control.

But after a few hours of intense, and I mean fucking intense, daddy-daughter sex, the truth was emerging. The façade's were dropping. At first, he was all anger and bluster, yelling and screaming, mad and guilty at the fact that he was enjoying the nasty sex with his daughter. But that had all worn away. His energy faded. His anger faded. His logic faded. I had worn him down by my incredible knowledge of sex and eroded him down to his core. A cursing, rutting beast. He was running on instinct, no thought. No words. All he knew was that there was a hot, sexy, fuckable girl on top of him, and it was his duty as a man to fuck this girl hard and fill her up with his sweet cum and give her a baby.

He had no illusions of being my Daddy, of being in control, of me being his little princess to fuck as he wishes. No, I was the slut. I was his mistress. I was his daughter. I was in control, as it should be.

Once his energy began to wane, as he got exhausted I took complete control. I rolled him over, onto his back. I mounted him. I took his cock back inside my sopping pussy. I controlled the pace. He just lied there and took it, like the good stud he was.

His eyes were lidded over in exhaustion, but he was still semi-conscious, and still rock hard. Not me though. I was wide awake. I was full of energy. I was taking control.

I bounced on his dick, sensing he was getting close. The room was a fucking sauna, and we were both dripping with sweat. I leaned down, scrubbed my breasts on his chest just as he liked, and moved my lips to his ear.

"Daddy," I began in a whisper, planting a soft kiss on his ear. "I know you're tired (kiss). I know that after one more cum, you won't have the strength to move (kiss). But here's the thing (kiss). Linda will be here soon (kiss). So I was wondering (kiss), do you want me to take care of her (kiss)? Let her know you chose me (kiss)? I really should, I mean, I started this thing. I should end it (kiss). It would really punish me if you made me talk to her (kiss)."

"Okay." Daddy said faintly.

"Thank you Daddy (kiss). I'm gonna bounce a little harder (kiss), and really tighten up my cunt (kiss), and then I want you to cum (kiss). Okay?" I asked.

"Uh huh." Daddy grunted.

With that, I smiled and picked up the pace, our skin slapping against each other again. I knew it wouldn't take long, so I went on overdrive quickly. I bounced on his dick, then squeezed it with my cunt, flexing against him with my ass. Bounce. Squeeze. Bounce. Squeeze. Bounce. Squeeze. Bounce. Squeeze.

"Ah!" Daddy said softly. As I flexed against him and squeezed my cunt against him, I felt his cock spurt again with another load of tasty, nutritious cum (Believe me, I tasted it). Even though his balls had to be nearly empty, he still found a way to fill me up with another huge load of jizz. What a good daddy!

I removed myself from him, both of us a sweaty mess. I could tell he was about to pass out, so I gave him one last thing to remember.

"Daddy, this bed is amazing! Perfect for me. If it can handle my type of fucking, it can handle anything. Thanks." I said, giving him one last kiss as his eyes became too heavy to keep open and he collapsed into slumber.

Linda took longer than I expected, so I was able to shower and get rid of the smell of sex that was on me. I slipped on my black bikini, and grabbed a beer from the fridge just as I heard Linda enter the house. I saw her near the front door, looking around, looking for me no doubt.

"Daddy said I could stay." I said, walking over to her from the kitchen as I opened the beer bottle and took a sip.

"What?" Linda spat out, looking at my lack of clothing in disgust.

"It got hot here last night." I explained.

"Why are you drinking? It's 7:00 in the morning. And you're not old enough yet!" Linda said.

"Daddy said I could." I replied, taking a sip.

"Where's Marcus?" Linda said with narrow lips.

"He's tired. He doesn't want to see you." I explained with a giggle.

"I'm tired of your games, Brandy. Pack up. You'll be gone soon." Linda said, making her way to the stairs.

"She's telling the truth, Linda." Daddy said, standing at the top of the stairs, wearing a pair of pajama bottoms and nothing else, exposing his sexy bare chest.

"What?" Linda said in surprise.

"You asked me to choose, Linda, between you and her. I choose her." Daddy said simply, staring Linda down.

"Excuse me?" Linda said loudly.

"If I have to choose between my wife and my daughter, I have to choose my daughter. There's so much we need to do together." Daddy said.

"You've known her like two months!" Linda said.

"You're the one that gave the ultimatum, Linda! You're the one that's making me choose! Well, Linda, this is what happens when you do that! If you keep making me choose, at some point, I won't choose you." Daddy said loudly.

"Marcus, I, listen, we can work something out..." Linda stammered, backing off her ultimatum and tearing up.

"No." Daddy said simply, making me smile. "You gave up that right the second you walked out yesterday. Walked out on me again, just like you did in college! You never changed, Linda! I worked so hard to bring you out of your shell, but you're still the same angry, immature girl who walks out as soon as things get hard."

"Marcus, I... I can't do this without you!" Linda said, crying.

"I never walked out on you. Even when you treated me like shit! Even when you were horrible to me. I've had enough. I'm done. It's not all about you, Linda. Get your head out of your ass! If you could find a way to care about things other than how they affect you, maybe you could actually grow up a bit. I guess it's a good thing you're not a mother!" Daddy spat out, all of his issues with his wife finally coming to the surface. Seeing him this angry. This emotional. It was really making my nipples hard.

"Marcus..." Linda said.

"If you want any hope to save our marriage, you will leave now, and maybe, we will talk later." Daddy demanded. Taking one last look at the both of us, Linda ran out, a crying mess.

Me and Daddy, stood in silence, alone again.

"She just failed the test, didn't she Daddy? She just walked out again." I said, smiling, knowing I was right, knowing that Linda just ended her own marriage by giving up and not fighting more for her love. I felt so fucking superior to Linda, that I could understand her husband, my daddy, more than she did. Daddy gave me a look of anger and walked back to his bedroom. I finished off the beer and followed behind him. I slipped out of my bikini bottoms before entering his room.

"Daddy." I called out. He had his head in his hands. "Thanks for standing up for me." I said, padding towards him. "I know you're angry. I know you're upset. But all you need to know is that I love you and will never let you go." I got closer, letting my scent hit his nose. "But, I know you're mad, so if you need to take it out on me, I understand. If it'll make you feel better, I'll suck you're dick."

I climbed onto the bed and crawled towards Daddy. He put up no resistance as I grabbed the hem of his pants, lifted them, and scooped his hard dick out. My wet mouth was ready to go as I descended to him, taking his rock hard prick into my open mouth. My drool was soon running down his dick as I gave him an expert helmet polish. I leaned back up and went to his ear.

"Feel free to spank my ass if it'll make you feel better." I whispered, returning to his dick, going deeper onto it with my mouth as I kept my ass up, ready for Daddy to take out his furious anger at having his marriage crumbled. The wait for my Daddy's firm hand was maddening. I looked forward and saw myself in the mirror. My daddy's dick in my mouth, my tits hanging down, my bare ass in the air. Perfection. And I saw my Daddy's hand behind me, rising into the air.



(6 months later)


I never talked to Marcus after I left our house. He made no effort to talk to me, and he never returned my phone calls. My next contact with him was through a lawyer, the divorce papers in hand.

I ran it all through my head again. I should have fought harder. I should have fought for Marcus. For our marriage. But that little bitch got in the way, got to Marcus, and turned him against me. She exploited their connection in order to get me out of the picture. I swear if I saw her again I don't know what I would do.

I was so... angry. I hadn't been this angry before. I took it out on everybody. I lost my job, I lost my marriage, and I did not want to see anybody. And when anybody made an effort to get through to me, I lashed out. I slapped this young girl, this cute young Asian girl about Brandy's age, who was looking for directions to a house on my old street. She told me she just needed to relax, and she had asked me if I had a daughter, or if I knew any girls around her age to hang out with. She seemed like a sweet girl. She was visiting her grandmother, but she reminded me of Brandy, and her asking me if I had a daughter just made me see red. So yeah, I got arrested and sent to jail for a bit for that. I got free, did my time, and I had to do some community service as well, painting walls at some old businesses downtown, including one I had done work on before. I had done the interior decoration on the inside, and now I was decorating the outside. It was humiliating.

I did my time, and was able to finally get an apartment. A one person apartment, small and not the best. I did my best to decorate it, but it's not as fun to decorate for one. I missed my home. I missed my husband. I missed the life I had before Brandy showed up.

I had time for lots of self-reflection. I came to a realization that during our relationship, I loved Marcus more than he loved me. Sure, he pursued me, he went after me, he fought for me. But when I walked out on him, he sought comfort in the arms of another woman. He was able to cast aside what we had in mere days in order to be with another woman. And in the six months we had been apart, I had no thoughts of being with anyone else but Marcus.

He was my husband. My soul-mate. My true love. And he dumped me. Because of me. Because of my weakness. My own insecurity and anger.

This was all my fault.



I had made the right choice.

Sure, some might not understand. But having my daughter as my fuck partner was the best choice I ever made.

I had never felt so happy, so free, so fulfilled as I did when I was with Brandy. Doing daddy-daughter things. Going shopping. Seeing movies. Fucking her three or four times a day. You know, typical stuff. I know it sounds bad, but it wasn't our fault we were into each other. It was in our blood.

I had stopped fighting my dark urges. I loved fucking my hot-bodied daughter. She fulfilled me in a way no woman ever had before. It didn't matter that she was my daughter. Brandy was the sexiest fucking woman I had ever met. Just... those tits, and that ass, and that face, she was the total package. And she was my 18 year old daughter!

I sought to change Brandy's bad habits. That was why I no longer felt guilt at fucking her. It was for a good cause. I did everything I could to turn her into an effective member of society. But she was still such a slut. So I had to ride her ass... hard.

Every time we went out, I had to be her shadow. She just couldn't control herself. If I left her alone for even a minute, some guy would emerge from out of nowhere and would flirt with her. I had to go to Brandy, wrap my arm around her, and let everyone else know I was her daddy. But it was so much work. Everywhere I went I saw guys eyeing up Brandy. I was starting to understand why Brandy was so slutty. Guys were all over her! So I had to send signals to scare these guys away.

In the line at the crowded movies, I had to put my hand under my daughter's little skirt and squeeze her ass possessively. Maybe run my fingers under her thong and through the crack of her ass. And if I really had to send a message, I would stick two fingers up her ass, letting everyone know she was not to be messed with. We always had to sit in the back row in the movies, cause if we didn't some pervy guy would sit above us in the next row and stare down Brandy's cleavage. But even when we sat in back, some douche bags would find a reason to sit right next to her. So Brandy would have to unzip my pants and suck me off during the opening credits, scaring them away.

I would see guys eyeing her from across a restaurant, so I would slip my fingers under her jeans and making it real obvious I had two fingers in her young cunt. She would bite her lip, bang the table with her fists, and grunt out a violent orgasm. And the funny thing was, we knew each other so well, that this was all her idea. She told me to finger her ass. She told me to make her suck my dick. She told me to finger her. She knew the punishment she needed, and I had to do it, to expose her slutty nature, by making her cum in public, shaming her by exposing how big a slut she was by having her fuck her daddy in public, again and again. She was making progress.

Suddenly, she seemed so unsure of any purchases she made. She had to have my opinion on everything. So that was why me and her would go shopping for underwear quite often. Her taste would tend towards the skimpy. The skanky. The 'pull my thong up past the hem of my jeans and let all the boys see my whale-tail' kind of style.

She would get extra naughty when we bought her underwear. She would see men buying things for their wives, and she would do everything she could to attract their attention. I had to shoo her around the store to avoid their come-ons.

She flat out refused to buy anything sensible, so I ended having to judge which thong flattered her ass best. Which thong, which g-string made her look the most slutty. She needed to know how big of a slut she was so she would change her ways. And if I had to do that, to appraise her underwear, I would have to sneak in the changing room so I could get a good view of her. And it was there where I punished her for being a naughty slut. A tease. Teasing all those men with her perky ass and jiggling tits. Teasing her daddy with her hot body and filthy underwear. A screaming orgasm usually calmed her down.

I didn't want her partying at places I didn't know, but she was such a party girl that I couldn't take that out of her. A girl like her would cause a lot of damage if left to her own devices. So we hosted parties at our house. Keeping her at home, around Daddy, cause I knew what was best for her. She knew how I felt about some of the guys she hung around with, so very few boys ended up attending. It was mostly girls. Girls Brandy's age. Hot young teenage girls, girls as slutty as she was. And I was quick to learn that Brandy was happy to show me appreciation for letting her girlfriends hang out and party and drink at our house. Brandy was happy to let me show her friends the same punishment I gave her for her slutty behavior.

Holy Shit! I don't know where these girls picked up these things or where they were when I was younger, but holy crap these young girls know how to fuck nowadays. Pounding another tight young 18 year old with my daughter scrubbing her bare tits on my back while whispering encouragements in my ear, urging me to fuck her friends harder, was just fucking incredible. And her nasty fucking friends! My God, Carlee and Alison, holy fuck those girls and their hot little bodies were fucking incredible. Incredible and fucking insane. Those girls were nuts. I learned all about what constituted a sleepover with those three fucking sluts. How could any man turn down a four way with three slutty 18-year-old sex goddesses? Can you blame me?

And it wasn't just Brandy's slut friends either. We met a girl down the street who was visiting and caring for her sick grandmother. Another young Asian girl, 18, Trina, extremely smart, a bit bookish, but still very beautiful. She said she was going to become a doctor, and she was like a prodigy as she was already two years into college. She wasn't a raging slut like my daughter and her friends. But she definitely gave off the vibe that she was exhausted and was down for some fun. Her grandmother was very sick, and on top of that, some crazy woman attacked her as soon as she entered town when she asked her for directions. She was clearly overwhelmed, so Brandy invited her to blow off some steam at our place, and she took us up on it. And let's just say steam wasn't the only thing she was blowing off by the end of the night. And nothing could make a girl feel better than to ride a giant cock for a couple hours on a long steamy night and forget about your troubles for a little while.

I didn't keep tabs on Linda. She walked out on me and if that was what she wanted, I wasn't gonna try to change her mind. That was part of the territory of walking out. I had ceased feeling any obligation towards her at that moment. And Brandy was more than enough woman to keep all my attention on her. I had never felt as fulfilled as I did with Brandy. I didn't miss Linda as much as I probably should have with someone I had been married to for so long. The break between us was surprisingly clean and easy. And I didn't look back.

I think there has been some improvement with Brandy, as far as her attitude goes. Sure, I have to spank her hot ass every time I catch her being naughty, but it seemed to be effective. I made her reflect on herself and confess to all of the naughty things she had done.

My professional career had flourished. My time with Brandy, parenting her, had shown me I had to be more assertive than I was. I was done being a pushover at work, letting things pass me by. I had been promoted to head coach of the high school football team and the team was off to a record start. I was quickly becoming a school legend through my luck and success, and word was I was in line to move up within the faculty. Little did they all know the things that made me a great coach were all taught to me by my experience with my slut daughter.