The Arrow of Desire


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He drove over to Chloe's parents' house. It was a modest house in a development of similar looking houses. Her mother opened the door and reacted in surprise when she saw his scarred face.

Logan was used to such reactions and didn't mind. "G'day, I've come to pick up the key to Chloe's apartment," he said.

"G'day. I'm Chloe's mother. Do you want to come in while I get it?"

"No, that's all right, I'll wait here."

"What did you say your name was?"

Logan thought she wanted to learn more about him before handing over such a precious item as the key to her daughter's apartment. "I'm sorry. I didn't introduce myself. My names Logan, Logan Coolidge, and I'm a friend of Chloe's."

"I'm glad to meet you Logan. Why didn't Chloe come herself?"

"Well, she says she's not very presentable and wanted me to get few things from her apartment; makeup and stuff."

"OK, just a minute."

Chloe's mother disappeared inside her house and reappeared a minute later with a key.

"Here it is. Give my love to Chloe and tell her she doesn't need to be presentable when she comes here."

"I sure will. Thank you for the key."

Logan drove to Chloe's apartment. In was in a long building on a quiet side street. Before getting out of the car, he looked carefully around to see if he could spot either Billy or his car. Everyone seemed to be indoors and there were no red cars.

Logan got out of his car and walked cautiously up to the door of the apartment and rang the doorbell. He was not sure if Billy had a key or not. He suspected Billy might have one; he and Chloe had seemed pretty close. Even though Logan hadn't seen Billy's car, he feared he might be inside the apartment. He thought Billy might have discovered that Chloe had escaped, parked elsewhere and be waiting inside for her. If so, Logan would pretend to be a magazine salesman. He rang twice but no one answered the door.

Logan inserted the key and slowly opened the door. All was quiet. He looked around and was amazed at how tidy it was; no empty beer cans and other trash as in his apartment. He headed for the bedroom closet where Chloe had indicated she kept the key to her chastity belt. He found it, and a good many things besides. There were several bondage items in the closet: two pairs of handcuffs, two thumbcuffs, a few lengths of chain, rope, and a leather hood. He picked up the thumbcuffs and decided to take them with him. He didn't have any and thought he would like to try them out on Chloe. Two pairs meant he could bind both her big toes and her thumbs.

He looked around the bedroom with its neatly made bed and his eye was caught by a framed print of Sorayama's. It showed a slender and shapely girl in a sexy costume and golden chains. He wondered if Chloe fantasized being that girl. He would ask her, and perhaps help her fulfill her fantasy.

He took a plastic bag from the kitchen and then moved into the bathroom. He found her makeup drawer and emptied its contents into the bag. Finally he went to her clothes closet. Chloe had not given any indication as to which clothes he should bring her, so he decided to select the sexiest he could find. He was pleased to find a short leather miniskirt. It was brown and he thought it would match the brown sandals she had been wearing.

The phone rang, but he ignored it. He thought it would probably be Billy phoning, and speaking to him was the last thing he wanted to do. The phone continued to ring while he searched for more clothes. He found a beige top and put that into another plastic bag along with the miniskirt.

The telephone finally stopped ringing. But then began to ring again. He continued to ignore it.

Logan was tempted to leave without taking any of Chloe's underwear, he thought it would be sexy for her not to wear any, but finally decided she might be annoyed at this omission. He located her underwear drawer and selected a black thong, the skimpiest he could find, and a black bra. Putting these into the plastic bag, he left the apartment and checked that the door locked behind him.

He drove to the hardware sort and bought a hacksaw. There was a florist next door, and on the spur of the moment he bought a dozen red roses. He would give these to Chloe as an expression of love.

As he drove back to his apartment, he wondered what making love to Chloe would be like. Would it somehow be sweeter knowing that her sex had been locked away, or would he be disappointed? He decided it didn't matter. The sex would be an expression of love, and love was more important than sex.

He rang his doorbell to give Chloe warning of his return then unlocked the door to enter. He was expecting a warm welcome from a loving Chloe anxious to have her pussy protector removed, but instead he found her extremely agitated and distressed.

"My mother just phoned," she said. "Billy's been in a serious accident. They think he might not survive. He's in intensive care. I have to go to the hospital to see him."

Logan felt a black arrow of despair pierce his heart. Chloe was not over Billy; she still loved him and now would go back to him. "When did it happen?" he asked dully. "Your mother didn't say anything about it when I was there this morning."

"It happened yesterday. Billy's parents have been at the hospital all night and only just phoned my mother to tell her. They tried phoning me, but of course there was no answer."

"How did your mother know you were here?"

"You told her your name and she found your number in the telephone directory."

"I've brought you some roses," he said hopelessly as he handed them to her.

"Oh thank you," she said and kissed him lightly. "They're lovely. Did you get a hacksaw?"

"Yes, I did," he said producing it from its paper bag.

"I can't wait to get this damn chain off. Can you do it now?"

Logan made her bend over the kitchen table and began to saw one of the links at the back of her neck. It was quite difficult since he had to hold the link to keep it still and prevent it digging into her neck. Chloe tried to help by holding the other end of the link.

The cutting proceeded slowly since he didn't want the saw to slip and cut anyone's fingers or Chloe's neck. Finally the blade went through the link and he released the chain. He could see the marks the chain had made on her neck, and there was a discoloration from the metal powder produced by the hacksaw.

"Thank you," she said. "Do you have my clothes?"

"Aren't you going to remove your chastity belt?" Logan asked, handing her the bag containing her clothes.

"No. If I do I will be tempted to make love to you, and I want to get to the hospital as soon as possible."

This made Logan feel even more depressed. Chloe had used her chastity belt to deny Billy sex, now she seemed to be using it to deny him sex. Perhaps he was destined never to make love to her.

"You picked some pretty revealing clothes," Chloe remarked as she dressed. "This thong won't even cover my chastity belt." She left it in the bag.

"I thought they would make you look sexy," Logan said.

"I forgive you; you didn't know we were going to the hospital." She took her makeup and went into the bathroom.

She emerged a few minutes later. Makeup covered most of the discoloration of the bruises, but her face still looked puffy. "This is the best I can do, can we go now?"

"Sure," Logan said dispiritedly and led the way to his car.

On the way to the hospital, Chloe said, "Can you drive faster?"

Logan reluctantly increased his speed slightly. It seemed that the old Chloe had returned; she seemed so impatient. He realized she had not put the roses in water. They must be wilting, their dying symbolizing the ending of Chloe's love for him. He glanced at her sitting beside him. Her short skirt had ridden up exposing the front of her chastity belt. Normally this would have been sexy, but now it didn't seem to matter. His heart ached.

They entered the hospital. Chloe asked after Billy and was directed to the Intensive Care Unit. On arrival they discovered that Billy had been moved out of intensive care and was now in a recovery room. His mother was with him and the nurse said that she would let her know that Chloe had arrived.

The nurse returned and said that Billy's mother would be out in a minute.

"What happened to him?" Chloe asked.

Are you family?" asked the nurse.

"I'm his girlfriend."

Logan's heart sank even further.

"They say he drove his car into the heart tree out on the highway. He wasn't wearing a seat belt and was thrown through the windscreen. He received extensive lacerations to his face; I'm afraid he's going to need plastic surgery. He's also partially paralyzed. We don't know the full extent yet or whether he will recover."

"Do you know what time the accident happened?" Logan asked.

"I'm not sure, but I think it was early afternoon."

Logan realized that it was Billy's accident that had caused the traffic jam on the highway.

A minute later Billy's mother came out and Chloe hugged her.

"I'm so sorry," Chloe said, "I came as soon as I heard."

"Thank goodness you weren't with him. His car collided with a tree. It must have been terrible."

"Could I see him?" Chloe asked.

"Yes, but he can't talk. He's been badly hurt. He's all bandaged up, he's hurt his face and he can't move his legs."

Chloe motioned to Logan, "Come on, I want you to meet him."

Logan followed Chloe into the room. Billy was lying on a bed with tubes sticking into his nose and an intravenous drip in his arm. His face was bandaged leaving only his eyes visible.

"I'm really sorry you've had an accident," Chloe said.

Billy blinked at her but didn't say anything.

"I want to say something to you, and I want Logan here to hear it as well. He's the person who found me and rescued me. If it wasn't for him I'd be dead. I want you to know it's all over between us. After what you did to me yesterday I hated you and wanted you put in jail where you belong. But now I feel only pity for you. They say you might be paralyzed and if you are, that will be your punishment and your prison. But if you recover I don't want you coming after me. I won't tell anyone what you did to me, but if I ever hear from you again I will go to the police and tell them all about it. Logan here is a witness."

Chloe paused before continuing. Logan felt hope rising within him, he hardly dare believe it.

"This is goodbye. I never want to see you or hear from you again. I'm going to move on with my life. I really don't care what happens to you."

Chloe turned and walked quickly out of the room. Logan nodded at Billy, whether to acknowledge him or to confirm what Chloe had said he could not say, then followed her out.

Chloe hugged Billy's mother again. "I'm so sorry. I hope he makes a full recovery."

"They say he's out of danger. Will you be visiting again?"

"I think not. It's over between us, it ended before the accident."

"Oh!" Billy's mother said in surprise. She stared suspiciously at Logan.

Logan returned her stare with a neutral expression. He was used to people staring at him and knew how to return such looks as if challenging them to say something. It worked as it usually did and Billy's mother looked away.

She spoke to Chloe. "Well goodbye my dear. Thank you for coming."

Chloe and Logan walked out of the hospital. He was not sure what mood she was in so cautiously asked, "Is there anything I can do?"

She stopped, turned and embraced him. "Yes there is," she said and kissed the scar on his face. "You can take me home and make love to me. I can't wait to get this damned chastity belt off."


Chloe and Logan were married on Valentine's Day the following year. Billy was paralyzed from the waist down and confined to a wheelchair. He did not attend the wedding. Logan told Chloe about Desire and admitted that he had fired the arrow that struck her. They returned to the forest and searched for the arrow, but never found it. Logan was tempted to believe that his meeting with Desire had been a figment of his imagination, but Chloe swore she had seen the arrow and had been wounded by it. Years later, and finding himself still in love with Chloe, Logan finally realized that Desire was a better shot than he had pretended to be.


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MartinSpezMartinSpezover 1 year ago

Very romantic - thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great story

Interesting plot, well written

SeniorcitizenSeniorcitizenover 17 years ago
Good Fun

Nice story. Fun to read. Keep up the good work.

From another Aussie. (Sydney)

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