The Big Tits Club Ch. 11-12


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Zofi frowned at me. "What about that time when I sat on your face while Neevie gave you her first blowjob? Or any of the other dozens of times you were messing around with one girl while another was messing around with your dick?"

Belle explained again, "He said he wasn't actually fucking anyone, so all those times were daisy-chains and not 'proper' threesomes." Belle held her hands up out of the water to do the air quotes.

"Makes sense to me," Naimh grinned. "I get to say I was part of Matty's first threesome!"

"Well I wanna be part of Matty's NEXT 'proper' threesome," Sam announced, elevating herself up from the hot tub and spreading her arms out to the sides on the deck, a position which put her huge tits on full display. "I've spent the last three days in a full-blown panic that I'd never get to be with him again, and lemme tell you, once you've had that bad boy inside you, you won't be able to LIVE with yourself never having it again."

"Agreed!" Naimh announced while raising her right hand.

"Agreed!" Belle called a second later, also raising her hand.

I frowned and said, "Hey, roll it back a notch. We've talked before about not putting pressure on the other girls." I looked to the left at Mari and to the right at Alice, both of whom wearing nervous expressions. Zofi, on the other hand, looked perfectly comfortable, although I couldn't tell whether that was because she already planned on having sex with me as well or simply didn't feel pressured to do so.

Mari spoke up, saying, "It's alright, Matty. The girls expressing how they had such a good time is just that -- expressing themselves. I don't feel pressured to put out just to keep up with them. It just reassures me I made the right decision when I decided to save myself for you. Uh, not that I'm gonna come crawling into your bed right away or anything. I... uh... I'm not..."

"You don't have to say more," I told her reassuringly. "I won't ever expect you to do anything you're not ready to do."

Mari looked worried for a second. "But you WILL do it with me when I AM ready, right?"

I blinked twice and looked around at the other girls, suddenly worried I was going to get jealous looks from the ones I'd already slept with. But Sam, Naimh, and Belle were just smirking at my discomfort. On sudden impulse, I reached out and drew Mari into my lap, brushed her hair back from her face and leaned in to give her a tender kiss. Our lips rubbed together for only a few seconds, and as I pulled back she felt my erection trapped between us and grinded herself down against it.

I grinned and nuzzled her nose. "Whenever you're ready, I will be too."

Mari gave me a relieved smile. "Thank you. I'm glad." She then blushed while sliding back into her own seat, and around us Sam, Belle, and Naimh started hooting and cheering.

I leaned back to allow myself a moment of contentment as my three lovers enthusiastically encouraged their virginal friend to join them, when out of the corner of my eye I saw my best friend's hand come down to slap the surface of the water, splashing a surprised Zofi. We all turned to Alice, her face a mutinous mask of hurt and angry emotions.

"Well I'm glad everyone's singing Matty's praises and you're now quite literally queueing up to be his next conquest," Alice bit out through frustrated tears as she elevated herself out of the tub and sat down on the deck. Water streamed down off her naked body, cascading like waterfalls over her exposed naked breasts. Shaking her head and frowning at Mari, she continued, "I thought at least ONE other girl here had enough sense to realize we're opening a can of worms and this whole thing is gonna turn out to be a trainwreck that destroys everything we've built together. But I guess it's just me. Have fun being Matty's Harem, everyone. I think it's time I went home."

"Alice!" Naimh called out in alarm as the Korean girl spun around, got up, and marched back into the house.

Heaven help me, I couldn't stop myself from ogling Alice's puffy pink pussy from behind when she'd bent over, but I quickly brushed that idea away and called after my grade school buddy, "Alice! Come on! We didn't--"

Naimh was already getting out of the tub as well, and I momentarily caught myself ogling HER gorgeous figure with water running in rivers down all of her curves. Only after she was out did I finally haul myself out, grab a towel, and follow after.

This was NOT good.


Alice was crying in the armchair when I walked in, wrapped in a towel but still pretty wet. Naimh was kneeling on the floor in front of her, clutching another towel around her midsection but the back had come loose and the terrycloth draped to either side of her, leaving her completely exposed from behind. But this wasn't a moment to get sidetracked.

The girls took one look at me as I came in, and Alice immediately held up a hand, saying, "Go away, Matty."

"Please," I said gently, holding up both hands. "I'm not here to make you feel worse, but I DO want to do whatever I can to make things better."

Alice clenched her jaw and looked up at the ceiling for a moment. "I should be really mad at both of you for crossing the line and screwing right here on the couch. YOU, I get it." She pointed an accusatory finger straight at me. "You've spent years gleefully accepting whatever we girls would let you have. It's never been a question of whether or not you'd say yes if one of us wanted to fuck you. We've always known the answer."

I didn't really know what to say to that, so I stayed silent. But I did at least approach and sit down on the couch cushion closest to her.

Alice turned her ire to Naimh. "YOU, on the other hand. You KNEW I didn't want the group crossing this line."

"I know, but that line has already BEEN crossed," Naimh argued.

"That doesn't make it right! You were supposed to be on my side. But what did YOU do when you found out Sam and Belle seduced him behind our backs? You immediately forgave them so you could finally fuck him on the spot! What the fuck, Neevie? Let Sam and Belle be the skanks that betrayed the BTC. Not you too!"

"I forgave them because they're our friends."

"They're bitches is what they are. And I can't believe you're defending them! How the fuck does Sam ALWAYS get her fucking way even when she's quite literally the fucking bitch that stabbed us all in the back?!? And Belle too!"

Naimh frowned. "Do you really think they're skanks and bitches just for giving into their feelings for him? Belle's loved Matty for YEARS. And Sam... well... I think Sam's just possessive. That thing with Holly really threw her for a loop, and she wanted to mark her territory or something. As for me... you KNOW how long I've wanted him."

Alice's shoulders slumped in resignation as the fight went out of her. "I know. I get it. I can't ask any of you to stop now that you've already started. That's why I should be the one to leave the BTC."

"Don't say that."

"Isn't it obvious? I'm the only one who DOESN'T want him! I knew Zofi would follow Sam's lead, but I at least thought I could trust Mari would keep her panties on. Now she's said flat out she's gonna put out for him as soon as she's ready and I can't be the only one in the club who's not on board with this brave new Matty-boning paradigm. It would just be WAY too weird, knowing the five of you are all... I just..." Alice sighed and looked straight at me. "I thought we were fine being buddies. We've been so good as buddies since seventh grade. Even after all the teasing and messing around and... shit... letting you eat my pussy... I thought we could at least stay buddies until the end of high school, you know? But now that you've started fucking the others, it's only a matter of time until everybody starts expecting the same of me, and I wouldn't be able to deal with that kind of obligation."

I shook my head. "I would never obligate you to--"

"Oh, shut the fuck up, dude," she cut me off. "Everybody knows you'd never force anyone to blah-blah-blah or obligate them to blah-blah-blah. That's not the fucking point. It's never been about YOU - this is entirely about THEM - and I don't fit in anymore. I'm not sure I ever did. I just watched my two best friends fucking each other -- and that doesn't even mention Belle sucking a creampie out of you right after -- and it's freaking me out because I am NOT ready for this. This isn't what I signed up for. I mean seriously, has EVERYONE been building and building and building to this point for the last few years? Was I was the only one stupid enough to believe the lie that we were keeping you around as the safe guy we could experiment on?"

"It wasn't a lie," Naimh stated. "I knew what I was getting into when I joined, and I knew full well Matty was off-limits. That didn't stop me from wanting him, because nobody can really control their feelings, but I had accepted that it would never really happen. Matty was a rare and precious resource, for all of us. Sam wanted to protect that, and her heart was in the right place when she made The Rule. I genuinely believe she never intended to sleep with him that night. I'm telling you sincerely that -I- didn't come here this morning planning to have sex with him, either. These things just sort of happened."

"Yeah, these things just sort of happened, and now Matty's Harem has been born. I suppose that's no worse a title than The Big Tits Club." With a scowl, Alice started hunting around for her clothes.

"Please don't leave," Naimh implored. "We can work this out."

"There's nothing to work out. It's okay, Neevie. I'm happy for you, even if it doesn't seem that way right now. Because I know how you REALLY feel about him. I know how long you've wanted him, and now you finally get to have him. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy HIM. I want you to. It's just that I can't stand around watching you and everyone else fucking him when that's not something I want for myself, that's all."

"Alice..." Neevie turned to me with a helpless expression on her face, plainly asking for help.

"Alice, please," I began. "I don't want to lose you."

"It's okay, Matty." My friend since fourth grade gave me a sad look. I wasn't even tempted to ogle her as she shrugged into her bra and started pulling on her shirt. "I'll always be grateful you were the one guy who could let me be me. Thank you for that."

"Then stay and let me let you be you. NOBODY in the BTC is going to stop you from being you. You're my buddy, and you're their friend. Yes, some of them have started having sex with me, and it looks like they intend to continue. But that's between me and them. It doesn't have to change your relationship with any of us."

"Everything already HAS changed. Sex changes everything, don't you get it? Half an hour ago, Neevie asked everyone if they wanted to go skinny-dipping. Everyone ELSE eagerly said yes, and nobody paid any attention to me frowning and shaking my head no. Did I want to strip down naked and go out to the hot tub? No, I didn't, but I felt like I had to go along. Right before that, everyone ELSE eagerly agreed that sex was now on the menu! And nobody paid any attention to me still being angry at Sam for betraying the BTC in the first place! I'm already the odd girl out, so I'm simply removing myself from the equation."

By now, Alice was fully dressed, and right as she said the word "removing" she started walking towards the front door. Naimh and I both followed after, still clad in nothing but our towels.

Naimh suddenly changed tactics, barking angrily, "Don't you DARE walk out on us, Alice! Come on! I thought we were friends!"

Alice stopped for a moment and turned around to face us. "We were. You two were my BEST friends, but maybe we're not meant to be anymore. Romantic couples break up and go their separate ways when they realize they're not compatible anymore, and friends stay together because of common interests. For us, Matty, it was video games, comics, CCGs, and talking Sci-Fi. Neevie, it was art and comics and just finding a great girlfriend since the others were already paired off. And even though you and I were always at opposite ends of the spectrum when it came to sex stuff, I never once doubted that you cared about how this shit would affect me."

"I did. I do," Naimh said emphatically.

Alice shook her head. "But now you're fucking him, and I'm not. We're not compatible, and our interests aren't in common anymore. Goodbye, Neevie. Goodbye, Matty."

"Alice--" we both called at the same time.

But Alice didn't turn around. She opened the door, walked away, and didn't come back.


-- CHAPTER 12: Fit In --


Alice wasn't waiting for me with a fist bump at the parking lot Monday morning. I still had Belle with me, of course, and she stayed with me right up until we had to split up to go to our separate first periods. Once I got to class, Sam took one look at me, got up, and walked around to give me a hug. I wondered just how bad I looked for her to feel the need to do that.

Alice didn't join us during the recess between second and third periods, either. I knew I shouldn't have expected her to, but some part of me still hoped she had merely been late to school and therefore missed seeing me in the parking lot. I'd hoped everything was just a simple misunderstanding that would blow over and she'd rejoin the club like nothing had happened.

Zofi and I shared our third period, and the lissome brunette held my hand (as usual) as we walked to class. Fifty feet from the classroom door, we suddenly came to a dead stop as Alice crossed our paths. Alice stopped as well and gave us a weird look that somehow made Zofi drop my hand as if it had spontaneously caught on fire.

Alice didn't join us for lunch, either. That's when I gave up hope and started to get really depressed.

Sam and Mari came over to Belle's place Monday afternoon to study and do homework, per usual. For the first time in a long time, we didn't have a single "study break". I mean, we took breaks from studying, but there were no makeout sessions or blowjobs or anything like that. Sam kept eyeing me with a sad look on her face, like some maternal instinct had kicked in and she wanted to take care of me, but I wasn't in the mood and radiated "leave me alone" messages that kept her and the others at bay. Not even Belle could get through to me.

Tuesday was more of the same. I finished my lunch early and went wandering around the school, trying to figure out where Alice was spending her time nowadays. In hindsight, I should've asked the girls if they knew first, because the girls always knew everything. When I returned and finally asked Naimh, she immediately replied, "She's hanging out with Lucia and Seo-yeon."

Tuesday afternoons used to be Neevie and Alice days, but when I asked Naimh if she was still coming over, she sighed, shook her head, and asked if it would be alright for her to skip it. She just wasn't in the mood. I didn't go over to Belle's place to join her and Mari, either, electing to go home alone and wallow in my own misery. I wasted about an hour just staring at the wall, thinking about all the fun things I'd done with Alice since grade school, before I finally opened my books and got my work done. Belle didn't seem happy about it when she found out I'd spent the afternoon alone. She'd thought Naimh would've still come over, and figured we might even find solace in each other's arms. But I told her that being with Naimh made me think of Alice and vice versa, and neither of us really wanted to deal with that.

Wednesday was more of the same, but better in one important way. Alice at least talked to me when we passed each other in the hall. I asked how she was doing, she said she missed me but she wasn't coming back to the BTC, and then she had to get off to class. It was a fifteen second conversation, but it made me feel a lot better, and the other girls noticed. I still wasn't in the mood to mess around when Sam and Zofi started flirting, but I felt better.

Thursday afternoons had always been Belle and Mari afternoons. The first time Mari ever got carried away during a "study break" was on a Thursday when she'd shoved her hands into my shorts, fed me her nipples, and jacked me off all over my own belly. It had also been a Thursday when Belle orchestrated events so that Mari would catch us in the act mid-blowjob. That afternoon had ended with me giving the luscious Latina her first oral orgasm, and she performing her first blowjob.

Belle and Sam had gotten nowhere with me over the past few days trying to entice me into one sexual activity or another. Sam had played the seductress, shaking her tits in my face, running her hands up my inner thighs, and generally trying to distract me with some of her old teasing behaviors, to which I'd politely ask her to stop. Belle had been a little more direct when we were alone together, once resorting to just grabbing my pants and yanking them down while telling me a blowjob would make me feel better. She was probably right, but I'd twisted away and asked her to stop, saying I wasn't in the mood and I'd rather she didn't force the issue.

Mari somehow got through to me where the others had failed. An hour into our study session, she reclined back across the bed and asked sweetly, "Matty? I know you're not in the mood for fooling around, but can I just get a hug?"

Well, I couldn't turn down a simple hug, right? So I ended up lying down on my left side while Mari spooned herself against my chest. She stuck her juicy booty into my crotch and pulled my arm around her midsection, and we cuddled like that for a while. Mari sighed in contentment at the feeling of my embrace, and I had to admit I felt better in that moment than I had in days. Her breathing slowed as she lazily stroked my forearm with her fingertips. I felt my own breathing slowing down as well. My shoulder muscles, which had been stress-knotted for days, started to relax. Mari truly had a body built for comfort, and it felt like nature's design for me to mold my body around hers as if she were a warm, life-sized teddy bear. And after a few minutes, I actually started nodding off from the release of tension.

I didn't quite fall asleep, though. My consciousness was getting fuzzy when I felt Mari mold her hand over mine. I didn't resist as she pulled my hand beneath her sweater, up past her belly and into her cleavage. The next thing I knew, I had a big round titty in my hand with a hard nipple pressing into my palm.

I must've made a noise of surprise, because Mari started giggling. She didn't otherwise react, however, and we remained spooned together like that for another few minutes with nothing else happening. After that, though, she started rubbing her ass back against my crotch. And as I started to feel little sparks of pleasure trickling into my brain, I instinctively started rubbing the massive mammary in my right mitt.

Eventually, I found myself using the grip on her boob to tug her body against my chest and allow me to dry-hump her ass with a little more pressure. I was panting softly in her ear, dimly conscious of the fact that I hadn't cum since that first 'proper' threesome with Belle and Naimh on Saturday morning. The intervening six days were the longest period I'd gone without an ejaculation since before I'd learned to masturbate. And once I started seriously hot-dogging her buns, Mari must've realized I wasn't going to push her away like I'd been doing with Sam and Belle, and she rolled over to face me, started working my pants down, and swiftly crammed half of my cock into her mouth.

I groaned at the welcome sensation of warm wetness surrounding my shaft, and she added a little vibration when she hummed happily. I stared down at the lovely Latina smiling up at me with a face full of man-meat, her long, luxurious locks of dark brown hair cascading down each side of her face.