The Black Wedding

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The bride wore white, but the groom went black.
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This story is posted on the Literotica website. Do not repost anywhere else without the author's consent. For fans of my stories, they know what kinds of things to expect. This story deals with similar themes as the stories by wannabeboytoy, seducedHylas, and Dark Betrayal, namely cheating, betrayal, and heartbreak. If stuff like that isn't your cup of tea, then you probably shouldn't bother reading it. I do not condone any of these actions in real life. This is just a story. Enjoy.


A huge pair of breasts pressed softly into the bar.

The woman knew exactly what she was doing as she bent over the bar, her clingy, skimpy, low-cut tank top yawing open, trying to catch the bartender's attention in more ways than one. She was dressed to impress, wearing tight, dark, form fitting jeans and stylish shoes. But it was her slim top that drew the eyes. Tight, clinging to her fit upper-half, showing off an expanse of her flat belly and sexy navel, the cream colored tank top was scooped very low, showing a near indecent amount of her round and smooth boobs, and the deep canyon of cleavage in between. The spaghetti straps were being tested by her massive rack, digging into her smooth tanned skin, while allowing her fantastic bust to be shown off to its maximum potential. She would outwardly justify this wardrobe choice as simply a countermeasure to the summer heat, but everyone knew she chose this just because it showed off her rocking DD's. She looked damn good, and she fucking knew it.

"Can I get you something, Megan?" Zack asked, turning to face her, doing his best to keep his eyes on hers as she bent over the bar, her huge tits hanging down, showing off her deep cleavage. It was a visual delight to anyone who was looking, but luckily for Zack he was experienced with this type of thing, so it was nothing new. He kept his eyes always forward.

"What are you offering?" the hot brunette purred, smiling wickedly at the handsome man behind the bar.

"Well... we're a bar, and we're fully stocked. We have just about any drink you'd like," Zack replied, not acknowledging her obvious flirting. Megan was a few years older than him. She had been coming to this bar with her friends once or twice a week for a while now and she had been flirting with Zack from almost the beginning. Her friends always came across as strong, professional women and they dressed the part, but Megan wasn't afraid to dress like, quite frankly, a slut. Zack didn't really like thinking of women like that anymore, but her heavy, blunt flirting pretty much proved him right. At first, when she started coming in, her flirting was light. But her comments had progressed into being very blatant, saying things that almost made this Midwestern young man blush. Things that he was shocked she would say at all, let alone in public, surrounded and almost encouraged by her friends. But Zack was a pretty worldly guy, so it would take a lot to shock him.

"Well, the one thing I want to drink, you won't give me," she replied, looking straight at Zack, her eyes playful, clearly savoring this interaction already. Zack looked at her for a few moments, unsure of her meaning, before she made it crystal clear.

"I'm talking about your semen," she added bluntly. Zack reacted to this admission by panicking slightly and glancing around to make sure no one had overheard her blatant come-on. The brunette smiled brightly and continued. "I just want you to know that whenever I'm here and I'm staring at you, all I can imagine is getting on my knees and taking every single drop of cum from your swollen balls into my mouth. I would let it pool there. I would slide it all over my tongue, savoring the delicious taste, cause I can just tell you're just one of those guys who has great tasting cum. I would coat the inside of my mouth with it so I would taste it for days. Then, when I'm finally done, I would swallow every fucking drop and ask for more," she teased, her nipples hardening under her top.

"Do you want any alcohol or not?" Zack asked, not in the mood to play games with her. She pouted slightly.

"Why don't you ever hit on me, Zack?" Megan asked. "Guys fall all over themselves for me. Most men I come across would do anything to get in my pants. I mean, are you gay or something? What man doesn't want to suck on these tits? No man's will is that iron. I mean, you don't even have the decency to check out my huge boobs! I can't tell you how happy it would make me if I caught you staring at my cleavage. That alone would give me so much mental fuel. I would literally finger myself to that for months without it getting old," she told him, loving the heated and filthy nature of this, unfortunately, one-sided seduction.

"A guy would have to be gay to resist your charms?" Zack replied bluntly. "You're telling me that all guys just fall entranced by your sparkling personality? Or, maybe, just maybe, not every guy is looking for what you are offering..." he explained, not giving her an inch, unimpressed by her heavy handed seduction.

"One day, I might just start going to a different bar, where the bartenders are far more willing to play. And when I do, you're gonna really regret missing out on this," she said, gesturing towards her hot body. Zack's eyes were drawn downward for a moment, unconsciously following her hands, his eyes taking in her luscious frame for a moment before catching himself, bringing his gaze up from her delicious boobs to her eyes again. "Ah! Had you there for a second! You see, Zack, deep down, you want this. You'd better take advantage before I'm out of your life for good."

"Well, I can't wait for that day to come," Zack replied simply, happy simply at the thought of not having to deal with her again. She smiled at him, loving the hunt, feeling the thrill of the chase. Zack had resisted her far longer than any other man. Most others had given in, but not him. And that level of willpower made him absolutely irresistible to the hot-bodied seductress.

She reached across the bar and put her hand on his arm, but he pulled away. She had gotten very handsy lately. At one point, when he was out from behind the bar, she announced her presence to him by palming his cute butt, digging her nails into him roughly. He didn't appreciate the invasion of his person then, and he really didn't now.

"Ah, who am I kidding?" She began. "I love the chase. When you and I finally do it, and believe, some day, we ARE gonna do it, it's gonna be so worth the wait..." Zack didn't respond, leaving her to fill in the silence.

"Don't make me have to go home empty handed, Zack. I'm not asking for a relationship here. I just want you to come back to my place so we can screw each others' brains out," she said with a sickeningly sweet smile. He didn't say a word so she continued. "I don't understand why everyone gets so hung up on casual sex. Zack... just let me show you a good time. You've earned it." Megan urged softly. "And you know that I would show you a very good time."

"Again, Megan, not interested. Now do you want a drink or not?" Zack asked, impatient, deftly denying her as other customers were backing up at the bar.

"Whiskey. Straight-up," she relented, pouting. As he turned to grab the bottle, she let her eyes gaze across his impressive frame. She admired his cute butt. His fit torso. His strong, sturdy arms. His broad back. Even though he was so calm and even-keeled, an experienced seductress like her could just tell this guy would be an absolute beast between the sheets. She often fantasized about being on the receiving end of the lustful fury hidden behind his cool façade.

"You might as well give up, Megan." Zack began, "Hate to break it to you, but I'm engaged. Someone came up to this bar and beat you to it, did what you couldn't," he teased, smiling back at her, knowing this would infuriate Megan, while hoping it would end her fascination with him. She grabbed her drink from him and slammed it, before looking at him coolly.

"Does she have tits like these?" she said, her tone slightly less playful, cupping her mammoth jugs, pointing them at him. He couldn't help but glance at her rack for a moment, taking in their smooth, perfect round shape, but he looked away calmly, confident enough to see what she was offering and still be unaffected.

"She has something you don't," Zack replied easily, denying the aggressive, hot-bodied vixen at every turn.

"She must be a lucky girl," she replied, staring him down, anger behind her eyes. "But engaged isn't married, and take it from me, a ring is simply a target to women like me. This will never stop for you, Zack. If it's not me, it'll be another woman. Trust me," she warned him knowingly.

"I have other customers... and your friends are looking bored," Zack replied, looking to step away from the seductress.

"Can I at least get your number?" she asked, "In case things with your girl don't work out, and you're in desperate need of some hot, tight cunt?" Zack bristled slightly at her rough language.

"I think I'm good," Zack replied with a knowing look. She nodded her head, sadly receiving the answer she expected at this point.

"That's probably for the best," she admitted. "The things I'd do if I had your phone number..." she paused wistfully. "I'd make taking pictures of naked tits a fucking art form." Zack's eyes widened slightly, again wowed by how blunt and honest she was being.

"You done?" he asked. She gave him a hard, pointed look before relenting.

"Well..." she began, reaching into her small purse, "If you change your mind, here's my card," she said, handing him a business card. She gave him one last, lingering look before stepping away, shaking her butt at him pointedly, the straps of her black thong riding proudly over her hips, forming an indecent whale-tail, displaying the tiny undergarment without shame. But Zack didn't linger on her or the card in his hand. Zack didn't even glance at it before dispensing it into the trash. Women like Megan didn't really faze him anymore.

This wasn't an uncommon occurrence for Zack. In fact, the other bartenders teased him for it, some of the other guys not understanding what made him so irresistible to the female clientele. The female bartenders and staff totally got his appeal, but they had the respect for him and his relationship status that those other women didn't.

The Zack of old would have happily welcomed this behavior in the female customers, but he had evolved beyond that type of thing. Despite their obvious appeal, he had grown enough to not gawk like a horny teenager. He wasn't blind to it, certainly. He totally understood how hot and sexy women like Megan were, but a guy like Zack had pretty much seen everything. He had seen big boobs. Very big boobs. He had seen full, round, juicy asses. He had done some filthy things with women, things you don't do with women you respect and love, but that stuff was all out of his system now. He didn't need a pair of massive, soft, juicy breasts. He didn't need a tight, round and fit ass to make him happy. He wasn't that guy anymore. He was ready to settle down and be with someone for the right reasons. He needed a lot more than what Megan offered.

He was good. He was happy. He had Mandy, and she was all he needed.

He couldn't wait for the wedding. He couldn't wait to get married. He couldn't wait to have the privilege of taking Mandy as his wife, and he couldn't wait for her to do allow him the honor of being her husband.

Despite what all his buddies would tell him, the idea of settling down and getting married sounded very appealing to Zack. It sounded like just what he needed to be perfectly content and happy.

He couldn't wait.


Like many women before her, Mandy Robbins was realizing that the idea of marriage was a lot more appealing than the reality of making it happen. What had started as a simple, humble event was suddenly turning into the wedding from hell.

The big day was quickly approaching and things were happening fast. She would carry a notebook around filled with all the arrangements and important information for the wedding just in case something arose and she needed to know some information at a moment's notice. She thought she had everything all set but she wasn't the type to rest on her laurels. She would check things over and over again, but even for someone like her, she was starting to feel pretty good about how the arrangements were coming along. With the wedding only a few weeks' away, Mandy figured things should be pretty much set at this point, but that wasn't the case for her. On the contrary, things were pretty much falling apart.

"What do you mean you can't find my order?" Mandy said on the phone, losing her cool. As she sat at her desk at work and listened to the caterer explain to her that her arrangements had somehow vanished, Mandy began to panic. "My wedding's in three weeks! I can't find another caterer on this short of notice! Wait... it's gonna cost me how much to re-submit my order? I... I can't afford that! I mean, I put my order in months ago!"

A few minutes later, Mandy's head was in her hands after she angrily slammed the phone down. She didn't know what she was gonna do. Things had seemed like they were going well, but it seemed like all of a sudden in these last few days all of her plans were getting thrown out the window. She rubbed her forehead in consternation. Things couldn't fall apart now. They couldn't!

She had done everything right. Mandy was a very detail oriented person, and organizing this wedding seemed to fit perfectly with this side of her. She had started on everything months in advance, not wanting to procrastinate. She was very good about checking her arrangements over multiple times, verifying that things were running smoothly. Getting everything in place was tricky. Trying to find a good place for flowers, and catering, and a good church; it wasn't easy, especially in the big city. But she was happy with what she had put together.

Neither her nor her husband-to-be were exactly raking it in, so they were working on a limited budget. And that was fine, cause Mandy wasn't the type of girl to need pomp and circumstance. Sure, that kind of stuff seemed good in fantasy, but the young secretary was aware enough to know that that kinda stuff wasn't very realistic.

Typically, she liked to stay after work when she had to make some important calls pertaining to her wedding. It was usually after her boss and most of the others had left, preferring to conduct the business there as opposed to at her apartment. She liked doing things at work because she tried to avoid bringing this madness home with her. She was doing this on her own time so no one could be too upset, and typically, the people still around past closing time were too absorbed in their own business to take notice of her. But now, as she confronted the fact that all of her plans were falling apart, she regretted taking care of her personal business in this setting. At this point, she wanted to be far away from prying eyes. And, on top of that, this happened to be one of the few days that her boss had stuck around beyond her normal leaving time. And of course, just as she was feeling this wave of panic as her perfectly laid plans fell through, her boss, Vanessa Jones, the CEO of Tredex Enterprises, emerged from her office.

"Mmm, good, you're still here," Vanessa said, stepping out of her office. "I need to get a hold of Tori K in the morning. I need to tell her to get her man in line so we can do some business together." The older African-American woman sauntered towards Mandy, looking every bit the high powered executive she was, her slim, leather skirt and her tight, silky blouse hugging her voluptuous form. Her small black designer purse was hanging off her shoulder, and her fashionable aviator-style sunglasses were poised at the end of her nose. As she began to walk past her seated secretary, her high heels clicking on the floor, she didn't immediately taking notice of her secretary's plight. It was only when she noticed her secretary's lack of response that she glanced down at her and noticed her head in her hands.

"What's wrong?" Vanessa asked. While Vanessa had a soft spot for her young secretary and often gave her advice and discussed the young woman's professional future, things between them were typically very business-like, centering mostly on professional matters, so it was unusual for her to inquire too much into Mandy's personal matters.

"Uhh... well," Mandy began, angrily smiling, "Firstly, the florist for my wedding decided to double his price. The photographer just disappeared off the face of the Earth, and now, my order with the caterer up and vanished. I... my wedding is falling apart!" She said, feeling tears welling in her eyes, but she tried to stop herself. She would not let herself cry at work. She wasn't one of those girls.

Not knowing what to say at first, Vanessa looked at Mandy's desk, noting the open folder with Mandy's wedding plans. Being a veteran of many marriages, this caught her eye, so she shifted her focus away from her panicked secretary onto that.

"Let me take a look at this..." Vanessa said, moving her sunglasses on top of her head and leaning over the desk. Mandy moved aside to give her boss some room. As she did, Mandy couldn't help but let her eyes lock onto Vanessa's jiggling breasts as she bent over the desk. This happened a lot, and not just with Mandy, but with lots of people. Vanessa's breasts were absolutely enormous, looking even more huge due to her fit frame. And it wasn't unusual to catch someone in the office gawking at her massive black breasts. Mandy surmised that Vanessa secretly welcomed this kind of attention, with some of the low-cut tops she wore, but since Mandy worked in close proximity to her, she tried her best to not let them catch her eye. Mandy was 100% straight, it wasn't anything like that. They were just perfectly round and smooth and absolutely huge. It was difficult not to stare, man or woman. Her boobs were just amazing!

In Mandy's current state, the size of her boss's breasts was only a momentary distraction as Vanessa glanced over Mandy's wedding plans with surprising interest. She glanced through each perfectly separated section in Mandy's folder, evaluating her choices for the church, flowers, catering, photographer, etc. As she did, she muttered to herself.

"No... no... no," she said, shaking her head at Mandy's choices. "Oh, Mandy... you really should have brought me in on this earlier," she said softly to herself, with a slight sense of judgment. "I'm sorry, but these choices are pretty rough. The florist you chose is garbage, the caterer is a well-known rip-off artist, and the church you chose is not one you want to get married in. What compelled you to choose these?" she asked, looking down at her seated secretary, who had never felt so small.

"I... I..." Mandy stammered, her cheeks beet red as she rubbed her forehead.

"You clearly did your research... why did you decide on... these?" Vanessa asked, tearing down Mandy's decision making as she would with some incompetent subordinate in the boardroom. This harsh judgment, combined with her already boiling frustration, finally caused Mandy to boil over.

"Well, maybe if you paid me more, I could have afforded better!" Mandy said loudly at her boss, catching Vanessa off guard. Only a second later, horror flashed across her face at the realization of what she had just said hit her. "Oh my God, I am so sorry. I didn't mean that!" Mandy stammered. Vanessa looked down at Mandy with an unreadable expression for a moment, causing Mandy to panic and think she was about to get fired on the spot. Then, Vanessa smirked, with almost a bit of pride.

"Ooohh, shy little thing has some fire in her belly! I like that!" Vanessa said, causing Mandy to exhale in relief.