The Dream Continues Ch. 08


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She grabbed another fig for herself. She peeled the top back with infinite care, watching the puffy inside pull away as mine had done. Again the fig knew what to do. She held it to my Friend, who ate, and drank, of the fruit of Olga's love.

They kissed long and hard. It was a deep lingering kiss.

There was no discussion. The Olga, who knew what she wanted, stood up. She picked up the plate of figs, with one had, took my Friend's hand in her other, and led her to the cushions scattered on the floor. More cushions, and loose seat squares, were brought to the floor.

I re-stoked the fire with several large logs, and joined them, carrying three glasses, and the remains of the second bottle of Beaujolais.

Outside the sky had changed to that endless semi-dusk of northern climes. It was still light enough for us to read, we could have been outside, naked as we were. It was warm; it was perfect.

We began to feed each other figs, peeling them as I had shown, and holding them up for another to eat. It was like a bacchanalian feast. Empty skins were tossed onto the fire. Each eating filled us with more lust.

They had to have aphrodisiac properties.

We began to talk of great lovemaking. Olga was detailed about the odd boyfriend, but most of the stories came from us. She obviously did not want to talk about her husband, and she was not pushed by either of us.

No other subject was taboo.

She said that she had enjoyed the way I touched her anus, first when she, and my Friend, had just come to their climax together, then when my finger entered her arse in the hot tub.

She had never experienced anal sex. She wondered if we might try it together during the weekend.

My beloved Friend told her of our first attempts. She described how she had read about it in French novels, and how we messed everything up on the first night that we ever spent together.

Then she described, in graphic detail, how I took her from behind, the following afternoon, while she was talking on the telephone to her husband.

She told how I lubricated, and opened her, as she talked, and how she pushed back against my hand when she was ready for my penis to enter her body. She said that she went on talking as the tip pushed on her hole, moved in, and continued to slide gently passed her sphincter without stopping.

She was totally graphic in her descriptions, of her feelings, of her emotions, and of what I did.

Olga was becoming very excited; she stretched out on her back. She fed two fingers of her right hand through the looped chains on her right nipple. Her left hand went down to her sex. It was as though she was in a trance. She began to play a tune on her clit. She began to stretch her nipple bar to the same rhythm.

She spread her legs a little. We could see that she was very wet again.

My friend knelt between her legs.

My Friend continued to recount every detail of our first anal sex. She described how I leant forward, and slowly slipped both hands around her chest on to her breasts. I cupped both; they stopped swaying. I clamped her long, erect nipples tight between my two middle fingers. She told how I began a squeeze, and release milking motion by opening and closing my fingers, pulling hard when they were tight together.

She said that her husband never knew that he was talking to his wife when another man had his penis completely buried into her arse.

She found it erotic then. It thrilled her even now.

The girls were becoming excited again, immersed in the graphic detail of our anal sex. I took one of the last two figs. I peeled it with the care that I had taken with the first one that I had fed to Olga. It was particularly succulent and juicy. I held it a few inches above her right teat.

It was a small open cunt facing towards Olga. She stared transfixed as a little, and unusually perfect, drip of liquid formed at the base. It was almost like cum oozing from a cunt after a great climax. The drip fell right on the centre of her engorged teat. It was a perfect bulls eye, and, being thick and sticky, it simply sat on the end of her nipple.

Her hand was still. I think she was holding her breath.

I chuckled, and wondered, to myself, if we might have a direct hit on her left teat. She remained motionless as a second drip formed. Suddenly it fell, slightly off target, and began to roll down the length of her nipple.

She tilted her head forwards, and devoured the inside of her last fig. I held it to her mouth while my Friend bent forwards, hardly touching her body, and began to lick the rolling drip from her left breast.

My mouth took the original drop. It was still sitting on the proud peak of her right teat.

Our fingers went roaming; we met at her clit. I stayed there, playing, enticing, rolling, and stroking her to grow. My Friend's fingers continued on, down her crack, and into her cunt.

Olga lay still, rigid, her eyes were tight shut, her arms held close to her body, hands flat against her thighs, her legs slightly apart.

Then my Friend began to wriggle her body seductively down over the flat expanse of tummy. Her breast dragged behind; they were flattened at the sides of Olga's body. They passed over her ridge, down her thighs. They passed the hands pressed flat to the outside of her body.

It was obviously stretching her breasts hard. The teats became visibly longer, fuller.

A mouth, one that I knew well, opened to take the clit from my fingers.

She sucked it completely into her mouth.

I realised that my wonderful Friend would bring Olga to her climax. I knew that she would want to cum at the same time, so I rolled to one side, and began to crawl behind her. She did not change momentum as she sucked, and chewed, on that wonderful growing clitoris.

I looked at her erect clit, as I passed the scene. It was probably bigger than I could have imagined, or when I abused it earlier. It was a small stick of great sexual beauty, on a wonderful body.

My Friend saw me looking; she took her mouth an inch or so away. Gently she blew cold air onto it. Olga's pitch, her murmurings, grew louder.

I arrived between my Beloved's legs. She began to raise her arse to meet me. She moved gracefully into a doggy position.

I saw that she was soaking wet. I was rampant.

I charged into her full length, buried to my pubic hair, my balls slapping on her arse.

Her head did not move. It was rather as when I had pushed into her on our first great anal encounter. Olga would not have felt a change in the ministrations to her clit.

I stayed buried to the hilt. I lent forwards, and took two dangling breast in hand. Moving them down Olga's stomach had stretched, and enlarged her teats. I milked them both together. Miraculous small drops of milk formed on the tips.

We had found that the more we drank, the more milk her gorgeous breast produced. It was never in large volumes, never anything like the quantities of a nursing mother. It was always a very erotic, and an extraordinarily beautiful part of our lovemaking.

I collected the drops on the upturned middle fingers of both hands, and began to feed another.

I held the single, little drops on the tips of my fingers. I moved these into her vision. She lifted her mouth from the clit. I dripped milk onto the smooth, tall standing, hard middle. They combined together onto the tip, while she sucked lasciviously on my fingers. She drew them deep into her mouth, then her tongue came out, and she licked the drops from Olga's clit.

Amazingly Olga had sensed the change in our moods. She opened her eyes to watch. She looked through a tunnel of jet black hair cascading down both sides of my Friend's face.

She watched the milking, and clit feeding. She saw, for the first time, that I was fucking my wonderful Friend.

Now we had one major task. We all knew that we had to cum together again.

I had been very sexually stimulated, first by Olga kissing my tits in the hot tub, then by both my beauties as they ate their figs. I would have no problem cumming, but had to ensure that it was timed to my Friend, and hers was gauged to Olga's new needs.

I continued to work her tits. Puling them, mashing them hard to her chest, rolling them around in slow, contra rotating, circular motions. I knew that she loved it.

I slid my hands down her body, over her hips, and round into her jet black pubic hair. My fingers fought inwards from either side. They rampaged through her luxuriant growth, occasionally felling a tree, when I pulled a hair out. She always yelped as this happened, but I knew she loved it.

Olga had her head on a cushion. She had a grandstand view down, past the arch of black hair, up the valley between two hangings swaying breasts.

Suddenly she realised that two more drop were forming on the ends of the long, swinging teats.

She stretched to rescue them. She was just in time. Drops fell onto her fingers. She took them to her mouth with feline care, like a Siamese languidly moving to clean it's paws.

She sucked them dry, and returned her hands to her sides.

My friend continued to pull, suck, chew and roll her wonderful, growing, stump, her clit. When she sucked, she pulled hard, drawing the whole into her mouth. Olga had begun to re-enter her trance, she was murmuring again. She was pressing the palms of her hands flat to the outside of her thighs.

Her eyes were tight shut. She had a wonderful look of contented ease, combined with a sense of things to cum.

We both, we two, who had known each other only months, were completely at one. We were together. We were drawing the beautiful tall pilot into our lives. She would cum with us.

I began to thrust deep into my Darling's cunt. Each time I pulled out to see my hood, or more. Every time I pushed home my balls smacked against her arse. The sound was erotic.

Somehow, miraculously, she held her mouth still over Olga's clitoris. The only movements Olga would have felt were those of her lover's delicious exploring mouth. This continued to pull, suck, chew, and roll.

My thrusts were shaking her whole body, to the tips of her hanging breasts. Suddenly, all together, our mood changed. We stopped the frantic, manic thrusting, the hard sucking, and chewing. Simultaneously we began to love with amazing slowness, in a gentle, tender, dance of care.

I pushed in and out slowly; I began to use the lower ridge of my steel hard cock to press on the base of my Beloved's cunt.

She changed. Her mouth began to take more in. She used her long tongue to begin to stroke the folds of those perfect bare labia. She licked the inside first, and then traced the Grand Banks, all now erotically engorged, and filled with the emotions of desire.

I continued to hold back, I knew the one I loved was close to the mountaintop. She was walking slowly over the gentle downs of love. She would clear the final ridge, and looking into the Golden Valley. She would go there hand in hand with her new lover, her Olga.

They would make that journey together for the first time.

I looked to my left hand side.

Two eyes were closed, surrounded by waves of blond hair spreading over the cushion. Her lips were pouting, wetted by her tongue. She might have been in prayer. Her silent murmurings continued unabated.

Her hands had opened; two other hands had joined them. Fingers were completely, tightly entwined.

Magically they stood together looking at the most perfect view in the world. They were sharing the greatest gift that a woman can give another. Gently, slowly they began to cum together, deep, deep inside both a longing for love was being fulfilled.

I began to spurt, as I slowly moved in and out. For me it was a long languid dance of pulsing desire. I gripped her thighs. I thrust more sperm deeper into her body as I moved in as far as I could.

All this time the two clung together. My friend gave the long erect clit a parting kiss. She moved forwards, her breasts began to drag over the bare skin, as her mouth went to Olga's erect right teat. Small streaks of milk were being painted over the brown body. Her nipples brushed their latest drop onto a good home.

A right nipple was kissed and sucked. Their gentle cumming continued its course into the Golden Valley full of love.

I remained inside her, still pulsing, as she reached higher up Olga's beautiful body. Her cunt moved away from me. I was reaching the point where I could not follow. I would pop out as she moved forwards to her goal.

Another nipple was kissed, and then caressed. Her mouth made the journey up the path of love, over brown skin, up over her Adam's Apple to a meeting of mouths. They kissed long, and hard.

Four hands were still tightly clasped together at Olga's waist. Both their arms were rigid; both were still.

We had all cum together.

My penis was at the point of no return; my last spurt had made its journey. I oozed slowly out of her hole. I rolled to be on Olga's right hand side. I lay straight like the two bodies beside me.

My Friend was rigid on top of the long brown body. Her tits flattened, rounded and very white, like when I removed her basque for the first time. Only their mouths continued to explore, and love.

She raised her body to allow her breasts to dangle free. Slowly they stopped swaying. She moved her right shoulder so that one wonderful, long, engorged teat kissed the tip of Olga's nipple. She dipped her shoulder, and it dropped slowly onto the peak.

The small coned breast disappeared.

Her left nipple hung free. It was still. It moved lovingly over it's target, and was lowered into place.

Olga giggled as her tits vanished, and they kissed again. Small coned breasts were squashed flat by fuller more mature globes. Nipples were smothered in each other's love.

They might not have had to breathe, but might they be wet with the milk of love?

Gently, softly, mouths parted. My Friend asked Olga if she was too heavy lying full length on her. Olga replied that she felt covered by the warm blanket of love for the first time since her husband had been killed.

My Darling Friend wept for her. They wept the tears of love together.

I put my arm around her, to touch Olga, and embrace them both in my love.

Slowly she rolled sideways, so that Olga was free. Olga's nipples were wet.

My hand slipped down, to lie just below Olga's slight breasts. It was joined in a curled embrace of forearms. Olga entwining hers arms with ours.

The fire was dying down. Outside it was as dark as it would ever be. Time stood still. It did not matter, but dawn would be rolling out of the Eastern skies in two or three hours.

It was time for bed.

Slowly Olga unfolded herself. We all sat quietly, then I said, "Thank you both for showing me all the love that two can give to each other, and, thank you Olga, for inviting us to be with you here."

We all rose together, Olga with that languid, feline grace, my Fiend also purring with contentment. None wanted to wash the marvellous smell of recent sex from our bodies.

They did not dry their eyes.

We stood awhile, at the open side of the area, breathing in the night air, and listening to the gentle lap of water around the deck, and the floats of the seaplane that had brought us here.

We decided to leave the windows wide open to the night air.

I added several logs to the embers of the fire. It caught again, and I drew the safety curtain almost completely around it.

It was the only light, other than the continual dusk of the night.

I left the curtain parted so that flames through light on the ceiling towards the bed area. It reminded me of sunlight glancing across that naked body as I swam towards the surface during our afternoon swim.

We all went to bed together.

Olga lay in the middle of the huge area. It was at least as big as the bed we had left at our hotel. I was on her right, my Darling on her left.

Again we had a single, summer weight, down duvet to cover us. We snuggled up under it.

We were all tired. We kissed. I whispered that, in the morning, I would tell Olga of my dream as she took off from the hotel.

She might already have been asleep, but her eyelids flickered.

Two hands met over the flatness of her stomach, and we slept.

To be continued...

Dear Reader: Gussie would love comments, feedback is great fun, and very useful, as are the occasional votes!

(c) Copyright Gussie – August/September 2003

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