The Education

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An angel attempts to seduce another celestial.
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She strained against the chains. They wouldn't bother her as much if her wings weren't restrained. Her inner wings were used to being folded against her body but the outer muscles weren't used to being held as tightly against her back. She sat in the chair unsure of her captor. She didn't even remember being captured, wasn't sure how it occurred, and that troubled her almost as much as the confinement. It wasn't easy to take an angel unaware and even more difficult to incapacitate one as quickly as her capture implied.

She was vaguely aware of her state of undress. Her robes were nowhere to be seen. She wasn't overly concerned, it was impossible to steal an angel's purity and she could resist any temptation laid before her. If only the chains weren't so tight.

The door opened, funny I didn't notice a door anywhere in the room, and he walked in. He was beautiful as only another supernatural entity could be. One look told her he wasn't here to rescue her. He was her captor. He stopped just inside the room and looked at her. He was appraising her, but there was sympathy in those eyes. He cocked his head to one side and waved a hand. Instantly the chains were no longer holding her wings tight. The chains were now wrapped around her body, holding only her arms. Additional chains extended to the joint in her wings, keeping them tight to her body while allowing her outer wings complete mobility. She couldn't extend them, prohibiting flight, but at least they were no longer cramping. Funny, I've never found a bra that supports me as comfortably as these chains.

"I'm sorry about the wings. My assistants do not understand the complexities of them." He pulled a chair over in front of her and sat in it backwards. He was altering reality. She knew there had been nothing else in the room, and likely no door. In fact there was once again no door to mar the off-white walls. "Are you comfortable? Well, considering the situation?"

"Yes, thank you. My wings were beginning to cramp." Captivity was no excuse to be rude.

"I'm glad. If you promise me not to attempt escape I will release you from the remainder of the bonds." She nodded. "I'm sorry, but I need you to vocalize the agreement."

"I promise you I will not attempt escape." He nodded. Another hand wave and the chains disappeared. She felt her breasts settle slightly into the fabric, and masked her disappointment by stretching her tense muscles.

She looked up and saw him smiling. "They are very becoming even without the additional support." She blushed, not entirely sure why. Normally she was unconcerned about her appearance, the other angels didn't care, and typically any beings that would notice such things were worth only contempt. For some reason his frank and honest comment seemed more of a compliment then a lewd remark.

No! He was a demon. He had to be a very powerful one in order to manipulate reality in that manner. He was, in truth, more powerful then she. She was merely a mid-level being, he was obviously an upper-level demon. Although he did not act as they usually did. Demon's fed on pain, suffering and misery, or else corruption. While the corrupting entities were capable of kindness and understanding, the emotions rang as falsely in her ears as they spewed from their lips. He was different. He was slightly blunt and very visceral, that she could sense, but he was honestly sympathetic.

"I'm not a demon." The simple statement, echoing her thoughts so closely, frightened her. "Don't worry, I'm not using my powers on you. It's an obvious conclusion, well, incorrect assessment really." He stood and moved the chair out of his way. She was watching closely, it disappeared the moment his hand left it. She turned back to him to realize he was now crouching less then a foot in front of her. His eyes were level with hers. A hand was resting comfortingly on her thigh.

"Have you ever wondered why you are denied the full spectrum of emotions It created?" His eyes, constantly shifting colors, radiated compassion and sympathy. "They have been stripped from you, locked up really, in order to protect you. It was decided long ago that angels would have their emotions manipulated in order to prevent them from incurring Its wrath." He stood and began pacing. "It created the rules as a response to the fall. To protect the rest of the hosts from the emotions It had given all of us." He looked back to her, gorgeous eyes once again meeting hers. "To be honest I think It has come to regret that decision but It can't overturn Its own rules without everything collapsing." He returned to her and gently run a palm down her cheek. "In Its frustration it has retreated from the world, seeking another outcome."

"No! She's still directing us!"

He smiled sadly. "Be honest in this answer. When was the last time anyone aside from the inner circle has confirmed contact with It?" She didn't answer, she didn't have to, he could read the shock in her eyes. "At my best guess it's been at least a millennia hasn't it?" She nodded weakly. The hand slid down to cup her chin and gently lift her head to once again meet his soul-wrenching eyes. "I'm not trying to turn you against Her. In fact I think I've discovered a way to help Her."

Her eyes grew wide at his pronouncement. "I know, it sounds arrogant, but I know, at the very least, I have not offended It." Her wide eyes betrayed her confusion. "As I said, I am not a demon. I too am an angel." He ran the back of his hand down the length of her upper arm. Suddenly she felt a slight shiver and was confused by it. She looked down at his hand, the soft golden glow of an upper-level angel suffused his arm. She looked back up to stare at the full glory of his celestial form. "This is my true self. Note I'm not fallen." Once again he was nothing more then a perfect male specimen. "I simply dislike that form for what it has come to symbolize."

His hand traveled down her side, sending a fresh wave of unexplainable shivers through her body. "Stop that. Please."

His head cocked to one side in mock confusion. "Does it hurt? Make your body uncomfortable?" She honestly thought about the question. She hadn't promised him that but it seemed only proper. "I don't want you to think about what is proper, just what is true. If you have questions for me I promise you I will be completely honest. No partial truths."

"It doesn't hurt. It does make me uncomfortable."

"Your body or you?"

"Me I guess. I'm not used to the sensation. I don't even know what it is."

"It's called sensuality." His hand ran down her thigh to her knee and began to return up the inside. She squirmed as sensation crept through her nearly naked form. Her legs crossed, pinning his hand in place. The sensation faded to be replaced by a strange warmth emanating from somewhere in the core of her being. He looked from his hand back to her eyes. "Do you not like the feeling?"

"It doesn't feel like anything proper that I have felt before. And the mortal scriptures prohibit most of these acts under all but extremely confining situations." His eyes, the eyes that paralyzed her with their simple depth of emotion, were laughing at her. "The situations, procreation, don't apply to our kind!"

"Have you ever wondered why such actions are so pleasurable?" He shook his head. "Of course you haven't. At least not except maybe in the abstract. And before you answer, no it is not as a test of willpower and virtue." He wiggled his hand slightly, making no attempt to free it or move it from where it lay pinned between her legs. "I ask you to let me do one thing before I stop. I will even limit myself to a mere five seconds. All I ask is for you not to resist for five seconds. If you resist after that I will stop immediately. Is that acceptable? It is integral to proving a point I wish to make."

She knew he was trying to seduce her. He could not take her purity unless she gave it to him. Could he take it with only five seconds? She doubted it was possible. It was a large risk, but his eyes called out to her with nothing but love, not lust. Slowly, deliberately, she uncrossed her legs, even spreading them slightly. His eyes were still locked with hers, imploring. "Five seconds."

One. His hand slid slowly up the rest of her inner thigh, sending more of the strange tingles through her lower body. Two. His palm moved to lightly press against her body, over her simple panties. The slight, gentle pressure sent a warmth through her akin to what she felt when contemplating Her. Three. His hand moved down slowly. The warmth increased, mixing with an unknown sensation she could only relate to electricity. Four. His hand paused and shifted so only two fingers remained in contact with her, pressing a little harder. Five. His fingers slid between her legs, pressing against her clitoris firmly, shifting it slightly to one side through the fabric.

Her arms tensed, grabbing the chair. Electricity shot through her body. She gasped. Never had she felt such a sensation. It was as if every nerve in her was screaming for more. She quickly closed her legs tight. True to his word his hand retreated to his knees. He continued to crouch, allowing her to regain her breath.

"That is what They would have you believe is nothing more then a temptation. I know the warmth of contemplating the divine. Why would that be included as part of temptation? No, I think that was included in order to prove, conclusively, that this is meant to be the ultimate expression of love." His hand slowly moved to rest on her sides, slightly below her breasts. She felt the same warmth spreading from his touch that she had felt before. The touch of the divine.

Her hands instinctively crossed her body to cover his. At first she grabbed them, intent on removing them, but the gentleness with which he held her inspired her to relax. Her hands remained on his. There was an innocent need residing within his eyes. He needed her approval, her acceptance, and her love. This was ludicrous, impossible! He was full grades beyond her in power yet he seemed almost helpless.

Slowly she brought his hands down her body, it tickled but it was more then that, there remained a hint of the previous electricity in the contact. She didn't know what else he could show her, what else he would want to do so she brought his hands down to the junction of her legs and hips. Her underwear was a white string bikini, cut very high, in the fashion popular on Earth. As his thumbs spread out they drifted between her legs, not to the taboo center but instead content to rest along the natural creases. A strange pressure began to build deep within.

"I want to know more. But if I feel you are threatening me in any way I will stop you."

His thumbs lightly traced the sensitive and smooth skin inside her hips. Her nerves tingled at the slight caress. "I ask nothing more." His eyes dropped to his hands and she suddenly felt a pang of sorrow for the loss. His thumbs receded as his hands began a slow journey back up her sides, brining more of the same charged sensation. She was unsure what to do with her hands, finally deciding to hold them behind her back.

His hands reached her bra and stopped on the side straps. Slowly they moved forward until he was cupping her breasts from the side. She knew he would give her ample opportunity to arrest the situation at every point when they stopped there. Her heart fluttered with nerves but she was determined to let him continue, she would sense the first taint of impure lust long before he could infect her with it. She shivered as his hands moved again, forward, brushing across her nipples through the slight cotton.

The strange pressure within her was growing along with the pure warmth of the divine. He leaned forward and surprised her with a kiss. Unrequited love blazed from his mouth. He wanted to pass the full depth of his feelings through his lips but resisted for fear of her reaction to such a spontaneous outpouring. Her arms leapt forward, almost of their own accord, wrapping around his neck and pulling him into a very passionate kiss. The heat of his love spread through her from their entwined lips.

Her arms retreated behind her quickly as her head snapped back. She gasped. His thumbs began to press as he moved them back and forth across her nipples. She hadn't realized they were erect until the jolt that came as they snapped forward, released from his thumbs. The pressure within her grew to encompass not only her groin but also much of her torso and legs. She needed to understand that pressure even as her body cried out to be released from it.

She had never felt more alive, every nerve active, every sense amplified. She felt another pang of loss as his hands moved to her shoulders. Her head lolled to one side as he began to message them, starting by her neck and slowly working his way outwards. All tension left her by the time he made it to her elbows. The pressure had receded some with her tension, but she didn't care. Her eyes were closed, allowing herself to feel his caress unobstructed by her other senses.

Pure electricity raged from her chest. Every relaxed muscle spasmed in response to a pleasure she had never before felt. Her eyes flew wide to discover the source of the delicious torment. She realized to late there had been a double intention behind his message. Not only had her relaxation amplified his ministrations further but it had allowed him to slide the upper straps of her bra off her shoulders and low enough to uncover her breasts. His head was against her chest, his mouth surrounding her, sucking and teasing her nipple.

Her hands gripped the chair. Her breath came short. There were no rules regarding these situations for their kind. It was probably assumed that they would never be needed. The inner circle considered any pleasure aside from the contemplation of Her to be impure and expected any angel who reached for such sensations would fall long before this situation arose. It was becoming clear They had misinterpreted the truth. The pressure growing unbearable inside her was intertwined with, almost inseparable from, the inferno that had moments before been the touch of the divine.

His hand was tracing circles across her other nipple sending the shock of sensation ricocheting between her breasts. Her heart was racing, her breathing almost nonexistent. The pressure that originated from between her legs spread throughout her body. She felt overfull with no knowledge of how to release the ecstatic tension. She felt the need to explode without knowing how. "Please," she managed to gasp, "this is too much!"

"Do you want me to stop?" Even as he asked he pulled away from her body. For some reason the absence only magnified the need, the inferno and the electricity.

"I don't know what I want. I only know need!" A tear escaped each eye and rolled down her cheeks. "And I don't even know what I need."

A hand came to her face, wiping away the tears. Her eyes were closed, her head hung in shame. There was nothing impure here, she was simply ashamed of her ignorance. He was moving close to her again. She could feel him against her skin but nerves now numbed by too many sensations refused to relate his exact actions.

Suddenly the heat of the sun leapt out from between her legs. The single caress that began this barely registered compared to the inferno he suddenly caused. She needed to know what he was doing! She pried open her eyes, afraid she had finally transgressed, letting his impure member enter her. To her surprise, and relief, his head rested between her legs.

One arm was wrapped around her thigh, his hand tugging her underwear aside. The wrath of her over-stressed body forced her eyes closed once more, but not before witnessing his tongue darting out to lash her engorged clitoris. Her constant gasps turned to a stream of moans. His other arm wrapped around her back pulling him closer. Each lick drove deeper against her tender flesh. Each caress filled her body more.

Suddenly the pressure began to flow from her. She screamed for the pleasure she had never known possible. The rush of sensation racing out of her, through an infinitesimal point between her legs, refused to alleviate the pressure mounting still within her. Her very skin was afire with the warmth of the divine. Her muscles ached for him to stop even as her nerves cried out for more. His flicking tongue conveyed his feelings, pure love and pure need, with each jolt coursing through her.

Time stood still.

A soothing chill was spreading across her skin from her right side. That was only right. One could not stand in Her presence for too long either. The pressure was gone. All that was left was a subtle warmth that suffused her body.

She was suddenly aware that the chill was coming from the cool floor. She didn't remember how she had ended up there. A moment of panic awoke, when suddenly his hand was brushing her hair aside. Her head was on his lap, his arms cradling her close. She looked up to see the joy in his eyes, joy for what he had awakened within her. As she drifted off to a content sleep impulse insisted she focus hazy eyes past him. She had a single thought as Morpheus took her. He was right. This is Her gift to us.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Seductive and naughty! :)

Very sensual and seductive. Would love to read a story from reverse. Like a female angel seducing the male one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Thank You!

This was fantastic.

It was tastefully done, and incredibly original!

It is one of the first stories I have truly enjoyed!

Aurora BlackAurora Blackalmost 18 years ago

I liked this very much, Deathlynx. It was delightfully different.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Very original and well done.

This is an original idea and approach, and is well written. Good job.

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