The Good Neighbor Ch. 06


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After repositioning the pump a few times for comfort, he successfully created a full erection. It looked bigger than he'd ever achieved before through sexual arousal. Now that the balloon was inflated, he had to figure out how to tie the knot. The pump kit came with tension rings in a variety of sizes and shapes. This was going to have to be trial and error experiment. He lubed up the largest ring and placed it on the vacuum tube. After pumping up to maximum size, he pushed the ring down the tube, until it slipped off, and snapped snuggly around the base of his cock. When the vacuum pump was removed, the erection faded rather quickly. 'I'll have to go tighter.'

It took three tries to find a size that seemed to hold the best. He stood up and walked around with it on. He stroked it a few times, and thought, 'This isn't so bad. Feels a little weird, but not too uncomfortable.' He glanced at the instructions again. 'It's safe to leave on for thirty minutes.' He looked at his watch and wondered how long it took him to get ready. It wasn't quick, like slipping on a condom. Diane would have to wait while he pumped up. That would kill the mood.

Jack slipped off the band and started the process over, while timing the procedure from start to finish. Ten minutes later, he was pumped up and ready for action when his cellphone rang. It was Diane.

"Hi, Di, how was the movie?"

"We didn't go. We went shopping, instead. Guess what for!"

"Hmm... I give up. What?"

"Sleeping bags and pads. The kids really want to campout tomorrow night."

Smiling, he said, "Great! The weather looks perfect."

"You don't mind? I mean... it delays our alone time."

Surprisingly, Jack felt relieved. Performance anxiety was successfully put on hold. "No. I'm happy to have them stay. They'll have another fun experience with their hot grandma."

"Still, I'll have more fun camping with you."

"It'll be a different kind of fun. That's all. Adult fun."

"Yes it will," she said, and then asked, "What did you do tonight?"

Looking down at his erection, Jack felt like a kid that got caught masturbating. "Nothing."

"Nothing? Come on, you did something."

"I went swimming. Floated around a while... thinking of you."

"Oh yeah?" Her voice became soft and intimate, when she asked, "Were they sexy thoughts?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact."

"Ooo, tell me."

Thinking this was as good a time as any, he answered, "Well... I came home and practiced pumping myself up for you."

"I didn't know you lifted weights. We should do that together."

"No, not that kind of pumped. I exercised with my vacuum pump."

"Huh?" Then it dawned on her. "Oh! You did? Without me? I wanted to help. I wish I had watched so I could do it for you. Getting you hard, that's my job! I'm here to pump you up!"

Jack laughed, and said, "Well, I had to practice, and find the right size tension ring. When I make love to you, I want to know my equipment is ready, willing, and able. On second thought, I've always been willing."

Diane groaned, and said, "I want to come over right now, but I can't leave the kids."

Jack felt thankful she couldn't come over. As much as he wanted her, fear of failure-to-launch was a real worry. Putting a good face on the situation, he said, "I gotta say you're good at pumping me up mentally. I'm looking forward to you doing it literally."

She laughed, and whispered, "Do it again and take a picture. Send it to me. I want to see you hard. I want to know what I'm in for."

"You caught me at the right time." Jack looked down at his erection - big, but drooping. Would it be stiff enough for penetration, he wondered, and then answered, "Really? You don't want to wait?"

"Hey, I've sent you nude photos. I want some reciprocity."

"Oh, so it's the old, 'I showed you mine, now you show me yours'?"


Standing profile to the mirror, Jack took a picture, and said, "Okay, I took it. I'm going to hang up and send it before I change my mind."

"Yay!" Diane hung up.

Jack typed a simple, 'pumped up', attached the picture and paused as he considered his actions. "What the hell." He hit send.

The text app said sent, and then delivered. A short time later, his phone rang.

Jack answered, "You have reached the service department of AHORU. This is Jack. How may I service you?"

"Uh... what's AHORU?"

"Artificial Hard-Ons R Us."

Diane laughed, "I'd like to place an order for a home delivery. I want the big, fat one from your advertisement."

"When would you like it delivered?"

"As soon as my company leaves. I'll keep in touch." Diane paused briefly, and added, "Thanks again for installing the air conditioner. It's so nice and cool in there. The kids are sleeping in with me tonight. They're trying out the sleeping bags. Right now, they're lying on the floor, watching Netflix - one of those Minion movies."

"I hear clinking. Where are you?"

"Well... it was going to be a surprise, but... right now I'm putting chocolate frosting on a white cake for my hunky handyman."

He laughed, and said, "Should I be jealous?"

"How can you be jealous of yourself?"

"So, the kids are up in the bedroom with the door closed, and you're alone in the kitchen with my favorite cake and baker?"

"Umm, yes."

"I'll be over in a few minutes," said Jack, and hung up. He removed the tension ring from his cock, and it instantly shrank down to half size. After cleaning off the K-Y, he quickly dressed in shorts and tee-shirt, and jogged across the street.

A little sweaty, Jack knocked on Diane's back door.

"Who is it?"

"Your neighborly handyman, here to collect."

The door creaked open a foot. "Mr. Spalding, you've come at a most unreasonable hour. I'm not dressed for visitors."

"I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you, Ms. Warren, but my sweet-tooth is aching for a piece of your cake. I thought, since you said you were alone in the kitchen, you wouldn't mind some company."

"Well... I'll let you in. But the kids are upstairs. So, be quiet. I don't want them to think their Grandmother entertains men late at night." Diane opened the door wide. The belt of her flowery robe slipped, and exposed pink boy shorts and camisole underneath. In a show of modesty, she quickly gripped it closed, and said, "Please, come in."

Jack grinned. "Thank you. I see you have cheesecake, as well."

"I don't know what you mean," she said, while giving him a flirtatious smile.

This was an interesting turn of events. What was the meaning of this feigned innocence? Jack was intrigued.

He inhaled deeply, and said, "Ah, the kitchen smells wonderful, Diane. I bet the cake is delicious. I can't wait to have a piece. May I eat it here?"

"If you like. But the living room would be better. It's cooler in there." She cut a slice, and asked, "Would you like something to drink with it?"

"Do you have milk?"

"Of course. Grandchildren, remember?" She opened the refrigerator, and said, "Go. Sit. I'll bring in the milk."

Jack went into the living room, sat on the couch, and waited with his eyes on the kitchen door. One table lamp bathed the room with a soft glow. The windows and front door were open, creating a cross breeze. Diane entered with the glass of milk. The robe slipped open again, but this time she didn't try to close it. Bending low in front of him, she placed the glass on a coaster. The loose camisole gave him a spectacular view. Only her nipples remained hidden bumps in the thin fabric. She looked up. They made eye contact, and smiled.

Tying her robe closed, she sat next to him, and picked up a 'Country Living' magazine. Jack forked a piece of cake into his mouth, and said, "Mmm, Diane. This is delicious!"

Absorbed in the magazine, she said, "I'm glad you like it." She crossed her legs at the knee, exposing skin from foot to shorts.

Jack felt unsure. He wondered if this was some sort of game to her, like a role play. Or was Diane truly concerned about her grandchildren finding him there. He took another bite, and chewed pensively.

For no apparent reason, Diane said, "The bedroom door has a loud squeak."

He sipped some milk, and said, "I can oil the hinges, sometime."

"I'd appreciate that, because no one can go in or out without everyone in the house hearing."

'Was that a clue?' he wondered. 'A hint she expected more than me eating cake?' The bedroom air condition and the television were clearly heard where they sat. He said, "I'm sure the kids can't hear anything outside the room."

Still looking at the magazine, Diane smiled, and said, "I think you're right."

Holding up the loaded fork, he asked, "Would you like a taste?"

"Yes, please," said Diane, setting the magazine down on the cushion. She opened her mouth, closed her eyes, and leaned toward his face - nowhere near the fork.

Jack delayed a few heartbeats, enjoying Diane's intimacy, and inhaling her scent.

"Through the lips and over the gums, look out tummy, here it comes."

Diane closed her mouth around the fork and moaned in pleasure. Her lips remained sealed, so nothing escaped as he slid out the tines.

Opening her eyes, she purred, "That is so good."

"I know," he said, taking another bite for himself.

Sliding over until their legs touched, she rested her head on his shoulder. "May I have another?"

"Yes, you may," he said, reloading the fork. But as the sweet morsel traveled toward Diane's waiting lips, Jack accidentally tipped the fork beyond the resistance of cake against stainless steel. The treat slipped off and fell, frosting first, onto her exposed leg.


They both smiled at the chocolate dart. Jack picked it up between his fingers and finished the delivery. Her mouth sucked on his fingers, moving them in and out, while staring into his eyes and moaning, the vibrations sending a thrill coursing down his arm.

She released them and said, "You have me eating out of your hand."

Jack looked down at the splotch of chocolate frosting on her leg, and after placing the plate on the coffee table, he slid to his knees. With a hand on each of her legs, he said, "You have me eating out of your thighs," while pushing them apart. He lowered his head, licked clean the frosting dollop, and then kissed his way up.

Diane giggled, and said, "That tickles."

Encouraged, Jack grabbed the back of her legs and pulled her out to the edge of the seat. He rose up on his knees and kissed a line down her stomach to the waistband.

"What are you doing?"

Jack looked up. Her nipples poked out, and her eyes were half closed. He said, "I'm returning the favor. I didn't finish what I started in the shower."

"You don't have to-" she didn't finish the sentence, but instead sucked in a lung full of air, and let it out in a long moan when his hand covered her left breast and rolled the nipple.

"But I want to," he said, while his left hand began tormenting the right one.

Diane's head fell back in surrender, as Jack slipped both hands under the camisole and pushed up, until her breasts were exposed to his adoring eyes. Leaning higher, Jack kissed her lips, while fondling her breasts. Her hands gripped the back of his head, kissing him back with ardent abandon. A few minutes later, Jack forcibly pulled away from her grip and knelt between her splayed legs. Her chest heaved with each breath, a sign that Jack was accomplishing his objective. Not able to have an erection on demand, he wanted to prove to her and himself, that he could still satisfy her sexually in other ways.

Jack backed out from between her legs. The gusset of her shorts displayed a prominent wet spot. He grinned at his accomplishment, pushed her legs together, and gripped the waistband with both hands. Diane opened her eyes, smiled knowingly, and lifted her bottom.

"Thank you for your cooperation," he said.

"My pleasure... I'm sure."

After discarding the damp garment, Jack lifted both of her legs and draped them over his shoulders. The fragrance of Diane's arousal filled his head. Her womanhood blossomed before his eye, glistening like a flower with morning dew. He blew a stream of air, and her labia parted further. Her legs trembled.

Diane moaned, and whispered, "Oh, my. I am so turned on right now. I've wanted this for so long. Please... don't make me wait."

Hearing that, Jack had to tease her a little. Dropping his head close, he used the tip of his tongue to circle the pussy perimeter. Her hips twitched and jerked, trying to reposition his tongue to her liking. When his tongue finally slid between her folds and flicked her clit, she arched into the sensation, and clamped a hand over her mouth to muffle a squeal of delight. She tasted deliciously salty.

Encasing her clitoris with his lips, Jack began sucking, licking, and sending vibrations to heighten Diane's pleasure. Her hips began to pump up and down against him. He slipped two fingers inside, his thumb alternated with his mouth on her clit to change sensations and build up to an explosion. His free hand wandered up her stomach to play across her chest - nipple to nipple.

Behind her hand, Diane mewed loudly, and her hips lunged forward. A flood from her pussy filled his mouth. She was coming. Jack didn't let up. He worked harder and faster. Diane shuddered and thrashed through what seemed like repeated peaks and valleys. She finally entwined her fingers in his hair and pushed him away.

Sitting back on his heels, Jack's wet face beamed with pride. He did it! He made her cum. His sex life wasn't over, because this beautiful woman, for some reason, desired him. His heart swelled. His dick did some, as well.

Diane opened her eyes a crack. "Oh my god, Jack, that felt amazing." She sat up, and leaned close. "Thank you, Lover." She pulled his mouth to hers and kissed him hungrily. He pulled her to his chest and returned the passion.

Almost simultaneously, the TV in the bedroom fell silent, and Diane's cellphone rang in the kitchen. She groaned, and said, "I think you should go. It's getting late." She handed him the cake, and said, "Finish it at home. You're probably hungry. You need to keep up your strength, Mr. Spalding."

"I do, Ms. Warren. Us handymen never know when duty will call."

They stood, and kissed again, while her phone chimed a new voice mail. The bedroom door squeaked open.

She said, "You'd better go out the front door." Then she picked up her shorts and headed toward the kitchen.


"I'll be right up, Sweetheart."

Jack opened the screen door, and turned to take one more look of reminiscence around the living room. That's when he noticed, for the first time, the picture that sat in the shadow of the recliner. The picture frame with the camera had been moved from the bedroom to the living room, and it sat across from the couch.

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