The Good Neighbor Ch. 07


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He focused on the sizzling NY strips. 'At least I can deliver this meat the way she wants it.'

Aloud, he said, "How do you like your steak?"

"Medium well, just a little pink in the middle."

Smiling, he said, "I know what you mean. I like eating your 'little pink' in the middle."

Diane, put her arms around his waist and her chin on his shoulder, and said, "And you do it so well, too."

He frowned, and added, "Maybe it's like being blind. The other senses become sharper. My tongue has become my primary sex organ."

"I don't think so." Diane held up her phone to show him the picture he sent of his artificially inflated cock. "This is it, and I want it... tonight."

"You should delete that."

"I'm making it my wallpaper."

Shaking his head, he flipped the steaks, and said, "You want to do it out here? No, I don't think so. Too physically awkward."

"Not here. In the comfort of my air conditioned bedroom."

Jack gave her an 'are you serious' squint, and said, "I thought you wanted to kiss me under the light of a thousand stars tonight."

She laughed. "I love that song, and want that. But I have a more pressing need."

He sang, "People fall in love in mysterious ways," and then said, "I'll be loving you 'til we're 70... and that's not far away. So, I guess I shouldn't argue with a woman in need."

She patted his bottom, and said, "Good answer, good answer," then walked to the picnic table to prepare the rest of the meal. She opened the cooler. "What kind of salad do you want, potato or macaroni?"

The meal passed in comfortable companionship. Their conversation revolved around the three f's - food, family, and farming.

Diane asked, "I don't mean to pry. I'm just curious. Don't answer if it's too personal, but is there much money in blueberries? Do berries and Christmas trees provide a livable income?"

He swallowed the last of his steak, and said, "No. It never has. It's just a nice added revenue stream. My father worked in the maintenance department of the school district for thirty years. The farm was like a family hobby. He liked to say that he was a gentleman farmer. It kept us kids out of trouble during the summer. When my brother and I went off to college, the farm took a hit. Dad couldn't do everything. So, he downsized to what it is now."

"What did you do for a career?"

"I came back here, and taught biology and earth science at the high school. Enrollment dropped over the last 15 years, so they offered an early retirement to cut costs. My wife...uh, ex-wife, taught English at the same school. We retired together."

This brought back unpleasant memories. Jack stopped talking about himself, and asked, "What did you do in your past life?"

"Ooo, I led the exciting life of a bank manager. I started as a teller and worked my way up."

"So, you're good with money. I know where to get financial advice now."

She winked, and said, "Any time. I'm good with figures. I'll show you how good later."

Jack gave her a wink of understanding, and said, "I'm sure you can clear up a few things that I just can't wrap my head around."

The conversation stalled. They finished eating and cleaned up. Jack refrained from drinking beer, fearing a bladder malfunction later. But maybe her peeing on him in the pond was meant to allay his fears. It didn't. Behind the calm exterior, Jack fretted like a teenage boy on a first date. Everything that could go wrong would go wrong.

Wanting to appear confident, Jack took her hand when they were ready to leave the campsite. Linked, they walked to his house.

A little self-conscious, Jack said, "I'll go get the pump. Be right back."

Diane clapped her hands like a schoolgirl, and said, "Oh, goodie!"

Her enthusiasm, real or feigned, lightened his steps to the bathroom cupboard. He returned with the zippered case tucked in the crook of his arm like a football.

Diane grabbed it, and ran down the driveway, yelling, "It's a takeaway! Change of possession!"

He gave chase and tackled her on the lawn, tickling her until she let go of the 'game ball'.

"Mine now! You fumbled!"

"Not fair. I was down by contact."

She looked beautiful - grass in her hair, the smiling face glowing with perspiration. He kissed her sweetly and tried to lift off, but she grabbed his neck and pulled him down for a longer kiss.

Someone drove by, honked their horn, and yelled, "Get a room!"

They laughed into each other's mouth.

"Good idea! Why didn't we think of that?" said Jack, helping her up.

"Sometimes you just gotta be spontaneous."

They ran, hand-in-hand, into the house, Jack leading the way up the stairs and into the cool bedroom. Immediately, he looked for the picture frame with the spy camera. It was nowhere to be seen.

In his hesitation, Diane grabbed the case from him and threw it on the bed. "Touchdown spike!"

Returning to the moment, Jack smiled, and said, "I think we're tied, and headed for overtime."

"Ooo, overtime? How long does that last?"

Pointing at his vacuum pump, he said, "Thirty minutes."

Her eyes grew large. "I don't know if I can last thirty minutes."

Grinning, he thought, 'I know you can', but aloud said, "I guess we'll find out. This is my first overtime, so it's new to both of us."

Diane lowered her eyes, and played with his fingers. "How should we start? Do we flip a coin to find out who gets first possession?"

"I'm calling a timeout, so we can catch our breaths," said Jack, reaching for the hem of her tee-shirt and slowly lifting it.

As the fabric rose above her breasts, Diane took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She lifted her arms. Jack removed the damp shirt and dropped it on the floor. She hadn't worn a bra. His hands cupped the soft warmth of her, his thumbs swiping back and forth, and enjoyed the rise and fall of every breath.

"Mmm, I think this counts as your first possession." She reached for his shirt. "Now it's my turn."

As she pulled his shirt over his head, Jack said, "I guess we can call this a turnover. But I scored a safety. I felt two points."

"Ha, ha." Her fingers circled and then pinched his nipples. "Tied score, again."

Without warning, Jack picked her up and threw her onto the bed. Straddling her legs, he unbuttoned her shorts. "I sacked you," he said, pulling them off along with her panties.

"That's unsportsmanlike conduct. I penalize you 5 feet 4 inches."

While his eyes lustfully wandered over her body, Jack said, "That's a strange penalty."

"Are you saying I'm strange? Because that's me. I'm 5 feet 4 inches."

Laughing, Jack lay down on top of Diane, and kissed her. "If that's the penalty, I going to be unsportsmanlike a lot."

He stood and stripped off the rest of his clothes. "Let's call it a draw and hit the showers."

Diane sat up with her legs over the edge. "There's no visitor's locker room."

"Then we should call this an intersquad scrimmage, which puts us on the same team." Holding out his hand, he said, "Let's go teammate," and she took it.

Jack pulled her up and towed her into the bathroom. As they waited for the water to warmup, they stood side-by-side. Jack ran his hand up and down her back, while she held her hand in the spray. Not much was said after they stepped into the tub. But sighs and moans were enough to convey appreciation for a job well done.

After they'd dried off, Diane pulled him toward the bedroom, and Jack's anxiety returned. Disappointing her seemed unavoidable. Maybe if he could satisfy her first in other ways she wouldn't mind his lack of a functioning penis so much. But who was he trying to fool other than himself? Without an erection he felt less than a whole man.

Diane had a plan of her own. Once in the bedroom, she let go of his hand and retrieved the black bag from the bed. She sat bedside and patted the mattress. She unzipped case, and said, "Come sit, Sexy. Show me how this thing works. I love toys."

Jack didn't think of the pump as a toy. The fact Diane did, and not some intrusive, mood killing necessity, lessened his anxiety a little. He sat down, rubbed her leg, and kissed her shoulder. "We can do that later," he said, running a hand up her stomach to fondle a breast.

Pushing his hand away, she said, "No. I want to do this now. You showed me what I had to look forward to last night. Now it's time to put up or shut up!"

Laughing nervously, he said, "Okay, if you insist."

Diane put the bag on his lap. "I insist."

"We need a towel."


He sighed, and said, "I may leak. And I'll need to wipe KY off my hand."

She ran out of the room and returned with a beach towel.

Embarrassed, he said, "I won't leak that much."

"I was in a hurry. I'm excited. It was the first thing I grabbed. You're reading too much into it." She rubbed his knee, and said, "What's next?"

"I have to put it together." He pulled out a solid looking piece with a handle. "This is the pump."

He pulled out a long clear tube, "This is the vacuum chamber. It fits over this O-ring and twists on tight to seal it."

Next, Jack extracted a cone shaped plastic attachment and put it on the end of the clear chamber. "This is the ring loader. It's used to slip the tension ring onto the tube." He opened a tube of KY jelly and squeezing a dollop onto his index finger, he explained, "I have to coat it to make it slick."

When he was done wiping all around the cone's surface he reached for the towel to wipe his hand.

Diane grabbed his wrist, and said, "Don't waste it," while leading his hand between her legs and placing his finger on her clitoris.

Grinning, he slowly rubbed the excess lube around, saying, "Waste not. Want not."

Diane closed her eyes, and whispered, "Mmm, want more." She reached over and fondled his cock, then looked at the semi erection, and said, "You're getting a head start."

Jack kissed her cheek. "You turn me on so much, but he needs some assistance."

"Then please continue the demonstration, so I can see... and feel the full effect."

He wiped the confluence of KY and Diane on the towel and extracted the ring from the carrying case. "This is the tension ring."

"It's so small."

He placed the vacuum pump between his legs, and stretched the ring over the cone tip. "It stretches, but it has to be tight to keep the blood trapped in the erection."

When he was having trouble sliding the ring down the cone, Diane grabbed the cylinder to steady it. "Thanks."

The tension ring slid easily down the cone and onto the cylinder.

"You're welcome. It's my pleasure, I'm sure."

Diane's enthusiasm and humor made Jack's awkwardness fade to almost nonexistent. He loved her more than ever and wanted her more than ever. Jack removed the ring loader. Diane took it and wiped off the KY.

"Next, the rubber adapter goes on with a sealing bead of KY," said Jack, inserting the black ring. Then he ran a band of KY around the end. He handed the KY to Diane. "Some lube goes on my tip, so it doesn't stick to the tube."

Diane smiled as she squeezed some onto her palm. "I don't think just some on the tip is sufficient." Her hand wrapped around his cock and made quick work of coating the entire surface.

Jack groaned with the pleasure of her touch. "Okay, that's enough," he said, not wanting to orgasm too soon.

She removed her hand and Jack slid the vacuum tube over his penis. "The tube has to seal tight against my skin, or else the vacuum won't work. I had to trim my pubes to get it tight."

Diane stroked the inside of his thigh, and said, "I thought you did some manscaping."

Squeezing the pump handle three times made his penis twitch inside the clear tube. He waited a few seconds to let the blood flow in, before pumping three times again.

Watching closely, Diane said, "Wow. That's cool. Does it feel good?"

"Not exactly. It doesn't feel bad. It does pinch the blood vessels a little. I have to move it, until it's comfortable." He pushed the release button and his penis shrank. After repositioning the tube, he began pumping again. "That feels better."

Diane got on the bed, knelt behind him, and watched over his shoulder. She rubbed his chest and kissed his neck, while he continued the engorgement. "Your cock is huge! It's turning purple!"

"The purple is a side effect. Nothing to worry about. Huge? Well, the pump does maximize my potential. This device is a true cocksucker, or maybe a bloodsucker is more accurate."

Jack released the vacuum. His cock shrank to half size. "Once it's been full I can pump it up again faster and larger."

"Oh my!" Diane bit his shoulder. "How long is that tube?"

"Eight inches. I can get to a little over seven."

After three inflations, Jack announced, "That's it. Time to slide on the tension ring. Would you do the honors?"

"Gladly!" Diane moved off the bed and knelt between his legs. "How do I do it?"

"Work it down over the rubber ring. You'll know when it's off when it snaps onto my shaft."

"Okay, here we go." She began to push the elastic down. "Wow, it is tight."

"It has to be, to work."

She pushed harder, working around the cylinder to keep it even. When it reached the edge, she pushed the bottom off and the whole ring snapped into place. She looked up, and smiled. "That's it?"

Releasing the vacuum, Jack said, "That's it. I'm good for 30 minutes." He removed the pump assemble, and his erection hung shiny in her face.

"How's it feel?" she asked, lifting it with delicate fingers, inspecting the tension ring. "There's a bulge right here." She traced over it with a nail. "Must be blood."

"It feels tight, and sensitive," He stroked her cheek, and added, "and very good."

Her hand wrapped around it and gave him a couple of strokes. "It's cool to the touch."

"That's another side effect. No blood flow means lower body temperature."

Diane got up, walked to the dresser, and picked up her phone. "I'm setting a 30 minute timer. I don't want to get lost in the moment and kill the golden dick."

Laughing, Jack stood, his cock waving lewdly. Diane stared at it and then met his eyes. "I'm so ready."

"Me too," said Jack, holding out his hand. Diane took it. He pulled her against him and they kissed hungrily. Her hand encircled his cock and placed it between their stomachs. Its coolness soon faded. Emboldened, Jack picked her up, carried her back to bed, and laid her down. She held onto his hand and pulled him down between her legs. They scooched into the middle and continued their kissing and fondling.

When she was ready, Diane reached down and placed Jack's cock at her entrance. "Go easy, Big Guy," she whispered.

Jack pressed forward and felt her entrance give in to his advance. Slowly, he edged forward and then back, feeling her tightness and building his desire. Soon, they were belly to belly, kissing like teenagers. He lifted up on his arms, pulled out to the tip, and then thrust slowly in. Diane crossed her legs over his back, and moaned with the pleasure. "Feel good?" he asked.

"Oh my god! Feels fantastic, Baby."

He pulled out and thrust faster.

"Yes! Don't stop. Faster!"

Gladly, Jack obliged, hoping his erection wouldn't deflate from the pounding. Sooner than he wanted, he felt his orgasm building. It shot through his body and felt like every nerve was being tickled. Afraid he'd lose bladder control, Jack clenched as hard as he could, but kept pumping.

Diane felt his release. "You came!"

Lowering himself, he kissed her. "I did. Now it's your turn."

She patted his bottom, and said, "Roll over."

Jack rolled onto his back, and Diane straddled him. He felt her fingers on his cock and then her warmth consumed him as she sat down. Grinning, she began her own up and down pace. Jack touched her everywhere he could reach - breasts, clit, ass, ears, face, and hair.

He felt her body begin to shudder. Her motions became inconsistent. "Oh god, Jack, I'm going to come."

He slipped his hand palm up between her legs and teased her clit. She screamed her climax and pressed her pelvis tight to his. When she fell onto his chest Jack wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hair. "I love you Diane. Thank you."

She rested a while, then levered up on her arms and reached for her phone on the nightstand. "Holy cow! How much time do you think that took?"

"I don't know... 25 minutes?"

"Try only 17." She put her phone back. "Are you tired?"


She kissed him, and played with his undiminished erection. "Would you do me again, from behind?"

In answer, Jack immediately rose to his knees and pulled her in front of him. "I'd love to! I'm here to serve."

Diane moved to all fours and placed her chest on the bed, giving Jack a beautiful target. After adding more KY he positioned himself at her entrance, grabbed her hips, and slipped in easily.

"Oh, that feels so good, Jack!" she said, wiggling her bottom against his stomach.

"You sure do, Sweetheart," he answered, beginning his ins-and-outs.

Diane's bottom began meeting his forwards with her backwards, making an erotic slap on impact. Her groans increased. Jack pulled and pushed her hips faster with increasing encouragement from Diane. She reached back and rubbed her clit, saying, "I'm going to come again!" She let out another earth shattering scream and her body trembled around him. Holding her tight, he replaced her hand with his and rubbed her clit until she begged him to stop.

Jack pulled out. Diane fell flat, taking deep breaths, her skin glossy with perspiration. He checked the phone timer. "We have four minutes left. What do you want to do now?"

She turned around. Her face inches from his cock. "Oh my god, I love you. I love your body. But I'm exhausted. Can't take anymore."

All of Jack's insecurities vanished. His heart swelled with love for this woman who hadn't given up on him, who made him feel whole again. "I love you too, Diane," he said, reaching down and sliding the tension ring from his penis. It immediately shrank to half size.

Watching, Diane said, "That's amazing," and grabbed the towel. She cleaned him up, and then fondled him as they lay in each other's arms cuddling and kissing. Soon, they were both asleep, limbs tangled in the afterglow.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Jack !!

Run like hell man!

Polyamorous people are nothing more than solipsistic egoists trying to fill the soi disant soul-void in which they dwell, not live.

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